• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern cupid's arrow დ applications



Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
cupid's arrow
Full Name |
Nicknames | If applicable
Stage Name | If applicable
Age | 21 - 38
Birthday |
Gender |
Sexuality |
Occupation |

Height |
Hair |
Eyes |
Body Type |
Mods |
Scars |
Face Claim |

Likes |
Dislikes |
Habits |
Fears |

Vices | 4+ with description
Virtues | 4+ with description
Backstory | Two paragraph minimum

Ideal Type |
Ideal Date |
Ideal Home |
Ideal Wedding |

Other | Any other additional things you'd like to add

The Guidelines
დ This will be taking place in South Korea, however, South Korean face claims aren’t required!
დ Realistic face claims are required
დ There will be no forced pairings, everyone will figure out who they want as their marriage partner in the discord server so it makes things easier
დ Just because you pair up with someone, it doesn’t mean they have to fall in love, love triangles and such are always welcome
დ There are only 9 available spots right now, four women and five men (if there are open slots, you may make a second character)
დ If you are accepted, I will react to your cs with a heart
დ Put your character’s favorite food to show you’ve read the rules
coded by yours truly, social
Moon Da-ye
26 years old — May 1st


looks —
height — 168.8 cm
weight — 55 kg
body type — ectomorph

hair — her hair is currently dark brown, having dyed it back after she was blonde for a white
eyes — dark brown, occasionally will wear blue colored contacts
mods — ear piercings
scars — on the top of her hand from when she got bitten by a dog

style — 01 02 03
face claim — hani

persona —
likes — singing, playing instruments, learning languages, cooking, sleeping in, going out with friends, karaoke, clubs, dancing, cartoons, anime, dogs, kids, family, friends, the ocean, roadtrips, junk food, dad jokes, teasing people, pranks

dislikes — fake people, crying, losing her voice, bad dramas, scandals, sour candy, being bored, the hospital, needles, diets, not eating, short skirts, covering up her blemishes, dry hair, lots of makeup, early mornings, slang, losing, bullies, boring outfits

habits — sings all the time (ie, the shower, car, elevator), she bounces her leg when she's nervous, tends to go into dialect when she's excited

fears — being unable to sing, losing family members, cancer

personality —
vices —

virtues —

backstory —
- has an older brother that's 10 years older
- her parents were vv unhappy the entire marriage
- when she was 8 years old her mom got cancer
- her parents divorced at 9
- her mother gained full custody of her, but her health caused daye to stay with her grandparents most of the time, occasionally her father
- when she was 11 her mother finally recovered from cancer and actually started to date again
- coincidentally, she started seeing her doctor who helped her through cancer
- but daye was unaware of this as her mother didn't want to interrupt her childhood by bringing in a new man and having him be her father
- he wasn't introduced to her as her mother's boyfriend until she was 15 years old
- around this time she was scouted by a small entertainment agency who thought she had the looks to be a good idol

interview —
ideal type — "my ideal type? well, it would probably be someone that only has eyes for me. i think the idea of love, at first sight, is very romantic and i have always wanted it to happen to me. i think it's charming when a man is attracted to someone and pursues them even if there are better options. is that silly of me?"

ideal date — "something fun? i love to laugh but i'm pretty easy to please so honestly just going to a lake and paddling around is enough to entertain me. i think doing fun things like sight-seeing and whatnot is really important because if you have fun doing regular stuff, you'll have a lot of doing more involved things"

ideal home — "if i had to pick it would be a modern home. i find modern decor to be very unique and creative which i think is important for my future home as that's what my job is. i like simple color schemes and i think it's nice to have a somewhat bland house as you can have splashes of personality throughout it. but honestly, i'm not that picky haha"

ideal marriage — "a happy one. i really didn't have the best example when it came to marriage because my parents never got along so i have set the bar quite low in my opinion. i think it's important for anyone in a relationship to just be happy and help each other better themselves. i'm not exactly sure what makes marriage work but i think that if two individuals are happy and healthy they can have a strong relationship."

misc —
Nullam vel mauris dapibus, vestibulum orci at, dignissim dui. Donec vitae hendrerit diam. Ut et mi ante. Integer eget venenatis nisl, vitae commodo velit. Integer accumsan, leo nec placerat consectetur, metus tortor ornare erat, quis lobortis nulla urna eget turpis. Nullam dictum est turpis, sit amet varius sem viverra eu. Suspendisse et augue bibendum, tincidunt magna nec, malesuada nisl. Integer eleifend a nibh vel accumsan. In tristique dolor et arcu vehicula blandit. Duis accumsan venenatis purus dignissim ornare. Suspendisse consequat erat et quam elementum, vel suscipit velit volutpat. Curabitur ultrices leo vel nibh scelerisque feugiat.
coded by social (inspo cred to procelain)
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certain that i am uncertain
Full Name | Yang Heejun
Nicknames | Junie
Age | 24
Birthday | June 5th
Gender | Cis Male
Sexuality | Questioning (will be gay)
Occupation | Drama and Musical Actor

Height | 5'9
Hair | Currently Black
Eyes | Dark Brown
Body Type | Thin with some Muscle
Mods | None
Scars | None
Face Claim | Astro Moonbin

Likes | Night Time, Cookies, Puppies, Series and Movies, Pastel Colors, Writing,
Dislikes | Early Mornings, Spicy Food, Spiders, Sports, Loud Noises, Small Spaces,
Habits | Tapping his feet, Biting his nails and lips, Staring into space
Fears | Heights

Vices |
Impatient, Heejun gets very frustrated when he can't do something or get somewhere. He is used to getting things done fast and correctly so when things don't go the way they should he gets frustrated.
Clumsy, Butterfingers. Honestly there is nothing Heejun can't mess up. It's like a evil gift from Satan at this point.
Easily Discouragable, Heejun can be quite sensitive and is hurt very easily by hate comments and negativity. He wishes he was stronger like his father, sister and friends but that just wasn't the case.
Shy, On stage, the audience belongs to him but on set he gets really shy acting. This also happens around new people he is meeting. Gaining confidence around new people close up is difficult. He likes acting on stage as this doesn't affect him as much.
Overemotional, With positives, come instant negatives. Heejun struggles to not be emotional. He's cried after almost all his stage shows and can't be rational. He fears that this might be taxing for his career.
Secretive, Heejun doesn't like to talk too much about himself or his family. He would rather keep his work and personal life seperate. He guesses this will have to go out the window now he is doing a reality show.
Distracted, If Heejun is not fully interested in what he is doing or what is happening he tends to drift and move onto new things. This is often seen as rude and mean. It is a trait he hates the most.

Virtues |
Imagination, Since he was young, Heejun has been known for his ability to think up creative things. It's the spark to his whole life.
Compassion, When he finds something, Heejun will stick to it. The same with people. If he loves someone enough he will stick with them and be there.
Curiousity, The drive to try new things has been implanted in his head from a young age. His sister would never let him shut down paths for himself. Everything and anything is possible.
Easygoing, Around his friends and family, Heejun is very relaxed and good to be with. It's only when he's in work mode that he is not completely chill to be with.
Empathetic, Acting from a young age has given Heejun a heightened sense of empathy. He is easily moved by people and can relate to others when they are telling emotionally charged stories.
Open minded, Heejun was raised to be a kind and respectful man. He would never judge or assume anything without at first trying to understand the situation.
Flexible, Heejun has said in interviews that he is open to playing any role that comes for him. He really wants to be an all round actor and eventually a polished entertainer

Backstory | Born and raised in Mapo, Seoul, Heejun was the second and youngest child of Yang Sung-hoon and Moon Ji-young. His sister, Haeun was a lot older than him and outshone other kids her age. She was bright both mentally and personality wise. She was a good influence on him and from a young age encouraged him to always do what he wanted to do. From about the age of 5, people could tell Heejun was built for one thing, entertainment. He loved being the centre of attention and was very outgoing and popular amongst children his own age. At one point at daycare they asked him, what do you want to be when you're grown up and Heejun simply smiled and said play with my friends like I do now. He didn't like learning but he loved playing and had a great imagination. He liked putting on little shows for his parents and sister and loved showing people all the new things he could do. One day when he was 8 he was sat watching Saturday night TV when he accidentally stumbled upon a drama. He'd never seen a drama before and that's when something clicked in his head. That's what he wanted to do. He wanted to be an actor. At first, his parents weren't too sure. An 8 year old wants to be an actor is pretty par for the course but when looking at the bigger picture, Heejun was smart and creative and knew how to make people smile. They decided to ease him into it to see how he felt. Using money they kept behind for emergencies, they signed him up for acting and singing lessons. Hopefully he could get started with local plays and musicals before doing something bigger or if he got bored then they wouldn't have to worry about the fame that would come from throwing him into the industry head first.

