Crimson Canines (Complete!)

He looks up and draws his knife then quickly threw it between Grizzly's feet sticking right in the ground. "Maybe you shouldn't judge a person before you know him." He then grabs his knife and goes back to his mecha. He washes off the profanities and takes it out of the bay to a testing area he made in a cave in the valley.

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"Copy, Gordam." said a cool female voice through the comms. "This is air tower three, you are clear to dock in Hangar 51."

An orange blip appeared in the navigations system of the transport ship marking her designated landing zone in the hangar.

"An officer and unloading crew will be waiting for you in the landing zone. Welcome to the Crimson Canines." added the cool female voice.

Aimera's landing zone was next to a peculiar hovercraft. It had a picture of a smiling plump lady and a big man who seemed to be her son and the words, " I Love Mom" plastered to the side.

The same man was waiting next to Aimera's LZ with a group of personnel who must be the unloading crew.

Simon's Night


Blip blip blip

The silent echoes of the monitor tapped upon Simon's lobe as he slowly starts to regain his consciousness. Slowly but surely his senses start to return to him as his body writhes in the pain of pins and needles for a moment until it fades. His eyelids start to open up a bit wider and his irises now focusing frantically on the area around him.

There was something or someone near him, he felt the depression of his Mattress as someone Sat beside. As his senses came back, he was humming a soft playful tune whilst playing with Simon's càmera. Simon knew the man, and Simon did not want him here.

"Why are you here?" He asked

With an almost condescending but playfully polite tune the man replied "oh just making sure on the safety of my most recent investment"

He hated how he said that, sighing just a bit and looking away from him "your the last person I wanted to see..."

"Oh come now, don't be so mad, your alive aren't you? And seeing as your awake once more and I'm once again here, aren't I more of your guardian angel?"

"This is the third time you put me in a coma, and the third time you forced me in one of your damned experiments"

"Au contraire my dear, this time it was by your willing hand that you accepted the terms of the experiment"

"I only accepted because I knew the risk"

"And I'm sure your brother will be very pleased about thi-"

"Don't talk about my brother" he retorted keeping from saying further

"Fine fine, but at least let me tell you the progress of the research"

Simon huffed but didn't argue

"So far, the information you collected has proved quite useful in our endeavor, you succeed in linking yourself with the artificial data from our experimental mecha and this time your body was able to adapt to the additional information." He fiddled with his camera "now thanks to this we were able to proceed with a way to limit the amount of data and allow the brain to adapt to it slowly and surely, now however we need to find a way to link it up with an organization body rather than an automaton"

"And you need me to figure that out for you?"

"In due time"

Simon sighed

"Well I better be off now, I'm sure you and your squad have a lot more missions to go through" he takes the data inside his camera and transfers it onto his data stick. "I'm sure your brother will enjoy these new photos you took" he smiled wether or not it was a caring warm smile or a cold condescending one as usual Simon couldn't tell

"Take care Mr. Strangecraft" he walked out of the infirmary giving Simon a bit of breathing space

"I hope your alright..."

He sighed as he went back to sleep
Simon woke up now, feeling a bit better and refreshed than before. Infirmary smell isn't comforting but it sure helped him sleep. He felt like his body was a bout to become mush having rested for ao long only to wake up just now. Nothing a small yawn couldn't help fix.

Now that he's awake though he oughta get his bearings back onto whatever tasks he might have. As he awoke he noticed Izaya right by his bedside, and hoping to find anything out during his absence he greeted

"Morning, your that one guy who was with us during operation Moby Dick right?"

He chuckled

He also noticed Caine though he looked like he needed more rest than he ever could so he let him rest

@Zer0 @DJGomez
"Whoa!" yelled Grizzly Sloth jumping away in alarm from the knife throw, though it didn't hit him.

He watched Jace leave the room wordlessly for a few minutes, before looking at Komodo Rhino and Artemis. "Did-did I just make an enemy?"

Komodo Rhino shrugged, chortling at him. "Watch your back, buddy." he said, clapping him on the back and went off to begin the morning drills.

