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Realistic or Modern Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)


unhealthy koreaboo
Evil Ephemera submitted a new role play:

Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic) - I guess this is what happens when science experiments go terribly, terribly wrong.


xxxxxIt is currently the year of 2086, about ten years after the War. World War III to be exact. Almost all of the world is a barren wasteland of hopelessness. The humans that are still alive have made some sort of adaption to the the...
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With the number of Enhanced to Normal evened out, (Don't bring up gender ratio. I am aware of it, and I cry because of it.) we can now start the roleplay~!


Another day has come: the same gloomy weather, with the same abandoned, broken buildings. With New York City having been near one of the explosions, the city is in ruins, and any signs of electricity have been destroyed by the radioactive waves.

There are only a few people roaming the city, yet tensions are high. Recently, there have been frighteningly unnatural clicking noises at night, accompanied by the sound of metal against metal and low moans. Every now and then, an agonized scream will join the mixture of unfamiliar noises.

Many survivors have fled, without wanting to question this mystery, while other stayed, either out of curiosity, bravery, or just plain carelessness.

What happens next, is up to you.



ß є ʟ ʟ α м ч • ζ υ x Ɍ σ s α в є ʟ ↖↖↖

Yes, I am more intelligent than you are.

xxxxxSlowly, Bellamy's eyes opened, neither welcoming or rejecting yet another gray and cloudy day. She was laying on the roof of a broken building. Well, half of a building anyways. The other half had been ripped off and thrown somewhere else sometime during the war, yet miraculously, the building still stood. Bella sat up groggily and pushed off her sorry excuse for a blanket: a pathetic piece of ripped fabric from a hot dog cart. She had been blessed with another terrible night's sleep due to the never ending clicking and banging that sounded throughout the city the night before. She'd have to kill whatever was making that noise soon before anything bad could happen. After all, a sleep-deprived Bella was a grumpy Bella, and a grumpy Bella meant... well let's not get into that. In other words, she enjoyed sleeping, and did not appreciate noise-making scumbags.

xxxxxFollowing her daily routine, Bella pushed herself up onto her feet, rolling up her umbrella fabric and shoving it into the backpack she had stolen off of some dead kid's body. It was a bright neon pink, and painful to the eye even with the dirt smudges all over it. Nevertheless, it was useful, so she kept it. Slinging the bag over one shoulder, Bellamy climbed down from the building and landed lightly on her feet.

xxxxxTime to get some breakfast.


xxxxxUpon reaching the first empty trap she had set up, Bella visibly exhaled frustratingly. Everything had been set up perfectly: positioning of weapon, size of bait, and appeal to radiated prey, yet nothing had been caught. The girl gave another sigh of frustration and picked up the makeshift blade set in the trap she had created by cutting and layering aluminum from soda cans. Because the aluminum was so thin, she layered it as much as she could. It could easily kill a smaller animal, probably render one of those giant radiated rats as immobile, and possibly leave a nasty gash on a human. However, this tool had failed the only job given to it: get food. Therefore, it was useless to her. She would have to create a better weapon later.

xxxxxBella threw the makeshift knife into a pile a rubble, only to hear a loud, mutated 'squeak!' in return. Maybe the aluminum knife wasn't so bad after all. With a tiny, almost unnoticeable smile, the enhanced human turned and pulled a plastic bag out of her back pack, turning it inside out and using it as a glove to reach into the rubble. Her smile seemed to widen when her fingers wrapped around the bloody, still moving, body of a small rat. Bellamy pulled the blade out of it's side stabbed it straight through its head to end it's suffering. Talk about lucky!

xxxxxWith this time, a sigh of contentment, Bella pulled her hand in through the plastic bag, giving the prey a temporary storage place as she tied the handles of her bag around the handle of her backpack. What a great way to start the day.

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"I've lost interest."

The world was quiet unlike the night before, the rustling of scattered trees littering the airs otherwise silent bringing. It was almost soothing, if you where to close your eyes evening your breaths as Rivern had it'd almost feel...Normal.

But as the scent of the dying environment mixed into the already rancid smell of rotting flesh. The memories of a persons situation would only flood back into their mind with each beat of their heart, or each strained breath. Urging them to open their eyes and face another day, which the blonde intended on doing.

Last night the man made his temporary home atop a roof, his knees close to his chest as they searched for an escape from the nights unforgivable chill. He had intended on getting sleep last night, truly sleeping not just murmuring the idea under his breath only to find himself scavenging the city for whatever contents remained. And though it was such a wished for case as expected he hadn't slept, instead he listened to his surroundings and made mental notes and plans for the coming dawn.

But even if he lacked sleep he was still alive so whatever he was doing was working.
Rivern stood on the edge of his newest stop, closing his eyes as the wind brushed past him in gentle yet powerful gusts. His gloved fingers hovered over the pocket knife strapped to his waist habitually before gazing below him, a bored expression occupying his features though his eyes found no resting point as they darted from point to point. His gaze accessing the possible routes he could take to make his descent both pleasant and quiet in hopes to not scare any nearby life.

Lowering himself into a comfortable crouch Rivern reached below him and took hold of a protruding ledge above the closest window. Putting what trust he held into himself he shifted his weight forward and began down. As his right hand he knew wouldn't be able to hold his weight during such a swift motion he thoughtfully positioned his other hand onto the ledge as well before measuring what length remained between himself and the next window. Before allowing himself to let go, the toes of his combat boots digging into the brick to slow himself down a fair amount before making contact with another shelf on the building.

Fingers arched as they uselessly attempted to grip the flat surface he accessed the rest of the plan just as he turned to face a nearby tree balancing quite easily.

Then giving a curt nod to approve his own sudden thought pushed himself forward his right hand scraping the edge of the nearest branch to fumble himself as he bent his knees to brace for his contact with the sidewalk ten or so feet below.

At the small thud of his feet landing on the solid floor Rivern internally cringed, having been quiet for so long any sound coming from him felt alien and untrusting.

His gaze scanned the land around him cautiously before he composed himself, stuffing his hands into his coats pockets quietly as he began down the road in search of breakfast.


"I've never met anyone who wasn't worth saving."

═══╬══╬═══ Sєbคstin × Cooӄє ═══╬══╬═══

The nighttime noises had had their effect on Sebastian too, even if he liked to consider himself rather fearless. It's something about fear of the unknown he supposed. Nontheless, waking up after barely sleeping to eat what remained of his rat stew did get him happier again. He claimed it was delicious, but that wasn't even almost true. He just hoped his overly enthusiastic way of thinking it's good would turn it into a slightly less disgusting bad. After spending a couple days without food, even the stew was appealing though.The bare skeleton of a house he was staying in was cold though, and he hadn't planned on staying here long.

Leaning against the wall, he must've looked pretty relaxed, but that wasn't true. He was very much on edge. Ever since the nightly noises had started he'd felt uncomfortable, and that mixed with the fact the he saw less people around... Yeah, he wasn't in the greatest state of mind. He intently listened to everything. The occasional scratching from within the building most likely caused by rats, the wind howling through holes in walls. He had enough self-control not to jump at every sound, but only barely.

