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Fantasy Crimson Streets

Alexi listened amused with the back and forth banter of Alfyn and Polaris. It might be a bit early as yet, but he thought he sensed just the slightest little cat and mouse between them. He held back a laugh while the thought of Fyn as a hapless antelope being stalked and played with, before the Lioness made her move. Poor Fyn! (The slightest little snicker had just started to escape his throat, when it suddenly evolved into a half choke, half gasp upon sighting the clamor of a gigantic knight in full plate regalia, with what appeared to be a winged fey female perched on his shoulder, lumbering right towards the space in which Pru stood, invisible to all eyes, his voice was a booming attack with a distinctly metallic resonance.)

The sight and sound of the said incoming beast of metal, was enough to freeze Alexi’s mind in a micro-second of the abject horror of imaging both he and Prudence, being trampled underfoot and dying the slow painful death of being crushed by a stampeding iron golem.

Thankfully, the same fear also (better late than never) caused his brain at the last second to send the necessary requisite of neural impulses that constituted the equivalent of Alexi, still clutching Pru’s hand, to quickly side step and drag-lift her out of harm’s way into his arms, spinning 360 and letting her back down in front of him.

To the eyes of others, it looked like the bored over exaggerated movements of a teen ager. The silly antics of a kid who can’t sit still for more than a minute at a time. An illusion he attempted to sell further by the drawing of an imaginary sword in his off-Pru hand and calling a humorous, well timed “On Guard! “ upon the knight’s entrance. Then just as quickly dismissing the challenge with a chuckle and a sheathing of his imaginary rapier.

Alexi bowed to the new arrival smiling, “Great Goblin’s Git!” he exclaimed.

(Secretly hoping the man was good natured)

“I am sorry. My name is Alexi. I meant no disrespect, welcome to our little gathering. I just really, really hope you are on our side for the duration of whatever the Queen intends for us.” Alexi half joked again, craning his neck to speak to him and to take in both the measure of the man and that of his strange alluring companion.

“What have they been feeding you Sir…?” he inquired, both genuinely curious yet not without a hint of sarcasm.
Despina Vale ----- Second Stein

It was a first for Despina, to see a living rat. The little creature stared out from its owner's resting place, sniffing with curiosity. As the boy wearing the cloak and holding his pet introduced himself as Alexi and Mika, respectively, Despina found herself wondering whether the messenger boy was him. They were similar in figure, and the rabbit-eared visitor yesterday certainly didn't utter even a word. She caught herself staring at Mika unrestrained, and upon noticing Alexi staring at her in a similar regard, quickly looked away with slight sheepishness.

Fortunately, Alfyn suddenly started up about a little girl missing. Despina, having failed to be observant, was guilty of not even knowing a little girl was present among them. This sparked even more intrigue to the seeming randomness of the members gathered. Despina could not dispel the feeling that her father was up to something, but more and more the logicality of that notion was becoming absurd.

As the group conversed between each other, Despina felt out of place. After taking a moment to think about it, her presence must be very jarring to them. She would hazard a guess that some even came from the Third Stein, a place Despina only knew of through her history and geographical studies.

IF... If this is really a summoning from The White Queen, could it be she is seeking to create social change? A mingling of the steins? Or, she needs spies from all areas of the kingdom for some other reason such as treason? Then there is also the possibility that-

The arrival of very tall and armor-clad knight jolted Despina out of her thoughts. Most likely a man, due to the sheer size of the steel-skinned newcomer, he approached in a peculiar fashion, one arm completely unrestrained in movement, and his daughter or companion sitting on his shoulder.

At Alexi's initial reaction to the metal giant, Despina stifled a chuckle, but after the young boy's innocently placed inquiry to the newcomer's diet, she let loose some laughter.

"Hahaha... oh no, I apologize for that, I only meant... I mean... well, you truly are an impressive size..."

Elara Elliana Farlance

The journey through the Second Stein passed with relative ease, if, of course, one neglected to mention the amount of agony poor Elara Farlance was forced to endure in the arms of her guard. He was the silent, stoic type who spoke in hums instead of words. Elara found it a bit disconcerting at first--was he ashamed to be aiding a murder, did he not approve of her, did she... well, smell bad? It had been a while since her last dip in the river, that was for sure and certain... But as they passed along the Stein, she grew used to his reticence, even almost thankful, but his lack of words did nothing for his clumsy and heavy gait. His were the steps of a fierce warrior, not a gentle healer, and though he dressed her wounds before they began, the pain still lingered heavy in Elara's mind. The guard refused to set her down, insisting in his own silent way that she was much too injured to walk on her own, so she attempted to distract herself with the sights.