Two years passed. Local plays, mini musicals and lots of auditions occurred and Heejun hadn't stopped. He loved making people happy and learning how to pull off a remember able performance. He was 10 when he got his first mainstream job. He played the younger version of a main actor whom he bore a slight resemblance with in a drama called A Greater Power. It was a period piece. He enjoyed wearing the pretty hanbok and acting along side well known faces. This was his official debut and he got more work after this. This concerned his parents. He needed to do well at school as well. Luckily his sister would sometimes accompany him to auditions, practice sessions and to sets where she could test him on elementary school subjects. It helped keep his intellectual abilities on par with other kids his age. So school wasn't much of a problem, however he was often treated differently because he was an actor. Especially in middle school, he was often talked about negatively. They would say things like, "Heejun doesn't even need to be here. He's got his fancy acting career." or "Why does he smile at his good grades? He's either just good at everything or his sister helps him cheat." All that made it really hard for him to complete middle school. He ended up acting a lot more and asking for more auditions than usual. Anything to distract him from school. A few more summer musicals, two more dramas and a postponed movie that he got the part in later, Heejun was now 16 and on his way to SOPA. Finally a group of people who he wouldn't be judged by. Instead he got lots of people bothering him. Now Heejun considered himself a good person and an extrovert but SOPA was a real test of his mental state. Luckily he was able to find solace amongst other people who were already famous for example, the young idols and active actors like himself. He had a group of friends and that made him very happy. The work started to slow down whilst he was in high school but that was understandable. Why hire a teenager who has school when you can hire a 20 year old that looked like a teenager. Still he took his private lessons in order to improve and even got good at things actors find difficult like crying on demand or performing in front of people you know personally. During his high school experience he appeared on variety shows a few times, did two actual plays and one musical.

Once he graduated high school his parents were finally accepting of him. The idea of going into acting professionally was more appealing now. Before he was a child actor but now he can confidently say that he is a screen and stage actor without questioning himself. He continued working and living his life. He continued his education via a Cyber University and at the age of 21 got to be a supporting actor on a drama called Midnight. This lead to more castings and by the time he was 24 he got the lead role as a young detective in a crime drama called To Die For. However, he had never had a romantic role, he'd never been in love or had a girlfriend. In fact he either got strong or cute characters throughout his career. The universe was telling him he'd not reach the end goal of acting which was to be a proper leading man. That's when the reality show fell on him. Of course he'd love to fall in love. He'd love to know what love is. He'd love to be a leading man and so he agreed. He'd be on a marriage reality show.

Ideal Type | "I like people's personalities more. If they get along with me well then that's the most important thing."
Ideal Date | "Something we can enjoy together. I just like the company."
Ideal Home | "An apartment in the middle of the city for work and life convenience. It's not like we could live in a place like Jeju forever with our busy lives."
Ideal Wedding | "Something small and intimate, nothing too flashy or out there. It should be personal."

Other |
1548374ff8255cfc184013668104.jpgImage0049.JPGmoonbin-lede-1300x1991.jpgLIV_0305_복사.jpgtenor (24).gif9e611eb5ff0e7d531fe146f6292e398d.gif1abbf7e75956d395f68b9499e1f84770.gifde60a4c4c31a9b549f2e7a7333709da2.jpgmoonbin.jpggiphy (11).gif0b26ed414430a499433bea0a799f76021ddcda8d_hq.gif0a405728bf45e3385965165316b299d30c09ac58v2_hq.jpg
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  • Shin
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  • basics

    hwang minho​




    july 12th​





    176 cm (5’9″)​


    brown but wears silver colored contacts​


    pierced ears and a black gem tattoo on his forearm​

    kim kookheon​
code by fudgecakez
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  • Erik
    actor + model
    "Korea's Son" All Grown Up

coded by weldherwings.
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choi sooyeon

n.name(s) yeonie
age 24
d.o.b. 14 january
gender female
sexuality hetero...?
occupation competitive archer
height 170cm
hair sooyeon's hair is naturally black, and though the thought of dyeing it has crossed her mind fleetingly throughout the years, she never got around to doing it. it falls in gentle waves to about the mid-bust.
eyes black-brown. sooyeon is incredibly thankful for her perfect eyesight.
build sooyeon's long, slender frame hides the lean muscles gained over the many years of her sport. she's almost stupidly well-proportioned, a reason why she shot to popularity after her debut.
body mods. single pierced earlobes
scars a faded scar across the side of her left thumb
faceclaim kim dami


virtues resilient, dedicated; she wouldn't have gotten this far if not for the sheer amount of hard work she'd put into archery. she's not known to be an optimist, but sooyeon has an impeccable ability of bouncing back from failure, and when she commits to something, she'll sure as hell see it through. it makes her particularly reliable.
loyal, supportive; sooyeon doesn't have all that many friends outside of her circles, but her steady loyalty keeps the ones she has firmly by her side. she's not great at showing outward affection, but she's always been particularly generous towards her loved ones, and she'll be your biggest hype-girl when the time comes around.
decisive, adaptable; you can't afford to have your thoughts overwhelm you on the field, and that trait has translated into her daily life as well. sooyeon's great at seeing the big picture and analysing a situation swiftly, and it's why she gives the best advice. it's also especially helpful when you can't decide where to eat.
organised, meticulous; if sooyeon's hobby being cleaning doesn't tell you anything about her, maybe her stupidly neat living space will. she's the type to colour-code her papers, but also the type to nitpick at the slightest fault during training. most of her highest standards remain (thankfully) self-imposed, and along with her diligence, is what made her into the archer she is today.
genuine, morally upright; she's a little guilty the occasional lie by omission, but for the most part, sooyeon is much like an open book, despite her resting bitch face. she's never felt the need to mask her intentions, mostly because sooyeon's never wanted to be the type of person that wins with underhanded methods. though her expressions aren't the most dramatic, they're almost always clearly written into her features. it makes her easy to read, but in a good way.

vices reserved, awkward; she's never been the funniest nor the most sociable in the room, and maybe the way she threw herself whole-heartedly into her sport has taken a bit of toll on her social life. she's not shy, per se, but sooyeon definitely feels she lacks the same magnetic aura most other celebrities seem to have. she's never been the one to take the initiative to start a conversation, but if you find the right topic, she proves to be rather talkative.
perfectionist, workaholic; sooyeon wants to give her best in everything she does, but has either failed to discover her true limits or blatantly ignores them most of the time. she has a tendency to over-work and is, more often than not, overly critical of herself. she's not one to downplay her own abilities, but sometimes trying to rectify a trivial mistake isn't worth the toll on your physical and mental well-being.
fiercely independent; the high standards she's set for herself has taken form in a silly notion that her success must be entirely self-attained. sure, it means that she's very self-sufficient, but coupled with her tendency to over-work, her refusal to accept help is just downright harmful.
credulous, ignorant; maybe it was the lesser company she kept, but sooyeon has always held people around very close to her heart, and sometimes those feelings can cloud her better judgement. while she's amazing at seeing through other's situations, she seems to be the opposite with her own. it's always a "i'm sure he meant this" or a "i shouldn't be thinking this way", and she'd rather pick fault with herself to maintain her impression of someone who's taken a place in her heart.
insensitive, non-empathetic sooyeon was raised in an environment where she was used to voicing her displeasure (politely, of course!) communicating her thoughts openly, and it's culminated in her not being great at realising how blunt some of her words can come across as until after she's said them. it's a habit that hasn't pinched her professional career yet, but she has hurt some personal relationships because of it. sooyeon struggles to pick up on upset unless it's said to her directly or the other party's making a big deal about it, and it's something she's trying to work on.

