• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Crimson Night Main Thread

Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel growled in his throat, "I am the Wereking and you will not touch any of my wolves...if you want a human go to one of the pubs made for your kind." He voice still cold as fur began to creep along his skin. This vampire was pushing him to his limit, his eyes landed on the other vampire as he watch him back away. He didn't seem powerful, but the one looking for food seemed to have power that matched that of his own. He could sense the strength and weakness of the vampire and knew better than to let his guard down.​

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex shook his head, "Drunk or not you are part of our pack and we will not allow that." He knew things were probably about to get bloodie if the vampires didn't leave soon. He wanted nothing more than to rip them to shreds.​

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rosetta nodded glancing over to the sound and pulling her phone out, "I'll call him now... hopefully it isn't to late." Rose shook her head as she wondered what would have happened if Pavel hadn't caught her. She tapped her foot waiting for Sam to pick up, but got no answer. "He isn't answering..." She said glancing over to Pavel with worry.​

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane backed away, not out of fear just knowing he wasn't in a state to fight any of them, "I can take you to one of the pubs....lots of beautiful women." He said unsure if Pavel's brother would be interested in that.​

Clarence Ross - Recruit - Human/werewolf
He walked in scratching the back of his neck, "I think we might have a problem on our hands. I just took Stella home, she said a strange vampire was bothering her but then took off because it smelled blood...I think someone has murdered someone again... I smelled a faint scent of blood, but only being half werewolf and only a recruit I felt I should report this to you."
Fuzz Fuzz
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( Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine sprry for skipping you over, feel free to post back in)

Au’Bena was glaring at the vampire, occasionally glancing at her werewolf companion.

“As much as I can. Now, I will make you answer my question, but first let’s take care of this problem.”

She tilted her head towards the maverick werewolf. She had no real hatred toward their kind, though she saw them as inferior and dirty. If most of them didn’t even bother to shower or trim their nails, that was condemning for the lot of them. In short, their kind conpletely disgusted her.

She silenced her aura, instead concentrating the energy to charge a painful blast of mental energy, about to be directed to the werewolf. She looked to Sybil with a sly grin. If she wouldnt help her, Sybil would be a traitor...

Sybil Sybil Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
( Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine sprry for skipping you over, feel free to post back in)

Au’Bena was glaring at the vampire, occasionally glancing at her werewolf companion.

“As much as I can. Now, I will make you answer my question, but first let’s take care of this problem.”

She tilted her head towards the maverick werewolf. She had no real hatred toward their kind, though she saw them as inferior and dirty. If most of them didn’t even bother to shower or trim their nails, that was condemning for the lot of them. In short, their kind conpletely disgusted her.

She silenced her aura, instead concentrating the energy to charge a painful blast of mental energy, about to be directed to the werewolf. She looked to Sybil with a sly grin. If she wouldnt help her, Sybil would be a traitor...

Sybil Sybil Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Maverick Lucian
Maverick walked next to the vampire female who had accompanied him. Although he did not trust the vampire he did not pay to much mind. His focus was on the vampire before him. He could sense psychic energy building in the vampire. From the concentration he could tell it was older probably a elder. This would be difficult to deal with. He held to his blade tightly brushing it slightly out of its holster with his thumb. Maverick locked eyes with the elder not wavering in the slightest. His eyes glowed a bright crimson red, a primal rage glowed in those eyes. The bestial instincts of his blood line began to emerge at the threat. However he held it under control barely. Mavericks claws extended however his other features remained the same. He spoke in a different tone this time. His voice was deeper almost taking a demonic tone" That would be unwise Psychic vampire. " Maverick stated with no hesitation. He took a fighting stance, however he did not give a indication he would strike first. He did not want to fight the vampire for he could not promise keeping the beast under control. If that happened he would be in a lot more trouble.
GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger , Sybil Sybil
Pavel Bersk - Lord - Blood Vampire
Pavel would reach for the hilt and attach it to his Belt, The hiss would stop, and hed look up to rosetta. "Then We are too late i am afraid." Hed Offer out his hand. "Shall we catch up with them?"

