Cursed Beyond the Blessing {Literate}

Particle Blade

New Member

The youth slowly took in the sight of the country side, the dark green and rich grass, the cobblestone road, all the stars out and shining bright a clear, it was all beautiful to him. His legs moved for themselves as he watched the early morning light, he left the others in the hostel quietly. A wolf called in the distance and he smiled softly, he kept a small gun on him since he often found himself in unlucky situations, it was his lot in life as the black sheep in the family. However luck had little to do with the prepared, unless they relied on luck alone, he took in a deep breath walking into a little garden in the center of town, he found something interesting, there was a bunch of stone statues of people that seemed to be his age, most of them were carrying baskets with what seemed to be little fruits. He shrugged and walked away, it didn't seem to be important, but rather a bit of their culture, since each one seemed to get younger and younger, well the stone was younger, a few were marble even.

It was all beautiful, and in the center was an apple tree, he smiled and climbed it reaching out for an apple higher up it wasn't easy but he did get the fattest one, he simply smiled and sat on a branch letting one leg swing free of the branch. He took a large bite and looked down at the base of the tree, the wolf was there, and it was staring at him "I'm Eth." He said with a simple wave it terms to calm himself, any beast that would come this close to town must be at least partly tamed. The large beast shook his fur and stared the youth down. Eth knew he was simply too far up for the wolf to reach him, but he took out his gun anyways, the wolf seemed to smile a snarl and walked away. He got the feeling that he wouldn't like that wolf, especially if it would get this close to a human, regardless of how alone he was, he hid the gun away for the next time he needed it and looked up to the sky. The red was dissipating and it still looked pretty, but he was missing the color, he sighed and jumped out of the tree letting each branch slow him down a bit as his feet hit them. When he touched the ground the wolf was waiting not to far off, just sitting there and watching him with honesty, he felt the chills go up and down his spine, that feeling wasn't too terrible good, but he'd live today.

He knew that at this range pulling the gun would be useless so he squatted and watched the wolf, it simply got up and left. He sighed again and walked away eating the apple in his hand and loving the taste of it , his mind wandered as to how the others were finding their morning, his was going fine but the apple just wasn't going to cut it fully, so he walked to the nearest diner and ordered some sausage, biscuits, and gravy. He really wasn't into foreign foods, even if it was American style the taste wasn't much the same, licking his lips he looked out the window and saw the wolf again just chilling by the fountain of a boy and girl, twins from the looks of it. He smiled and waved at the large beast and thought for a moment "Wolves don't get that big." He said puffing out his cheeks only a little bit, his mind was turning now wondering what type of timber wolf it might be.


The door to the diner swung open. The other few patrons looked up in surprise, and someone gasped, but the atmosphere remained somewhat normal. A girl ran inside, panting heavily. Upon closer examination, her side had been lethally injured. She stumbled forward, attempting to steady herself on a table, but just ended up knocking it over.

"PLEASE!" She cried out to no one in particular. "It's my brother! He was attacked!" A burly looking woman had just finished off her mug of beer when her head snapped up.

"By what?" Her speech was slurred.

"Wolves! A pack about fifteen strong!" The girl's eyes scanned the room until they fell upon Eth. Her green eyes were wide with horror. "Please he needs help!" She wheezed before bending over and coughing up a small stream of viscous blood.

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