It didn't help that a thump was suddenly heard from outside the window. In contrast to every other noise, it stood out, and Sebastian jumped, dropping his plate which shattered against the floor. He cringed at the loud noise, but carefully stepped over the remains to look through a window at whatever had made the noise. Leaning far out of the window, he looked down in the direction of a tree. At first he didn't notice anything, and just assumed it had been a clumsy animal falling from somewhere, but just as he was about to lean back in and gather his things up, he noticed a blonde-haired boy down a bit down the street, closer to his window. He smiled, he hadn't met anyone in a few days now, and the lone people usually didn't instantly attack you. He raised his voice, and shouted in a cheery tone "Hey there! How are you doing?" That it's a very strange thing to say never occurred to Sebastian. It was how he usually greeted strangers.

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"I've lost interest."

Riverns narrow gaze continued to keep track of his surroundings as his hands slithered upwards tugging his hood up and over his head. The comical horns sticking out from the fabric without much care, the boys fidgeting hands picking at a single stray string hanging on the edge of his yellow scarf. His bored expression evident as he twirled the thin thread around his index finger counter clockwise before going to the opposite direction loosening the piece.

Unwind, wind, unwind, wind continuously as he saw nothing else to do until something would come to him. Which he knew would be impossible, nothing would simply approach him. Not when they lived in such a destroyed society, at the thought he scoffed quietly to himself.

A society...Wouldn't that mean there where other people? Both advanced and average humans an organism he hadn't seen for far to long. It felt almost unfair to be alive nowadays, like those who had passed away had been spared of such a terrible and twisted fate.

Unwind, wind, unwind, wind.

But if that where to be the case, why was he here. Why was he chosen to live when he had only served the scientists during their foreboding tests, why wasn't he dead and witnessing the scientists stumble around slowly falling into their own personal fields of insanity. Oh, wait perhaps he did no why...Because he was simply unlucky. Such a stupid excuse to propose to ones self as they stalk through the unoccupied streets, a set for a terrible play.

Unwind, wind, unwind, wind when suddenly a voice rang through the air around him. All movement from the twenty four year old had ceased to exist his own mind having to remind him to breath.

Was this it? Was this the insanity he had been destined to fall into? He mentally questioned in horror when the voice then spoke again asking him how he was.

What a peculiar thing to ask, and though he felt as if he where a creature being lured into a trap he turned around taking the bait. His blue gaze meeting a males who leaned out from inside the building he had been sleeping upon. Hesitant at first he thought for a moment, the question felt almost alien.

"I'm alive." Rivern responded vaguely his voice came out rough as if he had just awoken from hibernation due to their lack of use.

"You?" Not wishing to be rude he returned the question.



"I've never met anyone who wasn't worth saving."

═══╬══╬═══ Sєbคstin × Cooӄє ═══╬══╬═══

The guy he'd adressed seemed a bit shocked. Which was understandable, he had just been called on by a stranger, and in this city... Well, that could mean just about anything. Sebastian kept his thoughts happy though. Ain't nothing bad that doesn't come with something good. "I'm alive." He responded. That was nice, he hadn't immediately run off, or pulled a gun from nowhere and shot him. Sebastian liked it when people didn't do that. "You?" Woah, this guy even had nice enough manners to respond to his question. Sebastian smiled, and gave the man a short wave. "Ah, I can't complain, can I? Nobody's shot me lately, so that's nice." He took a look back at his stuff, contemplated something for a moment, and then added "Hey, wait right there for a second."

He walked inside and threw a nasty look at the shattered plate. He could've used that. The only thing he didn't still have packed was an empty water bottle, which he quickly snatched up and threw inside his backpack, which he proceeded to strap onto his back. He looked at the window. He was only on the second floor, and there was a conveniently situated tree. Ah, what the hell, he might as well. He took a running start and leapt through the window. He smashed into the tree, and barely managed to grab on to one of the branches. He dropped from it, and landed on the concrete where he staggered for a second. It wasn't elegantly done, but at least he hadn't hurt himself.

"Now that that's done, what are you up to? Anything I can tag along on?"

(Sorry for shortness, I suddenly had something to do. @SkyFilms )
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"I've lost interest."

Rivern blinked his eyes repetitively for a moment wondering if it'd conserve any remaining energy or preferably sweep his constant fatigue away. He attempted to think thoughts consisting of the statements, 'wow I'm full of energy today', or 'man am I glad I got an hour of sleep last week now I have all of this energy!' Having remembered from a forgotten source that you can trick your mind momentarily if you did so, but his interest in the subject slowly plummeted down his list of priorities as the results weren't instant or that the information was truly false.

When the male spoke up once more Riverns head perked up from his shoes as he nodded quietly in agreement, a clump of his golden hair hiding the small upward curve of his chapped lips.

A gun, wouldn't that be a useful thing in todays world. But the constant worry of bullets and keeping it hidden from anyone who may appear seemed like an irritating con to the whole situation. Something he'd rather stray away from, keeping in touch with his creative elements to make whatever tools he needed.

The stranger spoke up once more telling him to wait, and he did. But for what reason? Usually he'd contently stroll away never being one for human interaction, it was natural for him to keep to himself and be far from others. But his next encounter with another person could be far from the near future, it was hard to tell now.

So he stood casually, leaning into his right leg as he awaited for the figures return.

And when he did, he didn't expect such a flawless entrance. Full of such grace and elegance as they collided with the trees tough trunk, of course Rivern had landed roughly mere minutes ago but he couldn't help but smirk once more from the slapstick humor. As the individual recovered and
crouched him he was quick to wipe what emotions he showed from his face scratching one of the two black streaks on his cheek. Now that the other person was up close it was easy to tell he had perhaps a few years on Rivern. And the sight of the other individual having facial hair sent an unseen arrow to reach the target on the back of the younger mans head.

The arrow poking fun at him for never having an ounce of facial hair, not even during an apocalypse.

"Searching for food, with a side serving of scavenging." Rivern announced a bit irritated at the man for having a single trait he'd never acquire despite it all.

"Then whatever else chooses to happen.." He added after readjusting his hood a top his head and beginning down the road once more not looking back as he spoke.

"Of course you can come, on more then one occasion people have told me I don't get along well at first." The blonde spoke truthfully, having heard the statement so many times he thought it to be the truth as well. Yes, he can be a bit agitated when having to go through the patterns of awkward silences and useless questions. But there's nothing like testing a person on being a companion like leaving them behind when spotting something.

(Oh it's just fine, people have lives outside of Rpnation believe it or not. @Kriyze )


? Don't think for a second that you aren't expendable. ?