The Second Stein she vaguely remembered from the short hour she spent wandering its streets. Had she been allowed free reign, the former slave might have stolen a glance into the bakeries across the way and perhaps pilfer a loaf of bread or two, or maybe venture into the heat and danger of the smithy down the avenue and ask the iron artist to attend to her old blades. Alas, she was stuck in her guard's grasp and away they went, past every whimsical shop, to rest at the inn.

The sun fell to let the moon reign over the sky, bringing with it long shadows made ominous in the dim starlight. The little noble found no sleep there in the Second Stein and, when returning to their pilgrimage the next morning, turned her head toward the guard's chest to let her eyes fall upon the intricacies of his light, leather armor instead of the darkened alleyways surrounding them. Such was the way by which they journeyed until at last the two reached the final wall.

The guards here let them pass without a second thought and the sound of the doors swinging open just for them drew Elara's gaze. They had made it. She was here. After so many years, Elara Elliana Farlance had returned to her old home. Her eyes devoured the sights with no less zeal than a raving priest! Everything seemed just as she remembered, so clean and white and even; buildings fashioned in all sorts of shapes, glowing with the light of some luminescent stone; flowers and scents she had only ever known here greeted her with a hearty welcome; people dressed in nobles' colors wandering the streets with smiles--no. Something seemed wrong. Off. Something wasn't right. Elara's brows furrowed with confusion. The sights remained for sure, but there was an air about the imperial city that turned her home into a ghost of a memory...

Her fists clenched at the fabric of her trousers and she mentally slapped herself. Of course! The White Queen, her letter! Dark times had befallen the kingdom, that's why she was here. A closer examination at the unassuming passerby revealed a strained look to their smile, a hurried hop in their step. Elara raised her head to spy upon the cavalier castle as they neared its glistening walls. Her eyes set into a hardened gaze, learned in her near decade spent in the chaos of the Third Stein. What secrets lay within those walls, she wondered.
The newcomer's arrival was intriguing. He did not scare Polaris in the least, especially once he began stuttering. She didn't quite know what to make of the companion on his shoulder, but she decided to let her introduce herself in her own time. Polaris smiled up to the giant, saying, "Well, at least you know you're with an honest bunch! Of course you two can rest here; it's not our property. I assume, by what you said, that you are going to see the White Queen? We are too, good giant, if you would like to accompany us once you've both rested. I'm Polaris."

She quietly said, "Also, you needn't be nearly so formal, sir." She figured his very loud, overly formal way of talking was likely a defense for his stuttering, but still told him anyway.

@Unwavering Knight
Prudence Caroline Ashford

Her imagination ran wild watching the group. The occasional squeeze of her hand from Alexi caught her off guard at first, but then, she started counting the seconds in between each one, making a pattern in her head and predicting the next one. She was so involved in this, that she didn't hear the large rumbling of the knight's footsteps. Suddenly, she felt herself swinging through the air, and out of the way of the giant. Alexi set her down and pulled a move like none she had seen before. He was pretending to be a fencer. She copied the move and whispered, "On guard!" shortly after he did.

She hoped no one had heard her, but if it was inevitable that they had, she hoped it had caused a deal of comfort to them to know she was present and watching. She watched a guard walk by with a girl in his arms, and she figured something was wrong with her legs and she couldn't walk. This was very peculiar to her. If the queen was inviting a child, a mother, a knight, a warrior, and a cripple into her house for the same feast, she wondered what they could possibly have in common.
The Clipped Wings

"Who we are?" Syrann exclaimed in response to the question, helmeted head tilting, plated hand giving a slight twitch. Kaatl gave a laugh, wings flapping to allow her to hover just above the knight's covered cranium, smile on her lips broadening in a barely-contained outburst of mirth as the knight straightened himself, hands held open as if to welcome the onlookers in an overly dramatic fashion.

"Why, less who we are, more to what we aspire!" the knight called with confident joy, single functional arm rising in jubilation, hand held open as if to grasp the sun "To dream the impossible dream! To run where the brave dare not go! To fight the unbeatable foe!"

