Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)


unhealthy koreaboo
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

Read more about this role play...


xxxxxIt is currently the year of 2086, about ten years after the War. World War III to be exact. Almost all of the world is a barren wasteland of hopelessness. The humans that are still alive have made some sort of adaption to the the world around them. However it still isn't uncommon to find a dead corpse wherever you go. People live under rubble, while others murder the ones living under the rubble. The instinct to survive is on its maximum level, and the chaos only seems to be increasing even though the war is over...but when did it all start?

xxxxxHave you ever heard the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat?" Well you could say humanity didn't seem to take that saying to heart, because it became the death of them. Literally. Scientists were searching for a way to modify humans, and improve upon them, as if they weren't already at the top of the food chain. A powerful company, called the Union, began kidnapping young children against their will, experimenting on them at a young age and treating them as science experiments as the years went on. They were nothing but test subjects, thrown away like trash if their experiments failed, and used as tools if they succeeded. As time went on, the bitter feelings built up as more and more experiments were conducted. It was only a matter of time before the experiments revolted, and sure enough they did.

xxxxxThat was when all hell broke loose.

xxxxxHumans began regretting their decision to enhance themselves, as the enhanced humans had so much more power over them. All those pent up feelings they kept in the lab were unleashed as chaos seeped into country after country. The humans tried their best to contain them, but once the revolt began, it couldn't be stopped. They destroyed everything in their wake, removing anything that got in their way.

It was a fight that the humans couldn't win.

These test subjects were no longer viewed as experiments, but instead, as

xxxxxAll hope seemed to be lost when the majority of the major cities in the world had been utterly destroyed. Millions of lives had been lost, and living a normal life became impossible for anyone in the world.

xxxxxThe government were trapped in a corner, and out of desperation, they sent nuclear bombs out and around the world, blowing up the places where the majority of experiments resided. Sure enough, the number of experiments decreased greatly, but so did the number of innocent humans. Radiation waves spread throughout the world, killing those who hadn't been caught in the explosion. The government quickly fell into nothingness and the war ended in an instant, for there seemed to be nothing to fight against.

xxxxxBut the human race is not so easily erased, you see. Survivors roamed the earth, whether they were enhanced or not, they were alive, and many planned to keep it that way.


New York City

The beginning of this story takes place in New York City, the busiest city in all of the world. Well, it used to be. Many of the skyscrapers have fallen to their doom, and there are giant holes in the ground that lead into the underground subway system that runs around all of the city. It's the perfect place to take cover in, but also the most perfect place to hunt in. Grass and other weeds have grown through the cracks in the ground, and vines have grown up the walls of many buildings. It is difficult to travel around, but at least you have the giant piles of rubble to keep you company.

[[ More locations will be added as the roleplay advances. ]]

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⁰¹ No, no it can't be! Rules?! In PARAGRAPH FORM?! Calm yourself, and read through it. All of it. First and foremost, I am the creator of this roleplay, meaning I am coolest. I don't like putting myself above others, but there needs to be a person to enforce justice, and here, I am that person. This means you listen to me, and anyone I say you should listen to. Get it? Got it? Good.

⁰² As absolute and powerful as I may be, the main rules that need to be followed have been set up by the admin himself. Follow the Terms of Service, and we're all good here. If you don't know what the rules are, I won't give you the link, because I'm lazy, and as a member of RpNation, I expect you to have read them already, if you've forgotten, they're basically all the rules of how to be a roleplayer that no one hates. I trust you will live up to those expectations.

⁰³ These are already in the site rules, but I feel the need to state it again here because of how important it is in this roleplay. Absolutely NO GODMODDING. I hate it. I despise it. I would murder it if I could. That's how much I dislike it. I don't want to see any auto-hitting, invincible ass characters , or forced decision making at all in this roleplay, because as soon as I see it, I'm kicking you. That's right, there's no mercy when it comes to godmodding. Don't kill someone unless given permission, don't be invincible, and don't be a loser. Keep your hands to yourselves, okay?

⁰⁴ Perfection is the devil here. That's right, I said it. No one likes perfect people in a roleplay. Which means no Mary Sues, Gary Stues, or Larry Hughes, because you aren't getting in. Let's get real here people, the world has been in complete chaos for over ten years, nobody's perfect. Even Hannah Montana agrees with me. The same goes for sob stories. It's ten years after nearly the entire world has been wiped out, but not everyone has a sob story behind them, okay? I don't mind sad pasts, but when every single person is like, "Omg, sad past. Pity me." I flip tables.

