Crow knightwalker (Mentor for OOTT)


Name: Crow Knightwalker


Villain name: Nightmare king


Other Names: I have only a few but they annoyed me so I just simply kill whoever tries to say them. But His Family Call's him Grampa Crow


Age: I look 24 but age is just a useless number that was created for the vessels that I control


Gender: in this lifetime I am a Male in two previous life spans ago I was a female.


Sexuality: oh that hmm I believe I don't mate with anything or being so Pansexual


Race: Reincarnated being in human body






Height: 6' 1 why do you need to know these idiotic numbers


Weight: fine if you must know I weight around 170 pounds of pink muscle I had to train my vessel so I can survive and gather enough Terror from the world around Me


SuperPowers: I have the Abilities to Manipulate and Summon NightMares/Night Terror's and the More People and children get scared the Stronger my abilities become



Weapon's: I carry my Customised Sword/Scyth and a Pair of HandCuffs



I have a very few but I will tell you the one's I am most proud of


Top Athletic abilities

Intelligent Thank's to ReIncarnation throughout the Centuries he has Learned and Remembered everything he wanted from Herb's and even Psychological



Calm during a Danger

Natural Fighting Sense's




I am not going to say that i don't have any but tell the truth because my power is sufficient enough to protect me but if you must know




i am a Drunk go Figure


Never plan's anything


Trusts More his instinct's than his Head


Get's Distracted in the Pleasure of Fighting than going through with his Initial plan


This Human has a Secret that no one knows about he need's sugar to run at full potential I must be eating sweet's almost all the time of the day.



Crow has Demotic personality but not just that he has a destructive personality for everyone because he just love to tease everyone he like's and when i say tease i mean he will make you feel like all the assholes's in the world are kindhearted people who met him once.but when Crow need's to get serious he will stop goofing around he will finish the job but thats when he is not drunk Crow will basicly be Drunk 85 percent of the time througout the day.














People waking me up during my naps


annoying kids


salty snack's




They Said that The Multiverse was created by two Strong Being's called Darkness and Light But what did the creation's of the Brother's do they Banished Darkness to the side and had Hailed Glory and Praise towards his brother now known as God. While he was treated with nothing but insults and Hatred so he embraced it and started to create demon's when god saw this he created angel's over the year's there was war over the human's and Earth that even Crow's Children started to hate his ambition he wanted glory but his children only saw useless beings that their Father and Uncle created. So they decided to take over the Demon Dimension by killing Crow but that was a mistake because Crow could create Demon's as strong as him so they decided to Trick him and work with god in trapping Crow in a Never endless Prison. When crow Left for a Talk with his Brother he left his Oldest son in charge but when he arrived on earth that's where all of his plan's went down the drain. He was Sealed in a Human Baby body and throughout the centuries. He saw what his Children were creating nothing but stupid game's and idiotic messes destroying the world he just wanted to be worshipped by but then he noticed that Fear in the scream's of the Human's made him stronger and thats when he decided " yes i can use all of them even my own creation's against everyone and my Children the one's that Messed with my Plan's. By creating the Perfect army of Human's and special Beings


Villainous's Motive:

i have my motive's but the main reason is to Find the Seven Deadly sin's and the Son's of my Brother to train them and make them into proper Villian's

motive number two i want to Gather Fear in masses so using The OOTT as Pawn's for Gathering Fear and Power

Free Food and Booze and Laughs


Theme Song:



Crow loves Human's because he created them with God thats why their is evil in every human being

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Name: Crow Knightwalker


Villain name: Nightmare king


Other Names: I have only a few but they annoyed me so I just simply kill whoever tries to say them. But His Family Call's him Grampa Crow


Age: I look 24 but age is just a useless number that was created for the vessels that I control


Gender: in this lifetime I am a Male in two previous life spans ago I was a female.


Sexuality: oh that hmm I believe I don't mate with anything or being so Pansexual


Race: Reincarnated being in human body





Height: 6' 1 why do you need to know these idiotic numbers


Weight: fine if you must know I weight around 170 pounds of pink muscle I had to train my vessel so I can survive and gather enough Terror from the world around Me


SuperPowers: I have the Abilities to Manipulate and Summon NightMares/Night Terror's and the More People and children get scared the Stronger my abilities become



Weapon's: I carry my Customised Sword/Scyth and a Pair of HandCuffs



I have a very few but I will tell you the one's I am most proud of


Top Athletic abilities

Intelligent Thank's to ReIncarnation throughout the Centuries he has Learned and Remembered everything he wanted from Herb's and even Psychological



Calm during a Danger

Natural Fighting Sense's




I am not going to say that i don't have any but tell the truth because my power is sufficient enough to protect me but if you must know




i am a Drunk go Figure


Never plan's anything


Trusts More his instinct's than his Head


Get's Distracted in the Pleasure of Fighting than going through with his Initial plan


This Human has a Secret that no one knows about he need's sugar to run at full potential I must be eating sweet's almost all the time of the day.