Dominic Bersk - Unknown - Blood Vampire
Hed look at Zane "The Hell is a Blood Pub?" Then back to Samuel. "If were Giving out Names, I'm Dominic Bersk, Brother Of Pavel Bersk who's hand had fell me in battle, I was The rightful ruler for blood clan." Hed Look at Thomas. "And this one doesn't seem to be that fond of me. So Ill leave, and go to this mystical blood pub you speak of."

Thomas Trinton - Some Loner - Werewolf
Fur would begin to cover his arms as the man began to make him more and more angered. his growl began to grow.

Sigmund Wolff - Agent - Human/Werewolf
He'd look up at the recruit. "Another one? now we have to deal with this werewolf murder, and this one." standing he'd grab his pistol, holstering it. he would motion for the recruit to follow him.
Sylvaine Poppy Cahun-Special OPS Leader-Werewolf
A woman with dark brown hair stared out of the window on the top floor of a non-descriptive building. Her hair was pulled back into a french braid that hung down her back, her reflection staring out at the city from the large windows that surrounded her office. Ever since taking the job of leader, Sylvaine had been constantly busy with paperwork and of course keeping her son in check and making sure her possible heir to the special ops that had taken them in nine years ago didn't get himself killed when finding nourishment that food and regular drink didn't provide. Such was the curse of being a vaewolf she imagined, especially one who'd been experimented on for the first few years of his life, a place that she herself had spent fourteen or fifteen years in herself after her brother-in-law sold her out to humans. Sylvaine frowned at the memory and turned her head back to the cherry wood desk that was littered with paperwork, another desk against the opposite wall lying empty and where Balthazar did his homework after school. She would be available for anything should her former co-workers as she saw them, now subordinates but still family-providing they did nothing to betray the organization or its secrets, if they needed her.

The woman sighed as she turned back to the window, watching the city's lights shining below, her image reflected within the glass. A knock on the door caused the woman to turn partly. "Enter," she ordered and a moment later the door opened, a younger woman entering with a large Styrofoam cup containing the hot chocolate she'd asked for with a small bag of donuts. With the paperwork that had mounted since taking over, it would be another long night, hence the reason for the sweet treat. She'd need the caffeine from the hot chocolate and the sugar from the donuts if she was going to get through everything.

"Ma'am I've brought your order," said the woman with a dip of her head, holding up the bag as if to emphasize her point.

"Thank you Natasha. Place it on the table by the hearth, then you may leave for the night," Sylvaine said. Turning back to the door when the younger woman had left, Sylvaine let out a sigh and lifted a hand to run over her head. Balthazar was probably exploring the city or getting into some form of mischief if he wasn't busy hunting. The top floor was like any other but the office itself had the large windows which overlooked two sides of the city was quite large, taking up one corner. The hearth, a couch and a couple of arm chairs were set against one of the wooden walls. The other rooms in the top floor were basically a large penthouse for the Cahun family, well the leader and their family which meant she and her son had moved into it when Sylvaine had taken the position offered to her even if it had been two years after she'd first been offered the position. "This is what I hate about being a leader," she murmured. She would enjoy her short break by sipping her hot chocolate, eating a donut and maybe reading that novel she'd started the other day, Zoo by James Patterson. Open for interaction

Balthazar Alexander Cahun-Special OPS Recruit-Vaewolf
A pallid and sickly looking teenager walked through the streets of the city, a city that was claimed by two breeds of vampire, werewolves and of course the organization his mother ran and he might or might not take over. Balthazar wasn't sure yet what he wanted or how the leadership thing worked. Eyes that were haunting and resembled glaciers stared out of the young teen's face as he walked, his hands stuffed in his pockets to keep them warm on this chilly evening, his stomach rumbling in hunger. Balthazar Alexander Cahun was starving even though he'd just eaten an hour prior with his mother in their apartment, the teen wanted meat and blood. Preferably fresh and living, raw meat. Mother was busy again so she couldn't come with him but the teenager was becoming more independent though he obeyed his mother without question, she was pretty much the only one who held any sway and command over the supernatural child of forced origin.

