One Thousand Club
Curse Pevman
Name: Curse Pevman
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Royal Mage

Name: Curse Pevman
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Royal Mage
- Appearance
Height: 6ft
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Curse's hair is slightly curly, and a bit messy. It holds a dark brown coloring which is very oftenly mistaken to be back. However, when one would look closely, they could easily see the hue of red and brown which separates his hair from being, completely black.These curls hang down in his face, forming an assortment of bangs which frame his pale face. This hair stops at the end of his neck, where it connects to his back and perhaps just an inch or two below. It's soft to the touch, and just a bit velvety. Often times, he does like to toy with the ends whenever he grows bored. Twisting the curls around his finger quietly, and he does do this whenever he lies. Those close to him have come to recognize his silent play to be what exposes him whenever he lies, though sometimes it will happen just out of boredom.
Eyes: Curse has a pair of icy blue eyes. They look very distant, and they are very hard to read. He doesn't show emotion whenever he can help it, but in his unstable forms they will change coloring. This is the only real time when Curse is very easy to read and figure out, though few people get to see him in a form in which he is unstable. Dark lashes surround two sharply shaped eyes, ones which look as if they could stare straight through you. For the curious, they are fun to explore and contemplate about. Just what lies beyond the two circular abysses? This is something only those closest to him know, but still strangers are welcomed to try and figure it out for themselves.
Body: Lean and well-built, Curse does have a rather nice figure. It isn't very muscular, but he does have a bit of a build on him. He is thin and slightly slender, standing tall at 6ft. He weighs only a couple pounds below average. This is due to how active he is. All that walking around and action causes him to lose weight just a bit too easily. He commonly loses track of just how light he is, until someone pesters him about being too thin. He does try to maintain a healthy weight and body, even if it is a bit hard for him to do at times.
Attire: Most often, Curse tends to where covering and dark clothing. Jackets, long pants, boots, all of these he has a preference for over other articles of clothing. From time to time, you may witness him in a vest or short-sleeved short, but this only occurs when it's much too hot out for his typical style. When in the presence of royalty, Curse is forced to wear the common attire of a royal mage. A white vest with gold trim, gold gloves with a white trim, a pair of white pants and dress shoes. It isn't an outfit he truly likes, but it really isn't an option not to wear it.
Other: Along his back Curse has a long, slick scar. It stretches from his right shoulder, down to the left side of his waist. He tries to keep it hidden, and he rarely speaks about it. Even when someone points it out he tries to avoid any conversation by changing the subject, or even lying. He simply hates how he got the wound, a physical reminder of one of the most painful moments in his life.
- Personality
Often times, Curse is seen to be a very reserved uncaring person. He doesn't take any requests without pay. If you need his help, then you should expect a fee. Really, this payment is just a method of hiding his kindness. He doesn't want to seem like he cares, and so he makes up these excuses to help other people. "It's my job" or "I need the money" are both lies. In reality, Curse really just wants to help others. To protect them, and to keep them happy, even at the sacrifice of his own happiness and his own well-being. He is really quite soft and sweet on the inside, though most people would never be able to tell this when they first come to meet him. He often acts coldly, or rudely towards other people. With bluntness he will say most everything he is thinking, even if he does feel bad for it afterwards. He continuously pushes forth this false personality, convincing himself that it will help him in the ende. After all, he converts his pain into magic. The more pain he feels, the stronger he will be as a mage. However, Curse is a very pained more. He hurts even more than he realizes, and not yet has he noticed just how much stress he constantly places upon himself. At any moment, he could snap. All of this weight is far from good for him, and it is quite dangerous to bare. If he were to lose his grip on his pain and his worry, he would slip away into a state of unstableness. This happens most commonly in situations where he is working with others, which is why he has chosen to work by himself. To work with other people would mean to endanger them, and that is the last thing he wants. He pushes people away to keep them safe, and this is why he tries to seem to uninviting and unfriendly. The man is damaged, but he hides it well. He is kind, and even loving, though he rarely shows it. Behind his facade, he is a very different person. Inside, he is broken and weak, longing and somewhat lonely. However, he does currently have a single companion with him. His steed: Tikbalabg. This beast does help Curse a lot, and he is one of the few things keeping the damaged man stable. Like he does with all of his loved ones, Cursed treasures Tikbalabg. The adores the beast, and he can truly be himself around the other. When observing the two, they actually seem as if they could be siblings. Two closely knit siblings. However, Curse soon will need more help to keep himself balanced. After all, he is quite a reckless character.
- History
Curse was born into the royal line of magic users, a long and powerful history of brilliant and magical souls. Her mother was the renowned mage of the Katharotitta Palace, while his father came from the neighboring land: Ischys. There, he was the mage who worked directly beside the army as a high ranking general. Both countries were enemies, but in a time of war, many strange things happen. His father, Vasilias, claimed to have fallen in love with his mother, Iris. He removed himself from the army of Ischys to join with the Pevma line of mages. The two married, and the resulting children were Curse, and his older brother Ilios. Curse's family all had brilliant and powerful names... and yet his father has decided to name him Curse. He knew not why, but he decided not to question it. Apparently, he had made the decision without the consent of his mother and this did result in a couple months of arguing. However, soon enough Iris just gave up and accepted it.