Crow has Demotic personality but not just that he has a destructive personality for everyone because he just love to tease everyone he like's and when i say tease i mean he will make you feel like all the assholes's in the world are kindhearted people who met him once.but when Crow need's to get serious he will stop goofing around he will finish the job but thats when he is not drunk Crow will basicly be Drunk 85 percent of the time througout the day.














People waking me up during my naps


annoying kids


salty snack's




They Said that The Multiverse was created by two Strong Being's called Darkness and Light But what did the creation's of the Brother's do they Banished Darkness to the side and had Hailed Glory and Praise towards his brother now known as God. While he was treated with nothing but insults and Hatred so he embraced it and started to create demon's when god saw this he created angel's over the year's there was war over the human's and Earth that even Crow's Children started to hate his ambition he wanted glory but his children only saw useless beings that their Father and Uncle created. So they decided to take over the Demon Dimension by killing Crow but that was a mistake because Crow could create Demon's as strong as him so they decided to Trick him and work with god in trapping Crow in a Never endless Prison. When crow Left for a Talk with his Brother he left his Oldest son in charge but when he arrived on earth that's where all of his plan's went down the drain. He was Sealed in a Human Baby body and throughout the centuries. He saw what his Children were creating nothing but stupid game's and idiotic messes destroying the world he just wanted to be worshipped by but then he noticed that Fear in the scream's of the Human's made him stronger and thats when he decided " yes i can use all of them even my own creation's against everyone and my Children the one's that Messed with my Plan's. By creating the Perfect army of Human's and special Beings


Villainous's Motive:

i have my motive's but the main reason is to Find the Seven Deadly sin's and the Son's of my Brother to train them and make them into proper Villian's

motive number two i want to Gather Fear in masses so using The OOTT as Pawn's for Gathering Fear and Power

Free Food and Booze and Laughs


Theme Song:



Crow loves Human's because he created them with God thats why their is evil in every human being

View attachment 238376

Name: Crow Knightwalker

Nice last name, totally.

Villain name: Nightmare king

Cliche much.

Other Names[SIZE=53.12937259674072px]: I have only a few but[/SIZE] they annoyed me so I just simply kill whoever tries to say them. But His Family Call's him Grampa Crow

That did not need the fanfare.

Age[SIZE=53.12937259674072px]: I look 24 but age is just a useless number that was created for the vessels that I control[/SIZE]

The start of the original annoying bad commentary things that are repeated.

Gender[SIZE=53.12937259674072px]: in this lifetime I am a Male in two previous life spans ago I was a female.[/SIZE]

Sexuality: oh that hmm I believe I don't mate with anything or being so Pansexual

That isn't Pansexual, it's asexual. 


Race: Reincarnated being in human body

"Being" is totally descriptive. Just wonderful.


[/SIZE]I can't hate [SIZE=53.12937259674072px]Qrow[/SIZE], but I can hate this guy.

Height: 6' 1 why do you need to know these idiotic numbers

The commenting isn't [SIZE=53.12937259674072px]nessesary[/SIZE] when it isn't funny or constant.

Weight: fine if you must know I weight around 170 pounds of pink muscle I had to train my vessel so I can survive and gather enough Terror from the world around Me

Okay, wow, that reasoning is crap.

SuperPowers: I have the Abilities to Manipulate and Summon NightMares/Night Terror's and the More People and children get scared the Stronger my abilities become

And everything other power there is out there.

Weapon's: I carry my Customised Sword/Scyth and a Pair of HandCuffs

Handcuffs, really? Wow.


I have a very few but I will tell you the one's I am most proud of

Top Athletic abilities

Intelligent Thank's to ReIncarnation throughout the Centuries he has Learned and Remembered everything he wanted from Herb's and even Psychological


Calm during a Danger

Natural Fighting Sense's


These don't make you special, and where is the ingenuity.


I am not going to say that [SIZE=53.12937259674072px]i[/SIZE] don't have any but tell the truth because my power is sufficient enough to protect me but if you must know


i am a Drunk go Figure

Never plan's anything

Trusts More his instinct's than his Head

Get's Distracted in the Pleasure of Fighting than going through with his Initial plan

This Human has a Secret that no one knows about he need's sugar to run at full potential I must be eating sweet's almost all the time of the day.