His curly light brown hair had a slight wave to it and was kept short currently though in the future he might grow it long again. The kid could never really pick a style that he liked, mother only said not to get it shaved off or in a mohawk like the human kids today did. Balthazar had agreed to the condition, he was pretty much allowed to do whatever else he desired but was to keep himself in a semi-professional manner which meant no piercings in strange places though his mother had said he could wear earrings so long as they were not gauges or hoop earrings that would mess his ears up. He knew there was some blood pub around somewhere but the teen wasn't sure of its exact location or what all it offered, he hoped it offered a living snack. Perhaps he should have had one of the agents give him a map of the places that catered to blood vampires and werewolves, or asked if there was somewhere that catered to hybrids but he hadn't been planning on leaving home tonight. His claws and teeth were slightly elongated, his nails cutting into his jeans. Mother wouldn't be pleased if he tore another hole in his jeans, a green tunic covering his chest, black calf-length leather boots on his feet with his jeans stuck into them. Open for interaction
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Erick Sheris
Erick stood up with his head still reeling after Au’Bena’s attempt to wipe his mind, safe to say that due to her attention being drawn elsewhere it didn’t go as she had hoped, though his memory was still had a few holes regarding the past hour. Although, now wasn’t the time to be trying to fill said gaps in his memory, now was the time to pay back that witch for messing with the one thing nobody touches. Curling his hand into a fist Erick charged at the old as dirt psychic vampire and delivered a rage fueled right hook straight to the side of her head. “Ya know I probably would have just let walk away had you NOT tried to screw around with my memory, especially if you-“ He stoped himself before he could say anything that could give his current enemy another excuse to get in his head, instead picking up his sword and aimed it her neck. “Now what the hell were you doing here?” He demanded completely oblivious to the other two that there.

GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Lord Anubis Lord Anubis Sybil Sybil
Orma Harvinci - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
The psychic just looked at the wolf, then back at the elder, seemingly amused again. This was what she wanted! Two people to fight it out and she would reap the rewards. That was.... until the hybrid woke up and seemingly started to ruin it.

Greeeeeaat. Do you really expect anyone to be afraid of you if you are too old to memory wipe someone?” She was almost speaking to no one, like it was her own thoughts were vocalized. Finally she looked at the woman who was likely punched, slightly amused at the Elder’s injury. “If you are going to attack someone, do it. I’m hungry and I’m booooored.” She then looked at the wolf next to her with a grin. “Put up a good fight if she does, yeah? Too much laziness and words, not enough action.
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger
Joe & Luke Ashben - Civilians - Psychic Vampires
Joe jumped slightly, "Oh good morning..." He ran a hand through his hair nervously and Luke shook his head. "We were
just on our way to see Au'Bena, she was out to late and for got to bring stuff to protect herself from the sun."
His lie was smooth unlike his brothers, "No need to worry, we got her covered. This isn't the first time she has done this probably won't be the last" He said with a bright smile and a chuckle, he was holding a bag.
Angel_Fox Angel_Fox

Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel glanced over to Trinton, "Samuel Ebeck, and I thank you for leaving." His eyes landed on the other blood vampire, "Show him the way boy..." So that man was Pavel's brother, last he had heard the man had been dead or assumed to be dead. He would need to set of more guards...things could go south.

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex rested a hand on Trintons shoulder, "Calm yourself my friend..." He glanced over to his father and knew they were both thinking the same thing. Tensions between clans were about to become a whole lot worse.​

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rosetta nodded glancing over to the blade, "I just hope he hasn't caused trouble we have enough problems even if Sam doesn't know it was one of ours." Rose sighed heading for the door, "I really am sorry I knew I should have kept a better eye on Zane. I know you haven't told Sam what Zane did and I think it would better if we did." She grabbed a hold of one of the daggers from her necklace, "If he wishes to take his anger out on someone and I know Zane won't go to them I will gladly take the punishment if it stops a war."

