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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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  • Hexlair Gang

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  • Delayaran Gang

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Rue looks around and see nothing but the buildings he set on fire and empty streets. He wonders if anyone is going to show up, this was suppose to be Bolviar Gang territory was it not? Do they normally let people attack their territory without even showing up to confront their assailant? This proved to be a waste of time I think, though I'll wait a few more minutes and see if they are just being slow to respond. Rue shot black flames from his left hand to set some lower stories to nearby skyscraper on fire then. Then he let his hand drop to his side before he crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently for some gang members to show up. In the mean time he just enjoyed the sight of his black flames slowly consume the buildings around him.

@Hisan @Arke
Misery landed behind the pyromaniac gracefully. "Boy you're just begging to be killed..." Misery said as he frowns under his mask. He looked around at the fire, a black mist whipped around the street putting out the fires. It creeped back up my cloak.

@Mister Veeeee
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Rue turned to someone who had approached from behind and seemed to extinguish his flames. "About time someone showed up, I was wondering if anyone would show up at all, You with the Bolviar Gang? If so The Unholy Priest from the Gralance Gang has message for your leader, they are declaring war to run you fools out of town." He lies effortlessly. He didn't want get so little attraction just to get one person to show themselves. "That said I shall be leaving, hope you enjoy the ashes." he gives a wicked grin before turning into his Phoenix form in a flash of black fire and starts soaring into the air over the city. Looking for the next area he heard had belonged to another Gang that had hold in the city.

A chain wraps around your neck and slams you into the ground. "I'm not part of a petty gang. Also don't lie to me boy." I say coldly. "And why are you flying away boy? Scared of the gangs? You're trying to pick a fight with the whole city, they'll chew you up and shit you out. So I don't blame you for being scared."

@Mister Veeeee
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Selkie Ragnelle was sitting in the back of a chauffeured car, returning from one of the countless parties she was invited to, this one celebrating the release of a new album of some B-list singer she had forgotten the name of. She gazed through the window as she took in the City of Shadows.

Her driver took a left and then braked suddenly. "Sorry miss, seems there's a fire or something in this side of the city. We're gonna have to turn back," he told her. Selkie smiled.

"No problem. I wasn't planning on doing anything else tonight," she said. "Wait! There's someone standing in the ash there. Or maybe two people, I can't tell. If you don't mind, drive a bit further, just to check if they're okay."

"Miss Ragnelle, I can't let you do that. If your agency knew I put you in danger-" Selkie didn't hear the rest because she was out of the car and had closed the door. She jogged towards the figures silloutted in the light of the fires.

"Hey!" she called. "Are you okay? I saw the fire..." Selkie trailed off as she saw them close up.

@Hisan @Mister Veeeee @SteelPhoenix
Just as he was walking through that alleyway, Crow smells a disgusting smell (According to his opinions of the black fire's smell) "UGH!" he exclaims before he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and followed the source of the fire. He notices a masked person pulling what seems to be a phoenix with a chain. "That's not something you'd see everyday." He whispers to himself as he sneaks closer. He hears a loud annoying screech of a seemingly short girl (again according to his opinions). He decides to hide in that corner and observe further.

@Hisan @Aella @Mister Veeeee
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"I saw you as I was about to turn around and I just wanted to see if you were ok." Selkie started. She looked around, trying to find where the stranger had come from.

"Umm... is that a bird you're carrying?"

@Hisun @SteelPhoenix @Mister Veeeee

Upon Misery's exit, Delilah regained her composure and turned to find that Alfons was already heading down the hall towards his bedroom. Her slft gaze rested on his back and, for the first time that night, she realized just how tired she was, but she couldn't bring herself to just leave him.

Following him with hasty steps in order to catch up, she told herself that she would just see him to his door...
After a pause, Alfons heard footsteps following after his own. He looked back to see Delilah following him. The sorcerer raised an eyebrow at the female, but still smiled with fondness. "If I remember correctly, you room is not in this direction," Alfons teased her.


