Crucible: Darkening Skies

Ooh, interesting. High adventure in the skies is always fun, and the last game with a similar premise I played in ended a while ago.

So anyway, if there's still room for another on the crew, I think I'd like to play a thief from the Iron Tower. Possibly an Ebon Night magi, possibly a mutant, possibly just a mundane human with a knack for moving unseen... Hmm...
Dragnar said:
Ooh, interesting. High adventure in the skies is always fun, and the last game with a similar premise I played in ended a while ago.
So anyway, if there's still room for another on the crew, I think I'd like to play a thief from the Iron Tower. Possibly an Ebon Night magi, possibly a mutant, possibly just a mundane human with a knack for moving unseen... Hmm...
Ah, well, there are some hindrances to that being from the Iron Tower, but we can discuss those in the proper forum. You're welcome to come on over and look at the expanded content, and PM me about further development of the character

EDIT: Hurf durf, that can actually make for a great character.
Oh, is there still room? I'm actually finding this interesting, and wish to make up for the inability to help playtest Fallen.
I skimmed over your table of contents and was completely enthralled by the level of detail. If you kept on with this I'm sure you could develop it into a book. The dream-weaving particularly peaked my interest. I wondered if you had a whole set of original rules for dream combat. Certainly would not be surprised. If any of the players lose interest or get too busy, I would love to join as a full-time PbPer. Even so, I would still be interested in being brought in as a casual player (for guest appearances) if you are looking to add some more flavour here and there.
tr4nsience said:
I skimmed over your table of contents and was completely enthralled by the level of detail. If you kept on with this I'm sure you could develop it into a book. The dream-weaving particularly peaked my interest. I wondered if you had a whole set of original rules for dream combat. Certainly would not be surprised. If any of the players lose interest or get too busy, I would love to join as a full-time PbPer. Even so, I would still be interested in being brought in as a casual player (for guest appearances) if you are looking to add some more flavour here and there.
Well, thank you kindly. If there's enough interest I could potentially fit a second crew, but I've got a lot on my plate right now.

If you're interested in joining a similar game, you might want to check out Fallen
This game has had some dropouts.

And we may be in a position to take on say, one more crewmember soon.
Grey said:
Got a character concept?
Sorry I've been away for a week or so. I will see what I can whip up for a concept. Let me know if there is anything in terms of flavor or direction you are looking for.
KyoDemer said:
SO, this is where I sign up, wheres the line?
Got a concept in mind? So far we've got two Infernal Scions (Olimak and Lezek), a Rat Guardian/Blacksmith, two human Stormlords, a Fireheart, and we may soon have a Chronomancer as our Engineer leaves.
I was thinking on using Kyo in Arcanotech. We would need to speak in private on his back story. I've got some ideas to run past you.
I would like to join the Waitlist for this, if that's okay? Maybe make a Char so I'm ready if the waitlist ends up having an Open Slot, that is, so I'm prepared for if and when it's plausible and possible..? Reading the rules for this setting is making me giddy.
Go ahead and make one, and if I can fit you in, fit in you will be.

What's the concept?
I need to work on that- but I was propably going for either a Human Mutant, a Human Mage, or an Infernal Mage, if that last one is possible. Regardless- I want to read around the Options a bit more- I just wanted permission to be working on a charachter, before I read too far in, and got my hopes too far up.
Fair enough.... What about a Treefolk? How would that work? And it doesnt say Treefolk cant be mages- though, I fully understand if I cant start as one, as a Tree-Person...
I've had that page open this whole time, and been reading it... But one thing I didnt note. What size are treefolk? I mean, are they Ent's, or Dryads? Is the "SPriggan And Dryad" A good thign to go by for size, as in, their the size of Spriggans from Skyrim, or Dryads from popular lore, or are they godamn ents?
SephirothSage said:
I've had that page open this whole time, and been reading it... But one thing I didnt note. What size are treefolk? I mean, are they Ent's, or Dryads? Is the "SPriggan And Dryad" A good thign to go by for size, as in, their the size of Spriggans from Skyrim, or Dryads from popular lore, or are they godamn ents?
Oh, god, no, not ents - they're about human sized - Spriggan are usually about 5'5'', while Dryads commonly push 6'
Ah. Glad to hear it. I just pictured Treebeard the Archmage for a moment and almost died of laughter. And Fear. mostly Fear.

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