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane nodded, "Things have become more modern for us now, humans know about our kind and some of them actually enjoy us drinking from them." He closed his eyes, "I know a really good one...follow me."

Clarence Ross - Recruit - Human/werewolf
He nodded following Sigmund, "Things seem to be getting worse sir... should we got report this to the captain? Or check it out first?" He was unsure if it was needed of a human was murdered that was much easier to cover up. Especially if the human had no one they had been close to.
Fuzz Fuzz

(Sorry guys I've been stressing about my hubby's truck the passed few days...)​
Erika Sheris
A girl with silverish white hair and topaz colored eyes moved through the streets at a brisk pace alongside a tall man with long black hair and curly mustache so long it looked like something out of a cartoon. The girl was dressed in a sky blue vest over a grey shirt covered her upper body while a white skirt that went down to her knees covered her lower body. Completing her look was a pair of black sandals and a small book, most likely a journal of some kind, tied to her waist by a thin black cord. The man next her was dress in a brilliant red suit with a black tie that went down into his vest which looked undeniably strange when looking at the rather plainly dressed girl following him.

The two went around people for the most part until they had to cut across the main square of town to reach their destination faster, it was a rather fancy looking blood pub that advertised live people were available. The man lead the girl by the hand towards the building until a momentary lapse in the man’s attention caused him to ram into a young werewolf hybrid around the girl’s age and knocked him to the ground. “My apologies lad I-“ he stated quite apologetically nearly extending his hand to help him up when the girl knelt down and picked the poor boy off the ground in his stead. It would be at this point the hybrid would notice a few strange things about the girl. Firstly, the skin of her hands felt more like a thin silk rather than what skin should feel like, secondly, he would feel as if a thin cloth was being draped around his legs especially when the girl helped him from the ground. “Again my apologies lad I was i such a hurry I really wasn’t paying much attention to what was around me or even her for that matter.” The man cut in after the young man had been put back on his feet. “But I suppose an introduction is now in order since we’re now acquaintances, the names Makarov Jovani and this young lady is-“ he pointed to the girl almost as if giving her some sort of cue. “Erika...” the girl stated rather softly and bluntly too. With her rather brief introduction over the man then turned to the hybrid “Now then lad what’s yours?” He wasn’t expecting much of an answer considering his prior clumsiness but still asked anyway in hopes he hadn’t angered the young man somehow.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (and posted might as well start with her now as it seems like I need to find some way to explain how she’ll be at her next location. Also sorry if it got the writing is a little awkward looking in some areas, couldn’t think of a good excuse for them to interact for a while)
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Balthazar Alexander Cahun-Special OPS Recruit-Vaewolf
Despite being surrounded by potential prey and not being picky in the slightest about what he ate, the vaewolf still hoped to find some form of pub that catered to his kind or at least to his vampire side where he could just eat the human he fed from. The young teen hadn't gotten his fangs in yet and his mother was unable to say when his fangs would appear. The only information she'd been able to give was they would be where his upper canines would appear. Still it didn't matter, his teeth were somewhat elongated enough to bite into skin and he could get blood out that way, though his fangs would be a big asset into giving him a more appealing appearance to the feminine sex and make it easier to get blood without having to sip it through a tube or straw. Teenage human girls seemed attracted to vampires and some boys too of the same age, or so he'd heard from questioning a dhamphir; one who was half-human and half-vampire.

Without warning something crashed into the thirteen-year-old, knocking him to the ground before a hand reached down to help him up and a man's voice began to apologize almost immediately. Before the man could touch him though, another figure dropped to the ground and helped him up, Balthazar's nose twitching at the scent of the fairer sex and the slight tinge of supernatural about the pair. The female looked to be about his own age but if she was a vampire, well they were youthful looking for eternity. As the woman grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet, he took note that the woman seemed stronger than she looked, possessing a delicate and frail nature about her but he could hear the blood within her veins when he focused his senses. Turning his gaze from the woman to the man as he again apologized, the male introduced himself as Markarov and the woman as Erika. His gaze slid over to the female at her brief introduction, short and slightly distant but also not loud like some people. If it hadn't been for his blood, he probably wouldn't have heard the lady.

