Crimson Canines (Complete!)


"I'm with Simon." said Leah. "I don't want to be here in case the flayers come back. Let's get these people out of here." she looked at the two androids. "I'll bring these two. . ." she added, still watching them suspiciously.

As the crew packed the kidnapped soldiers, the two androids, and the zomflayer (nice name, @Orpheus) inside the cockpit of their mechas, the edge of the eye of the storm engulfed them.

The three girls locked arms with the other mechas and stayed low to the ground clinging on the jagged walls of the Avia Spire (again, nice name, @Orpheus) as the hurricane threatened to whip them off and into the sky. Trees were being uprooted before their very eyes and crashed all around them, yet they couldn't hear the sound as the storm's howling was too loud. Then the wind died and they found themselves in the calm center of the storm.

@Commissar Darman, your character's suit sensed it again, a creature larger than colossal in the sky.

The group looked up to see two titanic whale-like creatures looming above them swimming in the clouds. They were longer than the Spire and were so huge that they blew away parts of the storm in their passing.

The three girls were staring up, gaping, momentarily paralyzed. Then the two whales descended, booming loud melodious cries that overwhelmed the sound of the storm.

@Musical Dragon


Back in the construction site, the rest of the squad was busy hunting and killing the flayers. Dozens and dozens of them had managed to infiltrate inside the site and were now retreating from the flamer mechas they couldn't enter.

After hi-fiving Robert, Komodo Rhino was in the west side with Grizzly Sloth barbequing a fleeing group with his machine's flamethrowers; Artemis was in the sky marking the places she saw flayers retreated into on everyone's mini-map and coordinating everyone so that they wouldn't miss a single one of those little monsters.

Then there came a booming cry in the direction of the spire. Everyone, you all see two titanic whale-like creatures longer than the Crimson Canines mother base and half as big descending from the sky and heading straight for the construction site, parting away storm clouds allowing the rays of the sun to shine on Lysaur Valley in their passing.

@CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Beowulf , @DJGomez
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Robert aimed the flamethrower at the fleeing critters and burnt them to a crisp. He yelled in excitement as he burned and shot and burned them over and over again. "Man i can get used to this all day everyday." He followed them inside buildings and just fired inside the windows to burn all life forms inside. Some managed to scatter away but thanks to Artemis' guidelines, he managed to kill most of the Flayers.

Suddenly the construction site was engulfed in darkness. He looked straight up only to see a cloudy sky. He turned his mecha around and saw a whale. Wait what? He rubbed his eyes just to check if he was dreaming. That's not right he thought to himself.He looked through the mecha's sniper rifle just to get the same result.

"Ummm guys, correct me if im wrong but aren't whales supposed to be sea mammals not floating in the freaking sky???????"

@thespacekid , @Beowulf , @DJGomez @Musical Dragon @Musical Dragon @Orpheus @Zer0
"She doesn't seem to be a danger - atleast for now," Evie said to the others about the android. "We'll take them with us. Everyone ready?"

The group divided up the limp soldiers and androids and carried them back to the mechs. The storm got worse for a moment before the eye fell over them. They scrambled into their mechs, Evie skipping the safety checks to save time. "Let's get out of here!"

Things only got worse. Evie could hear Komodo and the others fighting the flayers over the comms. But her attention was held by the giant whales that flew over held. The android's warning came to mind as she watched the titan creatures head straight for the base. "My gods..."

It took her a moment to pull enough air in to speak. "Komodo come in. We've got two titan-sized whales flying in toward the construction flight. And they don't look friendly..."

The report done, she turned to the group. "We need to get back and help the others. We good to go?"

@Orpheus @Zer0 @Commissar Darman
Andrew Epping-

Andrew stood idly in between the Base Development sector, hauling crates of ammunition and supplies with another man, Andrew grunting as he loaded it onto a small cart. "What a drag.." thought Andrew, looking back at all the other crates in the busy sector. No one he know, or really, no one from his unit was back at base. At least he thought, he didn't know. He didn't know anyone yet, and he was still 'green' to the battle. Looking around, Andrew moved back to the crate section, extending his arms towards the bright, yellow crate marked 'FOOD', lifting it up as he then walked over to the same cart with the earlier crate, placing it on top of it. Andrew wasn't part of the Base Development Team, but they were a little short on men so they assigned him there temporarily. "How much do I have to unload until I get to do some other mission.. Or anything, really?" muttered Andrew to himself, with no one else to talk. He sighed, then moving over to the crate section, continuing to unload boxes.


