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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Collected- Keep Calm and Join My Private Army! - Guidebook



Totally human, I swear!
This roleplay is meant to portray a broad range of characters and a bleak yet fantastical setting. The views and actions of the characters are fictional, but may be based on real-world ideologies and events which could be considered disturbing. It is not meant to be an exact representation of anything that has happened in the real world. Please be responsive to the limits expressed by your fellow roleplayers, and do not be afraid to express your own limits.

  • If you don't know what something means, ask for clarification. Likewise, when asked for clarification, answer to the best of your abilities.
  • Hostility on our side of the fourth wall is needless. Naturally, there will be in-character conflict, but do not take it to heart. Likewise, be as respectful as you can to your fellow roleplayers. Things should be worked out in a civil fashion should OOC conflict arise.
  • Insensitive language belongs to insensitive characters. Ableist, racist, ageist, sexist, or otherwise expressly prejudiced language is prohibited from third person narrations and descriptions. If you use it by accident, or if it's something that doesn't have connotations that are too bad, it can be excused, since many people don't know any better ways to phrase things. I won't hold it against you as long as I know it's an honest mistake, but I will probably ask you to change it.
  • Differences in style or creative ability are welcome here. Write script style, novel style, or anything outside and in between; Be as loquacious or laconic as you please.
  • When interacting with others, whether in or out of character, make sure that they are comfortable with what you or your character will do. A rule of thumb is to ask for the other roleplayer/s permission before your character does something not PG-rated to another character. A warning is not enough. Consent is key.
  • You may not control another person's character, or make big changes to them without the consent of the roleplayer that made them.
  • You may contribute your ideas for plots, lore, and other stuff, but please run it by me first.
  • You may make as many characters as you want, but it is recommended to make more than one.
  • If you make more than one character, diversify the roles among them as best as you can. You can have more than one character in the same position, but you also have to have another character in another position.
  • You must give your characters a relatively probable age,unless you have a good explanation.
  • Your character's primary trait should not be their sexuality or shipping potential.
  • Do not rp as a canon character from any media whatsoever, even an altered version.
  • Do not roleplay as a recognizable real-life person, even an alternate version of them. If you want to rp a character who fills a real-life role such as the leader of a real country, make up a fictional character to replace them in-rp.
  • You may use any medium to convey your character's appearance.
  • There is no deadline for character creation.
  • Please be patient with delays, as they may come due to unforeseen circumstances and last longer than intended.
  • Let everyone know if you are permanently dropping out of the rp.
  • Please stay with this roleplay as long as you can, and do not permanently leave while your character is interacting with somebody else's.
  • If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer when I can, and update the rules if need be. No worries, I'll let everybody know when the rules are updated, and the amendments will appear both in this post and in an additional one
A land which has recently undergone a little-known change. It is comparable to our Earth in terms of technology and biodiversity, though guns of any kind and space travel haven't been invented, and while the religions and cultures are different, there are many of the same prejudices and fallacies.

Religions on Arknest (non-exhaustive)
  • Dualism
    A very old religion, acribers believe in two dieties, Obouba and Ikiki.
    Obouba, creator and merry goddess of fertility, success, and rewards, is portrayed as a plump, elderly woman wearing blue and green. She is said to be responsible for hosting a big party in the afterlife and answering prayers for blessings and mercy, and warding off the spiteful Ikiki's wrath. Her holy animal is cattle, particularly white, polled cows.
    Ikiki, the god of trouble and punishment, is implied in the oldest texts to be a designer, proctor, and judge of life's tests. However, most Dualists nowadays believe him to be the embodiment of evil. He is traditionally portrayed as a nude werewolf-looking creature with four horns and a skinny, pointed tail. Legend has it that he walks the planet in (clothed) human form, save for his digitigrade, clawed feet which he cannot hide, or that he tries to hide with fashionable shoes.
    Modern Dualists often believe that Ikkiki could take over as the chief god if people don't worship Obouba diligently enough, and that he has secret followers who make bargains with him, gaining material incentives in exchange for helping him steal Obouba's power.
    • Old Faith Dualism- The longest continuing version of the Dualist faith. Led by a complex hierarchy of elected clergy and pontiffs who preside over ceremonies and liturgies which traditionally take place in elaborately decorated spaces, Old Faith is known for its pageantry and tradition.
    • Revisive Dualism- An umbrella term for the kind of Dualism that diverges from the contemporary version of the Old Faith. There are many different sects of Rivisivism.
  • Monodeicism - Thought to be the oldest still-practiced religion on Arknest. It posits that the world was created by single deity, Zalta, who in a form with features of a silkmoth laid the eggs that the universe hatched from. A common slur for this religeon is calling it "the church of the holey clothing."
  • Liogrinism

Geography of Arknest
Arknest is a planet comparable to Earth, with five main continents.
  • Alnor
    A continent located in the northwestern hemisphere, riddled with the lasting scars of Rostrian and Spirjitian-based imperialism. Its dominant category of religion is Dualism, followed by the close second of Monodeicism.
    Many previous architecture styles have been wiped out in this country, every large city now being dominated by what resembles an even more sterile form of brutalism to Earthlings.
    • Skolta Republic

