Princess of the Stars
"Thank you, Phoebe." Calliope smiled at her as she made her way into the apothecary. She nodded politely at the shrimp woman as she greeted them and began to look around at the items on the shelf. She was unfamiliar with many of these ingredients, and she had the time, she would love to spend hours talking with this woman about their properties and uses, but she didn't want to bore Victorique and Phoebe, who had been kind enough to accompany her. After examining the stock on the shelves and not seeing what she needed, she turned to the woman. "<Greetings. My name is Calliope, I am a potion crafter from Ryke on the surface, here to acquire ingredients for my practice. I am looking to obtain a prismatic lobster shell. Might you have a spare you would be willing to part with?>"