Enthusiastically the fairy, hovering just above him, mirrored the knight's posturing as he continued to yell, though clearly he kept a strict distance from the crowd "To right the unrightable wrong! To try when your arms are too weary!" his voice rose further, preparing for the incoming peak as he declared with unwavering boldness "To reach the unreachable star!"

Striking a pirouette, ignoring the precarious swinging of Syrann's broken arm, the knight announced with vigor "We are the clipped Wings of Hope!", the duo freezing in their heroic pose.

After a moment, Kaatl seated herself on the knight's shoulder again, who in turn gave an audible cough as he lowered his arm, shoulders sagging "Uh, yeah, formerly I wanted to call us the Avengers of Justice, but that name was already taken, and Kaatl insisted on the 'clipped' thing, so..." speaking with a somewhat quiet voice, before catching himself, straightening his form as he addressed Alexi and Despina "As for you, good sir, and good madam-lady, I don't really eat anything out of the ordinary, when I was a lad I could only eat meat, though when the Order took me, I got to eat salad too! Though now I can only eat meat again, oh well." he shrugged, a strange gesture considering the plated shoulders.

Still he kept his distance. Even as his escort gratefully took a seat with the others. The fairy gave a sigh, arms crossed behind her head.

Remembering that he had yet to introduce themselves by name, he hastily pointed up at the fairy "So, uh, this is Kaatl, I'm Syrann and together we are on a quest for goodness! Since we are all companions, by the looks of it, I am certain we will enjoy great and jolly cooperation!"

@Mystella @CentaurOfAutumn @KnightofShadows @Aristos Fortuna
Alfyn Clements

¨I suppose you are right. Should we start towards the 1st stein, then? We will have a chance to talk during the feast!¨
He said this with great joy. Soon after, he heard a loud rumbling. He looked around to spot the source of the noise, and was surprised to see a large man in shining armor trodding down the street with a small fairy on his shoulder. He had never seen such a group like this before. Polar opposites teaming up! What an endearing sight!

He watched as Alexi flipped out of the way, and the knight responded to his actions by introducing himself in a hero-like fashion. He was very interested in this duo. He continued watching as they finished their introduction, and immediately changed their tone of voice, to a more casual welcoming tone. He smiled as he explained his eating situation, then responded to his comment about jolly cooperation.

¨I am pleased to be in the company of you all, and suspect we will have quite the experience, but might I suggest we get moving? I mean no disrespect to the newcomers, but I fear it will be dark by the time we arrive!¨

He smiled brightly as he stood up, swinging his scythe up by his side.

@Unwavering Knight @Dragongal
Polaris Mentha

Polaris had to actually try to not to laugh at the very loud knight's performance. She could tell this was likely rehearsed, and likely to hide his... social awkwardness that she had noted. She noticed his limp arm, though. When she heard Alfyn's suggestion, she looked to him, distractedly, and said, "Oh, yes, I do agree. As soon as Syrann and his guard are rested enough, we should head there right away." She didn't want to reveal her abilities, but she wanted to help more than that. She was certain that she would ask the knight when they were alone. Maybe while they were walking, cut them off from the group.
Alexi first was forced to struggle with restraining the involuntary laughter that threatened to spill out in reaction to the “On Guard”, as his own was mimicked, whispered from little Prudence as the knight’s introductory performance continued. He could do little more than stand and stare, mouth ever so slightly agape, observing the scene with genuine wonder, as the former decade long and painstakingly crafted construct of his reality, was obliterated in the first few moments in which the enormous knight had arrived on the scene.

He looked on, still seemingly paralyzed as the booming, resonant proclamations eased into something approaching tones which his old reality identified as, (he wanted to tell himself civil, but he knew what he really meant, and there was no sense sugar coating it for an audience of one) sane.

Meanwhile his brain was hard at work forging an all new reality from the ruins of the old. A new reality that would be under construction for the foreseeable future. Expanded, to include all the new and mesmerizing experiences he was sure were on their way. Beginning of course with the shining seven foot tall, steel, fairy toting, metallic voiced, glorious orator and Champion of the White Queens Justice… “What, he wondered would be the next experience requiring renovations.”

The half-smile of amusement returned to Alexi’s face after processing that whole scene. “If nothing else this should be an entertaining diversion from the 3rd Stein’s daily struggles.” he thought. “The Rat Pack will be fine for a time without him.” he had left them with plenty of coin to see them taken care of for a month if they were smart with it. “Big if!” he told himself painfully. He certainly understood and empathized with Prudence’s desire to retreat from this whole endeavor. It was straining every socialization muscle in his body. He had to fight the instinct to want to disappear with but a thought.

