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Name: Commissar Victor Soldat
Age: Imperial records state Victor Soldat is 38 Terran Cycles
Gender: By all signs, male
Species: Human

Weapons: Victor Soldat, throughout his careers as both an Inquisitorial Acolyte and Commissar, has acquired a power sword, the pommel engraved with a GH (a memento from one of his more harrowing Inquisitorial missions), and a heavy bolter as well as a decorated bolt pistol that had originally been used by a Commissar Gild, who had executed several thousand traitorous guardsman as they fled from battle in the battle of Kolmenus against the Tyranid threat.

Personality: Renown for their stoicism, Victor is a bit of an oddity among Kriegers. His service to the Inquisition has softened his personality, making it easier for him to speak to others, and to lie should he have to. And though he is still extremely hard to approach by guardsman, he is more understanding of their troubles. But, cowardice is still cowardice.
Background: Almost half of Commissar Soldat's career and history are restricted by the Inquisition with only those with the highest clearance allowed to view it. Unofficially, however, Victor has seen many horrors. From fighting Drukari and defeating an Archon on a Space Hulk while retrieving several artifacts from a deceased Ordo Malleus member by the name of Adorjin, to cleansing heretical corruption from the hive world of Scintilla. Odds are, Commissar Soldat has seen it and most likely killed it, if not at least talked to it.
Name: Aranelle
Age: likely 2 or 3 thousand
Gender: female
Species: eldar

Psyker/Skills/mutations: blank anti psyker powers immunity or mental based attacks immunity to slaanesh based warp magic.
Holo-Suit: They are used by the Harlequins. Each contains a programmable holo-field which breaks up the outline of the wearer as they move. Whenever anyone wearing this armour moves, it appears that their outline explodes in a flash of light and when he stops the image reconstitutes itself. It is also known as a jigsaw field or domino field. Also, when the wearer stops moving his outline blends into the surrounding landscape. This makes them very hard to fight in combat, easily disorientating their enemies
Harlequin's Caress: The Harlequin's Caress is a close combat weapon used by the Solitaire and other Harlequins.This device sheathes the wearer’s hand in a deadly phase field. The user can literally reach out the hand and tear the heart out of the enemy's chest regardless of his armour as if it was through thin air
Cegorach's Rose: Representing the barbed gift given in jest by the Laughing God to the crone Morai-Heg, this artifact contains thorned monofilaments of shadowsilk. Existing between realspace and the Webway, these shadowsilk strands bypass even the thickest armor. Once within the body of the victim, the rose's threads uncoil, a blossom of molecule-thin blades. The foe is slain instantly as this bladed rose bursts from its chest
Flip Belt: Flip Belts are suspensor, or anti-gravity, belts which triggered by mental command of its wearer and allow him or her to pivot effortlessly at hip level, as well as increasing the Harlequins' already considerable agility. A short range negative gravity field is generated, allowing the Harlequin to use their already prodigious acrobatic talent to greater effect, bounding across battlefields and performing killing blows that are too fast and complicated to be blocked by enemies in combat. Only the most towering obstacles can interfere the movement of the Harlequin with the activated Flip Belt.
Haywire grenades: Haywire Grenades are used by both the Eldar and Dark Eldar for disabling enemy vehicles. Each one sends out a pulse of electromagnetic energy which shorts out electrical wires and disrupts many energy systems. They don't have any effect on biological creatures

Personality: Aranelle's personality is hard to gauge given her path is one of science and to even speak with a solitaire is said to bring about death. The only time a Solitaire like Aranelle speaks to her own kind is then they are in performance and thus it is always ritual dialogue. Still what can be gleaned from her actions is a deep hatred of chaos often meaning she travels with the midnight sorrow and a desire to protect her people in her travels with the twisted path the most. Her opinions on the lesser races is unknown but she doesn't seem to hate them.

