Experiences Cringiest OC/Roleplay Experiences?

Well, I'm 30-ish, and I really don't care..? I only wish for there to be a cool plot and readable posts, and age? Don' give a fuck. And I cannot see how giving people a chance is an "hmm".
Ehh, I think you misunderstand, I don't see how giving a chance to people is related, that's not where my problem lies. I don't think a 30 year old roleplaying with a younger person is a problem at all, either - but I think if you know you're roleplaying with a minor you gotta be careful about what sort of content you're having them interact with, since you're the adult in the situation, y'know? Since this sounds like the adult here was having them do a really explicit scenario.
Ehh, I think you misunderstand, I don't see how giving a chance to people is related, that's not where my problem lies. I don't think a 30 year old roleplaying with a younger person is a problem at all, either - but I think if you know you're roleplaying with a minor you gotta be careful about what sort of content you're having them interact with, since you're the adult in the situation, y'know? Since this sounds like the adult here was having them do a really explicit scenario.
You know, I am not only roleplaying on here, but on more adult sites as well. Gore, blood, drugs, sex, everything. Although it should be 18+, by the quality of a roleplay I suspect that all too many of players are, like, fifteen or something. But I cannot really tell as well o_0
You know, I am not only roleplaying on here, but on more adult sites as well. Gore, blood, drugs, sex, everything. Although it should be 18+, by the quality of a roleplay I suspect that all too many of players are, like, fifteen or something. But I cannot really tell as well o_0
It's a gamble; I've roleplayed with people and I've been like "I'm 100% sure this person is 16" and nope they'll be way older, and vice versa. Like I used to frequent a G+ RP community (yeah I was one of the two people to use G+ lol) that was just a battle arena and I swore most of them had to be really young because there were a lot of godmodding shounen character expys that liked to just one-shot kill everyone with their darkness katanas lol, but I'd come to find out a lot of them were actually older than me.. you really can't tell half the time- e_e
Well, I'm 30-ish, and I really don't care..? I only wish for there to be a cool plot and readable posts, and age? Don' give a fuck. And I cannot see how giving people a chance is an "hmm".

I think if someone is of age, like I am right now, and they /know/ someone is 13 they should probably not go into messed up dark erp-territory. But maybe that's just me. Trust me, this whole plot line was disturbing even for me now, not because it was 'dark', but because it just seemed more like some kind of fantasy alongside it. If someone doesn't know the other player(s) age it's a different story, this person knew I wasn't of age.
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I once pitched a concept for a romance RP between two martial artists. Pretty stock standard stuff, but I didn't really get too many replies that went anywhere. One I remember vividly though because of how disturbing it was. The other person, whose name I forget, wanted to pitch their own unique martial art for their character to set them apart from the Karate and Judo mooks we'd be fighting throughout the story. I said sure, assuming they were going to come up with some sort of mixture of MMA and lore to create a specialized discipline. I was younger and more naive then. When they had completed the character sheet for the supposed complement for my character it contained one of the most disgusting and nonsensical interpretations of a fighting style I have ever encountered.

Their character would, according to them, dislocate their shoulders and then swing their arms about in some perverse mockery of boxing. Beyond the initial disgust this triggered in me it also confused me as it represented a complete lack of knowledge and interest in the RP, which was billed as a realistic, modern romance RP. Yet, here was this thing that seemed to disregard both the nature of martial arts and the realistic setting of the RP. Needless to say that romance never really took off.

Mentally visualizing that made me laugh. Thank you.
I once pitched a concept for a romance RP between two martial artists. Pretty stock standard stuff, but I didn't really get too many replies that went anywhere. One I remember vividly though because of how disturbing it was. The other person, whose name I forget, wanted to pitch their own unique martial art for their character to set them apart from the Karate and Judo mooks we'd be fighting throughout the story. I said sure, assuming they were going to come up with some sort of mixture of MMA and lore to create a specialized discipline. I was younger and more naive then. When they had completed the character sheet for the supposed complement for my character it contained one of the most disgusting and nonsensical interpretations of a fighting style I have ever encountered.