      A large Nation with eight provinces, each with their own biomes, industries, and local sub-governments
      • Kranford
        A temperate province located on the northern half of a large, semi-mountainous island east of the mainland, sharing the landmass with Herok
        • Rhile Pointe
          A small, unremarkable town which ten years ago become subject to mass expropriation of lake-shore property and adjacent farmland. This land became the site of Star Village, allegedly an amusement park and resort which is still in development. In reality, one of the members of city council, Korley SKough, has been using this land to house an army kidnapped from many other worlds and time continua.
        • Wick Shores
          One of Kranford's more notable towns, located near Rhile point. It's known for its fishing industry, as well as professional live theater, multiple fashion design houses, and being where a lot of rich and famous people live, and a lot of tourists want to be. Famous landmarks include the Grand Seaside Hotel, The Obouba's Most Holy Embrace Cathedral, Gatiline Family Memorial Conservatory, and the Great Silver Connection Bridge. The local frunsf team is the Wick Shores Warriors.
      • Herok
        A temperate province located on the southern half of the same island as Kranford. Herok is more mountainous than Kranford, and less populated.
      • Knoxylvania
        Located on the northeast gulf coast of Skolta, it is full of forests.
      • Wistarion
        A coastal province, southeast of Knoxylvania, full of wetlands and small islands
      • Prock
        Southwest of Wystarion to west of Knoxylvania.
      • Rashby
        A southwestern, landlocked province with mountains at its east and desert west of it.
        • Deadland
          The capital of Rashby, a re-inhabited ghost town.
      • Linjey
        West of rashby, it is full of praries and forests.
      • Pretkori
        North of Rashby, this province has many lakes and is a center of industry.
    • New Grestin
    • Liogrinist State of Jerria
    • Lorquio
    • United Corseaa
  • Rostria
    Encompassing the temperate and desert climates of the northern hemisphere, many Rostrian countries have been known for their attempts to conquer other lands. Rostria is where Dualism first got its stronghold.
    • Grestin
    • Askekko
    • Ttenekka
    • Wostead
    • Jasprinia
    • Nostrania
    • Kovaland
    • Steiu Strana
    • Morhenistan
    • Ladistu
    • The Kingdom of Ak-Eduzi
    • And more!
  • Spirjit
    • The United Empire of Dushyaa
    • Giojan
    • Othuiso
    • Chihaan
    • Ebghad
    • Ebzeiq
    • Hai Smos
    • Smeojii
    • Rikiri
  • Levnur
    • Haartzinn
    • Vrudor
    • Panenberg
    • Snadderland
    • Skoystein
    • Portvania
    • Kraslor
    • And More!
  • Iuprinee
    • Dreadorro
    • Escaluria
    • Embada
    • Coraga
    • Corcua
    • Stidora
    • Gharonia
    • And more!
  • Wruu
    • Ayn Nga
    • Bruoba
    • Zezkawe
    • Azbada
    • Eflela
    • Eprisia
    • The Anando Principality
    • The Democratic Republic of Ibonau
    • Kbugo
    • Okaeje
    • Oko Gagi
    • Teonaiil
    • Strraasle
    • And more!
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Star Village

The site of the strange activity, this facility is resort, part company town, part laboratory, part militia base- All under the guise of an in-the-works tourist attraction.

Amenities and Features of Star Village (non exhaustive)
  • Several Watchtowers
  • A mansion for the Skough family, guests, and other distinguished people, with servant's quarters
  • Individual employee apartments
  • Infirmary
  • Working farm
  • Geodesic dome greenhouses
  • Horse facilities
  • Menagerie
  • Laboratory
  • Frunsf round
  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Gymnasium
  • Archery range
  • Fighting arena
  • High ropes course
  • Ground obstacle course
  • Climbing wall
  • Bunker
  • Bronze statue of Korley Skough, mounted on a large slab of limestone
  • Carousel
  • A handful of non-functional roller coasters
  • Exactly one functioning roller coaster, known as the Galaxy Glide
  • Yacht dock

Facility Rules, non exhaustive
  • Terms of employment and compensation
    All employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to be hired.
    All personnel below rank 7 must remain onsite at all times, bar temporary leave or orders from the emperor. Leave is strictly for approved circumstances only.
    Employees below rank 7 are paid in scrips, able to be spent within the facility. These scrips may be exchanged for legal tender either to be transferred to an outside account, for use during leave, for monitored outside commerce, or at the end of one's employment on this project.
  • Chain of command
    All personnel must respect their superiors; See ranking chart for more information
  • Violence
    Physical fights outside training or authorized duels are strictly prohibited.
  • Vandalism
    No personnel may damage or alter company property without documented permission
  • Dress code
    All uniformed and non-uniformed personnel must be clothed appropriately for their task. Company issued uniforms vary by position. Uniformed employees must change into plainclothes when off duty.
  • Medical care
    All residents of the facility, employee or otherwise, must only seek medical and dental care from authorized on-site sources.

Facility Hierarchy (non-exhaustive list of Roles)
  1. Emperor
    The one and only owner of the company, Korley Skough
  2. Heir to Dockley Inc
  3. Board of Advisors to the emperor
  4. General Administrators
  5. Researchers
  6. Curators
  7. Medics
  8. Security personnel
    • Administrator
    • Level 3
    • Level 2
      • Internal
      • External
    • Level 1
      • Internal
      • External
  9. Dietary staff
    • Dietician
    • Cook
    • Server
  10. Training staff
  11. Recreational Staff
  12. Agricultural staff
  13. Custodial staff
    • Level 3
      Kalon Skough, who is also the heir to the company ( StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus )
    • Level 2
    • Level 1
  14. Working conscripts
  15. Unassigned conscripts
  16. "Freeloaders"
Non-Facility roles (in no particular order, non exhaustive, will be in facility sometimes but not always)
  • Bodyguards to the Skoughs
  • Other hired servants to the Skoughs
  • Business partners
  • Korley's Skough's younger sibling
  • Infiltrators
  • Mercenaries who are native to Arknest
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