"Apparently not, Robert . . ." said Grizzly Sloth gaping at the whales.

Back in the Avia Spire. . .

"Yes, Evie, let's go!" said Leah. "We have to help stop those two titans!"

The three girls launched off towards the construction site.

"But how will we do that?!" said Alice anxiously, staring up at the massive belly of the sky whale. The shadows of the two titanic beasts cast their area of Lysaur Valley in shadow. "It's impossible, can our weapons even hurt those things?"

"Attention, Crimson Canines and Amber Fox," said a husky gravelly voice in their comms. "This is The Boss. Prepare to engage the first titan.

"There'll be two teams, Team Alpha will distract the sky whale, while Team Zulu will drill inside the body and destroy the heart. Bishop, we need you to scan for its location; Griffin and Izaya, both of you've studied whale anatomy, you two will lead the drilling team through the quickest route to its heart.

"Team Alpha, do what you can to keep the first titan away from the construction site. Leave the second one to us. . . Estimated time of arrival for reinforcements is ten minutes, hold out until then."

"I'll go with Team Zulu." said Artemis to the others, launching off to join Evie; "Me too." said Izaya.; "Us too!" said Hikaru and Sai who mounted drilling construction mechas and flew off.

"I'll be with Team Alpha." said Komodo Rhino kicking off into the sky, and taking out a giant two-handed plasma axe.; "Me too." said Grizzly Sloth.

Sora positioned himself back on the hill and fired the first shot at the first sky whale's colossal eye.


(OOC: @Musical Dragon (you don't need to join Team Zulu), @Orpheus , @Commissar Darman , @thespacekid , @CkSmalling , @Beowulf , @DJGomez, feel free to attack however you guys like with your 25 ft. combat mechas, I'll control the sky whales. This is a feel-good battle so you can type in whatever cool moves you like, but it will be the GM who decides when it or a body part is down. Your reasonable passive features apply to your mechas. Also, the mecha can be any form, including animal-like.

For those of you who are new to the battle style, we have a cause and effect way of doing things, where let's say if I type in that a fin is about to slam into your mechas with the force of a mountain smite, it will instantly destroy your mecha if you don't get out of the way.)
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"I'll get it's attention real good." Connor said as the order went out. He wouldn't fly, that was a no-no on his to do list. He would keep both feet firmly planted on the ground thank you very much. But that didn't mean he couldn't do anything. That's what the multitude of weapons were for, and the nice shiny button that said 'missiles' on it.

Pressing that button, small missile batteries extend from the shoulders of his mech. 24 in each one, not the biggest thing but it looked like they'd just make it. And with a pull of one of the many triggers, also labeled 'missiles' and was previously locked, he fired all 48 of the missiles at the sky whale. Best term he could come up with on the spot, he wasn't the sciency type that knew what it was.

Missiles fired, he raises the primary gun up and begins firing that as well. Meanwhile, as he was firing at the broadside of the sky barn, he was looking around the cockpit for anything that might indicate there was a bigger weapon to use. And he found it, the proper pilot of this mech had made an adjustment, and labeled a button as simply 'boom'. "Boom?" he said to himself, now wanting to press the button. But once all the ammo was spent in his LMG.

"Well then..........." Caine looked at the behemoth before he rushed to the Mech hangar, climbing inside his preferred mech. The H4-VK or Havoc as some called it was a Dreadnought class Mech and workhorse of most modern armies for it's versatility and durability. Able to hold an impressive amount of weaponry for defensive or siege operations. Or sacrifice firepower for high speed and maneuverability for Recon operations, utilizing it's Plasma blade for close encounters. What most valued though was it's protection. The H4-VK arguably had one of the most protected cockpits in addition to it's titanium-A armor. It was not uncommon for pilots to survive low orbit free falls as the cockpit also created a sealed environment. Aside from a few broken bones and one major headache, the pilots were relatively unharmed from the crash.