Though Delilah was tired, his words brought the hint of a smile to her lips as she finally caught up to him. Somehow, just a smile was enough to energize her, even if just a bit. Her gaze studied his face in the dim light of the hall, noting how exhausted he looked. "I wanted to make sure you're fine. Wouldn't want to find you sleeping on the floor outside your door." She teased back, light heartedly.
"Ah," Alfons agreed quietly. "And here I thinking that this spot by the wall looked extra comfy." As he said so, Alfons continued to walk down the hall, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I'm sure you're tired as well, Del," he said, finally growing serious.


This time, Delilah walked beside him, feeling a sort of peace settle over her. Her gaze shifted to him at his question, biting her lip ever so slightly. She didn't want to make him worry about her... But.... "I'm only a little bit tired, Al, nothing serious really..." she replied softly, trailing off slightly at the end.
He nodded, accepting this. Delilah knew her own limitations, Alfons was sure. If she said she was fine, then he could trust that she was fine. "Alright then," he said. "I hope spying of the police isn't too taxing?"


Delilah let out a small sigh when he accepted her excuse, glad that he wasn't worrying about it or anything. "Not at all..." She replied, a gentle smile gracing her lips, "i'm doing it for Hexlair...so it doesn't feel as tiring. Besides, it helps that wearing a catsuit all day is actually quite comfortable." A chilled draught blew through the hall and she brought her arms up around herself, realizing how little she was wearing with a blouse and a skirt.
I made my way towards the flaming buildings, almost all things that happen have something to do with the gangs these days. I circled the buildings in hawk form, fastest way of travel for a shapeshifter like myself. "Now... Where is this Alfons..." I thought to myself @NekoQueen49
He released a breathy chuckle. Alfons wouldn't have thought that something like that would be considered comfortable, but then he hasn't worn it and he truthfully wasn't keen on trying it on. It was then that Alfons caught her shiver. Reaching over, he pulled her in close to warm her. "Not used to a skirt, hm?" Alfons commented amusedly.

Her slight exhaustion and his sudden action caught her slightly off guard so that when he did pull her in close, she stumbled slightly which ended up with her faceplanted into his chest, hands resting on his shirt in their attempt to find something to steady her. She should be pushing away...but it felt so warm and cozy.. "Mmm... Nope.. I never will..."
"Come on, let's go to bed," Alfons urged, turning towards her bedroom instead. As her new boyfriend, it was his job to look out for her best interests, right? If she was tired then it overruled any fatigue he felt.


"Uhmunmmm...no..." Delilah put her hands up to stop him, shaking her head slightly once she realized where he was going. "This time, i am the one who is doing the putting into bed ...." Of course, she like the lovely, wondering and loving girlfriend she was supposed to be, put his best interests over hers.

Delilah really hoped that she was imaging that his words sounded very suggestive. She was tempted to reply with something...but her own reply might come out sounding just as bad. Pushing all the darker thoughts from her mind, she gently led him back down the hall by his hand till they finally reached his bedroom door. Gently she gripped his hand before letting go, stepping back from him slightly. "Go on Al, it's getting late..." Hell, it should be closing in on midnight.
He felt somewhat disappointed that she didn't realize the double entendre. Alfons pushed away those feelings, walking towards the door. "Good night, Del. Go get some sleep." As he said so, his hand brushed against the doorknob. It was a little saddening that they were parting ways for now, but they would see each other in the morning.

Everything was pretty much in ruins and Crow can't ignore the fact that this lady is just standing near a seemingly dangerous situation. For about 5 seconds later, a burst of wild fire goes towards the lady who's unaware of that danger. Without anyone to save her, Crow runs toward her and just pushed her away from pretty much impending doom. Of course with her pushed away, Crow puts himself to impending doom.

Crow recalls his abilities of being a phantom. and mainly phantoms become an untouchable (for only minute in the human world) which he then do just to save his own skin. He escapes the fire running unto a sidewalk falling down after that experience. He catches his breath and looks towards the girl.


Delilah stood there, feeling his warmth leaving her already... So before she could stop herself, she called out to him. "Al...?" For a second... He seemed so sad.. Theairabout him changed completely...

"Can i get a... Good night kiss?"

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