Background: little is known of Aranelle even among the other harlequins for like all Solitaires she travels alone joining masque when and for however long she chooses to as few would or could reject a Solitaire. Given how Solitaires move any themselves and none speak to them outside of their performances little of their history can be gleaned and often members of this isolated group can be confused for one another unless identified by a specific weapon of mark. Aranelle is one of those that has a special weapon a relic Cegorach's Rose. This has gathered her a nickname among those few brave enough to acknowledge her existence as the Rose Dancer when translated to gothic. It has been said that Aranelle has traveled with many masques and seems to favor the midnight sorrow and Twisted Path leading her to combat many of the races of the galaxy. The first record of her showing up is around the 39th millennium at least if whispered words and half corrupted pict recordings are to be trusted. In this battle the world Gnyke WSF which was beset by the forces of slaanesh, while it had been an imperial pleasure world it succumbed to a cult and when the imperial guard could not handle the threat the masque of the midnight sorrow showed up to destroy the threat. The deamonic incursion was lead by what is believe to be the deamon known as the masque of slaanesh. While the battle is not recorded whispers from the masque tell of how the Solitaire and the deamon would come to clash in a mirror of a past encounter the Solitaire and masque trading physical blows as much as the seemed to dance each matching the other's move as they made it. The dance continued till at last the masque made one tiny slip up and the solitaire could get in just close enough to truly land a blow. The rose of Cegorach bloomed from the deamon before it's form faded once more into the warp. This was the first time this Solitaire showed up , but it would not be the last as with the rest of her race when it came to humans she can be friend or foe seemingly at random.
Name: MCLVII (Marcus)

Age: 26 Terran Standard

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Psyker/Skills/mutations: Infiltration, Stealth, Marksman (Can 360 no-scope without issue), Duel wield (be it his exitus rifle and pistol or a knife, he will akimbo when it calls for a dose of badassery) Melee combat (knife/short sword)

Weapons: Exitus Rifle, Exitus Pistol, Immolation Rifle, Astartes Combat knife (Taken as a trophy from a target which happened to be an Ultra Marine who knew too much), Shield Breaker Rounds, Hellfire Rounds, Immolator rounds, Turbo-Penetrator Rounds

Armour: Armoured Vindicare Synskin bodysuit

Personality: MCLVII is somewhat more willful than his peers in the Vindicare Temple. That being said, despite The Brainwashing mostly succeeding, MCLVII retained his original personality, and will sometimes ask questions that many if not all his peers would find useless information, such "what has the target done to deserve execution?" or "why?". This has gotten him punished numerous times, and has had him labeled as defective. Despite this however, he always finished the mission despite his willful attitude. While Vindicares are reclusive and antisocial, MCLVII tends to interact with both the rank and file and the officers he is temporarily under. He is a survivalist to his core, but also has a sense of honor, often providing cover for retreating or pinned down friendlies before vanishing.

Background: MCLVII or Marcus as he prefers to call himself, was raised in the Schola Progenium, trained as a Tempestus Scion or Storm Trooped in low gothic. It was during those years as a cadet (18 terran standard), he was noticed by an agent of the Vindicare Temple. Out of all his class, he had the highest score on marksmaship, Infiltration, and CQC. This impressed said agent, and during the night was tranquilized and kidnapped. For the next four years the temple further honed him into the perfect stealth killed. Or attempted to. They couldn't quite brainwash him enough to be perfectly obedient. Perhaps it was a side effect of his abduction, and him protesting in a small way. It mattered not, he still preformed exemplary. After Graduating, and becoming a full fledged temple assassin, he carried out kill orders for the next four years, silencing traitors, heretics and political rivals alike, and sometimes taking a trophy to remember the kill. One kill in particular being that of a potentially treasonous Astartes. A son of Macragge no less. It was one of his toughest infiltrations and executions. None the less, the Astartes brains painted the wall of his chamber, an Exitus pistol round having done the trick. As a memento, MCLVII took his combat knife, and quickly made his escape to a waiting stealth ship.
Name: Sigma-0012

Age: Biologically he is thirty eight, not counting the time he has spent within suspended animation and/or tranquilizer induced comas, the assassin only clocks in at roughly four terran years of age.

Gender: The original specimen was of male origin.

Species: Human

Appearance: Sigma-0012s body is a product of countless cybernetic enhancements, artificial growth stimulants, and a variety of combat drugs. As one would expect, it is not a pretty sight. There is virtually no skin remaining on the body, having been removed in the favor of metal plates or burst apart due to the unnatural amount of muscle growth. Luckily, this horrid sight is covered by heavy slabs of carpace armor, sparing the eyes of any unfortunates that cross him.