Artemis, though, wasn't amused. She didn't take kindly to soldiers who bared weapons at their own allies. Brawls she didn't mind, but threats with weapons gave her a cold feeling of alarm.

She found Jace odd in a way that made her wary for the safety of her squad, and decided to watch him closely from now on.



Izaya sat up gingerly from his bed. He had just come from surgery for his broken ribs yesterday and wore a stiff brace around his torso.

The young Japanese man had long white hair that was messy and stuck out oddly from sleeping. He had the smug face of a delinquent that currently wore an irritated expression, but he carried himself like a soldier.

"Hai . . ." replied Izaya, reaching out to pour himself a glass of water. "Who's Moby Dick?"

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Herman Melville? Captain Ahab? Stormy seas and a symbolic fight?

He knew he was throwing signs but it didn't come across right

Never mind that I guess, hi my name's Simon. I'm from Sgt Romanovs team.

He gave a friendly but weak smile back the weight of his body pulling him down.

Aimera sighed in relief as she docked the ship, stepping out and stretching before saying into her com, "Aimera Gordam reporting for duty."

It had been a long day at the hangar and several hours arguing with the engineers only for Esty to come out proving them on point. She left as soon as she got tired, and headed for the barracks for a long nap.
"First Lieutenant Hibari Izaya, of Amber Fox." said the man inclining his head slightly in the customary bow of the Japanese'. "I am with Captain Akira Sora's squad."

Izaya looked around the infirmary and spotted Caine, asleep.

"That guy fell from the sky after blowing up the back of the sky-whale's skull . . ." he said, recalling the events of the day. "I was accidentally crushed by a mecha after me and Hikaru set up charges in its heart . . . What happened to you? You were in a coma for some time."



"Pequod, hovercraft pilot." said the man brightly in a street-talk accent, saluting. "Though I ain't' the commanding officer. That'd be Master Sergeant Artemis.

"They're expecting you in training room three together with the rest of the new additions to the squad. This a' way." added Pequod, and he led her to the training room where Master Sergeant Artemis introduced Aimera to the rest of the squad."


(OOC: @CkSmalling , @thespacekid, @Musical Dragon , @Beowulf, @Commissar Darman , @DJGomez, @LocoBlock, @Cryo, I'll wait after Vikram's talk with the androids then I'll move the story forward and we will have our next mission this week.

For the new players, I encourage you all to tag and interact with one of the older players (Except for Commissar Darman and Musical Dragon, they're busy). There is also an optional mission in the IC RPing Tab 2 that you all could join, where you will be taught how combat works in this RP)
Vikram sat across the table from one of the androids in the small interrogation room. He glanced up at the android's eyes, and found himself staring into an empty void of circuitry. The wall-lights had been dimmed, and lit the android a mild yellow from below, there it sat completely still, just the faint whirring of it's core vents betrayed any indication that it was awake and listening. Such intelligent sentient AI was rare, even now, yet here sat before him a marvel of information engineering, straight from the jungles where humanity first began, evident with tiny scratches and bumps on the otherwise flawless compound.

He smiled broadly and extended his hand in a formal greeting, "Hello there, I'm Vikram Tandon, a soldier here at the Crimson Canines base. It's really incredible to meet you. What is your name, if I may ask, and how did you come to be?"

Jace gets a message on his comms to come back to base go to the training room. As he arrive he puts his mecha back in the bay and proceeds to go to the restroom. He pulls out his disguise kit and disguises as the boss and goes to the training room.
"Oi!" Connor shouted after the knife was thrown. "We're on yourside you crazy bastard!" He really couldn't stand people like this. Being all round jack wagons, thinking they can go off an do their own thing while the rest of the squad did something else. "Can we let something nibble on him a little bit? Just a couple toes, maybe a foot. That can be replaced real easy like." He said to the whoever hadn't left the room.

But looking at his watch and then the clock, he adds "But you'll have to tell me the plan later. I got drills to run. Shiny new mech with shiny new buttons to press. If you hear a boom you'll know where to find me." And with that, he left the room.
Jace gave up on the training and went to the bathroom and took off his disguise. He then went to his mecha and saw Connor getting in his. "Hey sorry about earlier just worked up about this." He points at his mecha. "Wanna train together?"