The sun was starting to hurt his head. Despite the fact that daylight savings times were no longer in effect, Erin was already positive that the sun had risen earlier than usual when he opened his eyes and gazed lazily at the rubble that surrounded him. He blinked slowly, sniffing harshly in order to get him somewhat woken up, but only succeeding in making his eyes even more bloodshot and getting tears to well up behind his eyelids. He sat up quickly, slightly irked at the mild discomfort this new resting place had brought him. The man blinked once more and brought both of his hands to his face, taking the tips of his first four digits and pressing them into his skull, rubbing back and forth gently. His lashes felt wet when he pulled away, but it didn't bother him all that much. Erin looked down at where he had been laying; an old beaten couch cushion rested where his torso just was, cotton protruding from the seams and twigs caught within the tiny hairs of fabric that stuck outward from the cushion cover.

Broken walls of the building before him lay flat on the foundation Erin believed he was on. Some of the pieces of drywall and concrete rested just on the edge of the foundation, causing one end to point upward like a see-saw with only one child on it. The walls had inadvertently created a shoddy roof above Erin's head that he found most useful. He had jumped upon them to check of stability, and none of the walls even budged. He was quite taken aback when he had found it uninhabited.

Looking outward, Erin saw a cracked street; complete with broken traffic lights and collapsed yield signs. He thought he caught a glimpse of a skeleton or two - though, when the world was like this, seeing a dead body was nothing new. After some meager contemplation, he supposed he had to get up at some point and eat, to which his stomach agreed wholeheartedly. So, he stood up and stretched out his back, hearing one or two of his vertebrae pop audibly with a satisfying cracking noise- his rather lanky figure could get fairly cramped at times - and after which he pushed his thick mohawk from his face and walked onward, taking light steps out of his hiding place. He didn't want to get discovered and robbed, now did he? Slowly, he reached into the right pocket of his baggy jeans and pulled out a skinny knife, which he held clenched in his right palm. He only pulled it when he couldn't be sure of the danger he was in.

The sound of a can hitting rocks is what stopped him in his tracks. A satisfied chuckle of victory came soon after, to which Erin ducked down and tried to take cover within the destruction of the city. Trying to keep a look out, his white head slowly crept out to see what was happening. His emerald hues stared, wide-eyed, as a shorter girl came into view abd bent over to pick something up. He ducked downward once more, hiding his entire body, and gripped his serrated knife in hand. He briefly thought about unsheathing his larger knife, but thought better of it - he was pretty sure he could beat the girl in a battle of brute strength if he wanted to.

That is, if she found him.


It was the harsh blow of the air gusting in her face that awoke Diane. Whipping about her chestnut colored hair around her face in a rather unpleasant fashion, the girl bolted upright. And as she did so the mattress that she'd been laying on groaned along with the rigid wind. Then slowly she opened her soft sapphire eyes to the abrasive light that filtered in through a shattered window in the back of the room. However, she immediately swung her gaze away from the blinding window and down to her feet. It took several moments before Diane could bear to look up from the stained, cracked, and decrepit floor boards. The light had temporarily blinded her, but once the sensation faded Diane began to do a room check.

Her look shifted around the room doing a headcount of all her material possessions, including her falchion shortsword that had been passed down from her father, whom was more than likely dead by now, a rugged knapsack, and a flashlight. She began to relax as all the items came into view, none missing from the mellow scene. With a quiet vigor, Diane moved across the room throwing the flashlight into the battered backpack, swinging the pack onto her shoulders, and picking up the sword to be wielded in her hands. As she gave a final glance behind her back, Diane couldn't help but feel at peace being in the broken down home. Sure it had once probably belonged to some long deceased family, smelled like moldy cheese, and had all its windowpanes demolished, but it also brought along with it the type of calm peacefulness that the girl enjoyed.

Once outside, Diane commenced to make her annoyingly long trek to the inner portion of the city. That was where all of the best "food" resided after the bombings prompted the now radioactive animals to seek shelter within New York's skyscrapers. And Diane knew that she had to get food soon or risk starvation. It had already been a week since her last proper meal and she sure as heck wasn't skipping out on one today. After about 30 minutes of walking and a good while thoroughly searching through piles of rubble Diane began to feel fatigued. Nearby she noticed a ancient ramshacked corner store and stepped inside. As usual it had long since been void of it's contents, but Diane noticed a withered away plastic chair up against a wall. Sighing in defeat, she drug the chair so she could look out the window and sat down to take a few moments of rest when her eyes caught on movement out on the street.

It was a girl about Diane age who apparently from the look of things had just caught a morning meal. Diane's mouth watered as if the world's best burger had just been flaunted in front of her face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/jhgfsdfgh.png.de91772d7e5de22fc67bf18205c7331b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/jhgfsdfgh.png.de91772d7e5de22fc67bf18205c7331b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(is not good with fancy formatting)

(Also Imagine Hipster Glasses with gold rimming and solid color black)

Egon unlike many others found the sounds of the night soothing, as he would easily fall asleep to the mysterious rhythm that the night would offer to him, he slept like a baby that night, inside the cold and oddly moist back seat of a Volkswagen van. At the front seat of the Van was a lone corpse whom Egon had looted a wallet, a cool sling back pack (a satchel maybe?) and a jacket. Egon woke up from his sleep and stretched inside the van, many of his bones popping from the crammed sleep, laying in fetal position for such a long time can be a hassle. He had left a few of the windows open so he would not suffocate inside his new home, but it was definitely not helping with the rancid smell of rotting corpses, but now a days that smell was normal to most, that rancid and putrid smell was a welcome sign saying

--"Welcome back to your shitty reality! But hey, At least you're alive!"--

Egon chuckled at his own thoughts as he stepped out of the van, wearing the new jacket he looted off the corpse, the only thing he found in the wallet was a few pieces of green paper, probably dollars, that were both so faded that George Washington as well as Good ol' Abe looked like they were missed most parts of their face, but hey might as well keep it. The other was an ID that went by the name "Rick Taslee" Age 33, there was also another ID for a college it seemed, saying he was a Med Student. Egon looked at Ricks corpse and couldn't help but sigh.

"Well Rick it's time to get you out of here, thanks for lending me the Van."

He said as he grabbed and dragged Rick's rotting corpse outside, the second he moved Rick the smell got about ten times worse, he finished looting Ricks body by taking his cool looking glasses, Egon unaware of what they were. But he remembered seeing the scientists wear these things. He put them on and not much seemed to change, seemed to be these were more of a fashion statement. They were quite odd, Egon couldn't really describe how they looked, but Egon stared at himself from the Rear view mirror the car in Awe. The looked pretty damn cool (In his opinion at least).

Egon made a pitiful looking grave for poor Rick so 1. He wouldn't stink up the place and 2. He had been Egon's only company in the car, even though he was dead. Egon locked the Van's doors and took the keys so he could come back to finish taking stuff from it, he left the windows only slightly open to the point you possibly could not see to air it out a bit, Egon was determined to clean the Van later at least.