Climbing into his mech he began the start up procedures as it's engine roared to life. "Warning, pilot health is condition yellow and falling, please seek immediate medical help." The automated response repeated several times as it kept a check of Caine's vitals. He simply shut the speakers off. Beginning to walk, Caine began to arm his mech. Attaching dual missile pods to the back of it before grabbing a 40 mm Gatling gun and a Gauss cannon cannon for each hand.

The hulking mech rolled outside and cracked the ground as it walked from the combined weight of it, Caine picked an elevated point on the base and planted the mech's feet in the concrete. He took position and began to unload his arsenal on the giant ass whale. Beginning his barrage with an onslaught of his Gatling gun and Gauss cannon, following this proccess

-Gatling gun firing for 15 seconds straight

-Gatling cool down, Gauss cannon firing 3 shots a second for 30 seconds

-Gauss Cool down, Gatling gun firing 15 seconds, Missle pods lock on

-10 missiles fired per pod before 1 minute rearm and lock on

-wash rinse repeat until out of ammo or dead


Missile Pods Gatling Gun Gauss Cannon
After going out of the cavern Simon helped Leah get the precious cargo out to the mecha compartments. He hadn't noticed the giant whale until after he looked up from an overlapping shade that looked too dark for a cloud.

He turned

He stared

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.............

Immediately afterwards he received the communications from the boss. Seems the android was right, this was a Titan class headed for a straight banzai to base. Wait or was it Android. Finally a proper mission. But Simon was too fazzled by the giant whale to think properly yet. He got the gist of details but there was something else more important

@Musical Dragon the moment Evie turned toward the group Simon immediately turned his back and joined her in his titanic turnabout selfie shot. Then hid his phone immediately. "We're good, but we need to get the soldiers and the Intel back to base, or at least somewhere safe."

@Commissar Darman "Griffin, lets escort the girls back. Well be able to get to the mecha hangar and join in the fight. Sound good?"

The moment he said that he received some specific Intel from someone, someone he knew very well. There's something in the mecha hangar, something this person wants him to use. He felt his spine twitch

Robert continued to gaze at the sky whales, perplexed by what he is seeing. He is returned to reality by the orders coming through the comms and also the sound of the sniper rifle being shot. He looked around and saw a sniper mecha taking all the glory. He turned the mecha around and flew towards the mecha and noticed a very familiar face.

"I am coming towards you Sai. And you are in my spot btw." He landed a few meters of Sai and aimed the mecha's sniper rifle towards the whales. "I will keep Sai company in distracting the whales to our direction. Please make it quick. and Grizzly, we are having sea food tonight!!!"

He looked through the scope and saw mechas flying to the whales and he aimed his rifle to the other whale's eye and held his breath. He pulled the trigger.

"I'm Sora." said the Japanese captain icily, lowering his giant sniper rifle to look at Robert. "And this spot is mine."

Grizzly Sloth sniggered, "Yeah, keep him company, Robert. Who knows, he might give you a kiss later." he added quietly laughing.


"Hey!" yelled Grizzly Sloth in alarm as a giant sniper bullet accidentally-on-purpose chipped his mecha's shoulder.

"Oops, my finger slipped . . ." said Sora in a monotone.


"Stop it!" said Grizzly as he was forced to do a silly twirl in the air like a ballet dancer to avoid the bullets.

The first titanic whale blinked and bent its massive head as orange and yellow blossoms of crackling explosions burst on its hide. Tiny spurts of blood, impossible to see except through the scopes of the giant rifles, mixed with the rain as it trickled down its colossal shiny black eyes.

The stormy valley was lit up with plasma fire as lightning flashed and thunder clapped; the eye of the storm was moving, and it was heading for the construction site. Yet still the sky whale plowed on through the smoke of the explosion, its skin pockmarked and bleeding but otherwise the mechas didn't give it a fatal injury. It boomed, giving an angry moaning cry.

Meanwhile, team Zulu used the smoke and explosions to fly under the belly of the whale and latch on its stubby skin.

