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Cunning Commander's Shameless Self-Promotion Thread!


A Man in Love with the Sea and the Ships that Sail
It is time once again to post a search thread, my replies have begun to dry up, and other RPs have disappeared entirely, as such I am opening my little book of plots, pairings, and premises and posting up all my ideas for you happy people. I make it a policy to never reject a PM outright, if I truly don't like the idea you propose I will tell you outright, no sugarcoating. As such, if you want to RP, please conform to a few rules.

  1. Please post in a literate manner, I won't pick at you down to the last comma, but please, speak the King's English man!

That's about it actually, if I don't post a fandom you'd like to RP, just ask about it, even if we can't play in the actual fandom because I know nothing about it, if you explain the premise to me I can go along with it. I will always play a Heterosexual Male as my main, I just don't know how to play anything else on a deep level, side characters I can play across and spectrum as is needed.

Romance is never required unless the plot is specifically romance driven, and even some of those can be turned into platonic friendships if need be.​

I will RP in any genre as long as the plot is interesting, while I enjoy a good stock idea from time to time, variety is the spice of life.

Without further adieu, The Parade of Ideas!


  • Ace Pilot x Ace Pilot (Enemy Side)
  • First Relationship (Super Mushy! Can be any Genre)
  • Priest x Priestess of opposing religion
  • Angel x Fallen Angel/Demon
  • New Gamer x Champion Gamer who managed to lose to them
  • Master x Servant/Bodyguard (Many genres)
  • Ruler x Captured ruler of opposing nation
  • Captain x Captured enemy captain
  • Mage x Mage
  • Ghost x Human
  • Anything Vampire
  • Ship's Captain x Fiance who sneaked on to the voyage
  • Knight x Knight
  • Time Traveler x Assistant
  • School Delinquent x School Disciplinarian (Also Student)
  • Royal x Commoner
  • New Soul x Old Soul (Modern x Traditional)
  • Pirate x Nobility
  • Master x Apprentice (Scandalous)
  • Mage x Summoned Familiar
  • Disillusioned x Full of Life
  • Prince x Princess of warring nations
  • Treasure Hunter x Treasure Hunter
  • Fandom Pairings can be discussed case-by-case, if you have an idea you're dying to try, PM me and we can discuss it!