Egon began walking down the street, playing with a colorful puzzle toy he found labeled *Rubiks* on some of the little squares, it was a bit hard to solve but Egon was getting the hang of it, still not solving it though. He put the cube away quickly when he heard a sound. He scanned his enviroment and saw a girl picking something up from a pile of rubble next to a building, Egon remained still unable to figure out what to do, he stayed in a still pose for a while simply staring at the girl, as if she were some kind of Alien species. Egon slowly came back to his senses and started walking down the street quietly, hoping he could reach the corner of the street without being noticed, but he felt as if more eyes were on him.

@SilverNova @Evil Ephemera



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xxxxx"Ugh, five more minutes..." Ben muttered turning over onto his side. He was laying underneath what was left of the cashier counter that he had used as a hiding place the night before. He had been offered the frightening experience of coming across a radiated animal that was way to large for him to handle. After one failed attempt at killing it, the creature roared and began to chase after the poor boy. He managed to escape by diving into a nearby corner store and shoving himself under the counter, where he eventually fell asleep with damaged pride and an empty stomach.

xxxxxIt was the sound of something being dragged across the floor that jerked him awake. His eyes snapped open at the sound, and his breathing came to a halt. Something was in the store with him. Mentally cursing at his rotten luck, Benjamin slowly, and quietly crawled out from under the table. He had to be sure of what he had heard, otherwise, he'd be hiding under the counter with a cramped neck for who knows how long over something small. Only what met his eyes wasn't small at all. In fact, it was another human being. A human being.

From the looks of it, she was several years older than him, but that was to be expected. Benjamin hadn't come across anyone his age since the bombs. The stranger was staring out the window, sitting on an old plastic chair in which he figured was what she dragged across the floor. Even though her attention was on something outside of the store, he couldn't help but worry that she had heard him. He would just have to take the chance and hope that she was oblivious to his presence, and maybe, just maybe, she would leave sometime soon. Benjamin took one last look at the woman before retreating back underneath the counter, using his backpack as a pillow as he laid back down into a somewhat comfortable but cramped position.


[[OoC:// I am currently working on Bella's post, but there' no guarantee that I'm posting it any time due to the fact that I need to leave for my brother's B-day dinner soon. Sorry for the delay! @.@ ]]

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"I've never met anyone who wasn't worth saving."

═══╬══╬═══ Sєbคstin × Cooӄє ═══╬══╬═══

"Searching for food, with a side serving of scavenging." Well, at least he had some humor. Since half of Sebastians breakfast was spread across the floor, covered in dust and plate shards, he might as well tag along. He wasn't gonna go full from that meal. "Then whatever else chooses to happen.." Well, that could've meant anything. Of course, Sebastian didn't believe he meant anything bad by it. Just that things might happen, or they might not. Interesting things are rather common in this dead world, ironically. "Of course you can come, on more than one occasion people have told me I don't get along well at first." Sebastian smiled, as if he wasn't already. The smile never gets off his face. He pulled up the backpack to get a better grip on it, and scratched his chin.

He started walking towards the man. He was younger than him, that much looked certain. "Well, no worries! I'm sure we'll get along just fine. You haven't tried to kill me, steal my things, or run off yet. That's all a plus in my book!" He walked until he was at an arms distance of the boy, and raised his arm for a shake. "Name's Sebastian, but you can call me Seb if it gets too long for you!" He first looked him in the eyes, but then he looked over his shoulder to behind him. He wasn't usually very perceptive, but something had caught his eyes somewhere far off.

He had no idea what he had seen, it just looked like a movement, and it might as well have been nothing. He just looked in the direction with an interested expression for a few seconds. "I think I saw something just now. Let's check it out!" He said enthusiasticly.

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"I've lost interest."

Rivern let out a small yawn into the back of his hand, awaiting the sound of steps either approaching him or walking in the other direction. And was pleasantly surprised to hear the mans feet following him at a quick pace as they fought to catch back up with him the younger mans speed never faltering. His hands found the single string once more, unwind, wind, unwind, wind. A continuous pattern as he listened to the other individual speak, nodding along to make it known that he was listening. The curt bob of his head causing strands of his hair to fall in front of his gaze only to be swept away with the flick of his wrist.

Out of the corner of his eye a flash of skin was pointed in his direction and he lazily turned his attention to the man, who's name he found to be Sebastian. The gesture was meant to be kind he knew, but he couldn't bring himself to take the mans hand despite his kindness. Riverns annoying fear of physical contact coming into play, so instead he rested his hands behind his head lacing his fingers like a

"Well I think your parents would like people to call you by your name even if it has a bit of length. So don't expect me to call you Seb or Sebby, the only names other then your own I'm gonna call you are for when you make me irritated." Rivern stated in a cool voice referring to the long list of names he had come to know from the past couple years.

"Rivern, people called me River at some point but you haven't reached that level yet." He introduced himself, yes perhaps his mood was a bit sour but Sebastian would have to understand that this was the type of person he was most of the time in the early stages. If he didn't like it, then meh more single person strolls for him.

At the mention of movement Rivern halted looking in the direction the other male was staring off into, when the thought of looking into it had been brought up he gave a silent nod before taking off in the direction with words. His combat boots silent against the concrete as he made his way over quickly to a spot near the destination to observe what the noise originated from.



ß є ʟ ʟ α м ч • ζ υ x Ɍ σ s α в є ʟ ↖↖↖

Yes, I am more intelligent that you are.

xxxxxAh yes, the sweet victory of killing an innocent animal for the sake of survival. It had been several days since she had last eaten a good meal, and today she would be feasting on the radiated body of a dead rat. Maybe not her first choice on the menu. but it was far better than nothing. Bellamy looked down at the soda can knife she held, just when she felt a familiar feeling creep up her spine. She was being watched.

xxxxxBellamy wiped the bloody hunting weapon on her pants and turned around casually, as if heading back to her nonexistent camp. She took that moment to take a quick scan of her surroundings. Another pair of eye were on her now, she was sure of it. If only she had been more cautious of her surroundings when picking up that stupid rat, no one would have found her. This was uncommon. She had hardly ever seen more than one person at a time. The probability of that happening might as well have been 18.36 out of 100. And it was, she had done the math herself. Maybe it was the backpack that caught so many people's attention. After all, neon pink wasn't exactly the most stealthy of colors.

xxxxxThat was when her eyes set on a man not too far from where she stood. He was presumably in his early twenties, much like Bella. He stood there, frozen, just staring straight at her without making any efforts to conceal himself. It was as if the guy had never seen another human in his life before. The girl debated on whether or not she should speak up, but it seemed he wasn't seeking for anyone to converse with, as he simply just continued walked on his merry way. Now it was Bella's turn to stare at him. Even though he had stared at her for so long, he decided on just walking on without a word. This wasn't a normal thing for humans to do, right? According to a book on human body language she had found a couple of months ago, walking away after looking at her for so long would mean that he was upset at her in one way or another.

xxxxxA look of confusion crossed her face as the thought occurred to her. What had she done to upset this man? How could she change this? Quickly, Bella pulled the book out of her backpack, flipping through the pages, praying that the one she needed the most hadn't been ripped out. Ah yes, here it was. The book had also informed her that to change their feelings she would have to comfort them and apologize for her wrongdoings, a hug would suffice as well. Yes, yes, that was it. Since she didn't know what to apologize for, this thing called a 'hug' would save her from having to speak.

xxxxxAfter giving herself what seemed to be a nod of approval, Bella closed the book and put it back into her bag. She began to make her way towards the man, and would have successfully reached him as well if she hadn't caught movement from the corner of her eye. It was another person, undoubtedly. She couldn't see him very well, but the mop of white hair and flash of black skin suggested enough for her to know he was probably the one that had been watching her earlier. "Can I help you?"