"Beginning the drill!" announced Izaya. He, Hikaru, Sai, and Artemis plunged their construction drills inside and began to cut an opening wide enough for their mechas to enter. The whale thrashed and shuddered, dislodging the four mechas.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @DJGomez, @Orpheus
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"Fine Fine Sora... I propose a wager then. Whoever makes the whale bleed alot, takes the spot on the hill. You in?" Robert said as he fired a shot and it passed Artemis by mere millimeters.

"Screw you Grizzly. Don't make me spill your secrets in an open channel mate. And i have a very itchy That came out wrong." Robert looked down in embarrassment for a while and he continued firing.

He looked at the scope and saw the drilling had already began. "Sora let's give the whale another distraction so that the drilling team can do their work well."

"No." said Sora immediately dismissing the contest, annoyed. "But I agree with the distraction." he added in a no-nonsense tone. "I suggest we focus fire on-"

"Sora," came Sai's voice through the comms, "we can't drill through the belly, the sky whale is moving too much!"

"I have an idea!" came Artemis voice. "We'll make it eat us, then we enter the trachea and destroy the lungs."

A moment of silence followed this announcement. "Okay." said the Amber Fox soldiers.

"Robert, everyone, make it open its mouth!" said Artemis.

Sora looked at Robert. "Hill is all yours." he flew up to the sky readying his rifle. Immediately his mecha ports opened and missiles armed themselves ready for launch. Grizzly Sloth and Komodo Rhino lined up beside him readying their arsenal as well.

"Pick an eye, Robert!" said Komodo Rhino. "We'll focus all our fire there."

Ignoring the selfie with Simon in the face of larger issues, Evie directed her attention on the whale. She flew her mech to the drilling team, trying to remember everything she could about whale anatomy. It's heart would be huge, and destroying it would definitely stop the beast. But how to get there?

Evie landed her mech by the team and summarized her thoughts. "The heart won't be easy to reach in any direction. The only two ways I can think of is through the stomach ... or through the mouth." Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

But of course, it did. Nothing seems to go right down here on Earth... They had barely started digging into the belly when the sky whale shook the mechs off. Great - I guess we're going through the mouth.

"As long as we avoid the teeth on the way in, we should be able to dig through the tender flesh in the esophagus and pierce the heart. Alternately we could aim for the lungs and hope we can choke it out. Personally I think any damage we can do inside will help."

Taking a deep breath, Evie flew closer to the sky whale, waiting for the others to open its mouth. It wouldn't take much to make room for the mechs but was hard to stay close due to the turbulence swirling around the whale.

"Hurry up, guys," Evie called as she readjusted her mech once more.

@Zer0 @Orpheus
"You heard the man!" Connor shouted at the sky whale. "Open your damn mouth you flying oversized guppy." And with that, he pressed the boom button. Instantly his mech began to change. It's feet anchored into the ground, out the back came a massive 18" cannon. A gun that size belonged on the deck of a battle ship, not a mech. Let alone not hidden away somewhere. How the hell had he missed it before? It's not like it's easy to hide something that fired a round 18" across. Oh well, he wasn't going to argue. It wasn't his anyways. "Firing." he says, giving everyone a heads up for the boom that was to follow. And he remembered something about firing at an eye, so he aimed accordingly. "Thank god for computer assisted aiming." he muttered before pulling the trigger to fire a round that faused the earth around him to shake and buckle directly beneath him.
Caine knew they were going to need help, his barrage while satisfying to go through so much ordinance wasn't doing more then pissing the thing off. That and he was exhausting nearly all the heavy weapons. He had melted at least 4 Gatling guns and drained another 5 gauss cannons as the empty shells of countless missile pods lay around him with the spent casings. He rearmed his mech with the last of the missile pods and a fresh Gatling gun and one daisy cutter grade excavation mine. He took off from his position flying towards the whale, avoiding its find and its movements, landing on top of the beast.

"This is Caine, I'm moving into the whale from its blowhole with a daisy cutter grade payload. Follow my IFF."