“There was no room for timidity in this. No sense worrying about things that have yet to even happen.” he scolded himself, and closed the book of worries in his mind.

Alexi’s words followed on the heels of Polaris’s last. “Yes, it would hardly due to be fashionably late with this crowd. I think Ms. Dessie would likely be the only survivor of such an unfortunate offense.”
"My my, Mister Rabbit, you seem to have run out of tea! Please, have some more," offered a white-haired man sitting on a blanket beside the road leading to the gate to the second stein. He spoke just loudly enough for the guard and the lady he carried to hear his seemingly insane ramblings as they approached him. With one hand he tore a handful of grass from the ground beside his blanket, and with the other he pulled a teacup toward himself. He stuffed the grass into the cup, then pushed it back toward the imaginary hare. "There now, all full of the finest chai tea money can buy. Drink up, drink up!"

The man was splendidly dressed in a suit that would make any man seem a prince. Any who looked closely would find his face surprisingly free of wrinkles and his eyes surprisingly sharp. From his blanket, the man could see newcomers to the stein who arrived through two of the main gateways. Either this demented man had ulterior motives or chose a very lucky day to have a mad picnic.

When the guard and girl got closer, the man made a show of noticing the two. "Ah, newcomers! Welcome, welcome, welcome to my party! Please, make yourselves at home! Milady, please, rest your aching feet beside my table and have a cup of tea!" The cup he offered to the girl was surprisingly filled with genuine chai tea, warm enough to be pleasant without being objectionable to even the most delicate tongue.

Prudence Caroline Ashford

Prudence's feet were starting to hurt from standing and walking for the majority of her last few days. She watched the show the Knight and his fairy put on in glee, as they had most likely rehearsed it many times before, while switching her weight back and forth between feet. She liked the idea of moving forward, and decided she would voice her opinion in the form of actions.

She let go of Alexi's hand after a short reassuring squeeze, as he had done for her, and walked into the same alley she had hidden in. She appeared and made herself visible out of the alley and rejoined the group. She smiled embarrassedly, and tried to make it obvious that she was exhausted. She gave herself droopy eyes, slouched posture, and even massaged her own shoulders a few times. She was looking forward to that feast immensely.
Elara Elliana Farlance

Huh? Elara blinked and turned her head to spot the man behind the rambles in the air. The guard, as taciturn as ever, made no notice of the mad man on the path and was poised to keep walking, but the murderess in his arms patted his chest in her own silent way to tell him to wait. This man intrigued her, reminded her of a an old character in some old Wunderheim legend she was taught as a little girl... If that wasn't enough to pique her interest, the scent of true-brewed tea wafting sin-like under her nose in the sights of the Inner Stein sent her mind reeling.

"Ana! Ana, darling, come along now! Time for tea!"

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Finally, a break from all those stuffy, awful, boring boring boring tutors! The bubbles of my own laughter and rampant sprints down the halls drowned out the echoes of Mother's voice. I ran without a care to the manor's greenroom, somehow forgetting every lesson on manners and poise a proper young lady was taught. Oh, well!

Finally, I made in the sunlit room and saw Mother standing there, beautiful as ever. She was really, really pretty, like really pretty! I bet she could even beat out that dumb ol' Queen in prettiness! I hurried over to the table set for two and hopped onto the chair. Mother's reproving look didn't fool me though, I could see that smile breaking out on her face! So I grabbed a scone and downed the tea and grinned from ear to ear as she laughed behind her hands.

Elara jerked her head from side to side in an attempt to rid her mind of the memory. While her mind was occupied elsewhere, the guard had set his charge upon the blanket, across from the odd man. He stood now with his back to the two, no doubt eyeing every passerby in the street. Ah, she thought, her hands clutching at her sides, that's why everything hurt. Teeth gritted, she snatched the offered cup away from the other's grasp to send the tea down her throat in a single gulp, rivulets of the wood-colored liquid trailing down her chin. Chai. Of course. It had to be chai, an old favorite of the little noble.

"Thanks," she returned, her tone halfhearted and her gaze aimed away.

[ @CallSign ]
"My my, how eager! How trusting! You must have walked a long way to have become so parched. Here, have another, and one for your companion as well!" The demented man retrieved the cup from the girl and quickly refilled it from an ornate teapot, presenting it back to her. He then lifted the cup he'd given to "Mister Rabbit" and handed it to the guard, bringing a similarly filled cup to his own lips.