likes archery, morning runs, kids, k-dramas, ice cream, highlighters, chicken, having her hair played with, ponytails, r&b, games, bears, cold floors, freshly baked confectionaries, tea, vanilla souffle, fruits, juice, fireworks, quiet in the early mornings, rain
dislikes diets, sleeping too much, over-spending, having too much money in her wallet, dressing extravagantly, high heels, coffee, online dating, loud parties, thunder, being on boats, summer, binging a series, surprises, her voice in recordings
fears drowning at sea, being bitten by a dog, permanently injuring her hands
habits tapping her fingers on random surfaces, hugging anything nearby when scenes get intense, enjoys lying on cold floors only to fall asleep, sleeps in weird-ass positions, "this is my last shot" and then staying there for another 2 hours, types "haha" a lot to mean a(n awkward) laugh & doesn't quite realise it comes off as cold

sooyeon was a girl born into a lower class family that was very supportive of her but didn't quite have the resources to help with it. she was raised with a whole lot of love, and even if her parents couldn't encourage her dream with their finances, sooyeon is still incredibly thankful for the way they raised her and every bit of motivation they gave her.

as a child, sooyeon dabbled in a few interests here and there, but the one thing that really drew her in was archery. sooyeon's first try with the bow and arrow was by no means prodigal, but it sparked something else in her that made her want to try it over and over again. her neighbour, an archer themselves, had lent her his bow, and with a little bit of teaching and a little bit of guidance, archery quickly became one of sooyeon's favourite past-times. her parents weren't averse to her picking up such a hobby, but when a 9-year-old sooyeon came asking for an archery set of her own for her birthday, they weren't exactly in a position to fulfill her request. unphased, the young girl resolved to save up her allowance to buy one on her own. it would take several months of stinging on her school meals, but she was very determined. her 9th birthday came and went (she got a teddy-bear!) and by her 10th, sooyeon had successfully bought her own recurve bow. second-hand, but a huge step nonetheless, and she was pleasantly surprised by her parents with a coach as a present.

she threw herself whole-heartedly into practices, putting in hours upon hours, to the point that her arrows worn out, and sooyeon had to crudely repair them with duct tape. she was 12 when her coach signed her up for a few local tournaments, and sooyeon excelled in the field, quickly being picked up the regional youth team. it was a whole new level for her, and she was undoubtedly daunted, but she took it in stride and trained harder to make up for where she was lacking. her first competition with them was nothing to brag about, but her performance improved drastically in the second, where she narrowly missed the gold medal by only a few points, losing to a similarly-aged archer from a rival team. the talented archer would become her biggest obstacle in winning in the next few tournaments, and the tournament where she finally surpassed her rival would be the turning point in her career. she was scouted for the national team after clinching gold with a solid lead over her opponent, solidifying her status as the best archer in the region, though sooyeon recalls finding the situation bittersweet; the goal that had seemed so unattainable had been pushing her, and there was just a bit of emptiness from losing her main drive.

sooyeon would go on to make her global debut at the age of 16. if competitive archery wasn't her life before that, it sure as hell was now. with the official and unofficial practices, sooyeon put herself through a lot of gruelling training at the cost of several of her personal relationships. she'd chosen not to transfer to a sports school, but as a result, she was often on leave due to her external commitments. when she was actually in school, she kept to a close group of friends that she didn't contact them often outside of class. most of her current connections were made through the sport but it's nothing to speak about either. she's achieved success at the cost of her social life, but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

she's proud that she's managed to make a name for herself in something she's so passionate about, and sooyeon is now most notable for being an olympic medalist, attaining a team gold and an individual silver at the 2016 olympics. throughout her career as an archer, sooyeon has always credited her parents for her accomplishments. throughout the ups and downs, her parents were her steady pillars of support. she was particularly close to her mother, who diligently attended every one of sooyeon's tournaments and provided comfort when she lost time and time again to her rival. sooyeon remembers nearly giving up after the third time she'd lost to them, reluctantly admitting that maybe they were just leagues beyond her, but it was her mother's encouragement that had pushed her to keep going. they were very close, so when she passed tragically from an undiagnosed illness a year ago, it hit sooyeon really hard. her way of dealing with grief was throwing herself into training, and maybe it was her misery or a gradual build-up of stress, sooyeon got careless. she suffered an arm injury that would put her out of commission for at least half a year, putting her competing at the upcoming olympics out of the question. she was undeniably benched, and decided to move back home to look after her dad to make sure they were both okay.

training used to take up most of her schedule, and with it out of the way, sooyeon realised just how little of a life she had outside of the sport.. she had absolutely nothing to do, and most of her friends were busy working or studying. the entertainment industry was something she hadn't really thought about, but after being signed on as a model and ambassador for fila recently, she'd looked into it on the recommendation of her manager and colleagues. sooyeon's dated maybe one guy in her entire 24 years of existence, and that was in elementary school, so she's not even sure if it counts. it's no surprise she was a little wary receiving an offer to be on the show, but her dad encouraged her to go for it, in his words, "you won't be able to marry your bow and arrow." she's not sure how it's gonna play out, but she's definitely willing to give it her best shot. she's got way too much time on her hands now, anyways.


meet sooyeon

what's your ideal type?

i... i don't believe i've dated enough to say for sure. athletic, tall and handsome? but a guy that can put a smile on my face, definitely, and lets me have my own life outside of the relationship. i'd like to be able to just enjoy his company, even if we're not really talking or doing things.

ah, it'd be great if he cooked well, too, since i'm not great at it. but maybe i'm not sure if a guy like that exists.

i'm sure he's out there somewhere.

what about your ideal date?

i'd love to have a full day together— start off with something fun and exciting, and we end off at a nice quiet spot with an amazing view.

anything specific?

hah, an aquarium, maybe? i think it'd be nice if he brought me to places he enjoys, just so i could know a bit more about them. even if it were boring, i think i'd enjoy it if he did.

what's your image of an ideal home?

neat? haha, i can't really put it into words... i like my current home, and i think i'd like something that's not too big or too small.

what about your ideal wedding?

i'm not big on having a big procession with a lot of guests, but a scenic wedding would be really nice. someplace outdoors with a great view.

marriage seems like a very far-away thing, though, haha.

i see! by the way, you're not from seoul, are you sooyeon?

ah, i'm from daegu! why, is my accent obvious? haha.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Ko Ye Bin
October 5th

idrk what you'd add here but it's still a scroll so...y'know yea
good food
Height | 5’4
Hair | brown
Eyes | brown
body type | mesomorph
Mods | Nil
Scars |she has a burn scar on her left arm from a cooking accident when she was young
Face Claim | Ha Ji Won

Ideal Type | Someone who loves to eat and talk, I do not do well with quiet and not knowing what the other person is thinking, it just drives me crazy. Having ambition and passion would also be great, someone who really brings me joy every day.
Ideal Date | I mean you can never say no to a fantastic meal and great conversation but I think it would be really cool to do something together, especially if it’s a first for both us. Make a great memory.
Ideal Home | The kitchen has to be stunning, that’s the most important thing. Other than that…having a lot of sunlight would be great and a garden would be a nice addition if we can have one.
Ideal Wedding | Surrounded by family and friends with excellent food. I think having it outdoor would be lovely but I’m not too fussy on the details I guess. I think this would take more shape when I find the person I want to be with and I can really visualize getting married.
Others | She is terrible with chores and weak to good food and little kids. If you ever end up upsetting her or on the wrong side of an argument, it may be helpful to try and use her weakness to your advantage

