d.grayman rp (accepting)

(lol in the Noah's castle or whatever) road started singing"~lord milleneum is in search of you! looking for the heart now have you heard the news? maybe you stole it from him i'll see if its true!~" then began the tourture. nichole was screaming at the top of her lungs in pain.
Kayle shook his head, attempting to snap out of it. "OK." He mumbled.
Daisuke led the way and came to a door. he beat on it and allen opened the door. he gasped covering his mouth at the sight. blood was everywhere and there in a big puddle of it was Nichole.
nichole's head lopped to the side. he tail was ripped almost clean off one of her ears was gone her glasses broken gashes all over her body. but the worst part was of her akuma weapom it was smashed and hanging on by a thin shred of skin. allen said"we have to get her to the order now she lost too much blood!"
Kayle nodded and began to sprint to the order. 'Poor Nichole...' He thought.
kanda and lavi was shocked by her condition. they picked up the pace. allen saw her chest falling slower than normal. "damnit what did they do to her?!"he had luckily found her ear they could still re-attatch it
the science wing and nurses took her in quickly. it was gruelling 4 hours before komui came out. "we did all we can we have to let nature take its course and wait...."
komui got down to kayle's level. "kayle we did what we could we have to let nature take its course and wait...im sorry..."leaving to his office.

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