Weapons: Sigma-0012 is proficient in most forms of weaponry, and is equipped for what the sortie requires of him, usually, however, he is armed with a power knife, a hellgun, and a Las pistol. In addition, his belt is hardened with a combination of both frag and krak grenades.


Inhuman Physiology: Sigma-0012, whilst not modified nearly as much as the battle brothers of the Adeptus Astartes, still maintains a large amount of blunt trauma resistant, able to survive being thrown through a solid stone wall with relative ease.

Agility: Whilst no Eldar, Sigma is capable of incredible athletic ability for one weighted down with so much gear, able to leap great distances and scale walls with a terrifying amount of finesse.

Marksman: Sigma is a capable sharpshooter, his rifle skills comparable with the finest men and women of the Tempestus Scions.

Servo-skull: a servo-skull slaved to Sigma-0012, it can perform basic field repairs on his augments as well as reconnaissance. Armed with a small laspistol located in the left eye for self defense.

Personality: Psychotic and insane to the extreme, Sigma is kept only in check by a combination of highly effective tranquilizers, heavy indoctrination, and an unshakeable faith in the Emperor. He protrates himself before those he believes to be his spiritual betters, holding them in great awe and admiration.

Background: The brainchild of an eccentric Magos Biologis, Project-34B was a clandestine joint weapons development program developed on behalf of the Officio Assasinorum. An attempt to further weaponize the countless Death Cultists scattered around imperial space, volunteers were taken, stripped of their identity, and transformed. Others were vat grown, knowing only a life of death and eventual destruction.

Sigma-0012 was deployed alongside an Inquisitor as a 'gift' from the Magos Biologis, in truth, the Tech-Priest merely wanted to document the specimens reaction to warp phenomenon and the potential of corruption. With the inquisitor missing and the rest of the retinue either dead or as lost as he was, Sigma-0012 had only one order.

Regroup with imperial forces.

Await further orders.
Adrielle Circle.png

Name: Adrielle Celyne Vais
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Weapon Proficiencies:
  • Bolt Pistol
  • Boltgun
  • Shotgun
  • Storm Bolter
  • Plasma Pistol
  • Plasma Gun
  • Combi-Plasma Gun
  • Hand Flamer
  • Flamer
  • Combi-Flamer
  • Meltagun
  • Combi-Meltagun
  • Frag Grenades
  • Krak Grenades
  • Melta Bomb
  • Plasma Grenades
  • Phosphor Grenades
  • Psychotroke Grenades
  • Chainsword
  • Eviscerator
  • Power Sword
  • Power Maul
  • Power Stake
  • Sarissa Attachment

Other Proficiencies:
  • Auspex
  • Excruciator
  • Mancatcher
  • Psi-tracker
  • Psyocculum
  • Targeter
As can be expected from any Adepta Sororita, Adrielle is a zealot to her cause. Her faith is unshakable to a fault. The horrors she has witnessed, both of the warp and of mundane warfare, have stood to only bolster her spiritual resolve. Adrielle believes that she serves the Emperor as he manifests opportunities that constantly test the female warrior both on and off the field of battle. Ever pious, Adrielle spends her little freetime in prayer and reflection over the Litanies of Faith and how she should apply them to her every waking moment. She can often be found scribing personal notes into her Rule of the Sororitas. In her more recent role of an Inquisitorial Acolyte, Adrielle serves her master almost unquestioningly. In matters concerning the adaptation of Daemonic relics or influence into their work, the Sororita still bears a very hesitant involvement. She is also loath to cooperate with xenos allies, and does so with much chagrin.

Originating from a nearly identical reality, Adrielle was aboard the Leonus Rex (a League Black Ship) when it was badly damaged in a warp storm. This catastrophe was a result of the Great Awakening, a ripple of psychic power that washed across the universe and opened countless warp rifts. Lost in warp space for an indiscernible amount of time, the Gellar fields of the Leonus Rex eventually failed. The ship was beset by chaos daemons and other entities of the warp. A commandry of Battle Sisters were assigned to the ship, charged with the protection of the crew and the ship's stock of psykers.