[[OoC:// *cough* I hope her lack of social skills will suffice. ]]

@Russian God @Cressy
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nastasia Mehta~

"Why would I help you?"

Ana yawned as she woke up in dim light of another gloomy day. The dumb clicking had been keeping her up all night and it seemed like she had just fallen asleep 10 seconds ago. Sat up slowly, feeling her body as she moved to see how her injuries were healing. She still had a gash on her side and her rib was probably still cracked but the rest seemed to be fine. Or at least, enough so she could move around. She rubbed her bright yellow-green eyes and gently blinked a few times to get them focused. She looked around at her surroundings, forgetting for a second why she was here. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she remembered. Jay... she thought. Tears pricked the back of her eyes as she remembered the events of two days ago when her companion and maybe something more had been killed by another wanderer trying to protect her. He had been the only person she had trusted since this whole ordeal had begun and now he was gone. Just like that. She had buried him and all but it didn't give her much closure. The wound was still fresh.

She got up and grabbed her bag of the floor of the old church she had been hiding in. The roof had collapsed long ago and one of the walls was pretty much gone but it protected her from the wind and other people so she felt pretty safe there. She looked towards the door. It was now or never. She had to face the world sometime and she was starting to get weaker from not eating in... well she wasn't sure how long it had been since she'd had actual food. She had gotten crumbs here and there but that was really it. Either way, she needed to get a decent meal in her or she wouldn't be able to get it at all.

Ana walked outside into the damp air and looked around. She hadn't been able to take much in when she had first gotten here, she was too overtaken with grief to even care what was around but now that she was out here and her mind was clear, Ana could see that there were a few building scattered around and some trees as well. She looked to her right and saw an old dilapidated building that looked to be an old store. She decided that that was probably her best bet and started walking towards it.

She had only gotten to the corner of the store when she heard voices. She quickly flattened herself against the side of the wall and took deep breaths. Okay. This is fine. I can still get into the store. I just have to get around them and through the door. It's fine. she tried to reassure herself. She reached into her bag and pulled out a switch blade and deftly opened it up. She took one last deep breath and poked her head around the corner. Shit. No way past. I'll just stay here and watch. Maybe they'll leave soon and won't see me. I'd hate to have to kill someone. Ana tried to move herself so she could get a better view without being seen but she managed to kick the side of the building lightly with her foot. A scuffing sound emanated from the wall and Ana froze in her spot. They were going to find her and kill her. She tightened her grip on the knife and froze against the wall. Praying they didn't find her.

@Russian God @Evil Ephemera
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? Don't think for a second that you aren't expendable. ?



The girl he was staring at definitely knew he was there, of that much he was sure. She looked like an enhanced human - not that he was one of those extremists who hated the things, he just knew the difference between a regular and a special human. She moved with grace and stealth, something of which no human Erin had ever met [besides Brutal, who had to remain quiet in order to kill people] had accomplished. They were all very loud and somewhat obnoxious, he had thought. But, the girl was just doing what she knew in order to survive. Though.. she didn't look like she could last very long out here where there is nothing. Then again, she's enhanced so there was no telling what abilities she held up her sleeve. He would rather not find out the hard way, too.

When his attention had crawled back to the female in front of him, he noticed that something else had caught her attention, and for now he felt as if he was in the clear. Her eyes were locked upon something that was just out of Erin's sight, but she began to walk towards it [which he was grateful for.] As soon as she started to move, his head poked out again, trying to get a better look at the situation before him. Just as he was about to lay eyes on a short figure that stood a little ways away, he looked over at the woman only the find that she was practically making eye contact with him. With haste, he ducked back downward, hiding himself once more from the stranger before him [not very well I might add.]

"Can I help you?"

Her voice rung out clearly in the quiet air around him, and for some strange reason, he wasn't sure if she was talking to him or to the stranger she had been walking towards. Erin decided to test his luck and poke his head out again, his mop of messy white hair falling forward over his forehead. His green eyes bored into her head, trying to gain eye contact so that he might know something more about the girl before him.

"Who're you talkin' to?" His own voice boomed louder than he had meant it to within the silence, but he decided it was a mistake worth making. Maybe she would take his presence with caution if he seemed more impending to her. But, he supposed that only worked if she intended to be a threat to him. There was no doubt in his mind that, if she were hell bent on killing people, she would've killed him by now.

//I have a shapeshifter that would've probably done the same thing, haha.

@Evil Ephemera, @Cressy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/jhgfsdfgh.png.bd4f3cbb5b1e9a6c424b76105b690d1b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/jhgfsdfgh.png.bd4f3cbb5b1e9a6c424b76105b690d1b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Egon continued walking and let out a bit of a sigh of relief, he headed for the nearby curb, only a few more steps and he would be away from any type of danger, he honestly just wanted some peace today and not something completely out of the ordinary. Although Egon's prayers would be completely ignored as when he turned his head, the woman started walking over to him, her neon backpack peeking from behind her body as she walked, as if on cue a spine chilling breeze seemed to blow at Egon, making him cringe a little as he continued walking a little faster, he just needed to reach that corner and run at godspeed and he would avoid any danger, he honestly just wanted to scavenge some food today, nothing more!

"Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope..." He continued whispering under his breath

But Egon stopped in his tracks when he heard her voice, she asked

"Can I help you?"

Egon assumed she was speaking directly to him, as he was not looking at her, he sighed and turned with gusto and a bit more of a macho air, attempting to scare her off with intimidation tactics he had read about in a book (sadly they were male vs male intimidation tactics that elks would use to claim
territory or a woman.)but he obviously pretty damn nervous. When he turned around he said

"Ahem! Um ye-"

Egon stopped himself as he saw her talking to what it seems like a broken down wall, okay he had met weird people throughout his years, but this girl easily made the top... 4, yeah definitely a 4th place for her, she was pretty dang wild, but he then realized when he looked closer that there was another person hiding behind the wall, the mess of white hair that seemed to peek out every once in a while was definitely not Egon's vision messing with him. He wasn't imagining things either, it was more people the one thing he didn't want right now. He got surprised when the voice from behind the wall spoke up loudly.

