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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Cursed; A Fruits Basket Roleplay (Character Sheet)


derek hale deserved better
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey everyone! Thanks for your patience and can't wait to get this started. Please post the following info about your character here, as well as a photo of their faceclaim.

BIOGRAPHY (2+ paragraphs)
PERSONALITY (paragraphs or bullets)
THEME SONG (optional)

Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Yua Nakamura

Face claim: Makise Kurisu (Steins; Gate)

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: College Student/convenience store clerk
Zodiac Member: Cat
Marital Status: Single
Hair Color: Red (Naturally)
Eye Color: Blue/Purplish hue when angry/extremely upset
Height: 5’5”
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Slender but surprisingly a bit curvy.
Ethnicity: Half English, Half Japanese
Theme Song:
  • I’ll Be Good - Jaymes Young
  • Dust to Dust - The Civil Wars

Personality: Yua is a quiet girl on the outside but on the inside she’s a whirlwind of emotions and anxiety. She can be hot headed and allow her emotions to control her. She’s always expecting the other shoe to drop or someone to go back on their word. She’s a bit callus but tries not to let that get the best of her when she’s meeting new people. She hides her true emotions until they burst and she’s always making situations worse than they are. She’s not always good at reading people or what they need, so she has a tendency to just become indifferent about people–but deep down she’s got a heart of gold an
d when she considers a friend, she would do anything for that person. She can be loyal, almost to the point where it becomes toxic for her. When she loves, she loves deeply and completely.

Style: Her style is a bit business casual and borderline boyish. She chooses to wear items of comfort rather than for style or what’s popular. Her favorite places to shop for clothes are in thrift stores or second hand shops. Her red hair has a tendency to always be pulled into a ponytail and out of her face. She doesn’t ever have time to style it either, but when she lets it go naturally, you can find her hair falling down her back like a silk red curtain. When not in uniform for work, you can see her in baggy sweaters during the winter months over a simple button down shirt or in the Summer/warmer seasons, she will simply just wear a button down shirt of some sort tucked neatly into jeans with a belt. Some cases you might just find that she’s wearing a red tie that matches her hair. A gift from her Father before he died. Black combat boots when she is out and about, black comfortable shoes for work or house slippers when she’s inside.

  • Heights
  • Bugs
  • Getting Lost

Positive Traits:
  • Smart
  • Loyal
  • Hardworker
  • Caring to those she considers friends/family

Negative Traits:
  • A little daft when it comes to other people
  • A bit clumsy
  • Can be very indifferent
  • Keeps to herself more often than going out even when invited

Family: Mother; Harley Nakamura (alive)
Father; Sota Nakamura (deceased)
Brother; Ren Nakamura (alive/older)


Background: Yua was born and raised in a small coastal town in England where her mother is from until she was six, then moved with her family to Japan when her father got a promotion from the company he was working for. She adapted to living in Japan fairly quickly, although it was always a part of her lifestyle with her father being Japanese. When she was younger, she was a sick child and was always in and out of the hospital—where she was also bombarded all the time by other people staring or prodding about her bright orange hair. It was an unusual color but she was born that way and didn’t really have a say in it. She was picked on constantly about it by other kids and even some adults made snide comments about it.

She stayed resilient as best she could, but she grew up with a bit of a chip on her shoulder and assumed that whoever talked to her was because they were making fun of her. She tended to keep to herself and whenever kids did try to be her friend, she would lash out and get into fights. The only friend she really had was her Dad and her older brother–who eventually became distant when he got older and she always felt slightly abandoned by him, especially when their Dad killed himself when she was fourteen. She was constantly getting into trouble and it got to the point that her mother had to homeschool her. Not only did she have this crazy hair color, she soon became the girl whose dad killed himself. People were cruel to her about it. One girl said to her that the reason he had killed himself was because he was so shameful of his weird daughter. After that, Yua just completely kept to herself and refused to show people how she really felt. She took the jokes and insults with a crooked smile on her face and a small laugh, but inside a war was raging on.