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"You got worked over that?" Connor asked looking at what was written on the mech. "It's practically a sausage fest down here, and you're surprised someone wrote bad words on your pretty mech? Well you're in for a surprise if you think we aren't going to be doing something like that." Finishing that, he finished climbing into the cockpit of his mech. "A bit of advice though, we aren't the bad guy. If you think someone did something, ask them first then throw a knife at them if they did it." And with that, he powered up his mech. That much was similar to the N00-B model. He left the cockpit hatch open so he could here the techies running him through how to set up the radio frequencies so he could hear them once the hatch was closed.
Jace gets in his mecha and takes it out to train. He then goes on top of a hill and boots up his stealth drive. He looks at the training range miles away and pulls out his rifle. He scopes in looks at a target and fires. He pulls the bolt back and fires another. He then flies over to the range and checks his shots.
Oh so that's what happened to the guy. He pondered on the transpiring events trying to piece it all together. He did recall someone firing away at the back of one whale, though only for a moment till it was drowned in frantic images. Still after confirming from izaya that that was the man who did the deed, he decided on calling him "Badass McDongivashite" mentally of course. Profound respect was established that day


"Oh me?"

He felt another cold chill up his spine again, the feeling of numbness still fresh.

"Oh um.... I was one of the flankers dealing with the second whale. Something malfunctioned when I fired and hit me head.... Bad..."

He stated at him, it was solid enough

Izaya chuckled. "Good thing it didn't happen in the construction site when the first whale crashed, otherwise-" he made a slicing motion across his neck.

"Some people just have that bad luck sometimes . . . malfunctions out of the blue when you really need something . . . lady luck is such a fickle mistress." he added, closing his eyes to doze off.

"Oh yeah," said Izaya as though he just remembered something. "When we were still in the construction site, L, your Director of Intelligence, copied the pictures you took of the whale, including the videos from the camera and suit."

Izaya grinned. "Your face is on every data base about the sky-whale in all the factions. It was in the news all over the Crimson Canines motherbase when the U.S. president released a video feed with a speech about the titan class monsters."

(OOC: @Orpheus, your character has acquired a new passive feature: "The Man Everyone Knows". This feature gives your character a level of popularity that allows you to sway interactions with regular soldiers or 'fans' in your favor)
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*that..... bastard*

He could only think of one other guy who could've given his photos to the director of intelligence. What's that fricker up too now he wondered gritting his teeth. So many tangents to that guy... He pondered a little pissed about it all. But figured what's done is done. He's a bit of a celebrity now, might as well make the most of it. His brother would've liked it too, so it made him smile.

"Wonder who came in and stole my camera" he chuckled back in amusement to it all.

"Hopefully lady luck, our dear mistress, will be kindeer now" he smiled laying back to get some rest.

"Wonder how the rest of the squads doing?" He padded his head with his palms as he awaited getting discharged


(OOC: oh shit!!! Diplomacy rank up!)


Outside the guarded interrogation room in the Brig, where only those granted clearance could enter, Intelligence Director L and The Boss were looking at the two androids and Vikram who were the only ones inside, through the glass of a two-way mirror, and listened in on the conversation.

The android on the left with the more ragged appearance, who gave off a mood as though she was angry with her companion didn't talk, but sat with her arms and legs crossed without looking at anyone.

The android on the right, though, shook Vikram's hand in return. Her cold metallic fingers were old, scratched and rusty in some joints, with dirt stuck in small places, and stains of dirt and grime from the last two million years.

The robot's default face was a cheery one and it didn't seem to need to blink, but when it spoke, its voice carried the normal emotions of a human being. "My name is Aya. I am a human in a robot body.

"The neural network of my human brain was translated into code and uploaded into this machine. I have the memories of my original self and in my soul I don't feel any different from when I was in my flesh two million years ago.

"I was a scientist in a third world country, who couldn't evacuate with the rest of human kind when they left our polluted earth that could no longer sustain human life. Others like me who were sick came together and transferred ourselves into mechanical bodies like these.

