Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

Sending Ritsu another request to be a group, he thought for a minute, pondering on his choices,"Hmm... I'm not sure what quest I want to do?~ How about we head back and check the board, after that we can go shop for supplies." He said taking Ritsu's hand and walked out of the shady woods into the bright light,"Ugh... so bright." He thought dragging Ritsu along without him even getting to even answer.

Once they got to the town, Daniel dragged Ritsu to the quest board and examined the quests,"Which should we do Ritsu?" He asked looking at him questionably.
The demon was kind of glad he hadn't scared his neighbor away but he was already starting to see some things he may later find a nuisance. But a guild might actually be a good idea since it was a way to meet others. He answered Seth's question plainly "I'm Castiel, and this is-" Falkner beat him to it "Falkner former dark priest of <insert made up city name> pleased to uhh... make your aquantance" the Raven was still evaluating the man and his pet, especially the canine he was a bird now so cats and dogs and such bothered him. Castiel figured it was at least worth a try, why not? "Alright then, I'll join this guild but I want to help find members, I don't want a bunch of noobs slowing me down."
Ichibaki stops rolling Tsuki when he saw a flying man (?) over them, It was an eye-catching view, seeing a young man that looks like it was sent from up above. "A thief!!" Tsuki yell as Ichibaki holds his sword handle, but to their surprise it landed in front of them face first seeing how painful it was. They were both quiet for a few seconds, don't know if they should laugh or not, but the feeling that this young man giving to Ichibaki is good that all his worries instantly vanish. "That must be hurt..." as Tsuki break the silence between them.

When the young man sat up and look at them, Tsuki was horrified seeing his face that he didn't hear what he's talking about "waahh that sure is painful and I don't want Chichi to be flop down looking like that" Tsuki said while hugging his master.

"He just said I got a nice pet" Ichibaki said to Tsuki to calm him down.Tsuki quickly turns to look at the boy with glistening eyes. He then flies up as he gets close to the boy even though he was afraid of too much blood coming out of the boy's nose. "Young sir, please be alive, you're the only one who appreciates my beauty__" he then noticed that the boy keeps staring at his master that he suddenly felt like this is the boy that is going to change his master.

"This is it!" he said cheerfully and turn to look at his Master "Chichi what are you staring at for? Help him" as he ordered his Master. "Aren't you a healer pet?" Chibaki said while looking back at him. "I can only heal master cause I'm not strong enough to heal anyone and how could you not know that__" as he saw his master suddenly move closer to the boy and pinch the young boy's nostrils with his left hand "this should cease, right?" he said to Tsuki while looking at the boy's face. "Lean back for a bit" as he lay his right hand along the back shoulder of the boy and let him lean gently on the base of the tree."This can stop the bleeding, but some of the blood you might swallow it, " he said as he wipes some of the blood left on the boy's face. After wiping it "this is better!" he said, looking at the boy "well what I mean is, I like the face I saw before you_" He fakely coughs "you fall down". Tsuki look at the scene and blushes "waahh! Chichi-sama I feel something odd, perhaps Love thrills and you look like a knight! I didn't know that Chichi can show his other sides to another player besides me" as he bounces happily."Shut up!" he said as his face turn red realizing the word he just said. Chibaki then grab the right hand of the boy "pinch your nose and I'll buy you a healing potion if that's not going to stop".

Tsuki starts giggling at how master takes good care of the young fella. Tsuki then noticed that the boy has a spell mark on his face and body "maybe he is a mage and not a theif" as he take a look closer. "Young sir are you a wiz? If it so, then you must have a healing potion!" Tsuki asked as Ichibaki look at the boy too.
Ritsu accepted the group request, thinking himself about what exactly the quests were, only he couldn't remember off the top of his head. As he was about to reply to Daniel about checking the board and getting supplies, Daniel took his hand and began dragging him along. Of course on Ritsu's face was now a light blush, as he blushed pretty darn easily.

They reached the board and Ritsu noticed he still held onto his hand.

"Uh, umm.. I don't know.. You decide. Which has the most useful payout?" He replied, rather nervously. Ritsu had never grouped up with anyone before, always resulting in him being a renegade, or solo player if you will. His cheeks were still a light pink, although he hoped that Daniel wouldn't notice, as well as hoping that he wouldn't be teased again. Because if he was teased, he would call sexual harassment... Not that he didn't actually like the attention he was getting from it.

(I was actually just too lazy to go look back at the quest list ALLLL the way on page 1...)
Daniel studied the board not paying much attention to Ritsu as he scanned through the quests,"Hmm... We could do the Clear Silvermare Graveyard Dungeon? All we need is two more people and we'll be set." He said looking around for someone useful for their team. He then looked over to Ritsu, a smirk smudged on his face as he studied Ritsu's adorable face,"Aww~ Are you 'sick' again?" He asked in a teasingly tone. Teasing Ritsu has become one of his favorite game and he even named this game, "Teasing Ritsu", such a game he plays.
"Y.. Yeah, we can do that one...." He said, initially responding as he looked over the details of the said quest. When asked if he was "Sick again" Ritsu averted his gaze, still feeling as if his hand was heavy in the others hold.