Curse had a very happy childhood. His brother was kind to him, and his mother loving. While his father was strict, he never did show much of a distaste for Curse, however the man did treat the boy's older brother better than his younger sibling. Curse saw it as his father making him strong, and he felt rather honored that the man would work to do such a thing for him. Of course, this was just the hopeful ideology of a child. Not yet had the boy discovered just how his father really felt about him, and the rest of his family. They were only brought into reality, come the day of Curse's tenth birthday.
Curse used to be a very loving, talkative child. He spoke to the peasants in the village below the castle, playing with their children and practicing his magic by helping them. He would secretly create money from time to time to help these poor people, and luckily he was never caught doing such a thing for it was quite the illegal deed. He would gift them with flowers, and exchange words with them, however soon this all changed.
The day following his tenth birthday, he was called into the study by his father. The man claimed he had something to show Curse. He was quite excited, for he was rarely called into his father's office. Not yet had he suspected anything, not until he stepped into the room to be faced with his father armed with a blade. He told Curse that he wished to practice, that he was finally old enough to take up the sword. Still, the boy was hesitant, and while he did ask why they would be practicing with actual swords, his question went unanswered. The door was locked, Curse was now facing his father with a small dagger in hand. His body was trembling just slightly, scared he was going to get hurt through this little game... It seemed his instincts knew something was up, but the male was unwilling to accept that his father would ever do anything to harm him.
To this day, Curse wishes the he could have just listened to his instincts.
The 'practice' didn't go well at all. Curse didn't know how to use a sword, and without much warning he was struck down. A long, bloody gash was cut across his back, causing the child to cry out in pain and collapse. His father released a low chuckle, leaning over the boy and taking a grip in his hair. He forced Curse's head up, locking eyes.
"You were never meant to be born... But I will fix that."
His father muttered darkly, dropping Curse. All of this was far too much for the boy, watching his father walk away and depart from the study, locking the door behind him. It had been his plan to allow the boy to bleed out where he lay, and for extra precaution he had coated the blade in a powerful poison. No one would be able to fix him, and he would get away with his cruel act. Yet, he never thought such a young boy would be able to tap into his magic yet. For Curse to go unstable was virtually impossible in the man's eyes, and yet the boy went up against odds. Crying out, he lost himself in feeling of betrayal. The study was coated in a thin layer of frost, the floor near Curse completely frozen over. It was this which attracted attention, causing a worker of the castle to quickly burst into the room, breaking the door.
It wasn't until an hour later that Curse was calmed. His mother was forced to come in, caling her child with soothing words and soon embraces. Once it finally came to an end, Curse was limp in her arms, barely alive. It wasn't until three days later than finally, he woke up.
He beat the odds. Most every thought he was done for with the poison and the wound, and yet somehow he managed to pull through. However, he would forever be marked by a scar due to all of this. It was in the afternoon of his waking day that he told his mother what happened, and quickly fighting broke out between his parents once again. A month later, his father was exiled from Katharotitta, and forced back into his home land.
From that day on, Curse changed completely. No longer was he that kind loving boy everyone knew. While he still helped the peasants, he hardly spoke with them. He grew apart from the children who used to be his friends, his only true ties remaining with what family he had left in the palace. The next five years of his life were full of pain and hard work. Curse had ceased his play and begun to train himself, so that at the age of fifteen he may depart from the palace and do as he pleases. With all the progress he had shown, he was given his complete freedom come the day of his fifteenth birthday. Only a week later, he left.
He would make monthly visits back to the castle, and he took on an even bigger responsibility. Alongside his mother and his brother, Curse most keep a spell of containment upon the monster known as Faira. It is a spell which must be renewed every month, and so it is essential that Curse make his trips back to the palace on time. This was a bit of a hassle, for it meant he had less time to get around, but still he did it.
It was about a year after this, that Curse came upon a new companion. One day, as he was wandering about a rather swampy forest, he had come across quite a site. A small beast sat by the large corpse of its mother. The remains were quite large, suggesting these animals were something like a behemoth. The mother looked as if she would be only a little smaller than the trees of the marsh, explaining why they had chosen to live in such a swampy land. The trees were spaced apart, while still concealing. It was a good place for such large beasts.
Carefully making his way closer, Curse quickly came to understand that the mother had been claimed by poachers. The crown of ivory horns had been removed from the animal's head, cut away by a powerful blade. The mane around her neck had been shaved away, not even her claws or teeth remained. Her child looked devastated, heartbroken as he remained along the side of his fallen mother. Easily, the man could sympathize with the beast. He knew how it had felt to lose his father, and it was this which caused him to make a new move.
He approached the longing calf, and while the beast was at first rather aggressive, Curse managed to calm it despite its large size. It was then that the animal shifted into a form of a young boy, weeping as he clutched Curse close to his own tiny frame. Curse couldn't push him away, and so he simply remained with the boy, holding him until his tears came to an end.