Exhaling a breath of warm air into the night, he extended his hand, grasping the male's lightly and shaking it. Still getting used to his abilities, he had to be careful of his strength since he could break someone's bones easily though this often applied to humans. His mother had told him to be respectful if he met elders but the vaewolf wasn't too sure he should tell the people his name or not, instead settling on a name he'd been called as a child by the humans years ago. But, nobody knew of him or his mother here so perhaps it was safe to state his actual name. "You may refer to me as Plague if you wish but my name if you must know is Balthazar," Balthazar said. "One should always be on alert for the monsters waiting in the dark," he said coldly before giving a dip of his head to the lady now known as Erika. "What is your hurry?" he questioned in delicate French tones, the accent being just one of the few things inherited from his mother. Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
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Parker Phantastica
“Oh dang really.. I was hoping that after my rounds we could catch a feel.... a bite.... a meal.... anyways I was going to see if y’all wanted to eat with me. I’ve just woken up from my last coma.. apparently sleep is important... oops.” Angel looked back at him disapprovingly. She never liked when he slept for that long. Parker didn’t understand though, there just wasn’t enough time between night and day, why couldn’t he ever finish his work with enough time to eat and sleep! “Alright, welp, you know the drill. This doesn’t take long, a couple a ques -“ Crap! I thought I had more time! These were his last words and thoughts before his vision blacked out and he fell.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
As Maverick spoke, Au'Bena seemed slightly surprised

"Ah... I haven't met many of your disgusting species that doesn't mindlessly assault the closest living object... A rarity."

Her eyes shone as she walked forward towards the werewolf, glancing at the other vampire.

"And don't provoke me, child."

She said with a sly grin.

"I could do much more than just erase a little bit of memory, if you so desire."

Au'Bena didn't intend to immediately destroy the werewolf, though it would be scandalous if she was seen talking with one of their kind. Still, she thought it fun to tease the werewolf a bit before reverting his mind to that of a child. As she kept a smile and approached closer and closer to the werewolf, she heard footsteps behind her. 'Impossible...' She thought, as she turned around and got hit in the face. Au'Bena had fully completed the mind wipe, but somehow the vampire hybrid lucked out. She fell back against the wall, stumbling with her hands up to protect herself. Au'Bena's sly grin turned to a scowl as she pressed a hand to her mouth, to pull back blood. Her scowl then turned to a fearsome glare of rage, and everyone near her, even the psychic vampire could feel a fierce, enraging aura of emotions stemming from Au'Bena, giving the feeling of dread to all near her. No one had the right to lay a hand on her, much less cause her to shed blood. Despite her exploding rage, her many years of experience and training had let her practice self control. Either way, she was pissed. Without responding to their inquiries, she hissed out in a toxic tone to all three of them.


Was all she said. It seemed like she was about to burst, about to unleash hell on anyone who dared to approach her.

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Sybil Sybil Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Orma broke her calm character, her grin widening as she saw the scowl and the flood of emotions flowing from the Elder. She couldn't help herself as she broke out in a case of giggles, the situation causing her body to react like a starving dog seeing fresh meat as she salivated. This is a meal! Self-discipline and a cool outlook only to be broken by their lack of foresight, suddenly then exploding in emotions kept locked inside?? This is soooooo much better!

"Hohohoholy fucking shit! She is pissed~! Good job you vampire wannabe, you kicked a sleeping hornet nest!" She was practically jumping in place, her hands skimming her hips under her cloak. She was enthralled, but no psychic energy or attempt to feed was exerted, she was just excited.