She excelled in homeschooling and if she had been in a regular school, she probably would have been top of her class. She had big aspirations and after graduating high school, she went straight onto college, where she commutes every day from home. She works a few nights at a convenience store to make some extra money–not that she really needs to since her mom can get her anything she may need, but since she was old enough to work, she wanted to make her own money and feel accomplished. She wanted to make her Dad proud of her. She’s been at the same store since high school; the owner works with her schedule, and has become somewhat of family to her and he also is only one of the few people that doesn’t mind when she flies off the handle when customers become too unruly or when kids cause troubles in the store.
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Name: Haru Ito (Formally Yamamoto)

Age: 20
Faceclaim: Kuroh Yatogami (K Project)
Zodiac Member: Rabbit
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Librarian Assistant
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue/Grey (Turns this color when he is angry)
Height: 5’10”
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Very slender and lanky but he does have some muscle tone from swimming the majority of his young years.
Ethnicity: Japanese

Theme Song:
  • Heavy - Linkin Park ft. Kiiara
  • Feel Something - Illenium ft. I Prevail
  • Waves - Dean Lewis

Personality: Reserved and can be cold hearted. Untrusting. Most of the time he is very stoic and like he couldn’t really care what is going on around him. However, he can be talkative and join in if he finds the company, he is keeping worth it. Deep down inside he is still that kind and giving kid that he used to be and only shows that side of him to someone he completely trusts. There are times that he surprises himself when he helps someone -- more so a student at the library working on
schoolwork and he happens to see a wrong answer on their work. He will take the time to explain and correct them. Although Haru would much rather not get involved, the deep-rooted respect that was instilled in him from the orphanage he stayed at, he will help elderly people across walkways or onto the train if he sees them struggling. He has on more than one occasion has paid for someone's order at a cafe, store or somewhere else when they didn't have all the money they needed. He would play it off as they were in his way or something to that effect, but it is clear that he truly can be kind.

Style: Haru dresses a little more on the business casual side of things. When at work, he is usually in his work uniform, which consists of a black suit with a white button down and a black tie. On “casual” days at work, he’ll wear what he normally would on a normal day to day basis – a nice pair of pants or dark jeans, a nice shirt like a polo, and a nice sweater or cardigan. The most casual he’ll dress is a pair of black pants and a simple black, very light sweater or a plain polo. It’s very rare that you will find him out of his nice work boots. The only time you will see him out of them is if he is at home in only a pair of socks or house slippers. He keeps his hair pretty long, which is probably the most unusual thing about him. Most of the time he keeps it up in a ponytail.

  • Getting close to someone and having leave him
  • Clowns
  • Loud places
  • Crowded places

Positive Traits:
  • Intelligent
  • Patient
  • Actually very kind
  • Bookworm

Negative Traits:
  • Untrusting (to the point that he doesn’t start nor keep up with any type of relationship with people)
  • Can be cold hearted
  • Would rather keep to himself than to socialize
  • Abandonment issues

  • Mother – Hana Yamamoto (Whereabouts unknown)
  • Father – Unknown – (He is the illegitimate son of a politician that doesn’t know he exists)
  • Siblings – Unknown


Background: When Haru was young, he was a happy, go lucky kind of kid. Never had a worry in the world. Other than a few bullies during young school years because of his height, he was a very short child, he had a lot of friends and made them easy. He was a bright student and picked up on anything pretty easily. He was kind and always willing to help others. When he was a kid, maybe around the age of seven or eight, he became very ill. The doctors couldn’t really explain why he had turned so quickly but he had to be hospitalized. He suffered from high fevers frequently, his lungs would give out and only work at 50-60% so he would need to be put on oxygen, he would become very weak and disoriented. It was almost as if his own body was attacking itself. His mother did what she could to keep up with the hospital bills, but it became too much for her. She tried to reach out to his father; whom he never got to know nor was privy to find out; but he refused to pay on his medical bills. She just couldn’t take care of him and on hi
s third trip to the hospital, she abandoned him there. A social worker tried to reach her, but she just vanished.

When he was well enough to leave the hospital, he was placed in an orphanage. As he got older, he started to get much better and didn’t have as many health issues. He did well in school and joined the swim team in his middle school years. He was picked on a lot for his body size and how short he was. Being below average height and weight for his age. He worked harder at swimming and soon enough became the fastest one on the teams and would win the Gold Medal for races. When his first year of high school hit, he finally hit a major growth spurt and he was finally at the height he should have been all along, and he bulked out a little more. He threw all of his time into swimming and his studies and didn’t bother with anything else or people. He kept to himself and didn’t dare to care for other people – in his mind, what was the point. People are disappointing and will take every chance they can to hurt you. That was also the year he decided to change his last name and swore to have nothing to do with his birth mother or father, whomever he was.

