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Realistic or Modern Crossing Fields

You're hip all right...hip out of place!

Larry don't be rude...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/flirt.png.86c189efc592c3b7d28bcc58ba8bfb6c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/flirt.png.86c189efc592c3b7d28bcc58ba8bfb6c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • flirt.png
    659.9 KB · Views: 3

I feel like a picture for this roleplay would be the sun setting looking over a meadow with all the main character sitting/lying in the grass...

You know, there's only around two girls in here for this roleplay.

Looks like we're going to have two-love-squares.
It says you're WaywardSon, yet you're a woman.

Are you a mhac or an iníon?!

Well I'm not sure what those terms are. Mhac? Mental Health Association in Cali? Inion? The lower protruded part of the skull? I will never know. xD Unlessyoutellme. :)

And name is because of a song that got stuck in my head when I joined this RP. :)
Basically in Irish, it's just son and daughter.

But yes, it looks like there's going to be two-love-squares since there's only two females in here; if we're lucky.

Simply put...

Ah, I knew it!

Just kidding, I don't. xD

I know three languages but Irish isn't one of them. ^^

Oh oh but what if I make a guy character instead of a woman? xD
Greetings Shadow Naoto! You've turned back from being a Persona to a Shadow? How does that work?! xD
Hi! In P4 Arena Ultimax, the shadow characters actually use Personae. o: So I think they can co-exist? not sure on that one, haven't played the story mode yet. ;o;
I am an inquisitive person...kind of!

So I can only assume you're a girl too...are you?! xD
We are GO for two-love-squares...unless Dreaming is a girl too.
If it'll be anything like an otome game, I'm game. xD

Oh! I looked at your other post, are you a fan of Heart no Kuni no Alice too? ^^
In fact, I've never even heard of it! It just had the most of lads in to explain my point about a reverse-harem! xD

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