Crimson Canines (Complete!)

"I heard you . . ." came Artemis wheezy voice through the comms. She sounded like she was dazed. "Ow . . . And I think the liver is fine, I'll get you a piece-I'm actually looking at it, or is that the spleen? . . . Anyway, me and Sai weren't able to set up our explosives . . ."

"We're in the stomach, guys!" said Sai. "Please hurry because we're being digested. And are you really going to eat this whale's liver, Robert?" she added in a disconcerted tone.

There was a squelching sound, and Hikaru's mecha stumbled against the sky whale's lopsided bleeding mouth covered in blood, spit, and puke. She was holding an unconscious blood drenched Izaya under a mechanical arm. They both smelled really bad.

Crimson Canine mechas lifted the mouth, while Sora and Sandai immediately supported the two. Sora was irritated with Izaya and Hikaru, and was scolding them as medics tended to them.

"The blast radius of the daisy-cutter would have reached the heart so you two didn't have to stay there setting up a remote detonation chord!" he said angrily.

"Don't worry about it you two." said Sandai cheerfully, clapping Sora on the back "Captain's just happy you're both alive. He's just too shy to say it properly."

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"Artemis!!!! Good to hear your voice. And i am ready for an ass-beating in the HQ."Robert said excitedly as he rushed towards the construction site. "Hmmm i have never tried spleen before. Bring a small piece, about 1kg of it."

"Sai. Its been a while. Don't worry you won't be digested...yet..." Robert reached the construction site and stood rooted to the ground by thw sheer size of the whale. "On second thought Sai, if you are near the liver, bring like 10kg of it. There is no way we will finish the whole of it and i am sure not everyone will eat it, i will not mention names at this time."

Robert was happy to see everyone in one piece. He rushed over to help those who needed help.

Caine tumbled around in the fatty tissue as the explosion rocked him around, his mech flew out of the sky and roared to the ground as it reached terminal velocity with caine desperately trying to gain control. "Warning, Hull integrity compromised, heat shielding failing. Engine overlod Eject, eject eject." The mech override Caines mute command and continued to play the same message. Caine jerked his controls around to get a handle on the wild spin of the mech as he deployed his emergency stabilizing flaps. "Mayday mayday, This is Caine I'm in an uncontrolled free fall, launching SOS beacon" He said calmly. His flaps slowed him only slightly as they broke off from the sheer velocity the mech had gained. His last hope was to use whatever power he had left and burst his thrusters. Caine watched his altimeter as he approached and fired his thrusters, blowing out his mechs engine, just feet from the ground as he impacted, throwing up dirt and whale guts as he made a sizable crater. The mech inside unresponsive and Caine himself not heard from. The only thing coming from the mech as the SOS beacon and the dimming lifesigns of Caine

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Komodo Rhino flew to Caine's crash site with three other mechas.

"Caine, this is Komodo Rhino, do you copy? . . . Caine, this is Komodo Rhino, do you copy?" There was no answer.

They found the wreck of his machine and cut him out of the cockpit using plasma welders. Medics immediately tended to him and flew him to a hastily set-up medics tent, where doctors were tending to Izaya who had broken ribs, and Sai who had a fractured skull.


The rest of the Amber Fox soldiers went with their injured comrades, while Artemis stepped down from her mecha in the rain and handed Robert a make-shift sack containing the chunks of whale liver and spleen that he wanted.

"I thought I was going to die in there . . ." she told him, letting out a breath of air. Komodo Rhino and Grizly Sloth joined them. "What was I thinking?"

"We're definitely going to barbeque this, Robert . . ." said Grizzly Sloth cheerfully, peering into the sack of whale liver and spleen.

"What happened to Caine?" asked Artemis.

"He fell from the sky." said Komodo Rhino. "Not sure if he's okay. . . You should check up on him later."

There was some angry yelling nearby them and the group saw Master Sergeant Axel having a heated tantrum with The Boss who was listening to him and his officer, Corporal Brick, calmly.

Axel spotted Connor, "You!" he bellowed stomping angrily towards him, face purple and breathing heavily. "This is all your fault! I'll have you and everyone involved discharged from service, boy!" he spat.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf
"Excellent!!! Oohh tonight we are so having a feast. I wonder if we have vegetarians in our squad? If there are, the better." He took the sack from Artemis' hands and opened it..smiling. " Sorry i put you though my quest to eat whale meat. I deeply apologize." He bowed to apologize.

"We are not grilling evertything Grizzly. We can stir fry some and grill some. We must have a taste of different flavors you know." Robert said to Grizzly. "You handle the grilling and i will do the frying. Lets hope the chefs will be in good mood so that we cab use their kitchen."

