Crossing Over

Name: Ishoku Konran

Nickname: Isho

Age: 14



Ishoku Konran | - Best Role Play Forum

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BPD is heritable but PTSD stems from some kind of trauma. You need to define what that trauma was. And, I need more than one sentence worth of background. A paragraph at least. Try explaining why he has such an interest in mythology to become a knowledgeable in that subject at such a young age.
(It's a bit rough, just did it now, let me know if I need to change anything :) )

Name: Evelyn

Age: 22

Appearance: Evelyn is a petite girl, with long curly hair which is pulled back into a loose pony tail. Pale skin covers her small frame, her cheeks constantly flushed a light pink to match her plump lips. Across the bridge of the women’s nose are a few, stubborn freckles which dot the pale canvas and only fade beneath her eyes.

A scar marks her forehead from a silly escapade when she was a child, hunting down made up monsters in her backyard. Her eyes are a pale grey. Flecks of yellow, flicking out from the iris like petals of a sunflower.

Her face is heart shaped, a button nose centred, while her lips are constantly set into gentle smile, framed by a few stray chestnut curls which squirm free from the bobble.

As far as clothes go, she sticks to simple get-ups. Nothing striking. Converses, usually black, cover her feet, their white tips poking out beneath the wrinkled fabric of pale skater jeans. Holes decorate the knees, while at the waist, the jeans are held by a simple silver buckled belt. Above that, covering her upper body is a pale, white vest.

A cord necklace clings at Evelyn’s neck. The pendant a simple, silver four leaf clover. At her shoulders is her canvas rucksack which often bulges with pointed shapes of heavy texts books.


Evelyn is a ‘glass is half full’ kind of girl. Constantly seen with a smile on her face, the girl tries her hardest to bring laughter to everyone she meets. Her wit is not exactly the sharpest but she does not allow this to hold her back. Bursting full of confidence when it comes to meeting new people, she is usually the first to speak up.

However, it hits her hard whenever anyone is cruel to her. She accepts that she is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it is difficult to hide her hurt being the type to hold her heart on her sleeve after all, there is never a reason to forget common courtesy.

She believes that luck is not on her side and despite liking to see the bright side of life, she is continually prepping for the worst outcome, often touching her necklace for goodluck.

When she concentraits, she usually chews her lip and frowns. She also chews on pencils when writing, meaning not many people are willing to borrow her stuff, but this doesn’t stop her from offering of course.

Background: Evelyn studied Archaeological Science at University in England, at the University of Manchester. With a solid first beneath her belt on graduation, she pulled on her backpack, kiss her parents on the cheek and set out to travel for a year.

When news of the Toronto site began to appear, the graduate made plans to go and investigate. Sending word to one of her professors to see if he could pull a few strings and allow her to get a closer look at the site. Though this isn’t exactly her strong point, specialisating in Osteology rather than settlements, she was still keen to check out this site of such wide interest to the rest of the archaeological community. Bragging rights for visiting the site and working alongside fellow archaeologists to uncover the site would soon be hers.

Up until this point however, she had lead a fairly unremarkable life. Normal childhood, filled with ghost stories, laughter and large family Christmases, Evelyn developed a love for company and a thirst for knowledge, sitting up late to talk to her aunts and uncles about their studies and jobs.

Items: (what do you have on you): couple of bracelets, water bottle, trowel. Knee pads, rough pair of gloves. Numerous hair ties, note book + pencil and pen, digital camera, smart phone and charger. Wet wipes and a small packet of biscuits (An archaeologist’s best friend.) (This is just in her rucksack.)

Skills: Eye for detail. Keen researcher as well as having some athletic ability. She can pack a punch too. Marvellous social skills. Evelyn is not one to give up easily either.

Talent: Quick reflects and amazing stamina.

Flaw: Too trusting and a tendency to over think things.

Rune: Wunjo
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Name: Gene Greywind

Age: 20


stands at about 5'10" lanky and fit

from head to toe:

long red mohawk tied back, peirced ears [just the lobes, with small loops and on the left a small pinted piece of metal shaped like a spear head dangles from the small loop], peirced nose [septum ring], anarchy symbol tattooed on neck right side in red, tattered and faded black denim vest with black torn shirt with a faded skull printed on it, tattoo on both shoulders down to his elbows of japanese samurai that trail onto his pectorals, three outlines of triangles connecting pointing at his wrists making a strait line around the top of his forearms past his elbows on both arms, an eye tattooed on the back of his left hand, "hold fast" tattooed on his fingers just past his knuckles, tattered belt holding up tight torn at the knee red and black plaid pants, steel toed black leather military boots also tattered and worn.

Personality/Quirks: hot headed, observant, aggressive and abrasive at times, confident with his mates, shy around women, tragically poetic and a secret romantic, dont stare at him, his stare back cuts throats.