After high school, he had a full swimming scholarship, even though he could have gotten into any University he wanted with his grades, but he decided to take some time off and work full time for the library. He loved books and immersing himself in different worlds. He would rather have fictional people to care for, because he knew what to expect from them and besides, they can’t disappoint you if they aren’t real.

Despite his outward view of the world and people, he is still deep down that kind and loving kid he used to be, just needs someone to fight through all the barriers he put up around his heart. He is secretly a hopeless romantic and is hoping to find that one person to spend the rest of his life with. He privately enjoys the small things in life. Finding a really good song or poem. Going to art museums. Visiting different small cafes. Going to different natural spas in isolated parts of the country. Visiting shrines and going to the cherry blossom viewing every year.
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  • basics

    asuna higurashi

    stand in the rain


    full name

    asuna kiyori higurashi.


    Suna. Kiyo. Higurashi.
    two lnes





    date of birth

    december 17

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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Anzu 1.jpgAnzu 3.jpgAnzu 4.jpg

NAME: Anzu Mori
AGE: 20
BIOGRAPHY (2+ paragraphs): Anzu had a very interesting childhood. Being the only child of gang members. Her mother was a leader of an all women gang, and her father was a leader of a small street racing gang. They met during a car show and it was like fate brought them together. They fell in love instantly and after finding out that they were going to have a baby, they passed their torches on to their next in command and created the safest environment a baby could have. It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows because when you’re in a gang, you will always have enemies. However, Anzu never went without anything and her parents always were sure to never bring the trouble home. The only thing that Anzu ever had to worry about was if they had enough medical supplies to help patch up her parents after they came home from dealing with awry problems.

They were a happy family. Always there for one another and supporting one another. Anzu grew up always knowing she wanted to be a doctor and made sure to pay attention in school and get fantastic grades to get into a good medical school. Her parents were always teasing her about how hard she studied and always seemed to be so serious all the time. Her parents were so carefree and filled with so much joy. Not that Anzu wasn’t, she just felt the burden of responsibility since her parents always seemed to just take things as a joke.

Well, except when she came down with a serious illness that landed her in the hospital for a while. The doctors never really could explain what was wrong with her and she wasn’t the only one that had this illness. While being at the hospital, even when she wasn't feeling all that great herself, she would still help the other kids. She would care for them and make them as comfortable as possible. But on good days, they would explore the hospital, or at least the pediatric wing they were in, and discovered another little girl there with almost the same kind of illness of every kid there; with the exception that she was far more severe in her illness. And when they could, her and the other kids would sneak into her private room and play with her or keep her company. But like all the other kids when she was well enough, she too left the hospital and then suddenly became “cured”. She vowed that she was going to spend her medical career trying to figure out what made her and so many other kids so sick.

After graduating high school, she was accepted into a prestigious medical school. Became the top of her class easily and even was invited to be an assistant to a prominent doctor who was hired by a power couple to take care of their sick daughter. When finding out she had this same “illness” as her as a child and had easily fallen ill since, she devoted her time in taking care of Yuriko. She was surprised to learn that they had been in the hospital at the same time, but she didn’t remember her at all. However, she was a few years younger than her and was kept in a private room; so perhaps not so surprising.

During her time with the girl, she came close to her and developed a strong sister-like bond with her. She felt bad for her in a sense; always being kept inside the house with only a Nanny, then when she got old enough to stay by herself, the house keepers and staff and eventually only Anzu to keep her company. She helped her form a derisive plan to get her into a public school and helped to convince her parents that she would be fine. She helped to convince them that it would honestly be better for her and she would always be there to take care of her when she became sick at school and would be the one to get her.

Now that Yuriko is going to school full time during the day, she refocused on finding the origins of this mysterious illness and who it affected while also doing her clinic hours with her boss and focusing back on her studies and classes to become the best doctor she can be.

PERSONALITY (paragraphs or bullets): Anzu is a very caring person with a bit of a tough personality. She is mostly serious, but can have a little bit of fun if you get her in the right mood. She is intelligent and will do anything to make sure that you are well. She is a great listener and always makes sure to take her time to help you through any problem you may have even if she is very busy with other things.