Robert heard arguement behind me and when he looked back, he saw Master Sergeant pointing in their direction. " Time to go!!!"

"I only did what I was ordered to do." Connor said, raising his hands. "If you got something to complain about, you were talking to the right guy." There, the Boss did in a way order them to take care of this, well not completely but that wasn't important. And it wasn't like Axel would have listened to him anyways. "I helped save a lot of people by knocking you out. Yours included. Consider that my birthday present to you."
Caine was pried out of his Mech, the reputation of the Havok for protecting its pilots had stayed true as Caine seem to be in one piece. Though internally was a different story, the impact was worrying, even for the durable cockpit of the Havok. Caine was covered in blood, whether it was his own or the whales, couldn't tell at the moment. He was whisked away as he was faintly conscious. His vision slowly faded in and out as he heard numerous voices of which he couldn't tell the difference between. One of the triage medics noticed the blood type on his dog tags and hooked him up for a transfusion.

"Get me 3 units of plasma said another medic."

"I'm losing a pulse. Get me a shot of adrenaline."

Several medics were talking at once as a flurry of hands went around Caine. One shined a light over his eyes to check his pupils.

"Possible hemorrhaging."

"I need another pint of A-"

"His breathing is shallow, get me some oxygen."

"I'm counting 4 fractured ribs and 3 broken. Possible bruises lungs."

The lead medic walked over to Artemis and Rhino."Are either one of you his CO?"

Komodo Rhino and Artemis looked at each other.

"Master Sergeant Axel assigned you." she said, finally. Komodo Rhino looked bothered by it, but stepped up.

"I am Caine's commanding officer." he said to the man. "How's he doing?"



The Boss placed a hand on Master Sergeant Axel's shoulder. "He's right," said The Boss, looking at Connor. "This man saved your life and everyone else here."

Axel just spluttered looking indignant, then stormed off with Corporal Brick muttering about disrespecting an officer and how discipline in the men has degraded compared to his time. The Boss just watched him go, then nodded at Connor.

"Good work." he said simply, then walked off to see to the security of the construction site.

"It's early to say, but He's lost a lot of blood from those wounds on his back. He shouldn't have been allowed in his mech. We're doing what we can but, fractured and broken ribs, blood loss, bruised lungs, dislocated shoulder, possible hemorraging, a few torn ligaments, and a fractured humerus. That impact was bad even though that model mech is known for its protection. But he's kept good care of his body. Anyone in less physical shape would have died already so we're optimistic."

The medic went back and helped tend to Caine.

"Allow me to assist." said Artemis, following the medic into the tent.

Izaya, Sai, Caine, Simon, and the others who were injured were flown to the medical platform in the Crimson Canines mother base later that day after they had been stabilized.

A surprise was waiting for the rest of the squad after they descended from a hovercraft in Hangar 51 (their N-00B mechas were destroyed when the whale crashed, and they had to return the ten combat grade mechas they used to combat the whale to their real owners), and returned to the 77th Exploration Division sector of the combat unit ring.

A loud wave of cheering and clapping greeted them as the whole division turned up to congratulate them on their defeat of the titanic sky whales. Apparently, the entire Crimson Canines mother base had already heard of how they blew it up from the inside and drove the second one away and were hailing the squad as heroes.

A party was waiting in one of the larger common rooms where soldiers kept pushing beer and food into their hands, while asking them to retell the battle over and over again.

Komodo Rhino and Grizzly Sloth loved the attention and had no problem giving the crowd a detailed action-packed blow-by-blow account of how the fight went.

Sora disappeared somewhere, leaving only an overwhelmed Sandai and a very embarrassed and flustered Hikaru to tell everyone about what happened inside the sky whale.

Artemis had flown with the medic team to the medical platform where she heard of the party. She didn't mind going, but there was something she had to do first . . .

After Caine was sent to the operating room and her work with Simon who was in a coma, and the rest of her patients were complete, she disguised herself to avoid the party crowd, got something from the mess hall, and knocked on Vikram's room.

"Vikram?" she called.

@DJGomez, @thespacekid, @CkSmalling, @Beowulf , @Orpheus
The door knocking woke Vikram out of his stupor. He'd been out for a while, he didn't know how long. He pulled on a shirt quickly and cracked the door open. On seeing Artemis outside, he opened the door wider and asked her in.

"I'm sorry it's so messy. After that tiff with Alex I just fell sick and I haven't been able to move. The doctors at the Sick Bay gave me some meds but they just make me more sleepy." He pulled out simple stools and offered one to Artemis.