When the ship reemerged from warp space, all of the crew were dead or missing, many had been transformed into aberrations of their former selves before being killed. The same fate had befallen the Battle Sisters, save one. Adrielle Celyne Vais had survived along with a handful of psykers. The lot of them were taken into custody by the adeptus astartes after they had cleared the ship of any threat. From there, Adrielle was swiftly brought under the scrutiny of the Inquisition. An Inquisitor by the name of Oslo evaluated the lone sister, and eventually determined her to be clear of any malefactor of the warp. It was in this evaluation that Adrielle was discovered to have no record of existence. Oslo determined that the Sororita was indeed from a mirror plane that had slight deviations from his own. In light of her survivalist capacity and clandestine status, Oslo recruited Adrielle into his retinue as an Acolyte. Since that day, Adrielle has accompanied her Inquisitor master as a student of the Inquisition. She is often sent out as a proxy for her master, as well as lent out to other inquisitors of different Ordos. This has gleaned Adrielle a wide but shallow knowledge of the three different branches of the Inquisition. But her knowledge grows deeper with every successful mission she undertakes.

For a more detailed background and overview, follow the link on this character's name
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Adapted the original sheet to conform to the given CS template. Changes have been introduced, the list of which can be found at the very bottom of this sheet.

Zeth Zeth Bruh... move your CS over here!

Roger-roger! Thank you for the nudge. 👍

Name/Ident-signature: Ekteliar Ohm;
Age: 97;
Gender: Male;
Species: Human;
Sub-category: Transhuman;
Homeworld: Forge World Venatoria;
Organization: Collegia Extermis of the Adeptus Mechanicus;
Sub-sect: Venatorian branch of Crucible Resolviate;
Rank: Magos Catharc, Executor, Empyrotek Secundus;


Pict-capture of Magos Ohm as he investigates an ancient artefact before clearing its schemata to be uploaded to the Machine Altar
Ekteliar's toga stopped short of its knees, in that regard akin to a thick coat rather than the all-encompassing ubiquitous robes of the Martian Priesthood.
There is no hood, instead the upper portion of toga extends to cover the crown of Ekteliar's head like a scarf and then snakes down in wide swathes of fabric across his chest.

Blue pinpricks of his oculars dance left-right, resembling miniature satellite dishes neatly placed into the depression of his bare skull.
Magos's Ohm face is laid bare of any flesh, the bone exposed completely on one half and the other half covered in synthetic machinery and light-blue circuits, the similarity with Icon Mechanicus anything but accidental. However to those with no previous experience with Machine Cult cyborgs, the sight of Ekteliar's face as a living evocation of wider Mechanicus philosophy might be disconcerting. In order to stop any excessive emotional shock among the uninitiated from hampering his duties as an Executor, Ekteliar compensates with distortion-free voice, delicate manner and mysterious aura of calm and mental clarity that acompanies him.

Despite his usual static posture, there was small movement beneath the coat, bringing to notice the light-absorbing runes embroiled on the hem of the coat, that apart from making interesting shapes, revealed little else. Usually soft-spoken when not active, this unusual Techpriest, apart from its obvious Venatorian background, revealed nothing of it's Forge, purpose, levels of attainment within ranks of techno-mystic lore or even a Legion he is attached to - for the more militant-orientated Magi.
Apart from his wardrobe and strange visage, this Magos resembles a baseline human in many respects. When without the prestige of an armed escort, uninitiated would often erroneously conclude that Ekteliar is a low-ranking Techpriest.

Just another gearhead.


Psychic grade: Rho - No manifestation of psychic talent (common human being).

