Crimson Canines (Complete!)

Master Sergeant Axel was knocked out instantly, the blow sending him tumbling sideways on to the corporal, who looked at the man, shocked, then saw Connor.

Realization and anger dawned on the corporal as he was pushed back, unbalanced. He spun around swiftly for a spinning elbow strike.

(OOC: @Beowulf , your character has a split second for one more action.)
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Alice, Maya, Leah, and Sarah dismounted from their mechas and squeezed through the narrow crack into the cave. The ceiling was so low they had to crouch as they cautiously moved forward, their weapons ready and their helmet lights illuminating the way.

Sarah's suit allowed the group to detect the creatures inside like a radar. When they were two hundred meters from the chamber where the ten medium creatures and one hundred tiny creatures were clustered, Alice suddenly cried out loudly in the gloom. "Angel?!"

At once there was one echoing sound of many things shuffling towards them all at once.

"Watch out, a swarm of flayers is coming!" said a fearful female voice deeper within the cave.

"Who was that?!" asked Leah.

"Later! Get ready!" cried Maya.

A wave of flayers came flooding towards the group in the narrow tunnel accompanied by the sound of splashing footsteps. Sarah warned the group that there were three medium sized creatures coming there way behind the flayers.

"Open fire!" cried Leah. The cave was filled with the flashes and sounds of gunfire as three loping mutated Crimson Canine soldiers came hurtling at the group. It was as though they were bonded with some parasite that changed them. There was a hole in their chest where the root-like tentacles of a flayer was sticking out.


@Orpheus , @Musical Dragon , @Commissar Darman

(OOC: Though the description of the entrance and tunnel height of the cave is different from the picture, we'll refer to the description.)
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Meanwhile, back on the hill, Komodo Rhino made up his mind, "Let's tell Sora." he said to Robert. "Grizzly, standby." he added through his comms.

He banged his fist against the leg of Sora's mecha. "Sora!" yelled Komodo Rhino through the storm, though Sora probably couldn't hear his voice. The twenty-five foot machine looked down at him and Komodo Rhino saw Sora's face frown in surprise.

"Emergency!" mouthed Komodo. He held up a number and mouthed to Sora to change communication frequencies.

Suspicious, Sora spoke something, but Komodo Rhino couldn't make it out, it was probably an order to his AI, because then his voice spoke inside Komodo's helmet, "What's the situation?"

"Flayers inside the construction site." said Komodo grimly. "We need to bring everyone inside the main habitat module."

"No, we should evacuate." said Sora, alarmed.

"No one knows they're intelligent except us-"


"-so, we're planning to take the comms room, make an announcement to bring everyone inside the Common Room, then knock everyone out with a sleeping grenade." continued Komodo. "We can then find and kill the remaining flayers."

"Alright." said Sora. "Sai, Izaya, Hikaru, Sandai, did you all get that?"

"Yes, sir!" came the voices of the Amber Fox soldiers. "We'll take over the flamer units."; "I'll help with the sleeping grenade."; "Me too."; "We're all going to be discharged for this . . ."; "Hahaha!"

"Someone's having a birthday inside." nodded Sora at the small habitat module inside them. "On your signal, I'll cut off the power."

"Thank you." said Komodo Rhino. "Let's go, Robert. We'll floor them all once the lights are out."

Komodo Rhino entered the comms room casually, even greeting the birthday guy who looked up at him oddly as though trying to remember who he was, but thanked and clapped him on the back all the same and offered him a beer. Grizzly toasted to him from the side where he had situated himself behind a group of people to better take them down at once.

"Now." said Komodo Rhino.

The lights went out.

"Wait what what who are you looking for!?

The storm made the reception even worse even more so as the delved into the cave. He had to double time his efforts to find them

As Simon neared the group he noticed them all out of their respective mechs.

"Oh come on! What're they doing!?"