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Lord Anubis Lord Anubis GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger
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Joe & Luke Ashben - Civilians - Psychic Vampires
Luke moved quickly catching Parker, "You should go I'll take care of him..." Joe glanced over, "She won't be pleased but she can't go against our second in Command..." He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, "I'll be back as fast as I can." "Just be careful." "I will..." Joe leaned over kissing Luke's forward before taking off. Luke slowly carried Parker over to their bed and laid him down, "Angel...he really needs to look out for himself better..." He placed a hand on Parker's cheek and smiled softly before leaning over and kissing him. Giving him a good sum of his own energy, they couldn't have their second in Command passing out. He pulled back quickly blushing, why had he just kissed him. Ugh he was never like this...he glanced to Angel, "Secret??" His face was burning up usually his brother was the more forward one.
Angel_Fox Angel_Fox
Angel Fox
Angel wished she was human for only two reasons. One to smack Parker across the face. The idiot of the of a vampire never takes care of himself and no matter how hard she tried to help he’d always fail at it. He was an overworked overtired, overly caring, starving vampire. The other thing was to scream. In the good way, in the oh my gosh life goal is becoming accomplished - way. Luke kissed Parker which was pretty cool. Angel, even as a four legged spirit animal was very opinionated. She’d learned emotion from Parker, as his stress fluff she developed her own opinions and feelings and used them along with her instinct Hence why she was able to yip and happily paw at Luke’s arm when he kissed Parker, also she may or may not have ran a lap around the room... sue her, she ship was starting to sail.

Parker Phantastica
Parker kept his eyes closed while trying to figure out why he was surrounded by cloth, better yet why he was awake, and feeling the ghost of a touch on his lips. He was almost certain he hadn’t been out for more than a few minutes, it was easy to tell, he wasn’t as nearly physically relaxed as he normally was when he’d bern out for a few days. Also he felt slightly full... what the hell He slowly opened his eyes to Luke standing above him, blushing profusely. Then he turned to Angel who was completing what looked like a lap around the room. He looked at Luke, then back to the fox who’d hopped up and sassily sat on his stomach and continued to go back and forth for a few seconds... “Did I miss something?

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Luke Ashben - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
Luke blushed, "N-no you just...sort of passed out. I just gave you some energy" he glanced over to Angel who seemed over joyed with what had just happened. He couldnt help but smile slightly, maybe he had someone on his side. After all he had, had a crush on Parker since he had met the man, he was just to damn sexy. "You should pay more mind to your health...Angel is clearly worried and you'll worry me...I mean us if you keep passing out like that."
Angel_Fox Angel_Fox

Joe Ashben - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
Joe felt a slight flutter in his chest and glanced back. Was he feeling jealous, sure his brother was with some other guy. But...they were brothers after all wasn't it frowned upon for him to love his brother in this manner. He shook his head and quickly headed for the place Au'Bena had said. The smell of blood his his nose harshly and he clenched his teeth together. There was something seriously wrong with this elder of theirs. "Au'Bena I've...." He froze as his eyes landed on three other people. GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Sybil Sybil Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Maverick Lucian
Maverick was about to speak when he noticed another vampire had showed up. His glowing red eyes quickly glanced to them. This was a bad situation even more so know. He was surrounded by vampires. Only one he had met prior to these events. He did not fully trust them, but if they intended to attack they could of done so by now. He looked back to the ones before him. Logically speaking there was only one thing he should do now. He should retreat and inform the wereking of these events. While every aspect of his being was screaming for him to tear them asunder. It would be best to retreat. With a sigh Maverick reverted to his normal form blood red eyes no longer glowing. He sheathed his sword looking to them" For your sake's it would be best to not cause more trouble. I prey your reasons are well met. If not well im sure your well aware of what can occur. " he stated before leaping into the air landing on the roof. Before leaving he got a good look at everyone's faces burning their images into his mind. This would be useful later. With that he leaped with all his might launching him far across the air towards his home.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising , Sybil Sybil , GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger , Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
Orma’s Head wrenched to glare at the newest addition, sensing Mavericks hesitation. She knew this changed things for him, and she could only feel a great disappointment under it all as she witnessed the werewolf retreat. That was her meal ticket!