Implant-Blessings and Abilities:
Visage of the Icon Mechanicus:
- Known in the wider Imperium as Opus Machina or Cog Mechanicus, Ekteliar's face is fashioned into a sacred symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus. As such it serves to anyone as a reminder that Magos strives toward synthesis through opposing dualities. Despite appearing disconcerting to some, the head is outfitted with several implantations to aid Magos Ohm in gathering, processing and ultimately conveying information; as is his duty as a Mechanicus Executor:
  • 2x oculars - these bionic eyes bolster the visual range of light that Magos can perceive as well as overlay one's vision with additional information fetched via synthetic optical nerves. They act as Magnaculars, Night and Thermal Vision;
  • Cortex Implant: A network of micro-cogitators and neural catalysts that replace a portion of the brain, correcting any damage and refining thought processes.
  • Mind-Impulse Unit/Sense Link: Used for divine communion by adherents of the Machine Cult and to implement sabotage by sordid criminals, this augmetic allows a mortal mind to directly interface with a Machine Spirit.
  • Bionic Hearing;
  • Empyrotek Mind-Scrubber: Instead of storing information of highly traumatic and morally dangerous events into one's subconsciousness, these mind-scrubbers re-direct it to a portion of highly-segmented cogitator-implants. Additionally, they hold special diagrams for electrogrammatic wards and meme-chants necessary for the shielding rituals against corruptive influences of the Warp. These soul-saving devices are crucial in allowing Empyroteks to perform their duties in handling warp-channelling devices and in case of overloading - mind-scrubbing the Techpriest's memory.
  • Nuncio Vox: increasingly hoarse voice necessitated this implant, completely replacing Ekteliar's vocal cords. With changeable calibration, Ekteliar reclaimed his youthful voice, allowing him not only to communicate in flesh-speak, free of mechanical distortions of the ubiquitous vox synthesisers, but also allows for rapid translation into the myriad denominations of Low Gothic. This device has the added benefit of freeing Ohm's speech from a limited vocal range of baseline humans.
  • Noospheric Uplink: An implant situated in the back of his skull, allowing for the famous wireless communion and link with the Noosphere. Synthetic nerves tracing all the way to his oculars, allow Ekteliar to see the data that floats in this informational dimension.
  • Scent-Censer: This device burns a mixture of herb-capsules and sacred incense, on command releasing a steam in-between Ekteliar's steel teeth for both social and ritual purposes.
Electoos: Ubiquitous implant that identifies the person born within the Kingdom of Mars. Ekteliar's Electoos are inscribed in the steel support of his right arm. When prompted, Magos Ohm activates the electoo and in showing his right palm, would reveal a glowing set of identifying codes ringed in the rust-red glow of cog-teeth;

2x Hidden Mechadendrite limbs:

  • Medicae Mechadendrite: A slim mechanical tentacle that is usually retracted within his body. Despite being devoid of organics, as an Executor he often deals with those that ar. This limb has proven very helpful when he needs to provide expert medical assistance or render someone unconscious. Acts as a Diagnostor and Medikit;
  • Utility Mechadendrite: A slim mechanical tentacle that is usually retracted within his body. Being almost completely devoid of organics, Ekteliar uses this limb in case he is injured or he needs to render aid to an ailing machine. Acts as a Combi-tool;

Executor's Bionic Body: In order to prevent old age of wasting organics to affect his duties but hesitant as an Executor to deviate too much from the boundaries of the human form, Ekteliar submitted himself to the Cybernetica Magi who transported the remains of his organic brains into a new body. Miracles of technology reshaped a man bent under the weight of old age into an agile, deadly and discerning transhuman with cords of fibre-muscles wrapped in plasteel mesh, bristling sensors and internal power plant. This procedure both enhanced his physical abilities above the levels of the most able baseline human and removed Ekteliar's need for eating, drinking and almost completely removed the need for breathing and sleeping.
  • Bionic Locomotion: augmetic legs completely replaced Ekteliar's scrawny ones with fibre-muscles coiled around steel supports and wrapped in plasteel mesh. These legs provide Ekteliar with strength, dexterity and speed he never knew before.
  • Augmetic Arms: removal of intricate plating of his aegium armour, would reveal Ekteliar's lithe and flexible arms; corded muscles snapping like synthleather bound tightly as they were and held fast by a plasteel mesh. Far from sub-standard work of a Hive World Augmeticist, these limbs were wrought, installed and consecrated by ordained members of the Cult's Cybernetica cabals.
  • Ohm's Right Hand is additionally implanted with Electoo inscribed into the steel support with fingers housing retractable finger probes for the neurally-bonded Electro-Graft. This allows Magos Catharc to interface with machine data ports and imperial data nets, certifying optimal flow of information while ensuring the spiritual safety of everyone that relies on such infrastructure, both man and machine.
  • Ohm's Left Hand has its steel support replaced with a rod housing Gellar's Aetheric Augury, allowing Ekteliar to measure Empyric energies on imperial gellar scale detected either by him or Luminant's Augur Array. Additionally, fingers are implanted with retractable lithocast projectors, enabling him to project data across the visible baseline human spectrum.
  • Bionic Respiratory System: Replacing the entirety of the failing cardio-vascular system, this implant feeds the remains of the organic brain and limbic system by supplying it with fluid that carries greater quantities of oxygen in a more consistent manner. This system is powered by both electricity and internal supply of pressurised oxygen.
  • Potentia Coil: Replacing the need to eat made the option of converting biomass into bio-electricity both redundant and inefficient. Cradled in the cartilage, suspended by a silicone cushion are crystal coils that store a vast amount of energy in order to keep himself functioning. The system rations the supply of energy throughout the spinal conductor and across the body. At the base of the spinal conductor lies a shielded port that Magos can use to recharge himself by plugging into a power source.