Background: orphaned at 12, joined a group of ruffians that squatted from place to place they were a pack, a tribe. his family. as they aged and taught and learned from each other surviving day by day, at the age of 15 they go through a trail of Punkhood, the great dare. after his got him arrested, he spent three years in a juvenile delinquency center for rehabilitating youth, on his 18th birthday he was let out and wandered alone surviving once again day by day, and occasionally getting run out of his home for the night from groups of hobos or other ruffian groups that were his groups enemy's, for two years he dealt with this, and one day as his old group was sitting side an archaeological dig telling the newest "15" to go in there and take some stuff, he saw the kid get nervous and confronted the group, having recognized him from the "A" [anarchy symbol] on his neck the only one in the group to have it, he said "hey, Di***eads, the kids nervous, you ba*****s, gotta stop being such hypocritical a**holes." the group of six attacked him except the "15" who began to fight on his side, as they were restrained the leader of the group told Gene to do the trail instead of the boy and they would be let go, having already gone through with it the first time and taking the kids safety into consideration, he said hed do it for the complete safety of the kid and for the kid to pass the trail, the agreement was made, Gene had to steal three things of high monetary value [equipment and such], and now he finds himself here at the dig.

Items: clothes on his back, set of brass knuckles, half empty box of matches, and a near end of a pack of cigarettes.

Skills:observant, survival knowledge and problem solving logic, excelled at juvy high school, charismatic, athletic stamina, honest.

Talent: excellent brawler/scrapper, silver tongue

Flaw: stubborn principles and opinions, hot headed, abit aggressive, forward. very forward. addictive personality or creature of habit.

Rune: Thurisaz

I know you said punks are 13-18, if its not ok that hes 20, i can change things around to be 18 but i think reading the bio may be a game changer..i dont know your RP your rules, im willing to fold to get in on this RP haha
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Welcome Jinzo. The issues I see is he is over the age limit for the 'punk' group (max 18), the grammar, and the grammar. I can't compromise on the age thing because I want a kid vs. adult, mature vs. immature feel to the two groups. I loose that if I let you break the rule. Even 18 is pushing it.

I'm not a grammar nazi, by any means but you're scaring me a little. At least capitalize your sentences. Two other more minor things, when I used the word punk, I did not mean it literally, as in the violent, anarchistic subculture typified by music like the Dead Kennedies. Rather I meant it loosely as any 'out of control' group of urban teens. You can still be a classic 'punker' but this is not required.
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glibberish said:
Welcome Jinzo. The issues I see is he is over the age limit for the 'punk' group (max 18), the grammar, and the grammar. I can't compromise on the age thing because I want a kid vs. adult, mature vs. immature feel to the two groups. I loose that if I let you break the rule. Even 18 is pushing it.
I'm not a grammar nazi, by any means but you're scaring me a little. At least capitalize your sentences. Two other more minor things, when I used the word punk, I did not mean it literally, as in the violent, anarchistic subculture typified by music like the Dead Kennedies. Rather I meant it loosely as any 'out of control' group of urban teens. You can still be a classic 'punker' but this is not required.
Hahaha, yeah my apologies, English is my second language and grammar is not my strong suite. I was also in a rush to get to work when I typed it out. As for the age change its no problem; even if 18 is pushing it I'd very much like to be 18 if you would allow me to; I just cant really play younger characters, I was never really a kid so I have no idea how they act. As for the "classic Punker" yes I would like to remain as that in my char.sheet, if that's alright.
Name: Sue Linden

Age: 23




Although her recent successes has made her a believer of second chances and even a little more optimistic, Sue still acts gruff for someone who likes to doodle cute little angels when bored. She is often wary towards strangers, especially authoritative figures and ones with privileged backgrounds.

Her past has made her tough and street-smart, something that she is proud about even though she doesn't like talking about it much. If you do look down on her, then prepare for a rough fight because she will absolutely do anything to prove you wrong. She's also very competitive.

She does have a bad habit of smoking, and even worse, convincing others (even kids) to try it.


Sue had been in and out the foster care system since her mother died from a robbery gone wrong. She was ten years old then: old enough to understand the hard life she was about to live, but too young to do anything about it.

The three families she was ever assigned to did little to make her feel welcome. All of them simply accepted her for the benefits, and did not care about her at all. Though there were no abuses, the little girl still felt empty and often ran away because of this. Like many orphans in the street, she survived through petty crimes like pickpocketing and trespassing. Of all her crimes, it was it was the graffiti that satisfied her the most. Her nightly escapades of spray paint and walls would shape her into the artist that she was now.

At nineteen, her life changed for the better when a painter and philanthropist caught her in one of her works. Right then and there, she was offered to join an art program for street teens just like her. A year after, more scholarships and grants followed suit. Deciding it was time for her to fix her life, she took a Visual Arts program at one of Toronto's prestigious universities.

Now on her final year, she is desperate to find inspiration for her graduation project and decides to break into a certain archeological site in the hopes of sparking some ideas before her classmates can call dibs.


A small bag pack, flashlight, colored markers and pens, a half-filled pack of cigarettes, lighter, sketchpad, a camera phone, a headband, a couple of KitKats.

Skills: Painting, rough sketches, fast runner, pickpocketing.

Talent: Strong visual memory

Flaw: Not trusting enough, loud and clumsy when drunk

Rune: Mannaz

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