Their character would, according to them, dislocate their shoulders and then swing their arms about in some perverse mockery of boxing. Beyond the initial disgust this triggered in me it also confused me as it represented a complete lack of knowledge and interest in the RP, which was billed as a realistic, modern romance RP. Yet, here was this thing that seemed to disregard both the nature of martial arts and the realistic setting of the RP. Needless to say that romance never really took off.
But anyways, I got a story that fits the title of the thread pretty well.

When I was like 12, I was very active on the Roblox role playing forum, (Rest in pieces) and I joined this one crossover roleplay. Now, there’s one person in this roleplay who was particularly....interesting. Let’s call them Charlie. (I’ll refer to them with them/they pronouns because there was some confusion over who actually owned the account, and I never fully got my head wrapped around what the situation was.) Now, Charlie wasn’t the only problem child in the roleplay, there were definitely others who weren’t exactly fun to interact with, but they were definitely the most memorable because of the way they roleplayed. Oh boy. There’s a lot I could say about this person. Their main guy was a ludicrously powered demigod that was a fusion of like 8 animes. Like, the character had a stand like pretty much everyone from JoJo, a good chunk of the personality felt very Goku-ish, you get the picture. Charlie metagamed to the point it was aggravating. (For those of you who don’t know, metagaming is when your character knows stuff they really shouldn’t. It’s really annoying.) But the worse trait about them was how they were a spotlight hog. They refused to let anything happen without them. Charlie made arcs glorifying their characters, and they didn’t want anyone else being the hero. At their worst, they straight up shoved a character of theirs in to casually solve a villain when I tried to have my one character be diplomatic and talk to said villain. It pissed me off when I was 12 and it still pisses me off to this day. Another time me and this fairly new guy to the roleplay were off in space doing space adventures, and Charlie casually slid in a character and hijacked our story to be about their characters. Yet another time I tried to have one of my characters throw a party, and they dumped a bunch of their characters into it and casually ended the party entirely like a page later. Without my permission, mind you. I wasn’t even close to being head honcho of that roleplay, but I still thought I should have have power over when my plots ended. But the worst thing Charlie did was control other people’s characters. I can’t really think of any other noteworthy instances besides the time they basically made this one guy’s girl have....yup with their anime fusion guy. Without the permission of the guy whose girl it was. Yikes. The worst part of the whole situation was the guy who got his character controlled only reacted with a “whoa, ok then” reaction, and didn’t say a word about how messed up that was. So naturally 12 year old me doesn’t like the bullshit this person is pulling. So I complained about them OOC a lot. But it seemingly went deaf on everyone’s ears, even the most critical, argumentative guy in the roleplay. In fact, the critical guy was often the one going along with Charlie’s shenanigans. Charlie also made an academy roleplay and made all of the NPCs children of the characters in the crossover roleplay, which I suspect was a complicated scheme to basically immortalize said parent characters with “lol they can’t die if the academy is canon”, but I have nothing to confirm that.

So yea, that’s the piece of work I had to deal with. They were by far the worst person on the Roblox role playing forums, seconded by the aforementioned critical guy who was argumentative and also clearly disliked me. He did some things that might be worthy of this thread, but those are stories for another time. We recently rebooted the roleplay on RPN (Tear in the Multiverses), and we (used to) have a lot of rules that were made purely because we didn’t want anyone pulling a Charlie again, so I guess maybe what that person did wasn’t entirely handwaved by everyone, just the people who were extremely active.
Yeah, that would had drove me up the wall. I'm surprised you were able to stick to it.

Well, the role playing forums were kinda dead. The crossover roleplay was the most active thing in the subforum. I really didn’t have a choice.
Well, the role playing forums were kinda dead. The crossover roleplay was the most active thing in the subforum. I really didn’t have a choice.
Yeah, that's understandable. These days it's hard to find active roleplaying forums of preference. Hopefully you won't fall into a situation like that again -- I understand how irritating it is indeed.
Yeah, that's understandable. These days it's hard to find active roleplaying forums of preference. Hopefully you won't fall into a situation like that again -- I understand how irritating it is indeed.

Well, it wasn’t all bad. If I hadn’t been in that role playing forum, I wouldn’t have met my pretty much best internet friend as of right now.
Well, it wasn’t all bad. If I hadn’t been in that role playing forum, I wouldn’t have met my pretty much best internet friend as of right now.
Blessings in disguise, I tell you what! It's good that you were able to find someone through that. Still, what you have said is totally relatable.
Blessings in disguise, I tell you what! It's good that you were able to find someone through that. Still, what you have said is totally relatable.

