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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
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I really don't like lack of communication, so yes. Posting here once in a while is a requirement. It helps us get to know one another as well as collaborate on ideas and work with our characters. Come ask questions or be just plain silly! 8U

Yuuki's Roster Quote Tree

@Yuuki of the Strata @Owlet @Suzuki Mine @Clear Water @Dead @Scribbly @Genieva Von Bubbles @Ghost @Sphear @Impysh @Noah @Capella @clarinetti
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So I'm thinking of making a character who possesses an extreme amount of bad luck. So much bad luck that it causes this around him to go wrong. A walking jinx and such so to speak, would that work?
@Yuuki of the Strata I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but Diligence only has one L

Spelling error 2 OP for Yuuki. Dx

@GameMaster; you would have to scientifically explain his bad luck. And my concern is that I expressed that I would not like powers to directly effect other character's other than the controller's. So he would only be able to manipulate his luck. But seeing how luck words, his misfortunes would indirectly effect others. In any case, find me a scientific explanation, and we can work out the kinks from there. =w= b

@Clear Water; Yee~
Didn't even notice, haha!

That's okay, I couldn't spell necessary until sixth grade lol

(If I remember right DX)
And I just requested a Q&A page. You guys comes up with the best questions. >w<

@Owlet; I can't spell even today. xD

And there's some words I can't say either. O_o;;

Like for the longest time, I would say "presented" was "presentated"

ideky. xD
@Yuuki of the Strata

I still can't spell as well xD

Nah, that's okie

I can't really read fluently without second guessing a pronunciation xD
@GameMaster @Clear Water

If you guys feel comfortable to start working on your characters, I have the CS up in the Sign-up thread. Feel free to post the code there and slowly chip away on it. Just let me know when you complete it so I can review it.
(Oops. Copied and replied in wrong thread.)

I'll work on it.


Okay, I'll repost my original message here >.<

Maybe only she knew she'd (accidentally) poisoned her sister, who would have developed an illness and parents believe it had natural cause, never knew. And guilt made Millie keep down her powers, ignore them, until now closing in on fifteen they were somehow spinning out of control (yay puberty) and she confessed to her parents so they would send her to the academy? Seeking help?

I see her gradually gaining control of her powers by being able to shape it more, and create more specific poisons (targetting groups or certain people, maybe animals - since you speak of mutagen animals, too, right?) And to build the ability to re-absorp or be able to create an "antidote".

I was first toying with the idea of having a sibling that countereffects an ability, might be an idea maybe for others - to play twins that can countereffect each other's ability?
And if you guys have any questions at any time, feel free to ask here. =w= b
Oh! I have a question! I know this is rather silly to think about, but since we're using anime, would we use like Japanese names? Hehe, I like knowing that stuff just so I can add atmosphere and stuff :3
@Scribbly; you have to write the person't entire username after the @ sign. xD

Ooooh, I do like the idea of two people playing siblings. It would be a really cool idea to have a counter-character to Millie. I like the concept, and the idea seems like it would work out fine. I imagine it would be difficult to tell who is a metahuman and who isn't unless they show actual physical signs. But guilt-ridden and decided to turn herself in, I could see IGNITE Academy her only option or else be tried for crime.

@Clear Water; characters are from all over the world. In the story, the mutagen actually started in Germany. xD The story, however, I'm thinking will probably be somewhere landlocked and absolutely random. I was originally going to say in the middle of the United States somewhere. xD But if anyone has recommendations as to another location, feel free to pitch my idea.

So to answer your question because I realized I didn't give a direct answer-- no. You don't have to use Japanese names. Use any names you want.
In terms of student years, does it go along the lines of high school in the US (9th, 10th, etc.) or 1st, 2nd etc?

@Yuuki of the Strata

Or anything, I mean
@Owlet, yes.

9th: 15-16yrs old

10th: 16-17yrs old

11th: 17-18yrs old

12th: 18-19yrs old

If they were in an academy before the age of 15, then they had come from a different academy that accepted middle schoolers and transferred into IGNITE. IGNITE itself only takes in high schoolers.

Woop, they will be by 1st year, 2nd year, etc.

But its the equivalent of 9th grade, 10th grade, etc
yup yup!

Alright guys. I'm gonna be quiet for a little bit. I have a tutorial to work on.
@Genieva Von Bubbles; honestly, its not about the abilities themselves, but whether the character has a decent amount of control over them. So any ability could be considered an A-Rank, so long as they can control them and use them to their own benefit in whatever situations they may be placed in.

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