Someone was missing yes but its risky enough to try and get out in the middle of teh storm. No choice. He had to step out as well to find them. He inserted the black device on a portion his belt causing a black leather to swarm on his body covering his entirety forming into what looked like a suit. As it swarmed onto his neck and head the leather organic grew a large orange visor that lit up a flash of orange after covering most of simons face.

As his suit was covering him he readied his effects and got out of the cockpit noticing the small hole being surrounded by the mechs

*this is where they are*

He poked his head in to try and sync his comms again.

"Bishop, Griffin, you still there?"

As he did he heard the static again, accompanied by the faint sounds of gunshot fire he could even hear it's faint echo in the corridor.

"God please no more flayers...."

He readied his bow and quiver and headed down inside, trying to contact anyone as he neared

"Sarah!, Evie, what's happening!?"

He spoke sternly hoping for a response

As he ran closer to them. The more he ran the more confused he got out of this whole situation, getting a little irate about it all. He chuckled a bit though

He'd never thought he'd be chasing after women, in a very literal sense

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman @Musical Dragon
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Robert looked around and found a small wooden block but changed his mind. "This is an interesting way of getting discharged from HQ." He said over the comms. "I wonder if you get discharged do you get a complimentary gift package from HQ or are you just thrown away like little dogs with rabies? Cause i was thrown like a dog.. or like rabies. Forgot which was it."

He waited for orders and when they came the lights were shut off. He opened the door just as they were complaining of why the lights went out. He silently chocked the guard standing by the door before he got the chance to get out his flashlight. He sneaked on two more and bashed their heads together and they collapsed to the ground.

He looked around and saw someone reaching for a phone. Before the person could press on the home button on the phone, he wrapped his hands around her neck and pressed on her carotid arteries. She was out cold within 10 seconds. Her hands got lose and her phone fell from her hands but he managed to grab it with his feet before it made a sound.

"Komodo, Grizzly your up. 8 hostiles left."

(Sorry for the long delay :P )

Caine jolted at the sensation of something latching onto him, he flailed off his bunk as he reached for his equipment belt which had his knife. Grabbing it he felt the creature try to latch itself to him, he'd reach behind and ripped it off as it took a few strips of skin from his back, soaking his shirt in blood. He held the Flayer by the neck as it wriggled around before he stabbed it, killing it. By then the others in the barracks had been taken over as they walked towards Caine. He held his knife up as he walked backwards.

One of the men lunged at him and Caine tried to fight him off as the Others jumped to him as well. He had no choice but to start stabbing at the men and tried to kill the Flayer attached to them. Close to the door he stuck his hand out and felt around the wall as he held the mouth of another in front of his face. Caine shoved his knife into the Flayer as it gave a scream and he threw the body off. The others who were being controlled crowded around as Caine went back and forth with his knife at each one. He resorted to tackling one into the bunks as it crashed the beds over in a loud ruckus.

Caine jolted himself up as he stopped the tackle of another and stabbed the back of the Flayer as the two were sent into the lockers, leaving a large dent in them. Caine knew he couldn't hold them off for much longer as he rolled away, grabbing the arms of another controlled man and ramming into into the wall where the fire alarm was. The small glass broke as it went into the Flayer's back and the button was pressed. Letting off an insatiable ring and screech as t echoed through the base and the sprinklers in the barracks went off. Caine grabbed the man and Flayer and lifted him like a wrestler as he threw the body with all his might into two more approaching men. They quickly got up as a total of 5 men stood up and waked towards Caine and he ran his hand across his lip to see his lip was bleeding. Caine readied his knife and counted how long it took for everyone to respond.
Evie knew entering the cave was a bad idea and she didn't need Simon telling her so. "Come, Hester," she called to her dog as they stepped from the mech. The weather felt even worse without the protection of the metal shell. Getting into the cave would almost be a relief. Dread growing in her stomach, she ducked through the entrance and ignored Simon's shouts.

Hester stayed closer to her side as the two squeezed into the cave. Slowly it widened until Evie could stand up, but she couldn't relax. Somewhere out there were flayers just waiting for another snack. They hadn't gone far when they heard the telltale scuttling of the flayers.

