I have been racking my brain, trying to figure out a new plot that I have been planning. This plot is about a post-apocalyptic future that takes place 101 years after today, in the year 2116, where the world was destroyed by a nuclear war, and the survivors built off the land. It's not a complete idea just yet, but if I can get this idea together and get as many people as I can on it, I may be able to turn it into something big enough to do regularly. I also have a bit of lore primarily set up, such as factions, cities, and their history through the short 101-year period.
Cyberpunks: A group highly advanced people, using technology beyond the modern day, which includes cybernetic implants, full-on cyborgs, evil clones, and androids. The cyberpunk capital is known as Hex City, and it is ruled by a militarized dictator who believes that, in order for his people to be truly happy, they must be controlled via chip implants in the brain. Their main rivals, the Steam Punks, aim to end the tyranny, as do rebel groups within the city who actively deactivate the leader's brain implants and recruit people to their side.
Steam punks: A group of Victorian-esque people with strange technology fueled by clockwork and steam. Though not as advanced as their cyberpunk rivals, they find their way around, and their airships can do great damage to city walls. Though the steam punks have their fair share of evil people, they are mainly of good and neutral standing.
The O.W.R. (Old World Republic) : The O.W.R. is a nation that moved itself to underwater biodomes to shield its people from the outside rivalries. They were founded upon the United States of today, and their underwater cities in the biodomes are based upon real cities of today, such as New York, LA, Chicago, Miami, ect. Their president, who is an AI, regularly feeds the lower citizens propaganda about why they should NEVER leave their cities and how safe they are under the water in the domes. They have their own F.B.I. task force for operations within the cities, and they have a C.I.A. for operations in the 'Red Sector', which is the overworld where the other factions dwell. This faction is neutral, and will make friends with whichever side gets to them first.
Rebels: The rebels of Hex City are a group of radicals and deckers who love to fight Hex City's evil government, and they frequently clash with the cyberpunk military that regularly oppresses the people. Not much to say about them, really.
That's all I have for now. I am looking to expand this as much as I can, and am willing to collaborate with anyone to make this RP happen. Let me know what you think, what needs expanded upon, and how you believe I should build upon it to accommodate you.
Cyberpunks: A group highly advanced people, using technology beyond the modern day, which includes cybernetic implants, full-on cyborgs, evil clones, and androids. The cyberpunk capital is known as Hex City, and it is ruled by a militarized dictator who believes that, in order for his people to be truly happy, they must be controlled via chip implants in the brain. Their main rivals, the Steam Punks, aim to end the tyranny, as do rebel groups within the city who actively deactivate the leader's brain implants and recruit people to their side.
Steam punks: A group of Victorian-esque people with strange technology fueled by clockwork and steam. Though not as advanced as their cyberpunk rivals, they find their way around, and their airships can do great damage to city walls. Though the steam punks have their fair share of evil people, they are mainly of good and neutral standing.
The O.W.R. (Old World Republic) : The O.W.R. is a nation that moved itself to underwater biodomes to shield its people from the outside rivalries. They were founded upon the United States of today, and their underwater cities in the biodomes are based upon real cities of today, such as New York, LA, Chicago, Miami, ect. Their president, who is an AI, regularly feeds the lower citizens propaganda about why they should NEVER leave their cities and how safe they are under the water in the domes. They have their own F.B.I. task force for operations within the cities, and they have a C.I.A. for operations in the 'Red Sector', which is the overworld where the other factions dwell. This faction is neutral, and will make friends with whichever side gets to them first.
Rebels: The rebels of Hex City are a group of radicals and deckers who love to fight Hex City's evil government, and they frequently clash with the cyberpunk military that regularly oppresses the people. Not much to say about them, really.
That's all I have for now. I am looking to expand this as much as I can, and am willing to collaborate with anyone to make this RP happen. Let me know what you think, what needs expanded upon, and how you believe I should build upon it to accommodate you.