"Who're you talkin' to?" the voice said

Yeah this day was going to be kind of weird... Also... Was that the sound of scratching he just heard very lightly... scuffing? Man words are weird, Egon dismissed it for now.



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ß є ʟ ʟ α м ч • ζ υ x Ɍ σ s α в є ʟ ↖↖↖

Yes, I am more intelligent that you are.

xxxxxHer head tilted slightly as she watched the man before her poke his head out, taking note of her presence and then retreating back into his hiding space as if it would make any difference to her knowledge of his location. Had she known what was considered funny, she would have laughed. Instead, she waited quietly as he poked his head out for the second time, this time, he met her gaze. Even with only some of his upper body visible, she could easily tell that he didn't look like most other humans. His skin was completely black with traces of white that suggested the shape of a skeleton. Interesting, to say the least.

xxxxx~Enhanced?~ Was the first thought that came to her mind before she quickly pushed it away. It couldn't be. If this man could change levels of melanin in his skin, he wouldn't use it to look like, well... that. Other than his skin, he didn't seem unnatural. His eyes were green, and his gaze was unwavering and unafraid, despite the fact that he had tried to hide himself from her just seconds before. Her book gave a sufficient amount of information as to what eye contact could suggest. Apparently it was a way of nonverbal communication, either positive or negative, but she didn't feel as if she was communicating with him in anyway. It could also be a form of intimidation, yet he didn't seem intimidating at all.

xxxxxThen what did this eye contact mean? Bellamy searched through her brain, surely she had read the answer somewhere...

xxxxx"Who're you talkin' to?"

xxxxxThat was it! This type of eye contact was for typically polite conversations. It was so the person knew who you were talking to, and felt as if they were being listened to. But if she was making eye contact with him, why was he confused as to who she was talking to? Perhaps he was also learning how to socialize with others, but he wasn't an enhanced human, surely he was more skilled at socializing than she was. "I assumed eye contact would make the answer to that question obvious." She replied simply.

xxxxxThe man's booming voice had probably scared away any prey nearby, but it didn't bother her too much. She had already caught her breakfast. "May I ask the reason as to why you were watching me?" Bellamy asked, making sure to offer eye contact when she spoke. It was the sound of scuffing that caused her to break her eye contact. Maybe his voice hadn't scared off all the animals after all. Her gray eyes flashed as the thought of another animal to add to her meal flashed before her as she instinctively took her knife and threw it in the direction from where the noise came from.

[[OoC:// The knife was made out of a buttload of aluminum cans. Won't do much damage unless it's a smaller animal. :L Probably just gonna bounce off a wall. ;-;]]

@Russian God @kaatyy


? Don't think for a second that you aren't expendable. ?



"I assumed eye contact would make the answer to that question obvious." Her voice sounded rather emotionless for someone holding a conversation with another. It was probably her eye contact that kept him from thinking she was talking to herself. He shrugged one shoulder in response to her question, his mouth remaining closed, his green eyes locked upon her with a suspicion that was often found within feral cats. Despite her nonchalance, Erin wasn't quite so accepting of company. He possessed an inherent distrust for other people, one that made chance encounters hard to overcome, and was still uncertain of her intentions. He brought a hand up to his head, wringing his thick fingers through the platinum locks. His eyebrows were drawn low in thought as he contemplated how to greet her. He heard a faint reply in the distance, and he assumed it was the other person he saw just before being confronted. He glanced over, craning his head upward in order to try and find the perpetrator, the one who's feet was making all that noise. In the end, he decided the girl's attention was more pressing, and he would just find the other stranger later if he wasn't too far gone.

His lack of reply was what probably enticed her to speak to him once more.
"May I ask the reason as to why you were watching me?" Her voice sounded un-empathetic. It lacked emotion or concern. Erin felt only the slightest bit belittled by the stranger. Who was she, freaking Spock? "Oh that course of action would be illogical. I assume there was an easier plan that you chose to ignore." Yeah, right... She was an odd species, he would give her that.

"I was waiting for you to leave. I had to watch you to make sure you weren't planning anything funny." Erin shrugged at her once more, exhaling a quick breath that he had inadvertently been holding. "You can't be too careful nowadays. Though... I'm pretty used to it by now.." His eyes flicked upward and passed the enhanced woman that stood before him. There had been a scuffling noise, one as if someone took the tip of their combat boot and scraped it against the concrete. It was an extremely identifiable sound, one that broke through Erin's train of thought and grasped the other girl's attention. They were both looking in the same direction, now - at the abandoned store just across the street. Erin had little to no time to react before the girl in front of him tossed what looked to be a prison shank into the shadowy shelter in front of them. Erin himself placed a hand on the handle of the combat knife that was strapped to his side.

"Jesus. You're one to shoot now and ask questions later, aren't ya?" He glanced indignantly at the female before him, almost scoffing with her reaction. He only dwelt on the subject for a moment further before straightening his stance to his full height, and taking a deep breath. He spoke in a calm baritone, one that was made to entice rather than scare. "If you're going to come out, you better do it now before Tomb Raider over here stabs you."

@Evil Ephemera @kaatyy

~Anastasia Mehta~

"Why would I help you?"

Ana saw the girl throw the makeshift knife and where it's trajectory was. She jumped out of the way just as it whizzed by her face. Of course, that led her right into the open, where she could be seen by everyone. She stared at the two- no three- figures that were out there. She could just see another person out of the corner of her eye but she didn't want to look away from the other two to see if he had seen her as well. Right now, the immediate threat was right in front of her and she wasn't about to let them get a jump on her.

They looked to be around her age. The girl was definitely enhanced. But the boy... the boy was... strange. He had markings all over him in a pattern that confused Ana. She raised up her blade and narrowed her eyes. Looking at the boy who had spoken. "Yeah well Tomb Raider shouldn't be trying to off someone before she even sees them." She looked directly at the girl and assessed her. She was a match for Ana but probably not a threat. She seemed to be calculating everything around her and something about her made it seem like she wasn't quite certain of how to react to anything.

Ana stepped a bit closer to them. Her senses on high alert. She widened her vision to take in the space around her. She counted one, two, three possible ways to escape and an exit that was hidden to the normal human eye because of the lighting. She cautiously took another step towards them and looked at the man's knife. "I'm not here to hurt. I'm in no mood. Now if you'll lower that, I'll lower mine." She didn't want to start anything because she was too weak but she wasn't about to let them know that. Some people had been so desperate for food that they had started eating other people. She was curious about them though. Call it loneliness or what have you but after Jay's death, maybe being with people wasn't the worst idea. As long as they weren't crazy murderers.

@Russian God @Evil Ephemera


"I've never met anyone who wasn't worth saving."