Passionate | Ye Bin wears her heart on her sleeve and feels her emotions deeply. She is a hard worker who is absolutely dedicated to her career and her love of food. She throws herself completely into anything she does believing you get back as much as you give
Friendly | She’s a social butterfly who loves a good conversation and spending time around people, more than happy to just chat up a stranger on the street and meet new people. She’s at home in any social situation, trading friendly words or playful jabs, just soaking in the moment and the company and enjoying herself
Honest | You never have to worry about Ye Bin not telling you the truth or leaving you in the dark. She values integrity and hates ambiguity. You can be sure that she'll let you know where she stands on anything to avoid misunderstandings
Adventurous | Ye Bin loves to try new things and is always up for an adventure. She’s bustling with energy and excitement, especially when a new experience is on the table and believes in enjoying life to the fullest and trying what it has to offer. Of course that doesn’t mean she jumps into everything without any considerations for the risk, she does draw the line with certain things but as long as it doesn’t cross any of her lines, she’s usually all onboard for the experience.
Generous | Ye Bin loves to share. She’s more than happy to help out a friend or share with them good news or things. Making them happy puts a smile on her face and she likes how that bit of generosity can bring them so much closer.
eating, cooking, sleeping, travelling, photography, gardening, trying new things, food, talking, spending time with others, kids, cute things
bugs, numbers, finances, people moving her stuff/changing the places of items, staying still, quiet, ambiguity, not knowing/being kept in the dark, chores, losing, waiting
snacking, cooking way too much food, sleeping in, forgetting appointments because she is absorbed in something, pacing when impatient, talking to herself, late nights
Stubborn | Once Ye Bin has decided on something, changing her mind is a painful task. She is extremely stubborn, sticking to her guns as if budging would kill her and has quite the temper. Get into an argument with Ye Bin and you may be at loggerheads for a ridiculously long time. In these arguments she can be pretty petty, doing things like cooking only for herself, emptying out the fridge, hogging things or moving stuff around. Though she is stubborn, you can try to buy her superficial agreement or get peace by bribing her with good food, especially anything with cheese.
Impatient | When Ye Bin gets an idea or sets her mind on something she must start it right away. For the go getter, waiting is something she struggles with immensely and when her impatience gets the better of her, she has a tendency to start to take over or just rush off full speed ahead without any regard for anything else.
Talkative | With Ye Bin, sometimes it feels like she never stops talking and when she does, usually it’s because she’s mad. On the one hand it means you’ll never lack for conversation, on the other, peace and quiet is hard to find. Giving others space isn’t her strong suit and when there’s a problem you be sure she’ll want to talk it out whether you want to or not.
Impulsive | Ye Bin likes to say she’s spontaneous, her friends prefer impulsive and this impulsiveness can make her pretty unreliable to say the least. She often acts on her whims and fancies, whatever it is that has caught her attention and can end up forgetting everything else she was supposed to do resulting in her stranding her friends and dates a number of times.
Workaholic | Food is number one in Ye Bin’s life and she can just spend hours in front of the stove doing nothing but cook and neglecting everything else. This neglect of other things has led her to be pretty disorganized outside of cooking, forgetting to do chores or pay bills and appointments with others. The kitchen is where she spends most of her time when she is at home. Ye Bin herself doesn’t think she’s that bad because it’s not like she has no social life or other interests and she’s cooking because she loves it but her friends know that left to her own devices she could get completely absorbed and work to the detriment of everything else.
bugs, snakes, being alone


Ye Bin grew up an only child to an average working-class family. Her parents were often busy so she spent most of her time after school finishing her work at her uncle’s restaurant. They rarely ever had a family meal together and she spent most of her time alone. The restaurant served decent food and was supported by a steady stream of regulars but wasn’t what you would consider particularly successful. Being the young child she was, her uncle did not allow her into the kitchen so she would spend most of her time hanging near the kitchen entrance when he wasn’t looking to get a better grasp of the scents wafting out of it and try to see what was happening inside. One day when a storm kept most of the customers away and her uncle was out, a young chef invited Ye Bin into the kitchen to help him cook her dinner having noticed her curiosity. That first taste of cooking grabbed Ye Bin by the heart and never let go. The smile it put on her face and how quickly she learned and absorbed everything led the other chefs to relent to letting her into the kitchen under close supervision when her uncle wasn’t around and it was their break time. This secret arrangement continued until Ye Bin was badly burned on the arm one day when she tipped a boiling pot over after the chefs took their eyes off her for a second. The young chef who first let her into the kitchen, Shin Woo Suk was fired as a result of the accident and her parents wanted her nowhere near the kitchen, changing their arrangement of having her head to the restaurant after school.

Though the pain and fear caused by the burn initially led Ye Bin to obey her parents and keep out of the kitchen, the fun and love she had cooking eventually brought her back to it. Believing their 10 year old daughter would not disobey their instructions, her parents slowly returned to their regular routine of being busy and would often leave Ye Bin money to order in food in case they came home too late to buy back dinner for her or cook. Left to her own devices and her fear fading, Ye Bin slowly returned to cooking, first doing simple things like cooking rice and just adding seasoning or soy sauce or using the microwave. Eventually she summoned the courage to use the stove again and cook dishes she had learnt at the restaurant or from old cookbooks they had lying around the house. Her parents found out when they returned home early one day intending to surprise Ye Bin and found her in front of the stove, having just finished cooking her last dish for dinner. The anger they expressed over her disobeying their instructions eventually faded when Ye Bin cried like they had never seen and shared her loneliness over their absence and her love of cooking. Guilt overwhelmed them over how their busy hours had led them to neglect her and they asked her to cook extra for them so they could eat as a family. Seeing Ye Bin move in the kitchen and the happiness it gave her convinced her parents to support her love of cooking and they started to come home earlier so they could eat meals together and spend time as a family.

Ye Bin continued to spend most of her time after school tinkering around with dishes and experimenting with her eyes set on a career in cooking, helping out part time at her uncle’s restaurant when she was old enough. Unfortunately the restaurant eventually closed when her uncle got sick and decided to retire and close shop. She later ran into Shin Woo Suk, the chef who first let her into the kitchen while dining at a restaurant with her friends. Woo Suk had become a head chef at a successful restaurant in the years since he was fired and recognised Ye Bin from her burn scar and smile. Delighted at the unexpected reunion, he invited her to dine at the restaurant where he worked some time. During the subsequent dinner, he learnt from her she still loved cooking and wanted to pursue a career in it and offered her an opportunity to work in the kitchen if she could prove herself. Ye Bin did so and starting from the bottom of the pecking order in the kitchen, she proved herself and worked her way up over the years before moving on to take jobs in various prestigious restaurants locally and overseas in order to gain more experience and train under some of the best. Ye Bin eventually returned to Korea with her sights set on opening her own restaurant and did so with the earnings she had made and savings from her parents. She slowly gained fame with the success of her restaurant and it only grew when she released a successful cookbook and she was later offered an opportunity to have her own cooking show.

Food has always been number one in Ye Bin’s life and it’s gotten in the way of everything. Though Ye Bin has been involved in a number of romantic relationships over the years, her devotion to her cooking career has always led her to prioritise it over everything else, often neglecting her boyfriends. The break ups all happened for different reasons but most of them would ultimately tie in to her food career. Her friends have often told her that while she’s a wonderful friend, she makes a terrible lover and when she opened her first restaurant, she stopped dating altogether simply having little time for anything else. As she entered her 30s, most of her friends were married or getting married and starting families, leaving her the odd one out as the only single member of the group. Their monthly gatherings where she would usually cook for them brought her much joy but also made her increasingly aware of her loneliness as she saw how happy her friends were and was reminded of her lonely childhood back when her parents were always working and she was alone. However, dating again after years of devoting herself entirely to her career was difficult and it was only complicated by her newfound celebrity status and the fact that she was an absolute workaholic who didn’t seem to know how to cut back and make room in her life for someone other than herself and food.