  • You were walking home one day, the world seemed to be in some sort of convergence, suddenly you take a step and the world around you is not as it was before, the ground is as reflective as the most perfect mirror, yet your reflection is not on it, it as though you stand on an invisible barrier suspended in an endless sky. Surrounding you are three figures, giants clad in Armor which obscures all features from view. They introduce themselves as the most ancient gods of this world, now diminished as they are they select humans to act out their will, you have been deemed worthy of this burden, who will you side with in this invisible war between gods?
  • The world has ended, a cataclysm has rent the earth and now horrible monsters walk on it, you awake in the wastes with naught on you but a strange tattoo. This tattoo begins on the back of your hand and spirals along your arm up to your shoulder, forming a great dragon. This mark is of the great beast which rules the heavens, it has chosen you to wield its power to bring order to the earth and rebind the forces that tore it asunder. Bearing this mark, you and another who bear it must use the powers it grants you to venture across the wastes and return the lords of evil back to the earth.
  • The world long ago flooded, the great meteor which caused the extinction and ice age never struck, as such the earth warmed and ice became nearly nonexistent. The great Dinosaurs that roamed the land gave way but to a few which could subsist on the limited plants of the little land provided. Now the sparse kingdoms of man have taken to the waves with ships of wood and cannon of steel to claim the world as their own, but in the deep lie predators of unimaginable size and strength. You are leaving one of these islands, bound for the next horizon, you will brave sea serpents, enemy warships, and the terrors of the sea alongside another youngling who seeks his fortune.
  • You were just accepted to a prestigious mages' academy! Look at you! Making your old Nan proud! Finally leaving behind all the drama of your home! However the drama resumes around a chief mechanic of the academy, the pairing system, where aspiring mages are paired off to work on assignments together, you must keep the same partner all year. Your school year will be fraught with harrowing ordeals as you learn new ways to harness magic, defeat other schools, encounter all sorts of magical creatures, and find true love.
  • The Second Great War was viewed chiefly from the eyes of the Allied Powers, however the German people suffered greatly under the yoke of Hitler's regime. The Jewish, Gypsies, non-Heterosexuals, Peoples of nearby countries who were considered inferior, Even Germans themselves who proved to be dissidents of the tyrant Hitler. You will play as a member of one of these groups and pair with another to survival the hostile world away from the battlefield, fleeing and fighting for a better tomorrow.
  • You are the child of the High Priest of Ophiuchus, the deity known as "The Serpent Bearer", he is shown in the heavens as restraining the great Serpentis with his bear hands, as his followers, you do the same on earth. Many years ago your parents captured one who was prophesied to lead the people of Serpentis, and confined the child. It is the solemn duty of your order to guard The Pit, it is a wonderous site, dug 100 meters into the earth, walled with ten concentric stone rings stacked on top of each other, the top ring measuring 100 meters across. Each ring itself is ten meters tall, and the sides are each inscribed with a different powerful sealing enchantment. In the center of the great site, bound by chains, each link weighing 10 kilograms, sits the boy, he has aged considerably since he was captured, but is still young, not too far aged from you. You are tasked with going into the pit each day to deliver food and water to the boy, but you are also warned that if you should give into any of his words, you shall be put to death. As you venture into the pit, will you befriend the boy, free him? Or perhaps you will spurn him and leave him in the pit?
  • The world of criminal justice is very stressful for the Attorneys who drive it's gears. Every case you face off with the opposing lawyer, your eyes meet and tensions mount, you go about the trial trading blows with them, and at the end of it all you are sweaty, tired, and emotionally exhausted. My that sounds like something else entirely.

    You work hard each and every day to secure the verdict you need, be it guilty or innocent, and you have faced off with your rival attorney many times before, is it too strange to think that you might fall in love with them? You must navigate the world of law together and work together to find the truth, but how will you handle when your lover is indicted of Murder?

  • At a certain prestigious academy, the students are put into rankings based on their grades and their ability to summon terrifying avatars of destruction to beat the stuffing out of one another. Yes, life at Summoner's Academy is seldom peaceful, whether its the guys in the courtyard having their avatars face off at dawn, or the stress of attending a high end school. Regardless, you must plunge into the fray, summon your avatar, be it dragon, warrior, blob, or whatever else, and fight your way to the top! Or at least that's the plan until your get sidetracked by a new rival, who's kind of cute. Oh great, this just makes things even harder...
  • You have been invited, by mandate of the State, to the Imperial Academy for Advancement of Society. This prestigious academy is known for producing the best and brightest of the Empire's students. You have been identified as a difficult subject in the past, as such you have been assigned a Case Manager [Matthias Graye] who will monitor your activities and supervise your actions to assure that your conduct meets school regulations.You will take the train from New Vienna to the Academy in the city of Eger, there you will meet [Mr. Graye] who will orient you and issue you your uniform and supplies. At the academy you will learn the value of order and discipline, and be of great service to the Fatherland when you graduate.


  • Pokemon
  • Reckless
  • SAO (Aincrad Arc, none of this ALO/GGO tripe, die in the game, you die for real, ya ninnies)
  • Cardfight Vanguard
  • Yugioh
  • Beyblade
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Elder Scrolls
  • Star Wars
  • Ace Attorney
  • Historical
  • Fire Emblem
  • Persona/SMT
  • The Rick Riordan Trinity
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Soul Eater
  • Black Butler
  • Sengoku Basara
  • Infinite Stratos
  • Les Miserables
  • Disney
  • Kill La Kill
  • Attack on Titan
  • How to Train your Dragon
  • Doctor Who
  • Fate/ series
  • Legend of the Legendary Heroes
  • Aldnoah.Zero
  • Avatar/Korra
  • Gurren Lagann
  • Sm4sh
  • Rhythm Thief
  • Code Geass
  • Dan Brown Series
  • Portal
  • Fallout
  • And Many More!
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]

