- One on One
- Group
cupid's arrow
Full Name |
Nicknames | If applicable
Stage Name | If applicable
Age | 21 - 38
Birthday |
Gender |
Sexuality |
Occupation |
Height |
Hair |
Eyes |
Body Type |
Mods |
Scars |
Face Claim |
Likes |
Dislikes |
Habits |
Fears |
Vices | 4+ with description
Virtues | 4+ with description
Backstory | Two paragraph minimum
Ideal Type |
Ideal Date |
Ideal Home |
Ideal Wedding |
Other | Any other additional things you'd like to add
დ This will be taking place in South Korea, however, South Korean face claims aren’t required!
დ Realistic face claims are required
დ There will be no forced pairings, everyone will figure out who they want as their marriage partner in the discord server so it makes things easier
დ Just because you pair up with someone, it doesn’t mean they have to fall in love, love triangles and such are always welcome
დ There are only 9 available spots right now, four women and five men (if there are open slots, you may make a second character)
დ If you are accepted, I will react to your cs with a heart
დ Put your character’s favorite food to show you’ve read the rules
Nicknames | If applicable
Stage Name | If applicable
Age | 21 - 38
Birthday |
Gender |
Sexuality |
Occupation |
Height |
Hair |
Eyes |
Body Type |
Mods |
Scars |
Face Claim |
Likes |
Dislikes |
Habits |
Fears |
Vices | 4+ with description
Virtues | 4+ with description
Backstory | Two paragraph minimum
Ideal Type |
Ideal Date |
Ideal Home |
Ideal Wedding |
Other | Any other additional things you'd like to add
The Guidelines
დ Realistic face claims are required
დ There will be no forced pairings, everyone will figure out who they want as their marriage partner in the discord server so it makes things easier
დ Just because you pair up with someone, it doesn’t mean they have to fall in love, love triangles and such are always welcome
დ There are only 9 available spots right now, four women and five men (if there are open slots, you may make a second character)
დ If you are accepted, I will react to your cs with a heart
დ Put your character’s favorite food to show you’ve read the rules
coded by yours truly, social