⁰⁵ If you are going to be gone for a period of time, please notify everyone in the OOC thread, or at least message me about it so that I may notify the others. If you disappear, that's fine too. I won't hate you unless I see you posting in other roleplays three days after you disappear. Roleplay rules call for at least two weeks for there to be no hurt feelings.

⁰⁶ Don't be a jerk and ignore your fellow roleplayers. Read every single post so you know what's going on and so you don't accidentally miss out on anything important. Not ignoring each other goes for ooc as well. I want you all to talk in the OOC, and I want you all to be friends. That's right, you have no choice. I expect to see active plotting to keep things interesting and happiness being spread throughout the ooc thread, okay? Good.

⁰⁷ Cuss as much as you want, and have all the sexy time you need. It's the end of the world, no one's stopping you. However, I think we all know that there are innocent children roaming the site of RpNation who have access to anything in just a click of the mouse. Basically, don't type up anything you wouldn't show your twelve-year-old-kid.


⁰¹ I first started roleplaying on a site called Gaia online, and if you stalk their roleplay threads, you will notice that the posts are all pretty. And by pretty, I mean fancy pictures and layouts that people spent hours making just for their character. I have made enough to consider myself a master of coding and photo editing. However, since it is quite different on RpNation, all I require for your posts is your character's name, and bold whenever they speak, so people don't have any excuse to miss out on important information. Maybe add in some colour if you're feeling spunky.

⁰² Literacy is a must here. I want semi-lit. and up, and as far as my knowledge goes, semi-literate is at least two meaty paragraphs, not three to four sentences. This means that the bare minimum here is two good paragraphs. Keep in mind that I expect more than the bare minimum, but if you can push out a great post in two paragraphs, it's fine with me. I want to see good grammar, and minimal spelling mistakes. I'm a little more lenient on the spelling mistakes, since I make them all the time, but we have auto correct for a reason. I better see you use it.

⁰³ Imagine me clapping on every syllable in the next sentence. Give your partner something to work with. How can you expect a beautiful and plentiful response if you give that character a full two sentences to reply to? Think of it as a real conversation, and ask questions if you feel like it's dying down. Don't just reply and leave your partner hanging. If someone posts less than two paragraphs, I will look into it. It isn't always their fault. Sometimes, that person to blame is someone else. I
will warn you if you are the cause of another person's writer's block.

⁰⁴ Writer's block is totally, and completely understandable. Sometimes, you just lose your mojo. However, if you seem to be losing your mojo one too many times, I will ask you to leave the roleplay, simply because I don't want your loss of mojo to affect the people around you. I don't mind if you post less than the bare minimum, as long as you are giving your best shot at giving your partner something to work with for them to pick you back up again.


⁰¹ Just like everything else you apply for, it's possible to be rejected. If your profile does not meet my requirements, then you won't be accepted. If your literacy level does not meet my requirements, you also won't be accepted. And yes, I will stalk your posting history to see where you are at on roleplay experience. (Don't even think for a moment that keeping your profile on private will prevent me from stalking you, because I am the master of stalking. You can't hide your past from me.) I won't tell you that your rejected, I will just simply not reply to your application. If you notice that I am doing other things and I haven't replied to your application, don't get offended, because I am not insulting you in any way as a person. The majority of the time, if you aren't accepted, it's because you didn't follow the rules, so if I don't reply, just read through the rules again and figure it out yourself. However, If there is a problem, but you have no way of figuring it out on your own, I will notify you of the reason, so you don't get confused. (ie. You apply as a girl, but there are already too many females accepted.)

⁰² I won't be asking you to put any secret messages into your profile, because I'll know if you have read the rules just by going through your application. However, if you don't want to risk being rejected even after you've thoroughly gone through all the rules, you need to do your research. And by research, I mean you need to take into consideration the setting, year, and plot when you're typing up your biography. That means I don't want to see
teenagers born before the war, and I don't want your character talking about the iPhone 5. Why? Because it's he year 2086! If you want to talk about iPhones, then it might as well be the iPhone 67S. So read up!

⁰³ I like things to be fair. That means I want an even number of boys and girls here. No more than a gap of two between the numbers. The same thing applies to enhanced humans and regular humans. I would actually prefer there to be a smaller amount of enhanced humans to regular humans, but let's be real here, who
wouldn't want to have powers?