When Ye Bin was offered a spot on Cupid’s Arrow and her friends immediately jumped on her to join the show, believing that the show was the opportunity she needed to find someone and that experiencing ‘married life’ would help her resolve her question of whether she would even be suited for it.
Celebrity Chef Ko Ye Bin
code by fudgecakez
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male actor placeholder (in case he's needed)
32 - veteran actor - hella hot

Full Name | Kim Hye Sun
Nicknames | None in particular, but she’ll make something up
Stage Name | Sunny
Age | 31
Birthday | December 6
Gender | Female
Sexuality | Straight
Occupation | Former K-Pop Idol now works in K-Drama’s.

Height |1.66 m
Hair | Black
Eyes | Dark Brown
Body Type | Ectomorph
Mods |None
Scars | Several on her inner thigh, and one on her shoulder.
Face Claim | Lee Da-In

Likes |
Dislikes |
Giving Gifts.
Blunt People
Habits |
Chewing hair
Fears |
Someone else being in control of her.
Not being capable of doing anything.
Being exposed.
Vices |
She’s apathetic to those around her. If someone she didn’t know were in danger she simply wouldn’t care. It doesn’t mean she wouldn’t try to save them. She would just not for good reasons. To avoid being seen as a bad person.
There’s no length’s she won’t go to if she wants to keep a narrative. She doesn’t care the lies she tells if it means that she can keep up appearances.
She goes on and on in interviews about how she wants to find love, and the power of true love. She thinks it’s garbage. As long as she’s married she wouldn’t care if her husband was gay.
As mentioned earlier she wants to get married. That’s why she’s on the show. She’s not above trying to trick people into loving her.
Virtues |
When used for non nefarious measures she’s an amazing person to have on your team. She can find out what makes a person laugh or what makes a person tear their hair out.
Kind(To an extent)
While she does lie extravagantly. She would never actually do anything that could cause someone physical pain. Emotional for sure but that’s why they invented therapy. If she did know a person she wouldn’t hesitate to save them from mortal danger.
She remembers essentially everything she’s ever told or ever hears. Sometimes it’s fun sometimes you just wanna forget walking in on your parents when you were 6.
Trustworthy(In a sense of the word)
She has her own strange moral code she follows. She doesn’t use blackmail or even tell anyone’s secrets. She’s the best person to tell secrets to.
Backstory |
She was born surprisingly to a couple who married for love. Her mother was in her late 20’s and her father was a college freshman. It was frowned upon, but they made it work. He dropped out of college to start working for a family with her. Though they’re still together he always resented her for making him give up his dream of becoming a professor.

They were blessed with 5 kids. Da-In was the youngest, and was spoiled rotten. As they grew older her brothers and sisters all fell in love, and got married young “for love”. Not a single one of them is currently married to their first partner.

When Da-In joined an entertainment industry as an idol trainee she debuted under the group “Loveluv” it was very cutesy, and she was their “Maknae” at age 18. They were successful for a while. After 4 years of performing she made the transition to K-Drama’s.

She would constantly get typecast as the cutesy girl who would break through a man’s emotional walls. She hated it, but it made her successful, and famous.

One day her agent contacted her with an offer from Cupid’s Arrow. She was on the verge of turning it down. After all every single marriage in her life was unhappy. Why should she subject herself to it? After some pondering she decided to have an appearance marriage. She’d fake falling in love, and be the ideal wife in exchange for the appearance of the perfect woman. She had been getting backlash and rumors for being single at 31 and this was the perfect solution.

Ideal Type | The quiet type who doesn’t ask many questions. She also has a soft spot for nervous guys.
Ideal Date | Any restaurant that serves baked potatoes.
Ideal Home | She’s not that picky about where she lives.
Ideal Wedding | She’d be most comfortable eloping, but if the public wants a splashy wedding they’ll get a splashy wedding.

Other | When the camera’s are on she’s a perfect angel.
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류재일 official | CJ Entertainment







Name: Ryu Jae-Il

Stage Name: Jesse Ryu — only for overseas promotions

Nicknames: Jae/Jae-Jae/Illie — plus many other versions of his name | Orange Juice Fairy — given by fans & was the result of one viral behind-the-scenes video on the set of a movie he filmed a few years back.

Gender: Male

Age: 25

D.O.B: 12 August

P.O.B: Seoul, Korea

Ethnicity: Korean-Canadian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Model | Actor | Brand Ambassador

Height: 186cm | 6'1"

Hair: Naturally black and wavy. It's never dyed, unless required for a job, and typically kept fairly long for a guy, though its length and style definitely changes much more than the color.

Eyes: A dark, near-black shade of brown. Jae-Il doesn't have double eyelids and his eyes are fairly sharp, making them one of few features of his which deviate from the archetypal handsome face of Korean men.

Body Type: Mesomorph; he has pretty much the standard lines for male celebrities — tall and lean, muscles toned to an aesthetic degree, complete with broad shoulders and tapered waist. Of course, not to forget the legs for days.

Mods: Both his ears are pierced but he only wears clear piercings in them while working (again, unless it's required otherwise), so they aren't very obvious. He hasn't been inspired by any design enough yet to get a tattoo, though he does hope to eventually get one, having liked the look of the occasional temporary ones he put on for photoshoots.

Scars: None; at least, no clearly visible ones.

Other Distinguishing Features: Birthmark that looks like an odd discoloration near his ankle. It's something of a complex for him, so you'll rarely see him without sneakers or at least socks.

Face Claim: Ji Soo

얼 굴 천 재


  • Confident | Charismatic
    — Jae-Il is very sure of himself and this certainly translates to his interactions with others, making him come off charming in a calm, self-assured way. First impressions of him may sometimes include the word "intimidating" because of these traits but that typically doesn't linger.
  • Relaxed | Playful
    — Rarely one to get awkward or tense up even among strangers, Jae-Il tends to settle in and get comfortable fast in new places. Once he's comfortable, he can also be very mischievous, a fact that's been caught on many cameras throughout his stint as a celebrity.
  • Loyal | Protective | Generous
    — Jae-Il is someone who knows how to appreciate people and also how to return what has been given to him, tangible or otherwise. He's willing to go the distance to lend a hand, ear, shoulder or whatever the people close to him might need, often without hesitation.
  • Optimistic | Determined | Strong-Willed
    — One of the biggest reasons that Jae-Il has been able to make it as far as he has in the harsh industry is because he doesn't let things get him down for long. He of course gets hurt or upset like all normal humans do, but he doesn't hang onto those negative feelings and often channels them into pushing himself towards improvement instead.

  • Proud | Domineering | Competitive
    — While he isn't arrogant in the typical flashy, condescending way, Jae-Il certainly has a lot of pride. He likes things to go his way and hates being told that he can't do something; in fact, he often gets most passionate when trying to prove himself right.
  • Fixated | Obstinate | Headstrong
    — Obsession that nears mania is easy to invoke in Jae-Il, who has an extremely one-track mind. For example, once he takes a shine to certain foods, it's entirely possible for Jae-Il to keep eating it everyday for weeks as if it were a diet.
  • Attention-Seeking | Clingy
    — While typically a fairly laid-back sort, Jae-Il can get very... sticky, from time to time, especially when he's feeling ignored. This trait mostly shows up in front of two people: his mother, and his girlfriend, whoever the poor woman might be at the time.
  • Biased | Occasionally Undiplomatic
    — There are some people you can trust to give a fair judgement no matter what. Jae-Il is not one of them. How much leeway he gives you depends greatly on how much he likes you, and in times of conflict, you'll almost always see him taking the side of the person he's closer to.
• Golden Retrievers (and Dogs In General)
• Orange Juice
• Morning Jogs
• Dad Jokes
• FPS Games
• Physical Affection
• Late Night Talks (Bonus Points For Alcohol)

• News Channels
• Putting Eggs in Ramyon
• Leather Shoes
• Bad Skin Days
• Americano (Milk & Sugar Are Not Optional In Coffee, Change His Mind)
• Petty Arguments
• Bugs

• Scratching his head or chin when troubled
• Licking his lips (especially when he lies)
• Humming when idle or bored

• Roller-coasters & similar rides
• Losing people he loves

Before Entering The Business
Ryu Jae-Il was born in Seoul, South Korea as the youngest of three to a pair of adoring parents. Paul Ryu was a judo athlete and Lee Yoon-ah had been his manager, until they fell in love and got married. He grew up in Korea until he was around 8 years old, when his parents decided to move to Toronto, where his paternal grandparents lived (his father was of mixed race, born and raised in Canada, and often expressed his desire to return to his childhood town). From then, Jae-Il, better known around his new town as Jesse, ended up only visiting Korea once a year or so.