Once this finally happened, the animal introduced himself as Tikbalabg. His mother had been the guardian of this forest, and so her fur and horns were quite pricy. Hunters went after her often, but they never stood a chance against her, not until today. Apparently, the mother had wounded her ankle, rendering her weak.
Curse stayed with the child through the night, but come morning he wasn't sure what to do... He couldn't just leave the kid. With hesitation, he offered the child a place in his family. He claimed that he would treat the child like a younger sibling, that the two would travel about with one another. Tikbalabg happily agreed, and it wasn't long before the two grew quite close. The palace, and Curse's family accepted Tikbalabg rather nicely, even though taking in such a rare beast would attract hunters. Curse has sworn himself to the defense of Tikbalabg, and he says that no hunter will ever lay a hand on his precious friend so long as he is around.
The pair now remain together, traveling in and out of the palace, helping others for a small fee. The years were going by quickly now, but the mage knew they wouldn't last forever, not for someone like him.
- Magic/Spells
Elemental Magic: Kage has the ability to manipulate the elements draw from his emotions. This gives him access to fire, water, ice, or earth magics. However, a few emotions can pull forth rarer magics. These magics include void and blood manipulation, along with light magic. These however are harder to control, and as a result are more unstable than his other magics. He still does use them from time time, yet most of these rare occasions are against his conscious will.
Unstable form: While using his emotions as energy to fuel his magic, it can also be a very dangerous method. Often times, Kage believes he has very good control over his emotions, but certain things can get to him. Matters regarding people whom he has allowed to get close to him can easily set him off. Things regarding his father are also quite a sensitive topic for the young mage. Whenever his emotions leave his control, so does his magic. Extreme anger, jealousy, or rage brings forth fire, while sorrowful feelings will take the form of water. Betrayal will create ice. Loneliness, emptiness, or confusion will influence void magic, and things along the lines of greed with fuel the earth element. Light is conducted by fear and longing. Whenever he loses himself into unstableness, this will show in his eyes. Based upon the emotion he gives in to, his eyes will reflect that with a change of color.
- Equipment
Ring Sword: Curse has in his possession, a pair of ring swords. These weapons have folded blades, which can be folded inwards to create a circle. He stores them on either side of his waist, connected to his body by a hook upon his belt.
When the blades of this weapons are pulled outwards, they resemble something which looks like a dragon's claw. These blades were designed to resemble such a thing. Two out of the four blades have a jagged edge. These two blades are on opposite sides of the weapon, while two smooth blades occupy the other two spaces available to them.
Royal Emblem: Curse has been given a rather expensive necklace, one meant to identify him as royalty. As a royal mage, his necklace differs from what a king or queen may have, instead his had been formed to resemble something more magical rather than powerful.
- Skills
Swordplay: Swordplay isn't Curse's strongest skill, but still it is quite a notable one. Within the royal castle, the mage has been subjected to quite a bit of training in many things to ensure that he could take care of himself. Due to how often he strays away from home, the king wanted to make sure that Curse wouldn't get himself killed or hurt. So, he demanded that the mage take up a sword and learn, which he did. After six years of training, Curse is just above amateur level. He is far from being the best, and so he doesn't often rely on his skills with the blade. It is merely a secondary weapon, in case his magic were to give out on him.
Archery: Curse is slightly better with archery than he is with swordplay. He has a sharp aim, and so this made his taking up of the bow quiet an easy task. He was already trained in most of it, he just needed to learn how to fire correctly. This took him a couple months to do, and since then he has only been getting better and better. It won't be long before he is seen to be quite the skilled archer, but it's unlikely that such a skill will ever come to shadow his magical ability. He will always be known as a mage, but perhaps some will come to recognize him as an archer.
Survival Skills: Due to being outside so much, Curse has picked up a few things. He can start a fire with what he can find out in the forest, and he knows how to make meals using this fire. He can hunt, fish, make tents, ext. All of this has stemmed from his need to be independent while he is out in his travels, for Curse is a person who moves around quite a bit. He is known to be one of the most active residents of the castle, despite being far from the friendliest or most talkative.
Horticulture: Kage is well versed in plant life. He knows what is poisonous, edible, what he can use for medicines and what he can use for weapons. This skill is often used whenever he finds himself with a wound, or when he is up against an enemy too strong for his magic or blade alone to handle.
Cooking: Kage is a very good cook. Its one of his best skills. He can make almost anything taste good to even the most picky people. He knows how to prepare a lot of things, and he knows where to find the ingredients on his own. This is due to his need to eat while he is out on his own. Whatever he finds or hunts, he would need to know how to prepare, and so he studied up a bit on cooking. After a couple years, he has become quite the amazing chef.
Navigation: From a map or from the stars, Kage can draw out his routes to his destinations. He has learned this skills from the woman who runs the library back in the castle, who happened to be a sailor sometime in the past.
- Tikbalabg
Tikbalabg is a shape-shifting beast whom travels alongside Curse. The pair have been together for quite a while, and when interacting they look almost as if they could be siblings. After the death of Tikbalabg's mother, Curse said that he would take in the young beast.
Tikbalabg's human form.
Tikbalabg's Beast form.
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