3-5 FEARS: Being lonely. That she will lose her parents to senseless violence someday. That she will never be able to find the origins of the mysterious illness or be able to help cure it.
3-5 POSITIVE TRAITS: Caring. Intelligent. Kind.
3-5 NEGATIVE TRAITS: Can be very busy. A bit of a loner (due to her work/school schedule/care for Yuriko). Can be too serious sometimes/too much in her head.
THEME SONG: Make You Feel My Love - Adele, Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol, Footsteps In The Sand - Leona Lewis
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Yuriko 1.jpgYuriko 2.jpgYuriko 3.jpg
NAME: Yuriko Nakajima
AGE: 17
FACECLAIM (ANIME): Rin Shibuya - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls
IF SO, WHICH ANIMAL?: God (Not an animal)
BIOGRAPHY (2+ paragraphs): Yuriko has been sheltered for most of her life. Her parents were known celebrities and very influential societal figures. In fear that someone would try to kidnap or hurt their daughter, Yuriko’s parents kept her mostly hidden. They sent her to the most private schools that money could buy; nearly threatening to just keep her home with tutors; but after hours upon hours of arguing, they decided to allow her to at least go to private schools. In school she was treated like a princess, but mostly due to the fact of who her parents were and the other students thought if they got close to Yuriko then they could meet them and put in a good word for their own parents and their businesses. After finding out that her classmates only wanted to be her friend because of her parents, she started acting out and made the other kids do her bidding and got whatever she wanted.

When her parents found out what she was doing to the other students, they pulled her from the school and made her stay at home with tutors. Which couldn’t have come at a better time because Yuriko fell very ill. To the point of needing to be hospitalized for several weeks. However, when the doctors couldn’t precisely tell her parents what was wrong with her, they pulled her from the hospital and had her treated by a doctor and his young assistant privately. After that, she tended to get sick easily, and required lots of care and attention. But while in the hospital, when she would start to feel a little better, the nurses would allow her to walk through the pediatric wing with their assistance. One day she saw another girl that was in there, a little older than herself but even though she was sick herself, she tended to the other kids her age. She watched as this kind hearted girl cared for and made the others as comfortable as possible. Bringing smiles to their faces. She wanted that. She wanted to feel that kind of care and attention and immediately wanted to join in the same room but her parents wouldn't allow it.

As the other kids started to get better, they would also explore the wing they stayed in and discovered her; almost in a way that they were meant to meet her. They would sneak in her room to play while the other nurses and her parents were away but eventually all the other children started to get better and left the hospital. Leaving her behind. She was the only one that stayed so ill and never truly went away. After weeks of constant sickness and no help from medications or other therapies, word spread and eventually caught the attention of someone who had once known someone like her. They met the girl and after some time speaking with her, he discovered that she was like the other--possessed by the God Spirit. He told her of the old fable of the Zodiac spirits and the God, and the curse placed upon them. When they talked more about her time in the hospital and the other kids, he informed her that they were the others possessed by the zodiac animal spirits. That once upon a time that curse was also broken. However, this time, it was her duty to find why it began, learn from it and break it. Being the God spirit was a very important role and she couldn't take it lightly.

With that knowledge, Yuriko became enraged and jealous more so. How fair was that? Why did she have to have this burden? She had already felt so alone in this world, so why make it worse? Were the fates being cruel and having a laugh at her expense?

When there weren't much more the doctors could do for Yuriko at the hospital, they suggested to her parents that they make her comfortable at home. Somewhere she knew and help to make her feel at ease. But since her parents were gone for most of the time from constant events or social injustices they were helping to fight, Yuriko was left alone with a Nanny, house staff and her doctors. Her doctor noticed how lonely the girl truly was and told her about the brightest student he had and how she had a bit of a lonely life herself; to give her hope. When hearing about the girl, how caring she was, she asked for the woman's name and instantly remembered her from when she was a child in the hospital. She remembered that kind girl that always took care of the other kids and always wanted to be her friend. She demanded that he hire the young doctor to be, to be his assistant and help take care of her. She even persuaded her parents to make it happen. But Yuriko wasn’t the doctor’s only patient, so he was gone a lot of the time as well, so most of her care was provided from his assistant, Anzu, who is what she wanted anyways. They were drawn to one another just like all those years ago. Although Anzu didn't remember Yuriko, they still clicked and became very close. They formed a sisterly bond that was nearly unbreakable. However, Yuriko never told Anzu about the curse and her role in it or Anzu's role in it either.

Now that Yuriko was older, she didn’t get as sick as often, but she still needed to be taken care of–Anzu stayed around and helped her to convince her parents to send her to a public school. Where she will be finishing her senior year of school.