It was on one of these annual visits that he was scouted. He'd just turned fifteen, then, and was already walking down the path of an athlete like his father. When the modelling agency's employee suddenly approached him in a mall and handed him the card, Jae-Il had been flattered but not very interested. It was only after bragging about it to some friends that he got the idea to go try it out just for fun's sake. As a result, he went to the test profile photoshoot and, to his own shock, enjoyed the process and results a lot. Though he eventually still apologized and went back home, he found himself not being able to forget that experience.

For three months, even after he got back to Canada, Jae-Il pondered over it before making his decision. He wanted to give modelling a shot. Needless to say, his parents weren't immediately supportive of the decision, but after Jae-Il's stubborn insistence and seeing his seriousness, they had to give in. Jae-Il moved back to live with his grandparents in Seoul and signed a contract with the same agency that he'd received an offer from before.

Modelling Success & The Start of Acting
Initially, while juggling modelling & adjusting to a new school life, Jae-Il didn't get too many jobs for the first few months. His first breakthrough came in the form of a campaign for a famous brand, Uniq*o, thanks to his youthful image, and that was when the jobs started streaming in. Slowly, over the course of two years, Jae-Il began to craft a place for himself in the fashion industry.

Naturally, in the process, he had filmed a couple commercials aside from doing his main High Fashion gig, and through one such filming met Director Jung Seok. You could say that one of Jae-Il's biggest strengths throughout the course of his career was his ability to make connections. His first acting job at 18 years old was the proof of that — having liked his attitude on the commercial's set, the director invited him to audition for a role in the film, Juvenile, a story that focused on school violence. Although his role as a troubled bully in the movie was just a supporting role, it was an impactful one, and was made his existence known to the public.

Despite the relative success of his first acting job, Jae-Il still mostly focused on modelling for the next few years, taking on small roles here and there when he had the time. By 20, he had secured himself a place among the top male models in Korea, though he was still mostly known for his very first acting role among people who weren't knowledgeable about the fashion industry.

The Boring Years
With his modelling career in his self-defined safe zone, Jae-Il finally started to take on more acting jobs in his 20s. From small roles that eventually built up to supporting male leads, the growth of his acting career wasn't explosive but steady. His works mostly did well, and he had some characters that once again gained popularity among movie-goers. Overall, his success on the acting side for the next couple years could be called moderate, but increasing. Many people knew his face, whether it was by movies or magazine covers, and a slightly smaller population of the general public knew his name.

On the less mundane side was the reveal of the entertainment world's hidden rules, something he'd heard of but had never experienced until one persistent sponsor for a film. He evaded those things as much as he could but... well, he'd be lying if he said he never forced himself to smile pretty and talk sweet to certain people for the sake of his job.

Unexpected Hollywood Adventures
Yet another show of the strength of connections came in the form of an introduction to a staff working on a foreign film's set while drinking with a director he'd become close to. The staff in turn, while in a good mood from the buzz of alcohol, offered to introduce Jae-Il to the recruitment team, something he obviously accepted. He flew over to audition just one week after the event. The movie was part of a franchise, Sea's Eleven, and the role he eventually landed was so minor he would only appear for a few minutes at most.

Still, it had a sure effect, because a few months after filming that, he got another audition for a Hollywood role. The role was one of a ruthless mercenary, still a fairly minor side character, but the movie was significantly more popular; it was a part of the series, Fast & Furyful. He nearly lost that role, thanks to them deciding to go with someone better known overseas. Once again, however, dumb luck shined on him, and that actor unfortunately got hurt filming another movie, passing on the opportunity to him.

This role was another one with a similar, but obviously bigger impact as his first one in Juvenile — the kind of role that should technically be disliked as a clear villain but still received a lot of love from fans for being hot intriguing. The effect of this role on his popularity was immediate and visible, especially back home in Korea. The number of his social media followers rose like a tide and he started receiving offers from variety and talk shows. The offers for domestic movies became those for main leads, and switched from having no clear niche to mostly action & crime films.

Current Times
Less than a year after the first time he filmed with Fast & Furyful, he was contacted to be in a second film thanks to fans enjoying his role. He, of course, accepted and the movie has only just been released in theaters a few months ago. With that and doing many overseas interviews, from Late Night Shows to Buzzfree videos, Jae-Il's popularity reached its all-time high.

However, thanks to the same reasons, Korean netizens have also begun to say that he's been ignoring the domestic industry or that he's ungrateful and so on, because he didn't have time to take part in Korean works while filming overseas. Doing local interviews or appearing as a guest for variety shows only got him more criticism for being fake. In order to help kill off those comments, his management decided on making him join long-term in a domestic program, eventually locking onto Cupid's Arrow as their target.

"What's your ideal type in a lover?"
I don't really have a type... just someone I can connect with, you know? Like, when I talk to them, I feel like they can really understand me and vice versa. I want to be with someone that I can have fun and go crazy with but also sit down and talk about life.

"What about physically?"
I don't really have a fixed taste in appearance. Being tall is a plus though, because of my own height, and a pretty smile always gets me.

"What's your ideal date?"
If it's a first date, then something that involves games or trying something new works, I think. Something to get rid of the awkwardness and get to know each other in a way that isn't like... interrogation-y. Escape room dates are honestly the best, in my experience. If we're already, like, dating, then I think anything chill or just something one of us have been wanting do, like trying out a new restaurant or cooking lessons.

"You sound very experienced, Jae-Il-sshi"
Yeah? Haha, my agency wouldn't want me to comment on that.

"I see.. what's your ideal home, then?"
I'd like to live somewhere with my own garden. It doesn't have to be a big house or anything, but it has to have space to relax and breathe fresh air, you know? Plus, I have a dog and will probably continue to keep pets in the future, so.

"What about your ideal wedding?"
Hm... I haven't thought too much about it. The first thing I imagine when I think of wedding is an outdoor kind, with flowers and everything, mostly because both my sibling's weddings were like that. I don't think I'd care what kind of wedding we have as long as the person I love is present and happy, though.


c o d e b y t r i p l e s
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by allure

[Full Name] Bae Ara
[Age] 25
[Birthday/Sign] April 8, Aries
[Gender] Cis Female
[Sexuality] (Closeted) Bisexual – Ara had a couple secret girlfriends while studying in the States, but her parents are quite conservative, hence the girlfriends being secret. For the sake of her family and career, she vowed to only date men after returning to Korea.
[Occupation] Fashion Designer

[Height] 175cm/5ft. 9in. – She hated being the tallest member of her family when she was little, but now she quite enjoys being able to look down at people she doesn't like.
[Hair] Dark brown, medium-length, a bit wavy
[Eyes] Dark brown – she has terrible eyesight and is always wearing contacts or thick glasses
[Build] Ara has 'perfect' proportions that fall in line with traditional Korean beauty standards: slender limbs, long legs, small shoulders, modest curves, and an itty-bitty waist. Perhaps the fact that she's as tall as or even taller than some men can be off-putting, but her height is typically the first thing people notice about her and simply contributes to her modelesque look.
[Mods] Multiple ear piercings
[Scars] Instead of getting constant manicures to try and maintain her hands, Ara chooses to leave them be and let them become calloused in order to have a layer of protection against accidents in her workroom and studio. Still, she usually has at least one bandage on her palm or finger.
[Faceclaim] Ha Sooyoung