It is time once again to post a search thread, my replies have begun to dry up, and other RPs have disappeared entirely, as such I am opening my little book of plots, pairings, and premises and posting up all my ideas for you happy people. I make it a policy to never reject a PM outright, if I truly don't like the idea you propose I will tell you outright, no sugarcoating. As such, if you want to RP, please conform to a few rules.

  1. Please post in a literate manner, I won't pick at you down to the last comma, but please, speak the King's English man!

That's about it actually, if I don't post a fandom you'd like to RP, just ask about it, even if we can't play in the actual fandom because I know nothing about it, if you explain the premise to me I can go along with it. I will always play a Heterosexual Male as my main, I just don't know how to play anything else on a deep level, side characters I can play across and spectrum as is needed.

Romance is never required unless the plot is specifically romance driven, and even some of those can be turned into platonic friendships if need be.​

I will RP in any genre as long as the plot is interesting, while I enjoy a good stock idea from time to time, variety is the spice of life.

Without further adieu, The Parade of Ideas!


  • Ace Pilot x Ace Pilot (Enemy Side)
  • First Relationship (Super Mushy! Can be any Genre)
  • Priest x Priestess of opposing religion
  • Angel x Fallen Angel/Demon
  • New Gamer x Champion Gamer who managed to lose to them
  • Master x Servant/Bodyguard (Many genres)
  • Ruler x Captured ruler of opposing nation
  • Captain x Captured enemy captain
  • Mage x Mage
  • Ghost x Human
  • Anything Vampire
  • Ship's Captain x Fiance who sneaked on to the voyage
  • Knight x Knight
  • Time Traveler x Assistant
  • Fandom Pairings can be discussed case-by-case, if you have an idea you're dying to try, PM me and we can discuss it!


  • You were walking home one day, the world seemed to be in some sort of convergence, suddenly you take a step and the world around you is not as it was before, the ground is as reflective as the most perfect mirror, yet your reflection is not on it, it as though you stand on an invisible barrier suspended in an endless sky. Surrounding you are three figures, giants clad in Armor which obscures all features from view. They introduce themselves as the most ancient gods of this world, now diminished as they are they select humans to act out their will, you have been deemed worthy of this burden, who will you side with in this invisible war between gods?
  • The world has ended, a cataclysm has rent the earth and now horrible monsters walk on it, you awake in the wastes with naught on you but a strange tattoo. This tattoo begins on the back of your hand and spirals along your arm up to your shoulder, forming a great dragon. This mark is of the great beast which rules the heavens, it has chosen you to wield its power to bring order to the earth and rebind the forces that tore it asunder. Bearing this mark, you and another who bear it must use the powers it grants you to venture across the wastes and return the lords of evil back to the earth.
  • The world long ago flooded, the great meteor which caused the extinction and ice age never struck, as such the earth warmed and ice became nearly nonexistent. The great Dinosaurs that roamed the land gave way but to a few which could subsist on the limited plants of the little land provided. Now the sparse kingdoms of man have taken to the waves with ships of wood and cannon of steel to claim the world as their own, but in the deep lie predators of unimaginable size and strength. You are leaving one of these islands, bound for the next horizon, you will brave sea serpents, enemy warships, and the terrors of the sea alongside another youngling who seeks his fortune.