Caine maneuvered his way up, activating the chainsaw attached to his mech and driving it into the whale to anchor himself as he moved through the gale force winds around the whale. Getting up to the blowhole he jumped in and saw how far the rabbit hole goes.
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'Wow you are no fun at all at all. I was going to say winner will..." Robert is suddenly cut short by the sound of Artemis. Robert was perplexed by the simplicity and absurdness of the plan but what was he going to say against Artemis. "Artemis, please tell me this is a joke so that we can all laugh and go home. Swallowed by a whale? You do realize that is not the whale that swallowed Noah, right?"

He looked at Sora only to see an empty space. He looked up and saw him ready his missiles and telling him the hill is his. He climbed on the hill and looked through his sniper rifle. "Okay then, on my mark, concentrate your fire on the left eye, since that is the only eye i can see from this position."

He zoomed and steadied his rifle. He fired three simultaneous shots at the whale and waited for the others to fire their weapons.


The three missile-bristling mechas launched their zooming smoke-trailing rockets all together with Connor's huge cannon round, and popped the left colossal bulbous eye in a colorful explosion.

The sky whale gave a terrible agonized moan, shaking its great head.

Artemis, and the Amber Fox soldiers' mechas' immediately shot into its booming mouth as fluid and flesh rained on them from above, and rushed inside the throat. It was like being knocked around in a slimy fleshy cave where everything was moving and the mechas kept crashing into each other as the whale lurched and swallowed them.

Outside, a sudden sickly burst of fluid and air blasted out of the blow-hole, almost shooting Caine out.

Izaya hooked his mecha onto the pink flesh, grabbing the mounted gun of Hikaru's mecha as she tumbled down the throat, unable to get a hold on the slimy walls of the esophagus.

Somewhere below them, Sai and Artemis were tumbling non-stop, carried by the peristaltic wave of the throat.

"Sai, Artemis!" yelled Hikaru watching their falling mecha lights.

"Go ahead!" said Sai through their comms. "Just do it!"

"Beginning the drill!" said Izaya, punching the pink flesh with the construction drill. Hikaru joined him. More moans and thrashing from the whale, then a wave of what seemed like puke flooded the fleshy tunnel. The Amber Fox soldiers held on until they pierced through the wall and blood came gushing out to meet them like water breaking from a dam.

Finally, with one great effort, Izaya and Hikaru pulled themselves into the chest cavity. They had no vision of their surroundings; outside their cockpit it was all immersed in thick black-red. Izaya's machine was blaring warnings as blood leaked into his cockpit.


The sound came from the west. He and Hikaru swam towards the direction of the sound and bumped into the pulsing wall of the titanic whale's heart.

(OOC: @Musical Dragon , @DJGomez, feel free to destroy the organs you choose on your next post. Feel free to break this whale's heart. Actually, I'm regretting making the boss a whale, I mean, I like whales.

@Beowulf, @CkSmalling, feel free to perform your coup de grace on your next post. Actually, everyone, feel free to perform all your coup de grace on your next posts. This mission is ending.)
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Caine nearly flew out of the whale as it reacted to its eye being shot out. He anchored himself with his chainsword as he moved his mech deeper inside. He eventually made his way into the trachea of the whale as it continued to breath. The breath was fake force winds as Caune cut his way through tissue, muscle, and fat as he made way to the spinal cord. An animal this large would likely have multiple heart, to keep its blood circulating, in addition to a second brain to control its lower body. Caine knew taking out at least one of the brains would take the beast out. Following an map of a whales anatomy, Caine worked his way to the spine and aling it as he continued to cut and tear through tissue. "Warning, Warning. Mech vitals redlining, please cease activities for cool down and repair. Warning warning, pilot vitals dropping, please seek immediate medical help." Caine shut the speakers off again as he ignored the warnings. Pushing his mech to its limit as he reached the base of the skull and spine. Caine rammed the chainsword into the vertebrae as it sawed through the dense bone, to help it along, Caine started punching the bone with his free arm as the bone slowly cracked. He took his chaingun and unloaded it into the the bone and the skull as he made an opening to both the spinal cord and the brain. Caine shoved the spent gun into the cord and chopped at it before arming the excavation mine and placing it on the brain. Caine then cut his way into some fatty tissue of the whale to protect himself from the blast. "Charge armed. T minus 2 minutes."
Robert looked through his scope and saw the whale's eye explode. "Wow That is impressive. I did not expect it to go that well." eh looked through the scope again and saw the drilling team enter the mouth of the sky beast.