After taking a dainty sip of his "tea," he continued conversing with the girl. "I'd love to hear all about your journey! Whence did you come from? Where do you go? Tell me all about it... er, what might be your name, Milady? Ah, but 'tis rude to ask a name without giving first. Where are my manners? You may call me Zak."

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Elara Elliana Farlance

She had downed the tea while it still steamed and now her throat payed the consequence. Elara waved one hand in dismissal while the other clutched lightly at her neck, wishing not for the first time to have been gifted with healing powers instead of empathy. The guard standing by ignored the madman entirely, not even bothering to offer a nod in his direction. Much too preoccupied with his duty, the woman assumed.

When her throat had cooled enough, she dropped her hands and gave the older stranger a reproachful, cautious look, while cursing herself in her thoughts. She had dropped her guard so easily, so without care, and for what? A measly memory of an old life long ago? That tea could have been poison, this blanket could be a trap! Elara drew in a deep breath while a fist clenched at her side. There was nothing to be done about it now. The drink was drunk and she sat there now, unable to move swiftly on her own.

"So many questions," she began, attempting a tactful start, no less caution in her gaze. "Why so interested...? You can see it plainly, I'm sure." she gestured towards herself for him to note her modest garb. "Just a simple Third Stein girl, here on... on business." She stumbled, damn. Poor Elara wasn't used to subtle talk; Third Steiners always spoke exactly what was on their minds, no need for silly pleasantries. But this was no longer the Third Stein... She reached through her mind, grasping for old memories of etiquette lessons and speech lessons, anything to help her seem less of a brute and more of a lady.

"Who are you, I wonder? I don't remember... That is, I-I never seen... You are quite finely dressed for one not of royal blood. And yet you sit here in the grass like a peasant child. That does not come across to you as the least bit... suspicious?"

[ @CallSign ]
"Suit yourself, sir, but I must say you're missing out!" Zak shrugged at the guard as he flung the offered cup over his shoulder. It shattered upon impact with the ground, spilling hot tea across the grassy land. The shards of the cup quickly vanished from view.

Zak's eyes gleamed as he noted the sudden guardedness in his companion's demeanor. The girl had some real-world experience, though it seemed she was still caught off-guard by the sights of the inner stein and let that affect her actions. However, she had declined to name herself after he had graciously given his own, and he just couldn't have that. The circular speech would just have to continue.

"Questions are to be answered, my dear! That's why there are so many. Without questions, there would never be answers. Who am I? I am Zak. Am I Zak? Zak I am. I do believe I've said this already, though, but I don't mind repeating myself.

"Now then, your suspicions are both misplaced and spot on the mark. I'm merely a friendly man enjoying the day with a picnic-style tea party, to which I've invited all my closest of friends. No need to stand on ceremony here - speak freely, for we are all friends! I would never play tricks on friends. Eh? I missed that." Zak paused, turning to an empty space on the blanket, before turning turning back to the girl. "Haha, quite right! Mister Rabbit says tricks are for kids! We are no kids, nor are we squids, no? No tricks to be had here.

"So why am I interested? Well, first and foremost, you are a friend! Is it not normal to be interested in friends? Doubly so when they are headed for the palace to feast with the White Queen herself! Quite important an event, that. Ranks right up there with killing a god or Saturday sports." Zak gave his widest, silliest grin. "No secrets here, you see. Now, my answers have gone unquestion- er, reverse that. Thus, I ask again: what might I call you, and whence have you come? I'd like a story to have tea over instead of just a place, but if you genuinely have none to tell I'll just come up with something else to do!"

Polaris Mentha

"Well," she said, "If Sir Syrann and his guard are adequately rested, I suggest we be on our way to the Inner Stein!" She noted Prudence's exhaustion and discomfort, and so thought it best to usher the group on, since they were all in agreement.

@Unwavering Knight
Elara Elliana Farlance

Elara let him talk, let him ramble, and noted his apparent apathy for the gorgeous china he so unabashedly threw away. The corners of her lips pulled at the sides in a slight show of something akin to disgust and frustration. This man, this so-called "Zak," this joker was beginning to wear on her nerves with his crazed jabbering and insistence on her answering, but that was not what set the girl off. He mentioned the White Queen, he knew of the feast meant to be held that night, he knew what she was here for.