[Likes] Spicy food, cats, stress shopping, sugary coffee, animated movies, fresh fruit, cold showers, reading, having debates, outdoor dining, hugs, going drinking with friends
[Dislikes] Cooking, being interrupted, useless small talk, thunderstorms, people who waste her time, uncomfortable shoes, hangovers, boring interviews, online dating
[Habits] Nibbles on the tips of her pens, bounces her leg when she has to sit still for too long
[Fears] Failure, being lost, deep water

Domineering – It's no secret that Ara likes things to be done a certain way. It is difficult to work with her when she is overtaken by her "vision" of whatever it is she's been assigned to, whether that be a fashion show or or a birthday party. She can be overbearing, stubborn, and insensitive when she gets into one of her control freak moods.
Reckless – She's the type to make dinner reservations for the entire party before everyone has even responded to the group chat. She's the type to say the meanest thing that comes to mind and then regret it later. She often faces problems that could have been easily avoided had she just thought it through.
Vain – As not only a celebrity and influencer but someone entrenched in the world of disposable glamor and marketed bravado, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Ara is overly preoccupied with her reputation and her physical appearance, which she believes are closely linked. She gets caught up in scrolling through Instagram comments and following fad diets.
Vindictive – Forgiveness is a virtue, and Ara is a sinner. If she's going down, you can be sure she's taking a bitch with her. She'd rather shoot herself in the foot than see an enemy succeed.

Creative – The secret to her success. Ara has a natural eye for structure and aesthetics, and in the rare instance that things don't work out as planned, she is quick to come up with a solution that may not be conventional but is successful in spite of, or rather because of, that fact.
Honest – It's not that she never lies but that she doesn't hide her emotions. Ara will put on a sweet face for the public when she needs to, but if she doesn't like you, trust that she will let you know. The same goes for if she does like you, though. Ara has never been shy about expressing her feelings for someone. She is very openly loving and affectionate towards her friends and persons of interest.
Magnetic – There's just something about her energy that's compelling. Attractive. Ara knows how to play her cards on a date, how to liven up a boring interview, and how to have most people hanging onto what she'll say or do next. There's a reason she gained attention in the spotlight instead of remaining behind the scenes as a designer.
Purposeful – She is confident, quick-witted, and self-assured. Simply put, she gets things done. Nothing stops her when she puts her mind to something.

[Backstory] Like so many, her story is one of talent and hard work but also sheer dumb luck. Ara had an ordinary childhood in the heart of Busan's suburbs. She had an older sister and older brother who were ten and eight years older than her respectively, so she was a bit coddled on all fronts. Both of her siblings eventually moved to Seoul, her sister to become a magazine editor and her brother to work for an insurance office, leaving their family to a comfortable middle-class life. Ara's days were spent playing soccer with the neighborhood kids and staying up to read fantasy books late at night with one finger on the desk lamp in case her mom decided to check that she was asleep. Her interest in fantasy worlds soon narrowed to an interest in otherworldly fashion.
Ara constantly had her head in the clouds – or rather, in her books and ideas and whatever the latest drama with her friends was. So it came as a shock to her, but not necessarily to her mother or siblings, when her father finally revealed that he'd been having an affair with the neighbor and wanted a divorce. Ara knew the neighbor. The neighbor was her brother's age, for crying out loud! Within a few months, the divorce was settled and her father (and their neighbor) had moved out of their flat for good. It didn't feel real to Ara, especially when the rest of her family was acting like this had been a scheduled event. Her siblings hardly spoke of it, and Ara overhead her mother crying alone in her bedroom more than a few times, but her sadness was the kind that had been steeping like tea. Ara was boiling. Now in her teenage years, she threw tantrums over nothing and snuck out of the house constantly, unconsciously channeling the explosive emotions she wished her mother would express. Nothing had the desired effect; her mother was simply not the kind of woman whose manners allowed meltdowns. But the frequency of the nighttime crying increased. Ara's behavior was putting a strain on their already tenuous relationship, so she gave up on the rebellion and threw herself deeper into her studies and hobbies. Though the desire to rekindle a mother-daughter bond was there, Ara didn't know how to fill the gaping space her father had left behind, and she chose to spend most of her time at the library or at friends' houses, no longer angry but still just as distant.
The gowns and patterns in her sketchbook ultimately ended up going into a portfolio for a Visual Art major instead of a Fashion major. Ara considered herself lucky that her mother was supportive at all of her pursuing a degree in art, knowing that her older siblings hadn't gotten the chance. Besides, the Fashion world was way too competitive for her – or so she thought, until Professor Jun convinced her to submit her latest portfolio to a fashion show held by the university. To her surprise, some of her designs were chosen for production and modeling. The industry-famous designer Lim Jooyoung happened to attend the same fashion show as a favor to her friend, Professor Jun.
Upon hearing that Lim Jooyoung was at the show, Ara went out of her way to brazenly introduce herself as soon as it was over, toeing the line between eager and insolent. Her audacity was rewarded with an invitation from Dr. Lim herself for Ara to join her annual mentorship program in New York City as the opportune scholarship student. Ara's already lively social media flourished while she was in the States for the next two years, and her large following was instrumental in her launch of La Gardin, her brand of haute couture and ready-to-wear clothing.
Now, three years later, La Gardin is headquartered in Gangnam and exists as both an online store and as multiple physical locations across S.Korea. Elegant floral patterns and feminine mythological themes set against daring cutouts became her signature, and her obscure brand shot to national recognition when a widely beloved singer donned one of her most intricate gowns to an end-of-the-year awards show. Ara herself also gained more recognition than a designer typically does as she modeled most of her own designs at that point, and her youth and beauty appealed to the public. Her brand is a hot trend right now, but who knows how long that will last? Ara wants to make sure she gets a good footing into the niche of the industry where success never fades before she falls off the radar. La Gardin recently opened its first location in NYC and is set to expand to Europe within the next year.

[Ideal Type] The thing is, Ara is a sucker for romantic gestures like gifts, flowers, and public declarations of love, which has led to many quick, short, and generally painless flings. In reality Ara would rather date someone who can keep up with her intellectually and physically. This, of course, means being with someone who isn't afraid to challenge her, but she doesn't yet understand that someone who slows her down isn't always a bad thing. It may not be that they're proving her wrong, but letting her rest.
[Ideal Date] Something that gives her and her partner enough room to talk and bond but also something to ooh and ahh at in case they don't hit it off: an aquarium, a boardwalk, an amusement park, etc.
[Ideal Home] Ara needs to live in a space that accommodates her working lifestyle. As nice as a view from a 20th floor high rise apartment would be, she's not inclined to take a five minute long elevator ride every morning or run up 20 flights of stairs when the elevator inevitably closes for maintenance. She would also ideally be located near her studio and a good coffee shop. As for the interior, she's not picky as long as the water pressure is good, the bed is soft, and the furniture isn't tacky.
[Ideal Wedding] She hasn't really thought about it. Probably something in a church, since that would please her mom. She would definitely design her own dress, her bridesmaids' dresses, and probably her husband's suit.

[Other] Her favorite food is spicy grilled shrimp. She is lactose-intolerant, is deathly allergic to avocados, and can barely swim. She has always wanted a pet, preferably a cat, but she's too busy to even water the plants in her apartment. Ara agreed to join the show because she thought it would be exciting and also because she wants to further promote her brand.

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live your best life
  • basics
    hwang daeun​

    dae by her brother​



    october 28th​



    singer (soloist)​
    168 cm (5’6″)​

    long brown​




    kim seolhyun​
code by fudgecakez
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  • 송인화.