"Whoever went into the whale, all the best in there and don't get digested just yet.." Robert said through the comms. "..Grizzly will be cooking fried whale liver after this is over." he managed to chuckle as he relaxed his weapon, making it droop down. He looked up again, but this time to the second whale and just exhaled loudly.

"Here we go again." He loaded his sniper rifle and concentrated all his fire at the second whale, targeting different places apart from the eye.
Simon headed off with Leah trusting Sarah to catchup. In the midst of all the chaos he couldn't help but feel like he needed to jump in the fray and zipped off til they reached the hangar.

"Alright stay inside the base and keep the Intel safe, I'll need to help the others out."

With what he didn't know yet, but his comms indicated a dock where he'd find the answer. He trusted her with the cargo and sped off to the waypoint indicated in his device. He found himself in flying steps until he reached a dark hangar with the shillouhete of a what maybe a combat mech, he stopped trying to asses what teh hell was inside but the booming noises left no room for thought.

He reached the waypoint and as his correspondence told him. (Enter the cockpit and sync your suit) he did as it said, feeling a little irritated bout being given this message again. But things were dire so hengot inside the dark mech. As he sat in he started up its systems lighting up the machine, all systems routine, until he felt a sharp pang jolt in his spine.

He screamed loudly as he felt all of his nerves surge over and over again stopping till the jolting died down. Trying to open his eyes everything felt dark in his surtoundings until the navigation overlay went online. He tried o take a breather as he gripped the controls. He didnt want yo go through this all over again, he knew the risks of trying. But he had to.

"Systems check..........mobilizing..."


His mech lit up in the darkness as he started to move feeling every bit of the mechs movements as it were his. He ran out outside and sped to the hill near Robert s sniping range carrying with him

Yes, a bow

He planted the bow deep into the ground and tensed up a large Lance aimed straight at the second whales head, his targeting systems hit green one by one as he lined up the power shot his nose bleeding from the data input to his nerves. An affirmative blip and he released the shot the Lance whistling a Pierce in the air, but that wasn't just it. His mecha opened its shoulder pods launching a dozen missle ordinances that danced in a spiral with the Lance as if targeting the projectile itself. Smoke fizzled from the pods on its shoulders as one by one in quick succession the pods were emptied.

The Lance pierced deep into the whale which was then followed by an array of explosions, to explosions, to beautiful explosions. Like a macabre scene of fireworks that lit up the morning sky. If only Simon could've taken a picture.

@CkSmalling @Zer0
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"Two minutes." repeated Izaya after Caine announced the detonation countdown of his daisy-cutter. "Let's go."

He and Hikaru began to quickly unload the missiles in their mecha deep in the blinding dark sea of blood. Someone was trying to communicate through their comms, but the voice was choppy, scratchy, then eventually it died out.

"I'm going out to set the detonation chord." said Izaya. Their missiles were impact explosives and didn't come with a countdown timer. In the thick murky red of the titanic whale's chest cavity, he would have to assemble the chain explosion through touch alone. "Please hold me and the missile."

"Copy." said Hikaru, nervously. "One minute, forty seconds till discharge."

Izaya opened his cockpit as Hikaru spoke, holding the detonation chord and some tools in his hands. Immediately blood swirled inside and enveloped him. His suit's helmet lights were useless, all he could see was dim red. He felt for the hand of Hikaru's mecha, and she grabbed his torso gently and he felt her bring the missile in front of him.

He felt around for the missile hatch, and began to unscrew it quickly.

"One minute." said Hikaru, trying to be calm, but her voice was unnaturally high. Both their AIs were silent as if waiting with bated breaths.

Izaya felt for the components he was looking for and began manually installing the chord. A thrill of panic shot through him when he accidentally dropped a tool.

"Twenty seconds."

"Hikaru, drop me and go." said Izaya in forced calm, continuing to work with just his fingers now, his heart hammering so fast and his breaths coming out deep.

"Shut up."