The murderess burst to her feet in a sudden, swift movement, her eyes wide, and she immediately regretted the action and pain bloomed across her body. The guard turned with his sword drawn in one hand and aimed at Zak, the other moving to stabilize his charge. So this was a trap, her thoughts screamed. Of course, why hadn't she noticed this earlier?!

"How do you know all of that," she shouted toward the man upon the ground, not bothering a bit to keep her voice hushed. The nobles and officials wandering the streets turned to stare, but she paid no attention to them and kept her full focus on Zak. "Killing a god? Saturday sports? What are you even blathering on about?! This is a secret, you idiot! You want answers, or stories? No! None of that until you explain, or else I will happily let him carve you to bits!" She finished with nod towards her ever-faithful guard, her expression twisted with anger and pain. Her own hands itched for the blades upon her back, but it was unlikely she could even draw them, let alone fight. So she allowed her fierce gaze to battle for her, clashing with Zak's own seemingly nonchalant orbs.

[ @CallSign ]
Alexi felt the tiny warm hand of Prudence give a small comforting squeeze, and then release. He knew that to mean that she was fine and that she had a mind to tend to something. He wasn’t worried…

As if in confirmation of that sentiment the figure of Prudence re-appeared only moments later.

It was obvious then, by her body language and demeanor, that she was a bit weary from her trek through the city, as well as the stagnation of the party. He couldn’t agree more… A quick thought of the down mattress of the White Swan Inn he had left behind this morning flashed longingly in his mind.

He was famished and couldn’t even wait to see the glorious feast that awaited them. He couldn’t even imagine how amazing it was going to be. He had no doubt that it would be the best meal of his meager existence.

He gave Prudence a quick smile on her return, and followed that with a wink as he proclaimed, “See now, I told you she would be back when she was ready, safe and sound.”

Then added his second to the notion of moving on suggested by Polaris with a quick, “Yes! Yes, yes, what she said. Shall we?” he asked.
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Miles, hours, and a thick defensive wall away from Alexi [ @ataraxiandream
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The Clipped Wings

"Uh, yeah, I guess we can go..." Syrann fidgeted, before steadying his voice to call "-To glory! To where goodness calls! Which is incidentally also where the White Queen directed us!" Pumping his plated fist, he jerkily turned around, pointed at the far-away walls and the gate leading to the Inner Stein before rapidly setting himself in motion in a manner befitting one fleeing from a source of fear, though his voice remained cheerfully vigorous as he yelled "Our destiny calls and we go!"

Kaatl gave a wry smile, leaning back sideways, with her back resting on the knight's helmet, arms crossed, eyes staring up at the sky in thought, her gaze occasionally wandering back on the others of the group, Polaris in particular receiving some glances of apprehension.

Prudence Caroline Ashford

Prudence noted Alexi's kind actions toward her and told herself she would kindly pay him back as soon as the opportunity appeared. She heard Polaris's suggestion and perked up a bit. She knew her acting had paid off, and made it slightly more subtle.

After Alexi, Syraan and Kaatl agreed, a small smile grew on her face and quickly faded as soon as it had appeared. The feast was closer than ever. She closed her eyes and pictured the feast. The large dining room with plates of food and carts of deserts. The White Queen sitting at the end of the table, welcoming us with open arms. Now, the only thing to speculate was the reason.

Her hand reached up to her guard's hand and she tugged on it twice, trying to wake him from his slumber. He had fallen asleep in a chair at the dining table, on accident, but had done it nonetheless. Her small tugs were unsuccessful so she slapped the back of his hand, and he awoke. She grabbed his hand and he stood up, getting the message that they were soon leaving.
Alfyn Clements

Alfyn had been listening intently when he noticed Prudence reappear in the crowd. He decided not to prod too much, but instead smiled at her. He nodded at Alexi's comment.

He gathered his bearings and those of his guard, and stood up. He was very excited for the events to come. The inner stein, the feast, the castle, the slumber, and the queen's presence.
Elara Elliana Farlance

With every word Zak spoke, Elara's lips pulled father away from her teeth, her long canine fangs noticeable now in the dim sunlight. When he stood and ventured towards the two, a bestial growl no less fiercer than a raging wolf's rang about her throat. She was lucky indeed that the gathering crowd seemed much more focused on the eccentric man in white than her feral self.