"We're the ones who toiled and revived this earth, and watched and took care of the new things that grew and evolved out of the old dead world.

"The Age of Humans on earth is already over . . . You shouldn't have come back here. We and the creatures who live here do not want you back, because history will repeat itself. Earth will die again.

"You will not take care of the earth. Species will die once more as the human population will grow, laying claim to more lands, changing it, destroying forests, forcing animals to move away from their homes . . .

"Take this warning as an act of mercy, I have betrayed my own people to save your lives. So now please leave, or else the creatures you call 'titans' will come and destroy you. This place is next, your end will come within the year if you don't go."


(OOC: @art3mis254, @LocoBlock, @Cryo, @CkSmalling , @Beowulf, @Commissar Darman , @DJGomez, @Orpheus, to those who wish to be part of this scene, we can assume you're waiting your turn outside the interrogation room with L and The Boss.

If you wish, the other plot-related individuals your characters can talk to are:

The Zomflayer - a mutated soldier who has been restored to a human mental state. Kept in the Quarantine Zone.

The Rescued Engineers - who were kidnapped by 'flayers' during the last mission (Flayers are extremely dangerous small intelligent squid-like creatures with a hive mentality that come in swarms and latch on and control the bodies of humans by inserting their root-like tentacles into the spine-like "The Flood" in the game HALO). The engineers are in the medical platform.)
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Vikram was taken aback to hear the android's voice flow so smoothly out, almost as though it was still human. He almost laughed. He composed himself, and cleared his throat, "Well, Aya, thank you so much for co-operating with us, and helping us out even though it may be at risk to you, but as you may expect, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you. After all, it is rare to meet someone who has transcended humanity, you see.

"Could you tell me more about your people? The way your society is, how it works? When we left Earth, we carried on most of our customs, and I'm sure yours have evolved beyond ours. It would be an interesting exchange of ideas at the least.

"I had similar thoughts earlier, you know, I was wondering if the planet was against us. We didn't leave it in a good place, and we may have no right to come back here, especially under the guise of such hostile forces, what with all the weapons and armaments."

Vikram tapped his fingers on the table slowly, his stance relaxing a bit in the chair. "But you see this was once home, we began here, after all. Maybe coming back here, and rediscovering our planet will help us rediscover who we are, and atone for our sins of the past that we've committed on this planet here We've been adrift in space for a long time, with nowhere to go, and we've learnt a lot. We might turn out to be good neighbours, but we can't do it without your help. What's going on with the planet right now? How all has it changed from when we were here? And where do the titans come from? You can trust me not to misuse any information you give me."
Caine looked around him, as a bright flash enveloped him. He stood as he watched Two little boys run together in the woods as they played soldier. Their bodies changed as they grew and they walked, they stayed with each other through school. Then the Once boys now a men stood in military uniforms, a bag over their shoulders as they they embraced and said their goodbyes. Without transition, Caine then found himself in one of the bodies as he said goodbye to his friend. He turned around to see another small boy walking into the forest as Caine followed him. The boy was familiar, but not everything was clear. As he followed the boy, scenes from the child's life lit up in the forest, and so did some from Caines life. And the boy suddenly had a gun in his hand, as the child Layed waste to silhouetted people made of bark from the trees. They ran but we're cut down by the child with ease. Caine continued to walk and watch, his body unable to do nothing else. Eventually the boy stopped, as his friend, now grown and a plethora of ribbons in his chest came from the bushes and stood next to the boy, saluting him. They turned and faced Caine as they smiled and saluted.......before the trees around them began to explode, the ground seared flame as the two were consumed but continued to stand saluting and smiling as their bodies began to scorch and char. Caine suddenly had his Thunderlord in his hand as he wildly shot into the forest, unable to see where he was being shot from. He fired and fired. Bullets flew past as one after another pierced through him. But Caine continued to shoot and stood his ground. Until finally a mortar exploded at his feet sending him flying. Caine lay motionless, but somehow in one piece as many dark hooded figures came and loomed over him. They whispered, "Caine. Caine. Caine. Caine." Over and over. Until one unshrouded himself to reveal his friend as he leaned in and said. "Wake up Caine."