Mutations: All genetic deviations caused by pollution, inheritance and Venatoria's proximity to the Maelstrom have been excised and otherwise replaced by implants.

Weapons/Ex-Load of Techno-Arcana:

- Rod of Tomorrow (Artefact) - A gift of the Venatorian Myrmidons after Lord Ohm aided them in driving back a daemonic incursion invading from the Maelstrom. The Rod itself is an arcane device whose origin is lost to history. It serves as a teleportarium beacon as well as an anchor in reality, displaying debilitating effect upon the psychic events, activities and psykers. For those psychically inert, Rod's reality-bolstering function affects them as a wave of spiritual calm and mental clarity that recedes the further they are from the Magos.
Venatorian Artisans and Empyroteks claim to this day that inner mechanisms of the Rod were constructed from pure reason and logic, and it is due to this that near vicinity experiences a bolstering effect to the materium, negating the chaotic energies of the Warp.

Also acts as a walking cane.
Acts as: Teleportation Beacon, Corposant Stave, Omnissian Symbol of Authority (Magos), anti-empyric armament.

- Mechanicus Contagia - An implanted suite of cogitators deep within his chest that Ekteliar uses to house Data-Djinns too dangerous for him alone to banish. This veritable prison is used to contain such infectious code until a congregation of fellow adepts can gather and psalmic banishment or reforging can be performed.

- Aegium War Plate - Full body armour composed of rows of small interlocking plates providing protection but not at the cost of bulkiness that would undoubtedly hamper Executor's social duties.. The metals and fibres of the regalia are composed of a multilayered alloy that provides admirable protection despite being thin and flexible. This alloy is informally known as aegium and acts as a capacitor that harnesses the energy of incoming attacks and disperses it across the wearer's frame.

Acts as: a more nimble and advanced version of Skitarii War Plate;

- Volkite Serpenta;



1x Luminant - Within Cult Mechanicus, Servo-Skulls of notable Techpriests and Magi alike are considered idols of the Machine God. These Luminants are imprinted with though-engrams of the deceased so that they can serve upon the Path of Knowledge again. Luminant accompanying Ekteliar takes the form of a skull with an incredibly enlarged cranium ringed with various antennae and probes. Rumour has it that this unnamed adept's hunger for information is as voracious in death as it was in life.

Acts as: Augur Array and Vox Caster;


2x Mekspiders w/ Lascutters - Two fist-sized machinelings fashioned to resemble silver arachnids. These delicate yet highly agile drones are in noospheric communion with accompanying Adept and are useful not only in scouting inaccessible areas but also in melee as well.


"Sin, crime, and heresy are malfunctions within the mechanism of civilization, the evidence of some faulty cog within the grand machine of society. A repair necessitates the removal of these errant components, either to forge them anew in some useful form, or so that they may be eliminated as imperfections."

Excerpt from Chapter XIII of "Observations upon the Ordered Function of Empire"

Within the Great Engine that is the Imperium, everyone has their pre-ordained place and Lord Ekteliar can often be found in the local machine-shrines or Forge Fane of some churning manufactorum. On these important locales of production and worship, Magos works closely with Teletechs Adepts to pinpoint the convergence of cogitational systems and the blessed data that courses through them. By sifting through these informational heartbeats, he performs the role of assuring not only the efficiency of these places within the proscribed parameters, but also the spiritual purity of both man and machine.

As such, Ekteliar is precise, exacting, yet soft-spoken individual, his work bringing him to numerous Imperial Worlds that have a Mechanicus enclave established, and thus in contact with a myriad of Imperium's Adeptas and Officios. The art of diplomacy and that of flesh-word, while lost on many of his brethren for its inefficiency at relaying information, is an anachronism he is often forced to adopt in order to investigate cases related with imperial organizations that use...less advanced methods of communication.