PERSONALITY (paragraphs or bullets): Yuriko, or Yu as she likes to be called, is a loveable girl but hides it behind a mask of brattiness. Afraid that people only want to befriend her because of her parents or take advantage of her. Being away from other kids her age for so long, she hasn’t developed the best social skills and can be very nervous and shy, which then can rear its ugly side of her and make her act out. She can be demanding and selfish. She’s easily jealous and doesn’t like to share her time with Anzu but when you get all past that, she is a wonderful person to be around. She will love you until the end of time and will always stay by your side.

3-5 FEARS: Being taken advantage of. False friendships. Getting lost. Anzu being taken away from her.
3-5 POSITIVE TRAITS: Loving. Loyal. Brave.
3-5 NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bratty sometimes. Jealousy easily. Can be very selfish.
THEME SONG: How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris, Disciple
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  • In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
    Kanao Higurashi
coded by natasha.
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  • I'm Not a Cynic
    Alec Benjamin

    Hikaru Higurashi
    date of birth
    The Horse (Shetland Pony)
    Yuri Plisetsky
coded by natasha.

Saving my spot for the Ox

•Taichi Sato
•Cruella male version from twisted wonderland
BIOGRAPHY (2+ paragraphs):

PERSONALITY (paragraphs or bullets):
•Loyal - He is loyal to his cause and loyal to his family for the most part. He would do anything for them as long as they are on his side. If they were to go against him they would no longer be his family.
•Determined - This man is determined he didn’t suffer at the hands of his father for years just to lay back and take things from others. He’s determined to make things right and he will no matter what gets in his way.
•Clever - A very clever man he had to be to outwit his father and not suffer at his hand all the time. He also gained his mother’s smarts which makes him as deadly as a sword.
•Fair - Though he has his set ways he’s always fair and listens to both sides before making any decisions.
•Sociable - Oh outgoing and playful as hell. He can be the life of a party when he wants to be. Despite all he’s gone through he likes to have fun and talk with others. He’s also been known to change his way into people’s minds and hearts.
•Stubborn - This man is extremely stubborn once he’s set in his way it’s almost impossible for him to change his mind. Now he’s not stubborn over stupid stuff well sometimes but it really is hard to get this man to change his mind or decisions.
•Blunt - He’s not one to mince words. He tells you like it is unless it’s something that needs to remain hidden. He doesn’t even soften his words for his family which can often make him seem like their father who was just as blunt.
•Possessive - A very possessive man what’s his is his. There’s no sharing and no negotiation when he wants something. He can be a bite cruel due to trapping things/people that he is possessive of.
•Sly - He’s been known to make underhanded deals occasionally and always have a quick wit about him.

3-5 FEARS:
•Being taken advantage of
•Being considered dumb
•Losing his temper in a serious situation

THEME SONG (optional):
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Member Of the Zodiac:

The Boar

Yui had been born into a family that was quite wealthy. Not extreme to the point of multimillionaire, but nonetheless she was still wealthy enough to practically be spoiled her father was a doctor while her mother was a local florist. She was sent to private schools where her education was definitely on the higher end compared to the more average public schools. She was usually loved by many teachers and children, in fact she was given lots of praises for how smart she was in her younger years. But she always remained humbled and shy about it, thinking that she wasnt that smart and that she was just following what she was taught. She became a role model for her younger brother Rin, a blonde haired blue-eyed boy who took his father's hair color and his mother's eyes. Where as Yui took mommy's hair and her eyes (she could be found wearing reddish-brown contacts) while loving every moment of it. Her parents taught both herself and her sibling, telling them not to flaunt their money and think they're better than anyone else. Of course this was to avoid having very prideful and selfish children with egos the size of the sun.

Yui has a strong connection with her little brother, being the big sister that she is, she wants to protect him from all the cruel people out there in the world. She wants to help him and guide him in the right direction. She's also close with her mother and father but not as close as she is to her little brother Rin. Rin is a shy boy but he's also very quiet and allows his sister to help him and guide him. Rarely do they fight which is why they have such a close relationship. Aside from her family, as she grew up into high school, she realized how many could be so cruel, even in a private school. The bullies, the taunting and flaunting, and much more were things she did not enjoy. In fact, she herself was bullied at some point but always killed those people with kindness, using that as her weapon to fight against them. This got her through high school and now she's working on college. More or less as a creator, or an artist perhaps. She'd go for something like food critic, but who needs a College Diploma for that?