Izaya flipped the switch of his remote and it blinked a dim green in the dark. "Done!" Immediately, he felt himself whirled close to Hikaru's cockpit like a doll as she dropped the missile and frantically dug out back the way they came with one mechanical hand.


They were thrown forward into the throat as Caine's daisy cutter went off and the titanic sky whale shuddered. Izaya yelled out in pain as he felt his ribs break against the weight of the mecha. They tumbled down wildly, Hikaru cradling him with two giant mechanical hands, protecting him as much as possible from them slamming into the walls of the esophagus.

Izaya pressed the detonation switch.
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Outside, the whale seemed to implode from the inside. Then it jerked uncontrollably in the air, booming out the most terrible death throe they've ever heard. The back of its head exploded in chunks of meat and blood gushed from its colossal mouth like a flood.

It began to fall. Straight for the construction site.

In a panic, Komodo Rhino ordered everyone to lift the common room of the inflatable habitat module and the comms room where all the Crimson Canines soldiers and engineers were sleeping out of the way.


The titanic sky whale crashed with the force of an earthquake bomb that shook all of Lysaur Valley and the distant Crimson Canines mother base, sending a mountain wave of dirt, mud, and boulders the size of mechas flying everywhere, annihilating everything they've constructed as it slammed and slid forward like a hammer breaking egg-shells.

The second whale blinked away as it took the spiral missile array from Simon's arsenal. But just like Caine's all out attack earlier, it's injury wasn't fatal. Bleeding, it turned tail and retreated back into the eye of the storm where the winds were too strong for mecha flight.

(OOC: Congratulations everyone, you all gain +1 passive feature slot and the Mecha CS is now up. For examples, please check Artemis' and Hikaru's mecha under the Character sign-up tab. Please tag me in the OOC tab once you're done making changes.

@CkSmalling you've been promoted to Master Sergeant, @thespacekid you've been promoted to Gunnery Sergeant

@Musical Dragon , @Beowulf, @Commissar Darman , you've all been promoted to Corporal.

@DJGomez, @Orpheus , you've both been promoted to Private First Class)

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Robert placed the communications module a few miles from the construction site and used the mecha's body to protect it from the debris and dust. After the dust had settled, he tried to stand up but he couldn't. The mecha's hinges were blocked my debris so they were fixed into place.

He pressed the eject button and the cockpit flew open. He jumped down to the uneven surface and he slid and fell into the mud. He stood up and entered the comms module to assess the situation. He checked everyone's pulse and he exhaled a sigh of relief. "Thank God we strapped them down to their beds" He said to himself. With a smile he headed out and towards the construction site.

"Communications module is safe and everyone it is is breathing. Hope everyone is okay. Grizzly that whale liver better be intact." Roberr announces through the comms.

Grizzly Sloth laughed. "Ask Artemis, she was the one who-wait, Artemis? Artemis, come over!"

No reply.

"Robert, we have to dig them out of the whale!" said Grizzly Sloth flying off with the others to rescue the combat medic, Sai, Hikaru, Izaya, and the others who went with them inside.



The storm was moving on to the east. Rain still hammered heavily, but the ink black sky was brightening slowly, letting rays of the afternoon sun seep out through the cloudy gloom. In the distance, the lights from the flock of reinforcements were growing bigger and bigger, until about a hundred combat mechas touched down in the smoky ruins of the construction site, cheering the combatants.

Medics immediately rushed to tend to the injured, while others secured the area. The Boss stepped out of his machine and out into the rain, surveying the destruction and ordered the rest of the reinforcements to search for survivors and help get the people inside the bleeding steaming titanic sky whale out.

"In all my years of fighting, I've never seen anything like that before." said The Boss to the nearest combatants. "Well done." he added in his deep gravelly voice.

(OOC: Anyone can reply to this)
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"Oh no oh no oh no. That liver is screwed already. We know how she loves her explosives. Artemis if you are hearing this i apolgize but you know its true." Robert said over the comms knowing he will get a beating later on at HQ

"Sorry guys i can't help you out. My mecha is totalled when protecting the communications module. Unless you have a spare mecha laying around somewhere in your pocket." Robert told Grizzly.


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