    Song In-hwa

Han Ji-a
24 years old — June 26th
Soloist/Tattoo Artist


looks —
height — 165 cm
weight — 45 kg
body type — ectomorph

hair — natural dark brown with some light brown highlights
eyes — dark brown
mods — ear piercings, tons of tattoos
scars — inner

style — 01 02 03
face claim — baek yerin

persona —
likes — bubble tea, limited edition anything, plushies, arcades, tattoos, dark roast coffee, meaningful music, sunny weather, the ocean, sleeping in, being with family & friends, american shows, writing lyrics, learning how to play instruments, trying new things, calm moods

dislikes — meat, loud people, getting rushed, bullies, perverts, getting called a delinquent, tongue twisters, being confused, korean dad jokes, riddles, 200 piece puzzles, art block, writers block, boredom, loud noises, fireworks, getting scared

habits — bites her bottom lip, bounces her leg, traces her tattoos, picks at her nails

fears — being alone

personality —
vices —

virtues —

backstory —

interview —
ideal type — "someone that is fun to be around. i like when a person can express themselves and be a bit weird if you will. i don't like perfect people, i like people i can feel comfortable around and not intimidated by. friends first, lovers later? i'm a bit all over the place, but that about sums it up."

ideal date — "coffee and an art museum. i love very simple dates where we just can walk around and talk. or even a library date where we don't really talk, that also is nice. being able to just enjoy the presence of my boyfriend is enough for me. is that weird?"

ideal home — "

ideal marriage — "

misc —
Nullam vel mauris dapibus, vestibulum orci at, dignissim dui. Donec vitae hendrerit diam. Ut et mi ante. Integer eget venenatis nisl, vitae commodo velit. Integer accumsan, leo nec placerat consectetur, metus tortor ornare erat, quis lobortis nulla urna eget turpis. Nullam dictum est turpis, sit amet varius sem viverra eu. Suspendisse et augue bibendum, tincidunt magna nec, malesuada nisl. Integer eleifend a nibh vel accumsan. In tristique dolor et arcu vehicula blandit. Duis accumsan venenatis purus dignissim ornare. Suspendisse consequat erat et quam elementum, vel suscipit velit volutpat. Curabitur ultrices leo vel nibh scelerisque feugiat.
coded by social (inspo cred to procelain)
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stage name kijung
age 27
d.o.b. 28 november
gender male
sexuality heterosexual
occupation veteran idol/soloist
height 182cm
hair ki-jung's hair is currently dark brown, a few shades lighter than his natural hair colour. he doesn't enjoy dyeing it often.
eyes black-brown. his eyesight isn't perfect, but ki-jung rarely wears his glasses.
build lanky and lean, ki-jung's muscles aren't as defined as many other idols, but he's definitely more on the athletic side. he remarks that he's out of his prime.
body mods. single pierced earlobes
scars a small, faded scar just above the right side of his jawline
faceclaim park hyung sik


virtues charismatic, humourous; ki-jung just has a way with words. maybe it comes from years in the industry, but he's always been carry conversation and punchlines with ease, and it's what makes him popular as a TV personality. his comfortable demeanour around girls is what usually result in rumours floating about, and ki-jung himself admits some of his jokes take on a flirtatious nature without him meaning to.
perceptive, empathetic; this trait takes form most often in the way he treats his loved ones, with a quiet type of care that may not involve affection as much as genuine concern for your wellbeing in areas you may not even notice. ki-jung's all-around great at reading others' emotions and reacting appropriately to them.
confident, self-assured; it goes hand-in-hand with his charisma. ki-jung doesn't want to say he's particularly proud or lacking in humility, but he knows his worth, and he's worth a good amount. he's one of the least affected by other people's criticisms in the industry, though it's often that he has a few words to say about people starting baseless rumours.
resilient, determined; now, he wouldn't be an entertainer if he would crumble at the slightest setback. ki-jung's road to success is, more often than not, ridden with potholes, and being able to jump up when you're knee-deep in mud is a skill indeed. ki-jung rarely lets failures get him down, though he's far from what people consider optimistic. when he sets his mind to something, he'll get it done.

vices unstructured; he's not quite live in the moment but he's not the most organised, either. ki-jung's biggest flaw, according to his manager, is his flouting of standard rules that he doesn't quite believe in. he gives him way too much of a hard time, and it doesn't help that all ki-jung has to say in response is a cheeky smile.
sharp-tongued, sarcastic; a quick wit and immense confidence gives ki-jung a bit of an edge when it comes to dealing with unfounded criticisms head-on. they often come off a little underhanded, just to make them second-guess themselves, though he has had an incident where he had to take it to the next level, only because they just wouldn't get the hint.
two-faced, guarded; the curse of a public figure, ki-jung tends to hold people at arm's length when he first meets them. comfortable conversation is inevitable, but he won't truly let his outward persona drop until he fully trusts you. he's not one to complain about you the moment you turn your back, but to say he doesn't present himself differently to different people is just an untruth.
manipulative; he knows his way around people, and he's not someone who stands on a moral high ground that it would be below him to make use of it.

likes bulgogi, soju, honey, wooden floors, cuddle buddies, stall games, bright lights at night, fireworks, suits, clear phone cases, social media, treating others to food, melodic choruses, dogs, animals in general, sunrises/sunsets, photography, warm beverages
dislikes gacha games, shoe shopping, interviews, elevated soles, touchy strangers, edm, big bags, getting up early, packing, texting, large earrings, plastic water bottles (he brings his own), iced drinks, expensive cheese, sliders
fears cockroaches (fuck)
habits ears flush the most when flustered, always prefers calling someone over texting, raises one eyebrow more than the other, cracks his knuckles with one hand while idle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultrices erat sed finibus eleifend. Integer tincidunt libero quis nisl sagittis, et fermentum velit tempus. Phasellus vitae diam eget erat placerat scelerisque quis nec leo. Quisque id mattis nunc, eget placerat risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi eu neque elementum, feugiat risus nec, tincidunt metus. Cras est tellus, tempus et luctus ut, dictum vel nisl. Suspendisse dapibus, tellus quis hendrerit pretium, sem lacus mattis nulla, viverra suscipit sem purus ac mauris. Donec faucibus lectus non arcu volutpat, et molestie magna eleifend. Praesent blandit sit amet magna id tincidunt.

Etiam eget risus mi. Etiam non laoreet elit, a rutrum quam. Curabitur suscipit ipsum ac lacus elementum, non faucibus nibh volutpat. Donec sit amet ornare tortor. In eget nisl in libero vehicula scelerisque. Quisque pellentesque auctor ligula, a scelerisque nunc ultricies ac. Fusce mollis molestie venenatis. Nullam vitae nisl a dolor varius eleifend eget at lacus. Ut facilisis efficitur arcu, et scelerisque urna auctor vel. Mauris blandit arcu et egestas molestie. Curabitur quis libero lorem. Curabitur venenatis sem quis eros volutpat, nec luctus quam blandit. Phasellus eget arcu aliquam, rutrum dolor at, iaculis ligula. Nullam tristique porta risus sed euismod. Donec nibh eros, fermentum eget sapien in, aliquam consectetur nulla. Ut bibendum condimentum velit vitae porttitor.



so, ki-jung! you must be a pretty experienced dater! what's your ideal type?

oh, we're starting off with that? haha

but my ideal type? i want someone who i'm able to talk to comfortably, but also someone i can joke around with. i like a confident girl. and one with a pretty smile, of course.

where would you take her on a date?

i usually take girls to a street festival. good food, random stall games and weird trinkets, you know the like? i'm at least friends with most of the girls i date, y'know? so it's more about having fun and getting to know her better.

street festivals are certainly fun. would you consider... say, an amusement park?

yeah. any particular place she'd like to go? i'd probably be down.

i see. and what do you picture your ideal home looking like?

hm... a place with a patio...

ah... ah, is that it?

yeah. no house, just patio.

oh, just a patio? interesting choice.

i'm kidding. but really, i'm not all that picky. spacious but doesn't feel too empty when your dog's at your parents' or your wife's out. you know?

definitely get what you mean. and finally, what about your ideal wedding?

not really into anything flashy, i'd really only want close friends and family in attendance. not looking to see my twice-removed cousin there, sorry baek.

hahaha, i feel sorry for baek.

me too. but i'm honestly more flexible about it? if my future wife wants the flashiest of weddings... well, if she's cute, i'll humour her a bit. baek can come.

♡coded by uxie♡
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