CthulhuTech Eldritch Society Game


New Member
I have a started a CTech game using Maptools 1.3b87, Skype and a very light weight framework. We play on Saturdays at 8pm at CST. It's based in the Seattle Arcology and is a sand-box style struggle between the Children of Chaos and the Eldritch Society.

Currently we have a Phantom Tager with a love of early 20th century business suits and gallows humor, and an Intelligence Agent who has a plethora of identities, tools and bullets.

Generally any non-mech, Eldritch Society aligned character concept should work fine. If interested, respond here, PM me or email me at rob.gatlin@gmail.com.
Maptools is a java program that simulates a table top and includes chat functionality, die rolling and customizeable macros. It is free and you will need to supply are images you want to use for your character's token. There will be a small learning curve to use the macros, but it is slight indeed. It's mostly pull down menus and simple number entry.

It should be noted it handles a lot of work for you, like finding the best dice for CTech's infamous poker dice, automatically knowing and applying stat modifiers for your rolls and in general acting like an intelligent character sheet and die roller combo.
As for books you might want to read, I would suggest Unveiled Threats and Ancient Enemies. Unveiled Threats updates some equipment while offering many others. Ancient Enemies details the Eldritch Society and has a bunch of new options.
Oh, man, I'd love to play but my plate is too full right now. Good luck, though.
*Gobbles fistfulls off of Grey's plate*

SephirothSage is currently on Skype with myself and another player, getting his character ready. We have room for more! Come fulfill that void that only eldritch horrors, were-monsters and intelligence wars can fulfill.

He is making a Para-Psychic to join the Tager and Intelligence Agent. Eldritch Society wants you help take down Chrysalis Corporation, the Children of Chaos and their army of Dhoanoids. Apply today!

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