I didn’t even go into detail about the stuff other role players mentioned about Charlie. Apparently they pulled a 1x1 about sisters down incest road.
Ooh. I just remembered another thing that Charlie did. So basically there was a plot and my characters' house got torn to ribbons, and Charlie had one of their characters offer my characters to stay at their house until they got a new pad. It was all neat, the girls settled in, and then Charlie's character went all like "heyyyy open the cabinets". So they open the cabinets, and what else is there but maid outfits? Now 12 year-old-me is not having any of this servant nonsense and had one of my characters knock him out, tie him up with the maid outfit shreds, some other stuff, and summon some neighborhood kids to beat Charlie's character up like a pinata. Looking back on it, I'm glad I reacted this way, because if I had followed what Charlie wanted, it might've gone in some really bad directions.
Well folks, let me tell you a story...

The Place: A Pokemon RP forum targeted towards teenage players
The Time: Circa 2014 - 2015
The Fiasco: The Saga of Sin & Saint or How to Write a Mary-Sue So Vile It Derails an Entire RP

At the time of the great fiasco, I had been on this website for a while. I was somewhere between 14 and 16 years old. Now, I was pretty young, but I was an experienced RPer and being over 15 made you no longer one of the youngest players on the site, so I felt like I had a little bit of authority. My friend and I used to set up and run a lot of character-driven RPs together on this website and often supported each other's projects. We'll refer to my friend as Blaze.

Blaze sets up a character-driven RP set in a Pokemon daycare. Now, this site had some pretty weird iterations on the Pokemon universe going down. Hybrids, fusions, gijinkas, Pokemon-only RPs, etc, etc. But there were also a lot of high realism (for the Pokemon universe), stick-to-the-canon RPs. Blaze's new RP is stick-to-the-canon.

Character apps start coming in, the plot is being discussed in the OOC thread, everyone is excited, following the rules. We get started. Everything looks great. The character who kinda looked like a Mary Sue on paper turns out to be very well-RPd.

But then.

Another player posts a character app, asking to join since we've just started and Blaze has said they're still accepting new people. The character sheet is for a set of Riolu twins named Sin and Saint, an aggressive, suave, "mysterious", red-furred Riolu boy and a sweet, shy, forgiving gold-furred Riolu girl. Their powers have very little to do with the Fighting Type attacks they're supposed to learn and instead, they have these bizarre demon/angel themed powers and are apparently also "famous contest winners".

We're, of course, all kind of floored. Blaze politely tells the player who submitted the app (who I think I'll call Goodie) that their characters are unacceptable in their current forms and this is a mostly canon RP, so the characters can't stray from their canon depictions much.

Goodie responds with, and I quote, "lets assume their fur is dyed".

Blaze continues negotiating with them until Sin and Saint are finally maneuvered into a place that makes them more playable. I would have just outright declined the app, but Blaze has a lot of patience, so they work with Goodie until they're willing to accept Goodie's characters.

Meanwhile, the RP is going pretty strong until Goodie makes their first post. Sin and Saint are dropped off at the daycare, monologue back and forth to themselves in weird, overly-formal dialogue that does a lot more self-aggrandizing than actual character building, and then they promptly run off into the forest at the border of the daycare to unpack a suitcase (???) full of costumes and accessories and practice their contest routine. The rest of us are...kind of stunned. We go about our RP as usual, only to be stopped in our tracks by Goodie's second post, which also kind of boils down to Sin and Saint practicing waltzing (?????) while going, "we're so cool I can't believe how cool we are".

Finally, after a couple more posts like this, Blaze sends one of the NPCs, a Tyranitar who guards the daycare over to interact with Goodie's unholy Riolu duo. Blaze's Tyranitar is really intimidating (for plot reasons), but Goodie basically has Sin scoff in his face, talk about how badass he is and how his sister is secretly even more badass and unhinged than he is and then walk away back to the daycare center, where the rest of our characters are still getting to know each other.

Blaze and I laugh/worry over the whole thing in PMs, but they decide to see how it plays out.