═══╬══╬═══ Sєbคstin × Cooӄє ═══╬══╬═══

(Soz for holding you back @SkyFilms )

Sebastian was a little disappointed when he refused to shake his hand, but to each their own. "Well I think your parents would like people to call you by your name even if it has a bit of length." Sebastian gave out a short laugh. "I don't think my parents would mind at all! They were the one's who started calling me Sebby!" "So don't expect me to call you Seb or Sebby, the only names other then your own I'm gonna call you are for when you make me irritated." He almost sounded if he was already angry with Sebastian. Strange, he had no idea why he would already be discontent with Sebastian. "Fair enough, I don't mind." He was starting to see why some people might have a problem with this guy. He couldn't himself though. He could never bring himself to dislike anyone.

"Rivern, people called me River at some point but you haven't reached that level yet." Sebastian was thinking of something humorous to respond to that statement, but his brain clearly wasn't quick enough, as Rivern seemed to be interested in checking out whatever he thought he saw. He didn't expect him to be so quick, neither. He hurriedly sprinted after Rivern, but wasn't quite as fast, or quite as elegant and quiet. When Rivern finally stopped, Sebastian caught up and leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath. "You.. Are.. Fast.. You know that?" He took a deep breath, his heart still beating like crazy. Despite being out and about a lot, Sebastian wasn't exactly athletic. He wasn't fat, and he had a fair amount of muscles on him, but he was not a good runner.

He stuck his head out and looked in the direction he'd seen movement. He didn't see anything now, but he was pretty sure there'd been something. His makeshift bow was strapped to his backpack, and he contemplated whether or not he should grab it. He decided that he shouldn't in case what he'd seen wasn't an animal. He would never hurt a human again. He started walking in the direction rather fast paced, not waiting for Rivern to follow, if he was still going to. He wasn't sure, Rivern seemed pretty sporadic, he might do anything. Coming around the corner of a building, he thought he spottted something a bit away. "Is that.... People?" He said to himself. He kept his pace up, and closed the distance between them. Yepp, those were people alright.

They didn't look particularly friendly though, had they just met eachother? Not that it mattered to Sebastian. He already knew what he was going to do. Same as always. He approached the group- or well.. Group and group. There was a girl talking to a man sitting behind a short wall, and there was another man just standing about. They weren't exactly a "group". Nontheless, he approached them, and as per usual revealed his position by loudly exclaiming "Hey there! How are ya'll doing?" as he rounded the corner of a tipped bus, making himself very obvious.


@Russian God

@Evil Ephemera






Her stare unwavering, Diane watched as the girl with the rat looked contemptuously over her newfound meal. She appeared to be about the same age as Diane, but less equipped to moving out in the open. Her movements were jagged, but yet fluid in a odd way. It was like this stranger really hadn't been around other humans in her lifetime. That was to be expected of course what with the apocalypse obliterating nearly all of the human populace. However, Diane felt wave of confusion wash over her. How can someone have NEVER spent time around other's before? Unless... She suddenly realized with shock that the girl out on the street bared all the signs of an enhanced one. For awhile Diane had been contemplating rushing out on the street, thinking she could take down the girl and steal the meal. Although now she slowly got up from her stiff chair realizing that if her movements were too quick she could catch the street girl's attention. With a quiet vigor she inched herself away from the window pane just enough so she wouldn't be noticed from the streets, but could still peer out at the worn away road.

Diane breathed a sigh of relief as the girl turned. She obviously hadn't seen her or at least didn't appear to have noticed Diane looking from the store down the street. She wasn't sure what she would've done had the girl detected her. It was very likely, she supposed, that she would've rushed out at her, sword at the ready. But then again, she knew that there was a chance that it wouldn't have made a difference anyways. Who knows what kinds of powers the street girl possessed.

Deep in thought now, Diane's attention was drawn back to the road once more as without warning more movement arose. At first she had assumed the girl was alone, but now it looked like her predictions had been false. Several people became visible on the outside road now. "Dammit!" Diane muttered under her breath, frantically moving farther away from the window so that she couldn't even see out of it any more. One person she could take on, maybe even if they had some sort of enhancement over her. Though with at least 4 people moving about on the asphalt, she knew she was in a dire situation.

Abruptly a soft shuffle was heard from behind the store's checkout counter. Biting her lower lip, Diane paused to realize that what was outside may have been the least of her worries. Something was in the store with her. she waited several beats knowing that if it was an animal it would more than likely continue to shuffle about without regard that Diane was right there. Yet the sound stopped and she decided to take the chance of getting at whatever was behind the counter before it got her.

Taking a moment to test out the weight of her short sword in her hands, Diane swung the lightweight object in an intimidating circle. As a result of the speed that the knife slashed through the air a soft hum could be distinguished. Without further hesitation she darted toward the counter, leaped elegantly over it, and spun around to face...a boy? Her weapon was poised in a cautionary manner at the teenager's throat and Diane's eyes slitted, contemplating what this boy was doing in the store with her. A hint of impatience was laced through her voice as she growled down at him, "What are you doing here?"

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"I've lost interest"

(It is just fine, although I was missing your posts. :P @Kriyze )

Rivern pressed his back against an unspecified building, his eyes searching around the edge looking for the ounce of movement Sebastian had caught. With his terrible curiosity burning within him he pleaded to see what it could have been, this making it a difficult task to tare his gaze away to look back at the older male as he spoke. His right foot silently tapped atop the sidewalk the fidgeting character never able to cease his movement entirely.

When Sebastian commented on his speed he-although it was something enhanced on him from the scientists- gladly took it as a compliment smirking under what he took as praise.

"Thank you." Was his single response as he melted into the wall to allow the other individual to look as well. The building side they leaned against help strips of ivy as patches of the plant life clung to the wall, slithering up the vertical wall. It was interesting to see the things that still held a small amount of beauty, the sight odd and reminiscent.

Riverns head flicked from the wall to Sebastian as he thought he heard the male say something, his ears never being the best he didn't quite catch what his said only hearing the ending of the statement. Or perhaps question. About to lean past the man and look for himself, he halted mid movement as Sebastian rounded the corner making his way towards the beings. Rivern paused for a moment a bit in shock that he'd walk away without his consent, that was his thing.

The blonde narrowed his gaze his eyes peaking out of slits as they bore into the back of the man a small smirk of amusement appearing on his expression. Before stalking after him his gloved hands hidden within his jackets pockets, his slender fingers fumbling with his lifes worth of lint which stuck itself to the inside of the old pockets.

The younger male didn't think much about what they where doing although he should've, as he trailed behind Sebastian he barely stopped himself from going out into the open after the man.