“Son of a....” Orma gritted her teeth, her mood brought down a peg as they looked at the scene. Was this new meal worth it?

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Pavel Bersk - Lord - Blood Vampire
"Its not your fault, Its more or less mine, I should have kept a better eye on his casket. i honestly thought in his weakened state he wouldn't open it." he made his way to the door, "Like i said, he's most likely going to start a rebellion again."

Dominic Bersk - Unknown - Blood Vampire
His voice was still gruff and raspy. "With everything being now more modernized, whats new?" He continued to follow zane, trying to think of what to make of this man. "So, with all of these advancements... Could i get a new arm?" he would be motioning to his little stump. "my brother thought it would be nice to cut it off."
Thomas Trinton - Some Loner - Werewolf
He would calm down slowly as the two vampires began to walk off. "What happend to the mans arm?" Hed turn looking at Alex.

Sigmund Wolff - Agent - Human/Werewolf
"were going to tell this the captain n the way, we might have a chance to catch some people by the scene if we get there fast enough."
Hed make his way down to the garage to where his car was. "Didn't even have time to drink my coffee.."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Erick Sheris
With Erick now realizing the audience he had due to Orma’s cheers, and that crowd grew slightly larger with the addition of one extra person, he was about to just leave due to him being severely outnumbered. It was when the werewolf who was among them decided to revert to being more human-like that Erick sheathed his sword and stood down as the lycanthrope leaped above everyone and darted away. He then pulled out his guns and began to load a single bullet into them as he muttered out “really don’t need the wolves after me right now.” When he finished the artificially made hybrid aimed his firearms at the ground, closed his eyes, and pulled both triggers simultaneously creating a blinding flash of light that filled the alley. He then holstered one of his guns and drew his sword again and swiftly extended it so he could scale the wall opposite of where he saw Maverick head off to and quickly rushed to another alleyway some distance away, but in the process a small picture depicting a young girl with long silverish white hair and topaz colored eyes fell out of his coat pocket face up in front of Au’bena.
GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Sybil Sybil BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising (also Erick is open for new interactions)

Erika Sheris
As he young man now known as Balthazar gripped Makarov’s hand in an impressive handshake as the werewolf hybrid introduced himself. “Nice handshake lad, you’ll go places with that.” He commented before answering the young man’s question, pointing towards their destination in the process. “Well you see I was heading over to that blood pub over there to run an event I usually run every two weeks or so, and I wanted to arrive early to run a few checks of the product I’m presenting tonight.” He stated with a quick glance over to Erika to find her gripping her arm in slight pain, and noted that the girl’s breathing had become somewhat heavier. “Unfortunately this appears to be all the time I can spare, adieu good sir.” Makarov then bowed his head and went straight to the blood pub dragging Erika along by the wrist, but not before Erika slyly untied the black cord keeping the book attached to her allowing it to drop in front of Balthazar as she was taken inside.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Balthazar Alexander Cahun-Special OPS Recruit-Vaewolf
Releasing the man's hand known as Makarov, the male commented on it but the hybrid and possible heir to the Special OPS didn't say anything himself. He did turn to follow the man's pointing towards an nondescript pub, his ears twitching as he heard that it was a blood pub and the man in question did some form of event every couple weeks which attracted the teen's attention, or more like it was the mention of blood and finding something that catered to his vampire half. Dipping his head to the other male, the vaewolf turned to watch the young woman be dragged into the pub behind the figure and through the pub. Slipping a hand into the pocket of his jeans, the vampire pulled out small pocket-sized journal and a pen before flipping through to an empty page and sketching out an area on the piece of paper before writing something down beneath it when he glanced down to see the strange little book the odd smelling woman had apparently dropped. "Now, what is this?" he questioned himself. Keeping his journal out, the teenager stooped to the ground and studied the nondescript little black book. Pulling out a leather glove, the hybrid picked it up and opened it, his eyes scanning the first page before flipping to another page. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking at here but perhaps it was important the young lady. He ought to do the...what his mother spoke of as the gentlemanly thing...and return it to the lady since it might be important. Closing it with a snap, the vaewolf held it delicately between his fingers. "But perhaps she desires to abandon it or keep it hidden. What to do? What to do?"