Yui is known to be a Harepeko, someone who eats an absolute ton but nothing happens to her weight. Despite her love for food, she will share whenever she would feel like it. Though if its a top favorite dish, she will never share unless you have a special place in her life. Aside from the food, she treats others with respect and tends to joke with those around her or try her best to make them laugh. She's happy, cheery, and is usually found wearing dresses or even skirts. She loves to go on walks and stop by playgrounds or walk through gardens if she ever got the chance to. Yui is selfless, but also selfish. This is because she will always put others above herself, or even first. She knows self care, but she wants others to be happy around her, even if it meant that she had to suffer to a degree.

Not being able to eat as she does now in the future.
Being lied to in any type of relationship
Others thinking they can get her to do what they want, when they want.
Haunted Houses (she'll probably cry)

Positive Traits:
Yui is resourceful, whether with food or with crafting.
She is a people person, so she's generally very friendly with many.
She is also a very humble girl and tries not to let her ego or pride inflate.
Yui is brave and will stand up for those who mean the world to her, even if she may seem like she couldn't take a fight.
Yui is also very loyal to those who are loyal to her. She respects those who do the same.
Her patience is immaculate.

Negative Traits:
Yui tends to lack lady-like manners. While eating, she doesn't care if she seems more like a pig, than a person.
While being the Boar, she could become a bit aggressive when angry. She comes off strong and definitely seems out of character to those who don't know her.
She could also become very shy and anxious around specific people. Such as those she admires, or crushes on.
Yui can come off a bit naive in certain situations.
She also seems to hold in her emotions the best she can and generally tries to use an outlet of "positive vibes" and presses her emotions down.



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The Goat




Jun Ono


No nickname yet



hair c.


eye c.




Jun is a very patient guy and does what he can to help others. He can be very stubborn but mostly a light hearted kind of man. He enjoys spending time with people and making them laugh or smile. Although his personality is much softer, he has a very brash way of speaking and he often gets misjudged as a delinquent. He’s honest and isn’t afraid to speak his mind and usually when it’s made up about something, it doesn’t change.

FEARS: Cars/Riding in them, small spaces (but mostly due to the fact that he is taller than the average guy), creepy crawly insects, Needles, large bodies of water.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Patient, light hearted, Kind
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Brash, Can be a little too honest.



Jun lost his parents at a young age due to a terrible car accident that he doesn’t really like to talk about ever and he had spent a lot of time in the hospital sustained from the crash. He developed an infection from the injuries and because of that he became very ill and ended up staying in the hospital a lot longer than he was intended. However, he was never truly alone in the hospital since there were others his age there that would come play with him when he was feeling well enough to do so.

After healing in the hospital, he was awarded custody to an orphanage, where he stayed until he was old enough to be on his own and was emancipated. That was around sixteen years of age. He went to school, had several odd jobs to make money and to afford the small apartment he was able to get–with the help of the orphanage. After High School ended, he continued on his education and went to college, where he is currently enrolled and taking classes on education. He wants to become a special education teacher for kids with behavioral issues. He is currently taking work as a professional cuddler and surprisingly most of his clientele are males.



♡coded by uxie♡


  • Miura, Aki


    The Snake

    College Student

    May 3rd





    156 lbs

    blood type
    star sign



    Aki has smooth dark hair that he keeps relatively short. It used to be a deep black, but since his time in the hospital and the new phenomena of the curse, it’s grown more and more violet hues. He keeps his hair neat but does not go to any great efforts to style it further than presentable.


    Like his hair, Aki’s eyes have changed color since the curse affected him. They are a bold, piercing green, much like the venomous gaze of a snake’s. When asked about his eye color Aki circumvents the topic and just says that he’s wearing contacts.

    body type

    He has a tall, lean body type. He doesn’t work out much being in college, but from his daily responsibilities running around and helping out around his aunt’s house, Aki has maintained a thin layer of musculature.

    body mods

    One pierced ear that he keeps a black hoop in.

    body style

    He’s not picky with his clothing style, having had to rely on his aunt to provide him clothes and unwilling to be a burden to her, he took whatever she offered. His clothing is practical and adaptable, most of his closet is full of solid colored basics.

    face claim

    Kenmochi Toya (I think he’s a vtuber?)

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
© weldherwings.

* Rin Kaneko

  • req.

