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Fantasy Curse of the wolf's blood

"Well then follow me" Seika said walking towards a shut down ball park. I don't intend to hurt her and if I do you won't have the chance, I would force a stick of dynamite down my throat. Hope you get the picture Seika sent to the two as he came to the entrance of the ball park a block away.
Lucy made sure the werewolves and vampires followed growling if they stepped out of place don't get yourself killed, you don't know what they could be hiding... She thought to Seika
They don't know what i'm hiding either Seika thought before chuckling aloud and entering the arena walking to the center of the field. "Well if you would be so kind as to leave me to my oppressors" Seika said gesturing to the werewolf vampire group.
Lucy smirked and shoved the werewolves and vampires inside the ballpark with Seika
"I hope you're ready to have a nice little brawl" Seika said as his eyes glowed red his hands started to shiver and shake violently.
i know what they're hiding, two has pocket knives and the other two has baseball bats with nails on them alex said to lucy and seika and sat back on a tree then looked up to see shade

Not a problem Seika sent as blood gushed from his arms "Ready to start?" He asked as two sharp blades of blood formed around his hands.
[QUOTE="blood wolf]"hey, how long have you been out here?" alex asked dogging a flying knife

Um for awhile I think shade says to Alex I'm not sure though
[QUOTE="blood wolf]"that's good" alex said leaping up into the tree next to her

Shade nods yup yup it is shade says smiling at Alex

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[QUOTE="blood wolf]alex smiles back and watches the brawl unfold

Shade watched also " why are they fighting " shade asks

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[QUOTE="blood wolf]"because those four" alex said pointing to the attackers " are gluttons for punishment"

Ohhh otays " shade says

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