Joshu jolted awake to see a bright light over his eyes with several doctors looming over him. They took his vitals and tried talking to him but his hearing was muffled. His breathing increased and his blood pressure rises as he looked around his surroundings, his first instinct was to find his weapon, but he couldn't. He saw other canines in the medbay as well as Amber Foxes, some he saw conversing, some were still asleep. He calmed himself as the pain finally kicked in and he realized what just happened. He remembered that nasty free fal and the events before it. And he lay there, calmed as the doctors spoke to him but he heard nothing. He was still pondering to himself. "Why?"

(For all you dream analyst, try and figure this one out :P I wanted to add a new layer to my character, enjoy!!!!!)

@Orpheus @Zer0
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Jace sees he missed and then decides to fly to the civilian outpost. (IC 3)
Aimera walked through the hallways, hearing something about engineers in the medical bay. Heading in that direction, she entered the medical bay and found the engineers laying there and was utterly surprised. She had assumed that they were fixing something, not wounded. What exactly happened to engineers in this place?

Simon froze a bit as people started running towards Caine attending to his vitals as the heart monitor blasted like an alarm. he couldnt help but stare at all the commotion. Darbed people robed in white filing together like ghosts on man's deathbed... Kind of like...


He shook his head to take away the image off. He didn't need that right now. He turned his head away from Caine and rested


Simon got back to his locker putting on his normal clothes and setting up his daily equipment. He had fun being coma but now the funs over so back to the regularly scheduled program of the day. There were ore questions needing answers after the last missions ordeal. He decided to get some answers from the engineers they saved hopefully that's a good starting point.

@Zer0 @art3mis254
In the medical platform, inside ward eleven, the engineers who had been kidnapped by flayers had recovered from their paralysis and were undergoing physical therapy to get their reflexes back in good shape.

The engineer who was in the worse shape was, "Sart", the first victim who had been kidnapped a week before Hurricane Squad was sent out for the Civy Outpost mission. He had a half-starved look, with his cheek bones protruding sharply from his thin face. Yet though his eyes sank deep in his hollow-like sockets, they were lively and he was chatting happily with a friend before Simon and Aimera came in to talk.

"Oh, don't worry about them." Sart said to Aimera spotting the look on her face when she saw most of the engineers lying on the beds. "They're just sleeping off the booze from last night's party. Some of the R&D boys snuck in and celebrated their recovery-but don't tell the nurse that." he winked.

"I'm Sart." he added after his friend left, shaking both their hands. "No need to tell me who you are." he said to Simon. "You saved our lives back in the Avia Spire . . . and defeated those two sky-whales too." the man inclined his head in respect. "Thank you."

@Orpheus, @art3mis254
Aya didn't respond for a moment and was unnaturally still. It was impossible to guess what the android was thinking. She looked at the mirror where Director L and The Boss were watching unseen on the other side.

"But they will." she told Vikram. "Humans will never change . . . we know from the data we downloaded from the Amber Fox base . . . Did you know Japan's main agenda is the research of new biochemical weapons? And U.S. goal is the monopoly of a large deposit of Neovulcanium in the south?" she added sadly.

". . . Neovulcanium is an ore stronger than Resilium that can be plasma forged to create superstructures. Combined with neo-steel it becomes an alloy they call Hyalin, which rapidly dissipates heat . . . in other words, you can drop it into the sun and it won't melt until after three days . . .

"Russia's goal is the same as the U.S., and Brittania is the creation of a plasma bomb that can be fired from space and used to vitrify lands, turning entire territories into glass, incapable of supporting any sentient life . . . While Africa seeks to covet power from all the factions through economical sabotage . . ."

Aya looked at Vikram. "So you see, I won't tell you anything about my people, nor where the titans live, because we have to protect this planet." she shook her head. "You cannot stay here, your leaders will kill the planet in your greed and violence. Go back to space and look for another home to fight amongst yourselves."

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