Staying hidden behind the bus he began tugging at his hair comically in pent up frustration he mentally scolded Sebastian, shouting how unlike himself some people where lucky in the scavenging department and wouldn't hesitate to attack a polite yelling man.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/jhgfsdfgh.png.df1ab53d614c1ba83dcf432bd8590de6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/jhgfsdfgh.png.df1ab53d614c1ba83dcf432bd8590de6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Egon remained silent for the most part while the white haired boy with skeleton markings and the girl with the neon backpack talked, for some reason Egon continued to stand there, still as a rock, wondering why there were so many people in this one area, soon enough he saw the girl with the neon backpack throw a makeshift knife at a wall, okay either this girl was craz- ANOTHER PERSON!? seriously just how many people were there in this one spot, was there going to be some kind of ambush on them? Egon could probably spare some flesh, I mean he could regenerate. But he liked his flesh so he decided to leave that thought. He looked at the new girl with the switch blade, she had blood red hair which Egon found kinda cool, his hair was just black, he wondered how she got that color of red on her hair. But he also thought that the guy with white hair looked kinda young as he stood, why does he have white hair.

--Maybe if I start walking away quietly I can escape without being noticed, they all seem kinda focused on each other- --

Egon's thoughts of escape were quickly annihilated as another man made his way to them and he had a clear view of pretty much everyone, which was kinda ruining Egon's plans, Egon sighed as he just ignored it and continued to walk away nonchalantly, hoping they would say nothing, but as soon as he turned he felt a small flash/glint from the inside of the shop, Egon could not help but be curious and walked inside to see what it was, at first he scanned his surroundings, 1) there was pretty good stuff, 2) There was a girl looking under the counter for some reason.

"Um... Hi there." he said

Yeah this wasn't going to end well.

@SilverNova @Evil Ephemera



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ß є ʟ ʟ α м ч • ζ υ x Ɍ σ s α в є ʟ ↖↖↖

Yes, I am more intelligent that you are.

xxxxx"I was waiting for you to leave. I had to watch you to make sure you weren't planning anything funny." The man stated, moving his shoulders in unfamiliar fashion. It took her a moment to stare in confusion before she realized it was just a simple shrug. An action that displayed the feeling of being unsure. That would mean this man was unsure of his answer, but he didn't seem very confused. Bella decided against replying as he continued to talk. Although, it was more like she wasn't exactly sure how to reply to him. She had yet to find a book on keeping a conversation with another human.

xxxxxA look of disappointment crossed over her face when the her knife slammed against the wall, but when the girl jumped out as a result, her expression quickly faded. "Jesus. You're one to shoot now and ask questions later, aren't ya?" The man commented. Her gaze flickered momentarily towards him. Was he referring to her as this, 'Jesus' person? No, no. Definitely not. She vaguely recalled the scientists using this person's name whenever they experience shock, happiness, or frustration. The human race was strange.

xxxxxThe two of them began to talk, speaking about another person they called, "Tomb Raider." This definitely wasn't a name she had heard before. And it didn't seem like one used to express emotion. It took her a second to realize that they were referring to her as this, Tomb Raider. Was it because they had seen her take things off of dead bodies? Of course not, the bodies had not been buried in tombs, they were just laying about. These people were delusional.

xxxxx"I do not raid tombs." She stated in her defense, "I assumed you were an animal." Bella explained, before pausing momentarily. The last time she explained to a scientist that he was only a mammal without entirely evident fur, she had received a slap to the face. Humans didn't quite enjoy being called animals it seemed, even if they really were. "My apologies." Bella added, her eyes scanning over this new stranger. Her movements suggested that she was suspicious of the two, which was a given, but Bella noticed something else within the way she walked and held up her blade. She was weak. No, not her overall strength. From the looks of it, the girl hadn't eaten for days, and was far too malnourished to be much of a threat. Well, to the man anyways. Bella was not about to throw herself into combat over something so trivial.

xxxxxFrom the corner of her eye, Bella noticed just a flicker of movement. Her eyes darted in the direction in which she had seen it, only to find an empty and broken corner store a distance away. If there really was something their, she would have to assess it later, but before she could turn back to face the girl, another unfamiliar voice pierced through the tension. "Hey there! How are ya'll doing?" Bellamy turned her gaze towards the second man that had joined them, walking straight out into the open, much unlike the previous strangers she had come across. If she remembered correctly, humans asked that question as either a friendly greeting, or a way of showing their concern as to how the person was feeling. Judging by the situation it was meant as a greeting. According to the book, it was expected for people to reply positively, regardless of their situation. "Doing well. Thank you for your concern."

[[OoC:// asdfghjkl;, so many posts to work with. @.@ And I felt so awkward writing this post as well, Bella you idiot. ><;; ]]



Ƀenjamin Ⱦripp Ϣhitlock


xxxxx"Dammit!" As if it was possible, Benjamin shrunk down even farther into the ground at the sound of her voice, only for the movement of his head to make just the slightest bit of noise. ~Shit.~ He thought, squeezing his eyes closed as he pictured the many different possibilities in which he would be dying tonight. She looked strong, and was probably just going to slam his head into some dirty brick to end his life. No, she'd strangle him to death, cutting off his oxygen was a quiet way to go, and would keep people from hearing anything. or even worse... She'd knock him unconscious only to wake up and find himself tied onto a spit and cooked over an open fire! Oh God. Goodbye, cruel world...

The sound of a sword, slicing through the air was what brought him back to reality. How did he not notice that she had a sword?! She was going to chop him up, limb after limb, until only his head remained. The silence that came after was utterly frightening. She definitely knew he was there. It was way too quiet for there to be no tension in the air, he could feel it.

xxxxxWithout even giving Ben enough time to blink, the woman swung over the table, turning to face him, the tip of her weapon already at his throat. If Ben hadn't been so sure of his imminent death, he would have taken the time to admire her elegance. But obviously, that wasn't going to happen. Ben squeezed his eyes shut for the second time, this time, waiting for her to scream, "Off with your head!" before ending his life, but the sword didn't move.

xxxxx"What are you doing here?"Ben opened one eye, only to be met with her face. Not that it was a bad face, he was just kind of hoping that it wouldn't be there. Her voice resembled more of a low wolf's growl rather an an actual woman, and her eyes were narrowed in suspicion and anger, as if he had just been peeping on her while she was changing. Benjamin offered a small, nervous laugh before opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Since he was still shaking in fear, it took him some time to compose himself. "I, uh.. I was, uhm, sleeping! Yeah- I was sleeping here, and then I woke up and you were here, and, and..." He lifted his hand up and tapped the blade that was still pointed at his throat. "I like your sword! Yeah, it's very, uh... sharp." Maybe if he complimented her, she wouldn't kill him. Women liked compliments, as far as he knew.

xxxxxAs if on cue, someone else walked into the corner store. "Um... Hi there." Although Ben couldn't see the stranger, his voice made it quite obvious that he was a man. "Oh look! Your boyfriend's here! Yeah, y-you should really go to him!" Benjamin said, another nervous laugh finding its way into his words, until he realized that with her aggressive attitude, she probably didn't have a boyfriend. No offense. "Uh, I-I mean. You're so beautiful that what guy wouldn't want to be your boyfriend o-or girlfriend, right?"


[[OoC:// Here's Ben's post. I might not be able to post again today though. My mother has concluded that I have no life and is making me leave the house. ]]

@SilverNova @Cressy
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