  • Pokemon
  • Cardfight Vanguard
  • Yugioh
  • Beyblade
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Elder Scrolls
  • Star Wars
  • Ace Attorney
  • Historical
  • Fire Emblem
  • Persona/SMT
  • The Rick Riordan Trinity
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Soul Eater
  • Black Butler
  • Sengoku Basara
  • Infinite Stratos
  • Les Miserables
  • Disney
  • Kill La Kill
  • Attack on Titan
  • How to Train your Dragon
  • Doctor Who
  • Fate/ series
  • Legend of the Legendary Heroes
  • Aldnoah.Zero
  • Avatar/Korra
  • Gurren Lagann
  • Sm4sh
  • Rhythm Thief
  • Code Geass
  • Dan Brown Series
  • Portal
  • Fallout
  • And Many More!

I'm in for the master servant thing?... "^W^
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]The world has ended, a cataclysm has rent the earth and now horrible monsters walk on it, you awake in the wastes with naught on you but a strange tattoo. This tattoo begins on the back of your hand and spirals along your arm up to your shoulder, forming a great dragon. This mark is of the great beast which rules the heavens, it has chosen you to wield its power to bring order to the earth and rebind the forces that tore it asunder. Bearing this mark, you and another who bear it must use the powers it grants you to venture across the wastes and return the lords of evil back to the earth.

I'll do the second plot with you.
Hey guys, back again, sorry to those who were the victims of my last attempt to RP and never heard back from me, you will be awarded a free Blizzard at Dairy Queen for your troubles.*

*Dairy Queen is not involved in this and you do have to pay
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]

  • Angel x Fallen Angel/Demon
  • Master x Servant/Bodyguard (Many genres)
  • Ruler x Captured ruler of opposing nation
  • Royal x Commoner
  • New Soul x Old Soul (Modern x Traditional)
  • Pirate x Nobility
  • Prince x Princess of warring nations

  • You are the child of the High Priest of Ophiuchus, the deity known as "The Serpent Bearer", he is shown in the heavens as restraining the great Serpentis with his bear hands, as his followers, you do the same on earth. Many years ago your parents captured one who was prophesied to lead the people of Serpentis, and confined the child. It is the solemn duty of your order to guard The Pit, it is a wonderous site, dug 100 meters into the earth, walled with ten concentric stone rings stacked on top of each other, the top ring measuring 100 meters across. Each ring itself is ten meters tall, and the sides are each inscribed with a different powerful sealing enchantment. In the center of the great site, bound by chains, each link weighing 10 kilograms, sits the boy, he has aged considerably since he was captured, but is still young, not too far aged from you. You are tasked with going into the pit each day to deliver food and water to the boy, but you are also warned that if you should give into any of his words, you shall be put to death. As you venture into the pit, will you befriend the boy, free him? Or perhaps you will spurn him and leave him in the pit?

  • The world of criminal justice is very stressful for the Attorneys who drive it's gears. Every case you face off with the opposing lawyer, your eyes meet and tensions mount, you go about the trial trading blows with them, and at the end of it all you are sweaty, tired, and emotionally exhausted. My that sounds like something else entirely.

    You work hard each and every day to secure the verdict you need, be it guilty or innocent, and you have faced off with your rival attorney many times before, is it too strange to think that you might fall in love with them? You must navigate the world of law together and work together to find the truth, but how will you handle when your lover is indicted of Murder?

  • Ace Attorney

  • Historical

  • Fire Emblem

  • The Rick Riordan Trinity

  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

  • Soul Eater

  • Black Butler

  • Les Miserables

  • Disney

  • Kill La Kill
  • How to Train your Dragon

  • Avatar/Korra

  • Gurren Lagann
  • Rhythm Thief


All of these seem like fun! If there's any of them you're particularly craving, I'll be happy to help you!
Yo, I'm always down for anything fantasy and medieval-esque, so if you want to do something with the Knights, or mages, or if you're whiling to branch out into wandering minstrels, or mercenaries, I'm game
Oh, good list. If you're interested I like most of your plot ideas, especially this 'High Priest of Ophiuchus' one. Pairings all sound cool, not really fussed about which I play. Out of your fandoms I'm not into the anime ones, but I'm happy for Star Wars, Elder Scrolls or maybe some of the others.

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