⁰⁴ Be realistic. By realistic, I don't mean no powers. I mean, when you apply, I don't want to see a short-looking character with their height labeled as 6'3 and their weight as 95 lb. I understand that girls want to be skinny, but don't make her seem anorexic,. It's the end of the world and all, but they're trying to survive, not starve themselves. Try to at least match the height and weight to the picture.

⁰⁶ I might edit your profile after you send in your application due to my OCD, but rest assured, I will not change anything you have typed up yourself, not even the typos. (As much as it may cause me to cringe.) Please do not take any offense, because my editing is just me being myself. If you decide to add color to the profile to pretty it up a bit, by all means, go ahead. Don't worry about me changing it back. I'll just fix any mistakes that you might have made while creating the profile. (ie. Deleting part of the skelly, bolding words that weren't supposed to be bold, etc.) This rule applies to all applications whether accepted or not.

New rules will be add in
this color.

ǫ &

⁰¹ Do our pictures have to be
exactly anime?

xxxxxDespite what the profile skeleton says, no it does not have to be. When I put in "Anime," I went more along the lines of, "Not real." Cartoon yourself up, or put in your own drawings for all I care, as long as there aren't pictures of real people I care more about the text than I do about the pictures.

⁰² Are we allowed to deviate from the original profile skeleton?

xxxxxI would prefer if you didn't, but if there is an absolutely necessary or interesting part of your character than you feel the need to add, then feel free to do so in the "Other," section of the profile. I don't mind small changes, but if you add about ten thousand extra things, you probably won't be accepted.

⁰³ What kind of powers do enhanced humans have?

xxxxxBasically anything you can imagine. However, an enhanced human only has one power. Nothing too crazy either. Some examples would be: Enhanced Strength, Partial Transformation, etc. And I don't want any cheating, aka "Enhanced Body - Increase in strength, speed, good looks, blah blah blah" That's basically a buttload of powers mushed into one. Enhanced humans typically only have one trait that is way above average. Also, all powers should be physical because experiments were made on their physical bodies. When applying, I also expect you to be able to explain what part of the body is enhanced and how it benefits the experiment. Remember, it's enhanced humans, not super humans.

⁰⁴ Aren't the enhanced humans way too OP?

xxxxxKeep in mind that even though enhanced humans are enhanced, they're still human. Unless they have moderated skin that can act as a shield, or nerves of steel, a bullet through the shoulder is still going to hurt like hell. But you also have to keep in mind, that the government tried to nuke them, so they are undoubtedly stronger than your average human. It would be difficult to kill one, but not impossible. Don't worry too much about OP characters, I'll handle them. c:
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I don't know. I literally have no idea. I'm too tired to think. I'm not even sure if I get what you're saying. My brain is borked.

I might die.

I'll be the bestest of friends by tomorrow.
I assure that you will live to see another day, and tomorrow, beautiful friendships will blossom.

Until then. :v
Oh my. I'm off for a day and everyone starts off running! Anyone care to give me the tl;dr version of what's happening?
Well Rivern and Sebastian have joined together-ish. Seb saw something moving out of the corner of his eye, so he and River are just about to check it out.

Bellamy was out looking for breakfast and managed to snag a rat. Erin caught sight of her and hid nearby, only to be found by Bella on her way to give Egon a hug, who had been staring at her. (You'll have to read the post for it to make sense. She's kind of weird.)

Diane went into a corner store not too far from there, watching them through the store's window. Benjamin is
also in the store along with Diane, except he's hiding under the counter in hopes that she'll leave.

I hope I didn't miss anything. o-o;;
xD this sounds like an interesting group. I'll have to find a way to get Ana in there somehow. Though I have no idea how I'm gonna manage that..
I will try to post something from my computer instead of tapatalk but this weekend things are going to be slow with posts so yeah sorry guys haha
Stahp being scary

I don't want this RP to die. 
I'm just gonna say anyone but me could reply at this point, since I have the last post ^^
I have the one right before yours so I don't really want to take anyone else's post unless no one else is gonna. This better not fucking die. We all just met!
Ikr, I need diane to post tho since I'm inside the shop, unless I can make my character just go like *NOPE* and run out of the shop but yeah idk, I've been waiting for @SilverNova he/she dissapurrd
If I'm correct, we're waiting for @SkyFilms and @SilverNova to post, but nada so far.

If they don't do anything by tomorrow, I'll just have to make up some event to kill them off. @.@ I really don't want to have to do that...

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