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D&D 5e

(help me with magic pls dm)

race: high elf

rolls: 9, 16, 12, 15, 11, 11 (promise none was made up ^+^

class: cleric


strength: 9

dexterity: 11 +2

constitution: 11 -2

intelligence: 15

wisdom: 16

charisma: 12


( @Sol.)

age: 15

appearance: short, blonde hair, green eyes. he wears a graduation robe and a white long sleeved shirt underneath 

personality: hot headed, clumsy, smart for his age, very happy and your average annoying kid

background: when he was 8 his parents found his natural talent for magic, so sent him off to boarding school to learn to be a cleric. when he was 12 and came back to visit his parents he found his town in ruins and ashes everywhere. He then set off to be independent and is at a random tavern in a town which he doesn't know about.

bonds: His parents ashes

flaws: I’d risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.

background: hermit


languages: Elvish and common.

domain: life.

(i guess ill use cantrips and 6 level 1 spells? @Sol.

i pick...  Mount, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, detect undead, and light)

That's not possible, though?

If you roll 4d6 and add together the highest three, you have to have at least a three in any stat

oh fork i did that wrong, fork fork fork.
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i feel emberassed that i keep messing up.  :/  sorry im being that one guy who doesn't know the rules.
i feel emberassed that i keep messing up.  :/  sorry im being that one guy who doesn't know the rules.

I don't know the rules either

If you don't understand something, just ask~

Nobody's going to mind too much. ^-^
How's this looking so far? I'm assuming that if we have class proficient skills, we also use the backstory ones?
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i just realized your a moderator, holy fork. that must be fun X3

I'm just a roleplayer who does the thing sometimes. And deal with people, too. :P

Here's a couple screenshots - though you should be able to access that by clicking at the top after you click the link?


those are the basic important bits right now, anyways
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You can only hold 19.5 lbs. of gear without being at a disadvantage... I think the max you can carry is 60 lbs.

I don't think the numbers I have in there are even right at the moment - it doesn't make sense for the starter pack to weigh double the disadvantage score. I'll figure it out later, I don't have a brain this time of night.
Hey guys, do you have room for one more?  I've played a few basic 5e games irl, and I have the player's handbook on me so I shouldn't be too much of a burden!  I've even got a cs ready if you'll have me!

View attachment Mainer2.pdf


(Eh, if for some reason you can't read it, I'll fix it asap)
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@MeredithWe will be using the default starting kit for each class, yes. Also your ranger seems wonderful so far, rangers tend to get animal companions at level 3, I do see you have a mouse. But for sake of backstory and such I'm going to allow it. Why not? No harm :)  You do have class proficiencies, as well as racial so add those.

@Cheesemick Of course you can, we are playing 5e so the players handbook. I also recommend reading through this post here and this post here for some basic help. There are lots of resources you can look through but the players handbook definitely tells you everything. I linked to a pdf and a pdf was linked earlier in the forum about the players handbook. You can ask me any questions however.

@Sunstone 13 is rather young for a character if I'm honest. If you're comfortable playing them that way then go ahead but especially for a High Elf it is very young. I'd suggest a young adult at the latest is far easier to fit into a roleplay, as there's no real reason for a band of travellers to be travelling with a kid. But your stats look good, you're a cleric which is the class I tend to play so... also fill out a character sheet please so we can see. You'll need to choose a domain which is what your God is based off/gives you special perks/spells depending on which domain. Life is good if you want to be a healer, that's what I tend to play tbh, however if you want to choose another domain, there is a few. Page 59 of the players handbook details a lot of cleric stuff, so take a read through that. Also as a level 1 cleric you get 3 cantrips and two first level spells, so look at the cleric spells on page 207 of the players handbook. I'll explain how they work when you choose them. Also roll again for your stats, use four dice and add together the highest three. Or I can roll for you if you would prefer?

@Ender The Spider King Tibin seems fine I've got no complaints with them. Good work!

@GinkyGotBack Yeah sure! You can join as well. Only problem with Mainer is that this is a homebrew, and there are no tieflings or dragonborns in my homebrew, so if you could change the race up a bit that would be wonderful! But other than that the character sheet is perfect.

Also guys I'm probably going to actually get rid of carrying weight on this campaign, too complicated and I can't be bothered to keep track of it all, also it limits how much you can carry which is not really fair. I'm going to put a restriction on obvious things though. Like in my previous campaign I had a guy ask if he could take apart a whole skeleton and carry it, which was a no. So you know, obvious things you can't carry, but other than that there will be no real 'limit'. If that makes sense?

Sorry for the long post :)

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