Before Evie could silence them, one of the girls called, "Angel?" The noise suddenly got much louder.

Just great. There was no time for advanced tactics and the group opened fire, the sound deafening in the small cave. Then from the back appeared three flayers and their hosts, looking warped and terrifying. Is one of them Angel? Evie had no way of telling and there was nothing to do if it was. She aimed for the flayer tentacles at the center of the chest and hoped for the best.

@Zer0 @Orpheus
Connor takes the blow on the shoulder, and counters by simply tackling the man, using his weight to his advantage. And if that didn't work, then he had a right good fight on his hands now didn't he? Unless he landed the next couple of punches he would inevitably throw, in that case the Corporal didn't stand much of a chance.
The split second used to tackle the man ended up with the corporal rolling with the tackle then flipping Connor off and into the air.

The corporal kipped-up immediately, with his rifle-axe pointed at Connor. "Command, this is Corporal Brick, I've neutralized a rogue soldier outside the habitat module! Master Sergeant is down-command?"

There was a pause before a familiar voice answered through the comms. "Copy that, corporal. " said Komodo Rhino's voice in a cool accent. "Stand by."

Corporal Brick cursed as he waited in the rain, his gun up and ready to shoot Connor if he ran or fought. The sirens suddenly blared out for the second time that day and an announcement was heard all over the construction site through their comms.

"ATTENTION!" boomed Grizzly Sloth's voice in a deep authoritative tone. "STORM WARNING. All personnel return to the Common Room immediately, I repeat, all personnel return to the Common Room immediately!"

(@Orpheus, @Musical Dragon , @thespacekid, @Commissar Darman)

A soldier emerged from the smaller habitat module and came jogging under the rain towards Connor and Corporal Brick. It was Komodo Rhino. He immediately disarmed Connor and cuffed him. The corporal went over to the Master Sergeant to wake him up, but just as he bent down, Komodo Rhino planted his face in the ground, knocking him out. He un-cuffed Connor.

"That was close." he told him. "Let's bring them inside the comms room before anyone else sees us."

Inside, they gagged and bound the two and shut them inside a locker each together with the rest of the unconscious comms room personnel. Grizzly Sloth had just finished contacting The Boss and informed them all that he was coming together with the elites. He approved of their plan and told them that they'll be arriving in twenty minutes.

"That birthday boy's gonna' be so angry when he wakes up." chuckled Grizzly Sloth helping himself to some cake.

@Beowulf, @CkSmalling
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Some wet, angry and complaining soldiers who came around the men's barracks to see who ruined their lunch startled when they saw Caine backed up against the wall with the five infected soldiers surrounding him.

They immediately came bursting inside the barracks attacking the flayers and knocking out their comrades. In a few minutes it was over.

"Get the medics!" yelled one of them. Seconds later Artemis and the other medics came sprinting inside and immediately began tending to the wounded.

"What happened?" she asked Caine as she checked him over for injuries.

Suddenly, Grizzly Sloth's voice spoke through their comms and all around the construction site. "ATTENTION!" he boomed in a deep authoritative tone. "STORM WARNING. All personnel return to the Common Room immediately, I repeat, all personnel return to the Common Room immediately!"

Inside the Common Room, soldiers were trudging inside through the huge hangar doors along with other mechas. The emergency fire alarm and the sprinklers had been turned off and a confused and annoyed crowd was steadily growing inside.

There had been an attack in the men's barracks and people were surprised to learn that the flayers actually took over the bodies of the soldiers. They thought those little monsters were only scavengers. There were also people looking for Master Sergeant Axel.

Sai, and Izaya were walking along the edges of the room, ready to throw the sleeping grenades at the crowd, while Hikaru was ushering people out of the women's barracks' and bathroom and Sandai was in the men's barracks waiting to detonate the grenade on everyone inside. He was waiting for Artemis to finish before taking her aside and telling her secretly about the situation.