"N.. No! I'm absolutely fine..." He replied, not making any eye contact. It's not like he knew he was making an even bigger game out of it by looking away. Ritsu hoped Daniel would just leave it at that, but with his antics... Who knows? That smirk on the others face... Was the smirk of the devil in reality...
Ram was back in his reality when the man pinched his nostril. He didn't feel any pain, he felt that he was being captivated by the charms of this human race. He was dazed, as the man leans him on the tree. Ram swallowed some blood due to leaning just as the guy said, but he doesn't feel like vomiting or anything. He was just surprised as he blushed when the man wipes some blood on his face. He was about to say thank you, but the guy complimented him and having this kind of sensational feeling within him, he wonders if his soul is still with him (lol). It was true that the pet of this man said, He felt like this guy was a knight and he's a prince in a princess disguise.

When he saw that the man felt embarrassed around him and seeing how his face turns red "how cute " he thought and wanted to throw him a hug. But Ram then felt his heart beat so fast when the guy grab his right hand to let him pinch his nose. He appreciates how the guy took care of him and going to trouble just to buy him a healing potion, but he wanted to let him stay and took care of him, scram the healing potion. But thank goodness the man's pet realizes he is a mage and well for him it was the first time he forgot about what he was.

"Oh yes, I am a wiz and yes, I have healing potions" he said as he taps the gear on his hands and takes out the healing potion. "Here it is!" he said smilingly as he starts to drink it until the potion takes an effect. "Thank you for taking care of me-" he said as he stops, realizing he left his pet on the other side of the bush. "Nampy!" he said as he gets up quickly and goes to where he left his pet.
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Early in the morning, Hazkeya was walking in the town, eating the french bread that he stole from the bakery shop. He then saw Ram looking at the new quest board, his friend that he actually likes being around with him. He was about to go to Ram when suddenly he was seen by the pastry chef and lead him to run. "Dammit! Sgt. Roco take him down!!" as they went to the alley and Roco gets out of Hazkeya cloak, pulling out his gun aiming to the pastry chef .

The pastry chef was terrified and run away. "Good Job Sgt. Roco" he said as the pet saluted to him. He laughs at how cute his pet is as he gives his entire french bread on Roco. "Now, where are we going to look for him?" he said while going to the place where he saw Ram. "Roco bet he went that way" as Roco pointed at the forest. "Then I guess he did, since he doesn't have a party " he said agreeing to Roco.

Hazkeya and Roco went to the woods to look for Ram. "If we don't have luck, then we go look for him in the town" as they went deep into the forest. "Roco thinks we are lucky!" as Roco look at his master then pointed Ram's pet, Nampy sleeping on the ground. Haz then went to Nampy and pick her up "hope nothing bad happened to him, since Nampy is alright" he said worriedly.

He then saw Ram coming out of the bushes "Ram! why the hell leaving Nampy of her own?" he said as he went to Ram and gives him his pet Nampy. "Be thankful I found her" he said smilingly and relief that this guy is alright. "What quest are you tak.." as he saw a man near the tree "..taking?". He then looked at Ram suspiciously "Why the hell are you here? And why.. why, why the hell there is a guy? Alone in a hidden place to!" as he pointed at the guy a bit of annoyance. Hazkeya don't know why he felt that way, but he was genuinely pissed off as he gives a glare at the guy.
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"Nampy?" he thought as Ichibaki just look at the guy gets up and about to leave them. "Oh, you're leaving already?" as Tsuki said a bit sad. They then heard a voice as it went closer to them "that's a theif alright!" as Tsuki saw the guy now talking to the boy. Tsuki then look at his master and was surprised to see how master silently staring at the two with sadness, the feeling of expecting something that it was already owned by somebody else. "Ichi-sama..."

Ichibaki felt something weird inside of him watching the two, he wants to leave and don't want to see such as the guy was so close to the boy. He then decided to take a leave, but the guy saw him and suddenly being mad. "This is nuisance" as he facepalm of exasperation "Go for it Chichi! Be mad!" as Tsuki suddenly support him. He then looks at Tsuki "I have no right to get mad.." he said as Tsuki understands it but was sad about it. "I don't even know him, nor his name...and.." as he takes a glance at them "and I don't know what relationship they have". Chibaki then gets up and looks at the guy "How naive of you to believe those stupid things, if I were you I'll stop that delusional thing of yours" he pronounced as he gets his blade. Tsuki then look at the guy "I wonder what were you thinking?" Tsuki grins "your head is full of green colors, particularly the brain" as Tsuki said with a bit of annoyance and hurriedly goes to his master "Lets kill some mobs master! I like the GREEEENN~ slime thing!" as he look at the guy then his master. "Okay" he agrees just wanted to leave the two, then all of a sudden when he passes by the two his right abruptly pats the head of the boy gently "..see'yah" he said. He was then surprised by his action "What the f- did I just do?" as he thought and keeps walking away, thinking what he did.
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