Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)

Anywhoozles, no reply so far from either of them.

Silver hasn't been online, and Sky has decided to move on, farther into his future of role-playing. *wipes non-existent tear*

I'll begin planning their unfortunate deaths. Sorry for the delay guys, I've had a hellish fever since Saturday, and I still feel like I'm half-dead. @.@
[QUOTE="Evil Ephemera]
Anywhoozles, no reply so far from either of them.
Silver hasn't been online, and Sky has decided to move on, farther into his future of role-playing. *wipes non-existent tear*

I'll begin planning their unfortunate deaths. Sorry for the delay guys, I've had a hellish fever since Saturday, and I still feel like I'm half-dead. @.@

Dat sucks ;-; (that you had a fever) Sad to hear about Sky, I really don't know where silver went to O.o Dissapurrd, Scurrs me. Anyways YAY NO DELAY!
The story has been updated! Feel free to start posting. I wrote the whole update on my phone, as I am currently far too weak to get up and go to my computer, so I apologize in advance for typos and bad writing.
Evil Ephemera] [SIZE=12px]*Notices someone has not yet made an attempt at becoming bffls*[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] *tags*[/SIZE] [SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][URL=" said:
@Russian God[/URL]

Okay, so sorry guys. I was literally typing up a post for Ben today, but one thing led to another and I'm out of time.

Being the underaged child that still lives under my mother's roof, I must follow her rules and go to bed, as I am not given a choice. However, I promise that I will have something up by tomorrow! Goodnight!
*cough* Okay, my house caught on fire this morning.

No, I am not lying. In fact, I'm typing this up on my phone. Luckily enough, I don't think the laptop was harmed, and I'll get it up as soon as the firefighters finish up their job. It's been two hours. :b
[QUOTE="Evil Ephemera]dayum, leik wut

Jebus, If I were a christian girl I'd be prayin so hurd fo you

But since im not either of those things Ill just say

Wut. Just Wot, how bad was it?
Dayums indeed.

Well, I don't think it was that bad. The kitchen is a goner for sure, and the attic is probably in a similar situation since it spread up there. There's a hole in the roof, and yeah, that's all I heard.

I just saw smoke and fire and got the hell outta there.

Maybe I'm just too hot to handle. Ba dum tss :b
I had my neighbors house get burnt down by an arsonist once, so that was cool.

What did we learn here? Burning things is bad, kids. Mkay?
[QUOTE="Evil Ephemera]Bigger Dayums

Dayum, house got rekt. But it's good that no one got hurt, let's all hope that your laptop is okay O.o

*cough* foryoursakedefinatelynotformine *COUGHS*

After hours and hours of waiting, and anti-insurance people coming into my home, I am now residing in a hotel, presumably for the next month. And my laptop, (technically my brother's, but he's in Nepal right now, so he's not important) has survived!

The post will be up before the end of today. c:
Ben is so damn hilarious. His reaction was priceless xD  
Now all we need is to see @Kriyze 's post and see what their characters will do O.o I wonder if Ana is getting like an even more gruesome view of it with her enhanced eyesight .-.
I like Ben. c:

Haha, yeah I hope they get their posts up. I was planning on having Bella reply after they did, but I dunnoes, might just put the post up tomorrow if nothing shows. :v

C'mon guise! Post!
I got you guys. Don't worry! My post will be up tomorrow! Sorry it's taken me so long. And yes Ana is very unhappy with the gore. >_< shes a bit scarred from past experiences like that as well. We'll see how she deals with it. She might just go shoot something with her new bow thanks to kind ol sebby!
Ill post something later today, and I also have to finish an app that I haven't had time to finish so ima prioritize that

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