d.grayman rp (accepting)

unknown to them some of the exorcists had their ears on nichole's door listening in. leanalee awwed, kanda was pissed,allen confused and lavi jealous.
(i couldnt resist this part >w<) as everyone crowded around Nichole's door it gave way to all the weight and fell taking everyone with it. Nichole eeked and burried her face in kayle's chest. then turned to them a dark look in her eyes. she held up her hand and out popped claws. "MEROW!"they screamed in pain as she went crazy. the only one who was safe besides kanda and lavi was allen.
(Ohohoho. Nichole, ya cat.) Kayle just watched, smirking. They were getting what they deserved. He chewed on his nails, only pausing to laugh a bit at who was being attacked.
there was a pile of exorcists on the floor while kanda lavi and allen were spotless. she looked at them and allen and lavi and surprisingly kanda looked like they were gonna piss their pants.
allen said"gomen for bothering you nicho-chan!" before running out. kanda and lavi followed. Nichole curled up next to kayle purring away.
Kayle looked at her, concerned. "I hope you didn't." He said, genuinely.

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