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Plot intro can be found here.

Please leave a character sheet as shown below.



Physical Description-

Personality Description-

Weapons- (Nothing too OP. I will allow players to collect tech and go to chop shops to upgrade.)


Cybernetic Augmentations- (**optional** I will allow a little more aggressiveness with this than with weapons. Try to be creative.)

Anything else- (backstory, connections, quirks, anything that adds to the depth of your character)

Thank you for playing!
Yuriy Tarasov


190CM height, 80 kg weight. Slightly muscular. Green eyes. Black hair trimmed short with a slight beard. Wears a sneaking suit under a dark overcoat with a hoody.

A straight-to-the-point guy. A bit grumpy, and also pretty witty . Has a barely noticeable Russian accent and sometimes swears in it. Has a nasty habit of smoking.

A silenced Beretta 92, a combat knife.

Russian Judo along with CQC techniques. Able to move quietly. Is a crack-shot.

Has night-vision augmentations in his brain. Has faster reaction time due to both experience and a few chips under his left ear, allowing him (if the target is in range) to sprint to the target and disarm it. Has installed radio communication in the right ear. Metal left leg.

Born in Russia, Yuriy was a KGB agent and a soldier. During his work in the field, he lost a leg due to an explosion and decided to quit. Because he was extremely effective, the KGB are still looking for him.
Name- Alphonse Romanie

Age- 24

Physical Description-


Personality Description- Alphonse hides his lack of self-acceptance through his arrogance and false confidence. He appears intimidating and cold towards others, but actually wants to reach out. Alphonse is a man of misunderstanding, a man who lacks self-confidence; a man who hides his bitterness through his arrogant nature.


(An EK-448; it shoots laser beams. It runs on batteries, so charging is a necessity.)

Specialties- A good persuader and is often manipulative and cunning with his words. Usually gets things his way.

Cybernetic Augmentations- none

Anything else- Alphonse was an unwanted child of a Czech drug dealer, thus resulting to abuse. His childhood is the cause of his lack of self-acceptance.
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Sounds pretty cool. Can't wait to start the rp. BTW, Alphonse Romanie is not a name of Czech origin. Doesn't look very Slovakian at all. Looks more of Germanic or Latin origin. Just my opinion. BTW, you should list weapons. If you list none, chances are that he will suck at a lot of stuff. BTW, can I have 2 characters? I kinda want a decker, or a matrix cowboy, whichever term you prefer.
Don't bash other Charrie apps. That character is fine how it is. This is the future, we don't know how names have changed. I will allow 2 chars max, But yes you can be a decker. Sorry to everyone that its taking so long. I just need 1-2 more applicants.
Okay. I wont. Sorry if I offended, just saying. You do have a point. Here goes:

Name: Anders Byquist

Age: 27

Physical description: Black cap, eyepatch over right eye hole, blonde beard, leather jacket, white t-shirt, blue pants

Personality description: Noisy, loud and sometimes obnoxious. Likes to spew insults which merge both English and his main language, Swedish.

Weapons: Switchblade, electronic tazer

Specialties: Damn good cowboy, knows how to build a computer from scratch, photogenic memory.

Cybernetic Augmentations: Software chips give Anders constant connection to the Internet, even during sleep. All kinds of lock-picking, hacking tools in his right, metallic arm. Eyepatch has a small monitor which allows him to monitor his deck and Internet.

Anything else: Used to be a "carrier" in Stockholm, which means he had to transfer data on a piece of hardware installed in his brain. Had a vicious addiction to combat, before he lost an eye due to a bullet wound, and decided to invest his time in computing. He was on a "carrier" mission once, and double-crossed his clients for more money, and then had to escape. He still has the information in the brain.
Thanks. Start the rp! I can't wait to write about my two characters, of completely random origins and both awesome in different ways! I'm going to learn Swedish just for the character.
TheStoneNinja00 said:
Awesome. Describe the functionality of your weapon. Is it Gaussian, laser, plasma, bullet, tesla arc?
Done! BTW I'd like to ask one more question. Since my character doesn't have any Cybernetic Augmentations, would it be okay if somewhere along the RP he'd get one? Just for a little bot of side plotting.
If you ask me, that makes sense. Though I advise you to add some now, because it may or may not cost in-game money. Ninja, start the rp!

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