At this point, Sin is dressed in a tuxedo and Saint is dressed in a frilly ballgown and tiara (????????). They make it back to the daycare center and manage to go exactly one post around all of the rest of the cast before getting into a huge fight with a ~whole~ Charizard. The Charizard is also pretty scary and also...if you know Pokemon...y'know, a Charizard. The fight immediately turns physical (which is maybe forgivable, since these are Pokemon), but suddenly Goodie is pulling out all of these insane moves for Sin and Saint, some of which have nothing to do with their Pokemon type, some of which aren't even Pokemon moves. They're facing a full grown Charizard who has a history of battling and they are, as Goodie has literally stated in their app, contest Pokemon who are trying to fight wearing goddamn human formal wear. Nonetheless, Goodie continually dodges attacks, shakes off direct hits and describes the whole thing like it's an early 2000's ninja anime and they're playing the woefully misunderstood underdog protagonists.

The fight finally ends with Sin and Saint monologuing about their combined power, joining hands to create "a ball of powerful, white energy" and launching it at the Charizard while screaming "REPENT" in perfect unison. "It hit the haughty Charizard in the chest, knocking it out". The rest of the players are just sort of laughing to each other privately at this point. Blaze politely calls Goodie out in the OOC thread, saying that they're godmodding and their characters are behaving completely unrealistically, considering that they're Riolu and Goodie literally went out of their way to state that they were contest Pokemon. Goodie pitches a fit, going after Blaze for being "the true godmodder" and singling out their characters.

It went back and forth for a while, but finally ended with Goodie pulling their characters out of the RP and leaving the game in a dramatic huff. The RP kind of died after that. I'm still salty.

Note: I forgot to mention the icing on the cake: Goodie typed all of Sin's dialogue in bright red text and all of Saint's dialogue in bright yellow text. This was against a gray/green site background. It was an experience.
New story!

This happened recently!

So my friend's friend had two characters. And first of all, his character was named Amy, the same as another person's character. And he was claerly only doing this because my friend and a different friend of theirs accidentally made two characters with the nickname Lou.

Now, one character suggested they go to a river because they were thirsty. This guy's character then suggested they go to the city, without even aknowledging yhe other post. He then proceeded to ignore everyone's posts and have two of his characters just talk. He then said "and they walked into town", taking control of wveryone's characters yo make them walk into town.

Yeah, pretty much everyone stopped humoring him after that and bugged him to actually pay attention to the posts.
Well folks, let me tell you a story...

The Place: A Pokemon RP forum targeted towards teenage players
The Time: Circa 2014 - 2015
The Fiasco: The Saga of Sin & Saint or How to Write a Mary-Sue So Vile It Derails an Entire RP

At the time of the great fiasco, I had been on this website for a while. I was somewhere between 14 and 16 years old. Now, I was pretty young, but I was an experienced RPer and being over 15 made you no longer one of the youngest players on the site, so I felt like I had a little bit of authority. My friend and I used to set up and run a lot of character-driven RPs together on this website and often supported each other's projects. We'll refer to my friend as Blaze.

Blaze sets up a character-driven RP set in a Pokemon daycare. Now, this site had some pretty weird iterations on the Pokemon universe going down. Hybrids, fusions, gijinkas, Pokemon-only RPs, etc, etc. But there were also a lot of high realism (for the Pokemon universe), stick-to-the-canon RPs. Blaze's new RP is stick-to-the-canon.

Character apps start coming in, the plot is being discussed in the OOC thread, everyone is excited, following the rules. We get started. Everything looks great. The character who kinda looked like a Mary Sue on paper turns out to be very well-RPd.

But then.

Another player posts a character app, asking to join since we've just started and Blaze has said they're still accepting new people. The character sheet is for a set of Riolu twins named Sin and Saint, an aggressive, suave, "mysterious", red-furred Riolu boy and a sweet, shy, forgiving gold-furred Riolu girl. Their powers have very little to do with the Fighting Type attacks they're supposed to learn and instead, they have these bizarre demon/angel themed powers and are apparently also "famous contest winners".

We're, of course, all kind of floored. Blaze politely tells the player who submitted the app (who I think I'll call Goodie) that their characters are unacceptable in their current forms and this is a mostly canon RP, so the characters can't stray from their canon depictions much.

Goodie responds with, and I quote, "lets assume their fur is dyed".

Blaze continues negotiating with them until Sin and Saint are finally maneuvered into a place that makes them more playable. I would have just outright declined the app, but Blaze has a lot of patience, so they work with Goodie until they're willing to accept Goodie's characters.