"How's it going? How's the rest of the squad been? Any missions coming up soon? My god, I have so many questions to ask you." He laughed sheepishly.
"I bet." chuckled Artemis, taking a seat and looking at Vikram's healing bruises.

She beamed at him, before she said, "Here, this is for you.", and gave him a cold, tall, sealed cup. Upon opening, a delicious scent of what seemed to be milk tea with salted cheese filled the room. "And these too." she added offering a bag of some morphine and hot beefy meat pies.

"Thank you for sticking up for me." she nodded, smiling awkwardly.

Vikram's eyes widened at the sight of the tea. "Wow, I have't seen this in a while. How'd you get your hands on this?"

He kept the food aside on the table next to him and turned back to Artemis, "Well, it was my fault you know," Vikram chuckled. "I hope there wasn't any more trouble for you after that. Though I promise to better in the next training sessions. No more stampedes."

Growing silent, Vikram looked down at the ground for a second, and then back at Artemis tensely. "Can I ask you something?"

"What's the deal with this place? I mean, this is supposed to be Earth, but everything's changed so much. Why are we still trying to look for a home that doesn't exist?"
"I bribed the cook for the tea." smiled Artemis. "I had no trouble from Axel after the scolding- of course, I did get eaten by a titanic sky whale, and almost died when it crashed down the construction site while me, Sai, Hikaru, Izaya, and Caine were still inside." she added sarcastically.

She began to tell Vikram everything that happened while he was out, including the discovery of the two androids who were now locked up in the Brig, who told Simon and Evie to leave their planet or else they'll be destroyed by titans.

The androids were from two million years ago. They were humans who weren't able to evacuate with the rest of human kind when the pollution made Earth inhospitable for humans. They transferred their consciousness to robots which allowed them to survive all this time.

"We're making a new home, Vikram . . ." said Artemis. "I don't know about the others, but this planet is beautiful. Dangerous, yes, but I really like living here more than living in a floating piece of metal in space. . . You don't like it here?"

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Connor happily took the booze and food that was pushed on him, drinking and eating as he was able. He left the story telling to Rhino and Grizzly, as it was he didn't do much but fire a giant gun. That being said, he was still kind of smug about what he did. It wasn't everyday that something like this happened. And fewer still were the people that did it. So even though he did very little, he still puffed out his chest and acted like he did a lot.
Curious as he was about the happenings of his squad-mates around him, Vikram listened intently as Artemis related the tale to him. When the story got to the androids, however, his expression grew visibly surprised, and unknowingly, his mouth opened in a small 'o'. "Can I go talk to them? Is it possible?"

"It's not like I don't like it here... It's so different from what I expected! It just seems like everything on this planet's trying to kill us. Maybe they're just as scared of us as we are of them, but the problem isn't that they're just violent, they're also quite big most of the time. What I'm trying to say is... What if they don't want us here? We've been gone a long time, and we didn't really leave Earth with good memories of us."

"That's true . . ." said Artemis in deep thought. "I think you'll find your answers with the two androids. When we were still in the construction site, they wouldn't talk to Director L and his officers . . . said they were 'scary'." smiled Artemis.

"So now L is looking for some 'friendly' faces the androids might feel like talking to. I'm not sure where L is, he's probably in the Intel Sector or the Brig . . . You need his permission before you can talk to the androids."

(OOC: @thespacekid, feel free to time skip to after you've talked to L and you're there in the Brig in an interrogation room with one of the androids, with L watching in the hallway through a two-way mirror.)
Jace frowns as he gets back to his mecha and sees that the other marines have once again sprayed painted profanities all over his mecha. He proceeds to start washing it off when something hits him in the back of the head. He decides he'll sneak out at night and fix it. He goes to the shooting range and fires at the farthest targets hitting all with pinpoint accuracy. Just as he goes to shoot the last one his gun jams causing a spark that burns his hand.
Aimera talked into her communicator, staring at the roof of the transport ship she was currently in. "This is Aimera Gordam, class Alpha engineer, newest member of the Crimson Canine squad. I'm currently on a transport ship headed to your spacecraft with some extra supplies from the mother base. I have been cut off from communication with the base and am requesting permission to dock this ship and unload supplies." She lifted her finger so that it would no longer record what she was aging and sighed. Of all the times to suddenly decide this team needed an engineer! She paused, waiting for a reply from the upcoming base and prayed they didn't decide to turn her away.

"Well, I've got a party to join." Artemis told Vikram, standing up to take her leave. "You should come with if you're feeling up for it."