    #over it

    * n.name(s)
    No nicknames yet
    * d.o.b.
    May 25th
    * p.o.b.
    * current location





    * height
    * weight
    110 lbs
    * build
    Very slender/a bit underweight
    * hair colour
    * eye colour


    Raphael Lake





♡coded by uxie♡



•Atsuki Saijo
•Hokusai Masaki
BIOGRAPHY (2+ paragraphs):

PERSONALITY (paragraphs or bullets):

3-5 FEARS:
•Losing his little sister
•Small tight spaces
•Not being strong enough to save those he cares about
THEME SONG (optional):
•Devil Doesn’t Bargain - By Alec Benjamin
NAME: Tanjiro Hamada
AGE: 19

BIOGRAPHY: As a child, Tanjiro has always been quiet. It was difficult to talk over two boisterous older brothers so Tanjiro never bothered. He would have rathered to keep reading his books. Unfortunately that precedent would be broken when a car hit him while he was riding his bike to school at age eight. The accident left him in a coma for six months and paralyzed him for several years. Even fully recovered, Tanjiro still doesn't have a full range of motion and can't move as fast as others.
Currently he's going to college for a degree in creative writing thanks to his love of books that's been intesified over the years of being bed ridden. There wasn't much to do but read otherwise until he found the other children his age. He didn't keep in touch with his old friends, however, which he attributed to life simply getting in the way.
PERSONALITY: Often prefers the company of books to people, Tanjiro is a true introvert. Sure he gets a little lonely at times but he just doesn't know how to approach people. So Tanjiro hides away to prevent the awkward situations from happening. You can't fail if you don't take risks after all. The only place he gets an interaction is his online blog where he posts his story ideas or even snippets of one shots. If you do happen to manage to engage this hermit of a person in a conversation, you'll be glad to know that he is, in fact, an excellent listener.
  • Losing the ability to walk again
  • Cars
  • Fire
  • Empathetic
  • Thoughtful
  • Good listener
  • Stubborn
  • Morbid
  • Over sensitive



the rooster




tsuji takehide





hair c.

light-medium brown

eye c.




Despite his typically casual appearance, Tsuji is very much someone who prides himself on being a
hard worker
, never finding it in him to be able to slack off. Even while hospitalized, he worked hard to keep up with therapy, never once giving up hope on getting out and living a "normal" life. Upon first glance, most people think that he behaves the opposite. Seemingly messy brown hair, often done with smaller, intricate braids scattered throughout, coupled with his typically casual style and overconfident demeanor, make him seem to be more of a free spirit. While this isn't entirely true, Tsuji cannot hide the fact that his interests change quite often. In fact, he typically hyper fixates on different topics, hobbies, styles, etc. in the course of months thanks to his

Despite that, he is rather
confident and outspoken
, knowing his worth and that not many compare when it comes to his work ethic. He knows he is
, knows what he wants, and is never afraid to get it. at neque et tristique. Morbi ac enim in nisl rhoncus dapibus.

pos: Independent, Ambitious, Honest, Hard-working
neg: Impatient, Critical, Flighty (haha), narrow-minded
fears: Dependency, Losing sight of who he is, heights, lack of control



Tsuji has always been a dedicated soul, ever since he was a child. Of course, what he was dedicated to.. well, that changed quite frequently. To put his energy to good use, his parents decided to throw him into after school sports. It was a good way to avoid worrying about a babysitter, and it got him out of the house for the time being. What his parents weren't expecting, however, was for him to enjoy them so much, and for so long! But over the years it became abundantly clear that Tsuji quite enjoyed learning many sports. Football, Basketball, Volleyball, baseball, swimming.. They all fascinated him and he always enjoyed pushing himself to be above all of his classmates.

It was no surprise, then, as he was training for a high school championship game, that he would push himself a little too far. Over-exerting his body, he went into cardiac arrest at the young age of 16, and as he fell during this heart attack, he managed to hit his head on a piece of gym equipment, inhibiting his motor function.

It took years of physical therapy, stubbornness, and spite to get himself out of the hospital. He refused to be a sob story, and he was tired of seeing the looks of pity that visited him day in and day out. Tireless days full of physical therapy that hurt like hell, eventually got him out of the hospital and into the world. Of course, he cannot perform in athletics like he used to, due to his injuries and early-on heart failure. To patch up the hole that it left inside of him, he is searching for new hobbies, places to visit, and possibly people to meet.



♡coded by uxie♡

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