The man was hardly the vampire's type in terms of something to sleep with but the female, despite possibly being older seemed an intriguing case. Stuffing the book into his pocket, Balthazar let his shirt fall over the book and slid his pen behind his ear to jot the name of the blood pub down before turning to it. He wouldn't mention the book unless to the rather intriguing smelling lady and made his way towards the pub that had been pointed out to him. As he approached, he reached up a hand to grip the pen and his eyes roved over the building before writing out a name of the pub and then slid both items back into the left pocket of his jeans. Perhaps this place also had fresh meat he could partake in as well...it was worth a shot, otherwise he would end up hunting tonight and that sometimes took a while with the other predators lurking in the dark and creating competition. So long as he didn't run into one of his own kind who was stronger and bigger than himself, the teen should be alright.

Balthazar looked at the pub but he couldn't see any hours that the place was open. However, considering how it was a blood pub, he assumed the place wasn't open in the day in which case he'd have to find a werewolf place for the day or continue his search for a place that catered to vaewolves. This meant the pub's hours were from sunset to dawn which suited the vaewolf fine as he normally kept such hours minus when he was forced to attend a human school to get an education. Mother said he took after father with his strange active hours and it was one of the only things she ever said about his father, besides his number, code name and real name. There didn't seem to be a line outside either so the teenager just walked right on in, inhaling the air and looking around him at the setup. Where was the bloody food in this place?! Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
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Joe Ashben - Civilian - Psychic Vampire
Joe glance to Au'Bena, "Au'Bena I thought you said there were two bodies...not one body and several other people. I had to come alone our second in Command showed up..." He watched as one man darted off and then the woman seemed to be weighing her options. The other kid smelled half human, but the scent messed with him. Like the scent shouldn't exist, which greatly confused him further. GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Sybil Sybil Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Lord Anubis Lord Anubis

(Geez...I messed up give me a sec I'll get the others up -_- )))
Samuel Ebeck - Wereking - Werewolf
Samuel watched as the two vampires left, "I see I must start keeping a sharper eye on things." He sighed as Thomas asked his son about the man's arm. "His bother cut it off in a huge battle...or so that's how the stories go. I however wasn't involved in it so it isn't my concern." His eyes landed sharply on Thomas, "I wish you would straighten out once again. You used to be one of the greatest fighters I ever knew...make sure he get home Alex."

Alex Ebeck - Hunter - Werewolf
Alex nodded, "Will do father..." He wanted to hear more about this vampire battle. He wondered if things were about to go down hill. Even though they had gotten so far, would war be unavoidable.​

Rosetta Gin - Warrior - Blood Vampire
Rosetta turned and bowed in front of Pavel, "I will always serve you no matter what..." Rose stood straight once again and smiled to him, "Because I love you that much..." She blushed softly before turning away from him. It was embarrassing to say such things, but she meant it. She didn't care if he didn't feel the same or never would. It felt...nice just saying those words, she walked out the door and took off through the city. Passing people of all kinds before finally coming across Samuel's scent.

Zane Hellcelf - Underling - Blood Vampire
Zane shrugged, "That I'm not sure about. But you might be able to, it would take a good sum of money though..." He stopped in front of a place called Blood Pub. "This is the best one in town, got everything a vampire like us would want including private rooms." He said with a chuckle.

Clarence Ross - Recruit - Human/werewolf
He sighed sliding into the car with his superior , "I'm sorry sir if I had the skills and authority to handle this on my own I wouldn't have bothered you." He meant it as well, he had dreamed of the day he would handle a case on his own. "Would you like for me to call the boss and let her know?" His phone was pulled out and ready to dial her up if needed.
Fuzz Fuzz

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