Some of these aren't weaknesses. They also remind me of the writing of a raging twelve-year-old.


Crow has Demotic personality but not just that he has a destructive personality for everyone because he just love to tease everyone he like's and when i say tease i mean he will make you feel like all the assholes's in the world are kindhearted people who met him once.but when Crow need's to get serious he will stop goofing around he will finish the job but thats when he is not drunk Crow will basicly be Drunk 85 percent of the time througout the day.

What does a "demonic" personality mean exactly? That's not what tease means. Get some grammer. This personality is sucky as hell.







Well, this mean absolutely nothing for any villian. Get some creativitly.


People waking me up during my naps

annoying kids

salty snack's'

Wow, can you get any more cliche and boring?


They Said that The Multiverse was created by two Strong Being's called Darkness and Light But what did the creation's of the Brother's do they Banished Darkness to the side and had Hailed Glory and Praise towards his brother now known as God. While he was treated with nothing but insults and Hatred so he embraced it and started to create demon's when god saw this he created angel's over the year's there was war over the human's and Earth that even Crow's Children started to hate his ambition he wanted glory but his children only saw useless beings that their Father and Uncle created. So they decided to take over the Demon Dimension by killing Crow but that was a mistake because Crow could create Demon's as strong as him so they decided to Trick him and work with god in trapping Crow in a Never endless Prison. When crow Left for a Talk with his Brother he left his Oldest son in charge but when he arrived on earth that's where all of his plan's went down the drain. He was Sealed in a Human Baby body and throughout the centuries. He saw what his Children were creating nothing but stupid game's and idiotic messes destroying the world he just wanted to be worshipped by but then he noticed that Fear in the scream's of the Human's made him stronger and thats when he decided " yes i can use all of them even my own creation's against everyone and my Children the one's that Messed with my Plan's. By creating the Perfect army of Human's and special Beings

Okay, this makes so little sense. Your character is such a Gary Stu, I mean seriously. This isn't how the demons work in this world. Powerful characters aren't insulted like that as badly. The powers are OP. The reasoning for things, oh wait there is none. Creating humans, that is so stupid that I have to do a double take.

Villainous's Motive:

i have my motive's but the main reason is to Find the Seven Deadly sin's and the Son's of my Brother to train them and make them into proper Villian's

motive number two i want to Gather Fear in masses so using The OOTT as Pawn's for Gathering Fear and Power

Free Food and Booze and Laughs

The Seven Deadly Sins are already in existence and are already good on their own. Using the OOTT as pawns helping the group. Shocking idea, I know.does not help the roleplay in any way shape or form. This is a mentor character, so it should have some goal that actually aligns with the entire idea of

Theme Song:

I can't actually insult the song because I love that band.


Crow loves Human's because he created them with God thats why their is evil in every human being

Fun, but there is no god in this roleplay and this is way OP. Oh, and fix the typos.


I actually loved the picture you used up there, shame you changed it.
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This character is so bad that it isn't getting any chances to be fixed. If you use it I will throw my god character in the role play for two lines just to rip him out. Trust me when I say your little Crow Nightwalker cannot stand up to Lace, goddess of will power and happenings.
This character is so bad that it isn't getting any chances to be fixed. If you use it I will throw my god character in the role play for two lines just to rip him out. Trust me when I say your little Crow Nightwalker cannot stand up to Lace, goddess of will power and happenings.

He can be fixed sorry you are displeased if you notice I can only summon nightmares I can make them illusions not with physical form and I can add if you conquer your fear it disappears
He can be fixed sorry you are displeased if you notice I can only summon nightmares I can make them illusions not with physical form and I can add if you conquer your fear it disappears

No excuses. His past is the main problem. You didn't even mention his powers which are fine for another character if you make one. This character has absolutely nothing going for it except those powers
I'll change his past just let me get off work I don't get off till 700 if you want anything else just tell me the problem I make quick pasts since I work most of the day and half hour in lunch time I can't make a long and full though out past explaining every thing but I have my day off tomorrow so I should be Abel to fix it tonight
I'll change his past just let me get off work I don't get off till 700 if you want anything else just tell me the problem I make quick pasts since I work most of the day and half hour in lunch time I can't make a long and full though out past explaining every thing but I have my day off tomorrow so I should be Abel to fix it tonight

The past, personality, and general information need to be replaced to the point that you might as well write a new character because that's what this will be. I get the getting off of work, this isn't about that. This is about recognizing the flaws in this character and being willing to rewrite it completely, not just little bits. Please, also check your spelling and grammer.

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