"Alright, I'll help you." said Artemis quietly. On the pretense of checking over Caine again, she secretly told him about the plan to knock everyone out so that they could all search and destroy the remaining flayers in the construction site. The Boss was coming in twenty minutes too with the elite soldiers."

It all went to hell, again. The Flayers came at them en mass. Opening fire Sarah regretted her Decision on bringing her Carbine. Although it could rip through multiple Flayers at once. It's rate of fire was too god awfully slow. As the swarm of Little creatures got closer. All Sarah could think about was them crawling all over her. "Grenade, anyone?" She Yelled over the deafening sound of the gunfire. If someone didn't do anything soon, they were all fucked.
Alice threw a grenade at the horde.


Everyone was deafened, the ceiling cracked, rocks and dust showered on them as the explosion obliterated a cluster of the flayers and one mutated soldier, splattering the narrow tunnel walls and the squad with blood and bits of flesh.

The flayers began to retreat, but the remaining two mutated soldiers continued charging. The shot from Evie's sniper rifle tore right through the flayer in the middle of one, and the body fell writhing on the ground. The last one covered its bonded flayer with a thick arm, lifted up its writhing comrade and used it as a shield.

The narrow tunnel didn't leave much room to maneuver and he rammed Sarah and Maya, who caught the body and roared, pushing back with the help of her strength enhanced suit.

A thick mutated arm with two hard whip-like tentacles lashed at Maya and attempted to crush her helmet. Leah went behind the mutated soldier and hugged it, keeping it from escaping.

"Stop! I know this sounds crazy." gasped Leah, "but capture this thing if you guys can! Knock it out! If we can return this person back to normal somehow, he can tell us what's going on!" she struggled.

"Are you insane?!" asked Alice, ignoring Leah and moving in for the kill.

"Think!" cried Leah. "Flayers aren't native to Lysaur Valley, and these soldiers were secretly abducted by flayers. Don't you get it? They're intelligent! They came here on purpose and captured soldiers!" she buckled up as the mutated soldier began to flail in earnest. "That's like information gathering!" yelled Leah.

@Commissar Darman , @Musical Dragon , @Orpheus
The sounds of gunfire started to rise up in volume the more Simon got closer, it was either they're were getting attacked by something big with thick plating, or a large swarm of what he only hopes are beetles.

He betted on the former, hopefully the former, definetly the former.......please be the former

He slid down as he neared their location to hasten the pace his suit givig ample amount of time to get there as. He finally got a chance to stand up, only to be met with flashes of gunfire, his squad, a few other people, and... Goddamnit more flayers. On one side of the cavern they started to swarm towards Evie doing her best to keep them at bay... Which then got followed by a deafeaning explosion that boomed an echo all around the cave. As it died down, he kinda felt relived atbthe sight of flayers retreating. Explosions scare them, something to note.

Another thing to note is the walking husks of crimson canine soldiers who likes as if the flayers decided to get crazy with their left lung and are now joined in symbiotic union. One fell from evies shot, the other fell the to might of rock and now only one left..

He aimed for the last one drawing his arrow out aiming for the last one until it decided to attack one of the ladies. The fight ensued until one of them tackled the beast to keep it from mashing in the other ones brains, good timing... He had clear sight of his head so one shot and...

"Stop! I know this sounds crazy. But capture this thing if you guys can! Knock it out! If we can return this person back to normal somehow, he can tell us what's going on!"

The comms came back on

"Are you insane?!"

"Think! Flayers aren't native to Lysaur Valley, and these soldiers were secretly abducted by flayers. Don't you get it? They're intelligent! They came here on purpose and captured soldiers! That's like information gathering!"

