Cursed Blade-Samurai RP


Junior Member
Story: The year is 1392 and for once Japan is at peace after a long time of civil war between the clans. A new threat emerges to threaten the peace. A everyone at a village called Yokuto in southern Honshu Japan has disappeared and everyone who goes to it is never heard from again. The area around the village is starting to die and a rumor is spreading that a demon has cursed the land. The four great shogun have gotten together and decided that enough is enough. They have called for volunteers to go on a mission to find out what has happened to the village and a reward will be offered if they can successfully save the village. But that is not all. There is unrest between the three great shoguns and it seems as tho civil war is bound to come and will be set off by the tiniest spark.

The emperor: The emperor is a small boy who just recently came to the throne after his father died of illness. He is nine and there are people out there who believe he is to young to be the emperor and that another one should be chosen.

Shogun one: A wise old man named Sugiko Fugari who believes in peace and would like to isolate Japan and preserve it's customs and stands by the emperor. He is a kind old man who would like nothing more than to have Japan stay the same and be a peaceful place.

Shogun two: A warlord named Tenkako Medoery. He wished to expand Japans borders through war, bringing it to more glory and believes that he should be made emperor to bring it about himself. He leads in a brutal war like way but cares for the people under his command.

Shogun three: A shrewd diplomat named Kesamie Yeadormy. He believes in expansion of Japan through trade and treaties and the growth of Japans economy above all else. He has not given a statement on if he supports the new emperor.

My overall theme for the story I hope: Getting past racial, clan and gender differences and finding out whats really worth fighting for...


1: No bunnying and all that basic site rules.

2: Romance is allowed between characters but it must fade to black.

3: No one liners

4: You can have up to two characters

5: I would like this to be somewhat historically accurate so if your a girl there will be prejudice against you and it would be nice if you could incorporate that into your background.

6: I will be making the challenges and enemies in this story for the most part so please don't randomly create enemies for you to kill. It is my job to make the role play challenging and exciting and I ensure you there will be many challenges throughout the entire rp with several plot twists.

7: Your character can die within the story if you aren't careful and there will be chances far later on in the story for new characters to be made.

8: Your character can not have magic because it's suppose to be historical fiction but I do plan on having characters get the chance to have magic later on in the story.

Character Skelly:

Name:(make it something Japanese unless your character is from like another country)


Age:(must be at least 17)


WoC(weapon of choice):

Talents:(things your character is good at besides their respective weapons)

Status:(are they a samurai, mercenary, pickpocket, barbarian etc...)

Clan/Tribe:(if creative make a clan name, clan color and clan symbol, clan symbol can be anything, clans can also have a favorite animal and/or plant and what shogun the clan sides with)





Name:Akane Hijimo

Nickname: Ai



Woc: Spear

Talents: Cooking, Gathering intel, moving swiftly, Singing, climbing

Status: Samurai

Clan/tribe: clan, Crimson hollows (clan name) View attachment 10107 (clan logo) View attachment 10108(clan animal)

Background: She lived in a samll medicine hut with her father and mother. Times were hard as her mother was ill and her father was in debt. Thiefs would come thorugh trying to take their supplies while the father was away. She would step up to them and defend the house.The thiefs would only laugh and tell her that woman can't be smaurai or warriors that they were only good for cleaning and house work. One day the thiefs had a bigger group then before. Instead of the sticks they would use they would pull out swords and hold it to her throat. A tall man appeared and pulled the sword away knocking the thief to the ground. The man then turned to her seeing how she was holding a stick in her hand. The man shook his head and told the thiefs to run off and to neve come back. Because of his help she took it upon herself to fix him dinner and to replinish his supplies. The father came running in with a bag and began to pack all of his things, then left immediatley. The men stood up and began to walk towards the door. Before leaving he turned to her and said.
"..You should leave while you can..and forget those peity attempts of being a samurai.woman are not fit to be on they are meant to cook. clean and take care of the young ones." Those words burned into her heart when he left. After that day she decided to train herself, to read to watch ohthers so she can become strong and prove those who doubt woman wrong. To show the man that day that woman can me warrior that their not just good for house work.

Appearence:View attachment 10109
Name:Chika (goes by Daichi)

Nickname: Chi


Female (disguised as a guy)

WoC: Dual Katana
, throwing kinves, and shuriken

Healing and steath


Background: Chika was an average girl until her brother, mother and father died. She was on her own and couldn't survive in the world so a close family took her in. By night she would work on sword work and other weaponry with the son, Daichi. One night, the mother was sick so Chika was practicing on her own. When she returned from the training grounds the building was burned to the ground with the family inside. Chika took on the name Daichi and disguised herself so she could survive in the world of men. She volunteered in the mission because she wants peace.

Personality: Head
strong and cheerful



Other: She has never been found out
. So far~

Name: Kaneda Toshiro



WoC(weapon of choice): Nodachi

Woodcarving, writing, eating things that are normally hard to eat



Background: A masterless ronin,
wandering the land without care for things like money or shaving. His dream? To get famous by killing a lot of people.

Personality: He
's a man of few words, letting his actions do more work than anything he says. He relies on rule of strength; only great fighters are noteworthy to him. In combat, he lets his sheer power and speed overwhelm his foes in combat. If he does have an honor code, it seems to take second to him winning.


View attachment 10298

Other: I'm not sure what to put here that I can't say in the other things.

That image came out much larger than I expected.
So.... we still doing this? ForgeKeeper hasn't been on for a few days, but I'm still interested in this game.
Hmm. Three players thus far, as well as Forgekeeper handling NPCs. I wonder if we'll be able to start after I get accepted.
I have a few people that would enjoy this kinda thing. Maybe if we get a few others to post a character then when Forgekeeper comes back we can start!!~

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