The party celebrating the squad's victory over taking down one of the two titanic sky-whales went on for the whole night, and the next day, sleepy but feeling satisfied, Master Sergeant Artemis received word that there were will be new additions to the squad later this week.

And so Friday came, and she assembled the squad early in the morning in one of the training rooms in the Combat Unit Ring to introduce their new squad mates: two engineers and a marksman (who seemed to have burned his hand some time ago).

"These privates are our new squadmates." said Artemis gesturing to the three. "I am Master Sergeant Artemis, combat medic.

The sniper with the beret is Master Sergeant Robert, the bladesman with the pretty face (he actually looked like he got beaten up days ago) and dual-blades is Gunnery Sergeant Vikram, the lady with the dog is Corporal Evie, the big guy with the beard and light machine gun is Corporal Connor, the blonde lady with the sniper rifle is Corporal Sarah, the man with a bow is Private First-class Simon, and the teen with a cap is Private First-class Caine."

Artemis introduced the rest of the squad (NPCs), MSgt. Komodo Rhino, Cpl. Grizzly Sloth, and Assassin Marmot who were all riflemen from the U.S. Crimson Canines, and Pequod their usual hovercraft pilot.

She also mentioned their friends from the allied Japanese Amber Fox: Captain Sora, who was the leader of his own squad, Hikaru, Sai, Sandai, and Izaya, his squad members. The Amber Fox soldiers weren't there in the training room as Artemis didn't have any authority over them.

(OOC: @art3mis254, @LocoBlock, @Cryo welcome to RPNation and the Crimson Canines campaign!

If you guys haven't read it yet, there's a Log under the Overview tab that will put you up to date with all that's happened in the story.

@CkSmalling , @thespacekid, @Musical Dragon , @Beowulf, @Commissar Darman , @DJGomez, @Orpheus, ye olde members, thanks for roleplaying!)
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After the introduction, Esty went to the Armory to log her gear into the database but got lost on the way there. Fortunately someone was kind enough to lead her to the Armory. The logging process didn't take long as it only required its owner's name; next was her mecha and like any other engineer, Esty had an interest towards complicated mechanisms, so after logging she decided to help out the local engineers with her mech's "oddities".
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Jace sees them and then immediately looks around at them then walks off and sits in chair away from them and wraps himself up in his cloak. "It has to be one of them. They had to vandalize my mecha."
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"Thanks a lot for everything, Artemis," Vikram smiled and hopped off of his stool to close the door behind her as she left. Then he had a bath and headed out for the party with the others.

He woke up, and assembled in time for the meeting. Looking all the new team members up and down, he elbowed Robert, "Hey, whaddya know. There's more competition for you snipers now," grinning cheekily. He turned to the slightly older set of squad members, "Hey, you guys. I don't think we've properly met, since we jumped into action and I've been on sick leave and all that, so here's my introduction: Gunnery Sergeant Vikram Tandom, pleasure to meet you. You can always count on me to have your back when things get up close and personal, but you probably already know that."

To the new members, Vikram repeated himself, and added, "Welcome you guys, I hope you'll have a good time here. Everyone's really great, and we have a great leader in Artemis, so you can get comfortable here quite fast."

@CkSmalling @Commissar Darman @DJGomez @Orpheus @art3mis254 @LocoBlock @Cryo @Zer0
The corner of Artemis lips lifted slightly and she looked away, a little red in the cheeks, then cleared her throat and promptly dismissed the squad.


She looked at the soldier who didn't introduce himself, but sat on a chair and then wrapped himself in his cloak. She had read his profile and knew his name to be Jace.

"Er, Jace?" she asked carefully placing a light hand on his shoulder, wondering what was up with the man. "Are you alright?"

Komodo Rhino and Grizzly Sloth were looking at the man curiously. "He's weird." whispered Grizzly Sloth loudly. Komodo Rhino elbowed him and gave him a look of incredulity.

"What-er, I mean- Hey there, guy!" said Grizzly Sloth brightly and clapping him hard on the back, "Wanna' train with us?!"

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"Hahaha very funny Vikram. You know i think i will put a rule on the admissions list. No more snipers. I mean this is getting way way out of hand. Why aren't there people who play with electrified sticks like you..??" Robert said as he elbow-nudged Vikram.

"Alright newbies. My name Master Sergeant Robert King, Head Sniper of the Crimson Canines. And also i can cook. For those who love food, please see me in my office." Robert said as he waved to the crowd and sat down again. He looked left and right and noticed no one would miss him when he left so he stood up and left.

He made hia way to his apartment where he had a loooong relaxing shower. He placed his head on the pillow after wearing boxers and fell to sleep.

@thespacekid @Zer0

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