Calm and courteous in his manner, coupled with deliberate and exacting speech has earned him an info-aura of respect among his brethren, unmarred by fear despite his shrouded role and the uncertainty it brings. Usually not knowing how to react to him or whose side h will favour, often puts Magos Ohm in a neutral role in an environment filled with cutthroat Adepts and power-hungry sects.
In such dangerous situations, an individual can approach him and confess, as they often seek spiritual guidance and a safe place of communion between warring sides. This suits perfectly to his judicial duties, as such a carefully balanced atmosphere allows him to see the sacred data behind all the misinformation, slander and lies.

Lord Ohm often adopts an introspective attitude of rigorous self-reflection, often subjecting his own thought-pattern and resulting actions under the same scrutiny that he reserves for those he brings justice to.


Almost a century ago, the individual who is now known as Ekteliar Ohm was selected and modified to serve within the judicial part of the Machine Cult, the Collegia Extermis. During the course of his service, he travelled far from the scarred Venatoria and was blessed many times for specific roles where data-extraction, situation appraisal and sanctification were critical. If the machine is irretrievably corrupted, put it to rest. In case of its caretakers, recycle them for their sins. After decades of service and many flesh-death encounters, Ekteliar was found to be in a unique position of exuding not only competence and reliability but trust as well.

Such rare qualities did not go unnoticed and the ancient and shadowy cabal that directs the Collegiate, the Magi of Magisterium took him as their own.

Endowed with unprecedented authority and access to the techno-arcane lore of its Forge World, Ekteliar dwelles deep into the variables and works that bring both man and machine in moral danger. His investigations brought him far and wide across the expanse of Venatorian space, both to vassalised lands, isolated Mechanicus enclaves on overpopulated Imperial worlds and wreckages of antiquity.


Changes introduced in this sheet differentiate it from the original in several ways:
- Ekteliar is armed now with Volkite Serpenta instead of a Charger, as I wanted him to have a thermal-ray pistol, not a rifle;
- Added a description explaining briefly what is Aegium War Plate and what is its closest analogue;
- Ekteliar's Luminant Servo-Skull acts now also as a Vox Caster - this should allow PC party to host their own vox channel and not rely on external infrastructure.
- Added a more detailed list of implants and blessings conferred upon Ekteliar in order to more accurately reflect his role and abilities;
- Added a more descriptive material within the Appearance section.
- Rod of Tomorrow has an additional line underlining positive effects that the mysterious artefact has on the psychically thin/inactive/inert.
- Clarified that Mechanicus Contagia is implanted in Ekteliar's chest.
- Cleaned up sentence syntax for greater comprehension and corrected grammatical errors.
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Name: Brugarr Garg
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Ork

Psyker/Skills/mutations: Legendary Gunfighter
Weapons: Ork Dakka Submachinegun

Personality: Dislikes his Ork species and "helps" the Imperium, despite them shooting him on sight he is a sympathizer for the Imperium of Man. Loves good food and loves shooting his gun, whether he is shooting a target or a Chaos daemon.
Background: Born on a uncharted planet this Ork grew up hating Ork kind, seeing them as marauders who hated everything and never went to war over what was right. He saw the T'au Empire as liars who pretended to fight for the "greater good" as an excuse to conquer. He saw the Chaos as monsters who needed to be stopped. And he disliked every other Xenos faction, that left him with one faction to sympathize for, and that was the Imperium of Man. Of course nobody cared who he sympathized for so he was conscripted to fight for the Orks, after proving himself as a highly lethal sharpshooter with just about any gun, he was promoted to a much higher rank, after fighting other Ork groups, other Xenos species, and the Imperium of Man, he overestimated his abilities and tried to desert, he was caught and almost executed, but pardoned because he was a asset that could still be used in the Ork army as a warrior. He waited several years before attempting to desert again, by then he had much more combat experience than he did before, and his skills only got better, and he only got stronger, so when he tried to desert he was nearly caught several times, but after bounty hunter after bounty hunter, he finally made it too deep into Imperium territory for the Orks to find him. Of course since the humans were xenophobic they shot him on sight, he didn't blame them because of their major history being fighting Xenos, Chaos or some other alien force. But none of that xenophobia stopped him from going into battles and helping Imperium forces by shooting at enemy forces. He has been taken prisoner by the party of Imperium forces.

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