But then she saw it. She saw it all, she saw the way the polished steel blade became something else, something fluid, molten, and disappear inside his sleeve like nothing she had ever imagined. It was no illusion, no silly magician's trick, but magic in its truest form. Her eyes stretched open and her growl faded away to leave her mouth agape. Elara raised her gaze to the head of her guard, wondering what expression he wore behind the helmet. She doubted he had seen it properly, but surely he must have felt something? Right...?

The trance was soon broken after the madman made his remarks to the crowd and turned once again to her. A savage snarl ripped through her her throat at his first word. The little noble was not one who enjoyed being played or trifled with as he seemed to her so eager to do. Rage built up inside the girl, blocking out the pain from her old injuries. She placed a foot forward and prepared to lunge, but the guard thrust out his hand to hold her back. Elara snapped her head up to him, a furious look of confusion on her face. Surely he saw what happened, surely he would not allow some oddball wanderer to disrespect a member of the Royal Guard in such a way! But he did not remove his hand, so Elara turned her blazing orbs once more upon the man in time to catch his last few words.

"I told you," she spat, "no answers until you ex--!" Movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention. The guard, her guard, had bent forward at his waist in a small bow. She blinked once, and then once more. Why was he...? Elara had no time to finish her thought as guard, now upright, wrapped his outstretched had around her back and used the other to sweep her up into his hold once more. He gave a silent nod towards Zak and a nod towards glorious white castle before them, actions that only further frustrated the slave girl. As thought sensing the coming retort from the burden in his arms, the guard then hurried forward to finish his duty.

[ @CallSign ]
Alexi was just pleased that the procession was moving finally. There was a growing rumbling in his stomach as his thoughts kept returning to the imagined decadence of the feast that awaited them all. He was anticipating the reason for their summons much less so.

Seeing that their movement had lifted the spirits of Prudence some, he smiled back at her when they actually began putting one foot in front of the other toward the Inner Stein gate in the distance.

He fell in step just behind his particular escort, and tugging his hood forward a bit to protect his eyes from the brightness of the day and the veritable gleaming reflection of the 2nd Stein streets in comparison to the dirt and much of the 3rd, which seemed to gobble up the light hungrily.

He was still so amazed at the difference between the living here compared that of his life in the 3rd. It was truly night and day in difference, and he shook his head in wonder at all he saw as they made their way toward the gate.

The groups from the lower steins was offered some stares and odd glances as they met with people on the roads of the inner stein, though the glory that was there was worth it. The nicely paved road lined with neatly cut grass and trimmed trees ran up to a small market district, with beautiful and expensive wares being offered. Because of the large number of people there, it took a bit of maneuvering for the groups to pass. By the time they got out, the sun was setting.

The castle could be seen from the gate, and loomed larger as they approached, its gleaming white walls and spires rising high above the city. Once the groups passed the markets, the buildings disappeared ahead, and what lay before them beside the road was vast, lush meadows of clover, and past these, the front of the castle itself, the pristine white front wall only sullied by the giant, 10-foot high mahogany-toned wooden gates, which stood open before them. Inside was a courtyard, with very beautiful and neatly kept plants, which grew from a large diamond-shaped raised garden in the center; at each of the corners, small flagstones led through the plants and to the center, where a simple, white wicker chair sat empty. The courtyard was boxed in by columns, which supported ceilings above a covered walkway. Three arches cut into the walls, one to the left, right, and front. The side ones were open, leading to long stone corridors with tall windows, and the one in front was blocked by 8-foot tall dark wooden doors.

People walked about the courtyard; handmaidens laughing together, servants scurrying about, preparing for the feast, a couple of knights passing through, with their young squires following meekly behind. All had been warned about the guests, but they still gave them some odd looks.

Truth be told, the castle was behind schedule, and they were still preparing for the feast. Had they arrived an hour before, they might have heard the Queen's panicked shouting as she was delivered some bad news. In the mild panic that had ensued after, the feast preparations were forgotten. Now that things were under control, they were behind schedule.

A short little man of about 50 was stationed in the courtyard to await the arrival of the guests. He apologized to each profusely, saying, "Many apologies, but we are still preparing. We are behind schedule, and this is, of course, no fault but out own. If you'd please wait just a few moments, we'll bring you in the moment it is ready." He then focused on the guards, saying, "You are dismissed; thank you and please return to your commanders." The guards departed, some saying farewell, others merely leaving without a word.

( @ataraxiandream have first dibs on posting; after they post, it is free game.)
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