Meanwhile, the RP is going pretty strong until Goodie makes their first post. Sin and Saint are dropped off at the daycare, monologue back and forth to themselves in weird, overly-formal dialogue that does a lot more self-aggrandizing than actual character building, and then they promptly run off into the forest at the border of the daycare to unpack a suitcase (???) full of costumes and accessories and practice their contest routine. The rest of us are...kind of stunned. We go about our RP as usual, only to be stopped in our tracks by Goodie's second post, which also kind of boils down to Sin and Saint practicing waltzing (?????) while going, "we're so cool I can't believe how cool we are".

Finally, after a couple more posts like this, Blaze sends one of the NPCs, a Tyranitar who guards the daycare over to interact with Goodie's unholy Riolu duo. Blaze's Tyranitar is really intimidating (for plot reasons), but Goodie basically has Sin scoff in his face, talk about how badass he is and how his sister is secretly even more badass and unhinged than he is and then walk away back to the daycare center, where the rest of our characters are still getting to know each other.

Blaze and I laugh/worry over the whole thing in PMs, but they decide to see how it plays out.

At this point, Sin is dressed in a tuxedo and Saint is dressed in a frilly ballgown and tiara (????????). They make it back to the daycare center and manage to go exactly one post around all of the rest of the cast before getting into a huge fight with a ~whole~ Charizard. The Charizard is also pretty scary and also...if you know Pokemon...y'know, a Charizard. The fight immediately turns physical (which is maybe forgivable, since these are Pokemon), but suddenly Goodie is pulling out all of these insane moves for Sin and Saint, some of which have nothing to do with their Pokemon type, some of which aren't even Pokemon moves. They're facing a full grown Charizard who has a history of battling and they are, as Goodie has literally stated in their app, contest Pokemon who are trying to fight wearing goddamn human formal wear. Nonetheless, Goodie continually dodges attacks, shakes off direct hits and describes the whole thing like it's an early 2000's ninja anime and they're playing the woefully misunderstood underdog protagonists.

The fight finally ends with Sin and Saint monologuing about their combined power, joining hands to create "a ball of powerful, white energy" and launching it at the Charizard while screaming "REPENT" in perfect unison. "It hit the haughty Charizard in the chest, knocking it out". The rest of the players are just sort of laughing to each other privately at this point. Blaze politely calls Goodie out in the OOC thread, saying that they're godmodding and their characters are behaving completely unrealistically, considering that they're Riolu and Goodie literally went out of their way to state that they were contest Pokemon. Goodie pitches a fit, going after Blaze for being "the true godmodder" and singling out their characters.

It went back and forth for a while, but finally ended with Goodie pulling their characters out of the RP and leaving the game in a dramatic huff. The RP kind of died after that. I'm still salty.

Note: I forgot to mention the icing on the cake: Goodie typed all of Sin's dialogue in bright red text and all of Saint's dialogue in bright yellow text. This was against a gray/green site background. It was an experience.
Oh noooooo. I’m not even a Pokemon fan but that sounds horrible. I’ve RPed with people somewhat similar to that - they’re just so over the top and unrealistic and stupidly ridiculous, and it’s infuriaring. I was cringing so hard reading your entire post. Idk how you guys put up with that cringefest for as long as you did.
In my case it's second hand and from what I've been told my friend only roleplays with the dude because they've been friends forever and also he's kind of pathetic.
Right? How do you all do it?

For me it was basically necessary to put up with Charlie's BS, as I said earlier. There really wasn't anything big outside of the crossover, some superhero RP, and whatever doomed to fail project of the week. Even then, the latter two were definitely smaller than the crossover.
Okay, it's not really the cringiest experience, but a cringy thing I do, and I feel bad about it, and I need to take it off my chest.

I solely play males thus far, and when I need FC, I don't want to be banal and use some models or famous actors. So I look for porn star FCs. I even specifically bother friends who are into that kind of thing (I'm not into it too much), and often get suggestions about gay porn actors to use for FCs and they are absolutely perfect (I'm lucky to have friends who get me from half-a-sentence). But I never end up using them just in case someone recognises the FC as such, and they'll get the wrong idea. It's killing me inside a little. 😳

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