Simon didn't know why he just did what he did next. From his point of view, these things that were attacking, they're beasts like any other, so long as they're hostile, they're a threat it's basic. But after what happened today, he needed some answers. And this girl.... Something told him she had a point

He quickly drew back his bow further go line up a more powerful shot and aimed for the flailing thing. He fired his arrow and with a swift zing it flew past the group and impaled the twisted arm of the thing and nailing it on the rock wall, causing it to flinch and

Another fire, another whistling Pierce through the air nailing yet another bolt on its arm to fasten the tentacle thing to the wall.

"Outta there girl!!!"

He screamed at Leah firing yet another shot in his ankle to keep him pinned hand and foot, careful not to hit any part of the girl in his crazy William tell. Luckily it was large enough so there wasn't any close shaves

@Zer0 @Musical Dragon @Commissar Darman
"I am pretry sure anger won't be enough in his case." Robert joined Grizzly in eating the cake. "There is no way i can let such good food go to waste. Should we save some for the rest of the crew.. you know to celebrate early before being discharged?" Robert said Grizzly and Komodo as he ate another piece of cake and downed it with some cola.

Caine was relieved when everyone got to the barracks, he counted 15 seconds, a reasonable response time. He waved away at Artemis trying to check him over, there were more important things at hand. Caine grabbed a MOLLE chest rig on the ground as he slipped it over his ripped and blood soaked shirt. There wasn't time for him to get his suit on as he ran back with Artemis he stopped by the armory and grabbed his LMG aptly named Thunderlord for the dooming roar it gave when fired, several drums of ammo, and his thermal imploders. Running back with her to the habitat module, once again waving her away. As he slapped a simple trauma pad underneath his chest rig. "We'll deal with my injures after we're done being attacked, where do you need me." Caine loaded one of the drum mags as he cocked back the charging handle with a satisfying clunk.

As the dust cleared, Evie saw there were only two flayer-possessed soldiers left. The first she took down with a well-placed shot through the flayer's body, but the second was too close to the others. One of the girls (Evie couldn't tell which one) started shouting about saving the creature for science. Before Evie could think of a reply that didn't give away the fact that she already knew the flayers were intelligent, Simon showed up. He pinned down the flayer soldier and the battle was over. More flayers were ahead, but at least they could take a second to breath.

"Here," Evie said, approaching the flayer-possessed soldier. She shot it close range with a tranquilizer dart. "Relax, it's just a tranq." Next, she pulled out a needle which she jabbed in the creature's neck. "And now a GPS tracker - so someone back at base can pick this ... thing up."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Evie stepped back. "Everybody good?"

@Zer0 @Orpheus @Commissar Darman
"I can see you were busy." Connor said as he stuffed one of the two men into a locker. "How many are in here now? You know what, I don't really want to know." He walked to the door way, and gently opened the flap enough for him to see out of, checking if anyone had spotted them. "And the birthday boy should be thanking us for what we're doing. Hey, you'll vouche for me, right? Knocking the Major out was necessary after all, but this is still technically insubordination I think."

"We're good!" said the three girls as the mutated Crimson Canine soldier went limp, unconscious. Both Maya and Leah had dented helmets.

"Thank you . . ." said Leah, nodding appreciatively at Simon. She turned to the rest of the group."Now let's go save Angel."

The group moved onwards until they came to the end of the tunnel, where it opened up to a magnificent chamber dimly lit by a cool blue light. There were columns of white and saffron and dawn-rose fluted and twisted into dreamlike forms. Gems, crystals and veins of precious ores reflected the rays of their helmet lights, while fine limestone like frozen clouds dappled down from the high glimmering ceiling.

There were weeds that had small round bioluminescent flowers that glowed orange in the dark, but the cool blue light that suffused the chamber seemed to come from some large glowing azure crystals.

There was a man-made pillar beside them that led up to the ruins of an old earth building, and in the distance, what looked like the ruins of an ancient Chinese gate standing on a mount of onyx.

@Commissar Darman, your suit detected no tiny life-forms in the chamber, but there were seven medium creatures behind the Chinese gate.

What the group saw when they investigated both surprised and shocked them. There were five unconscious Crimson Canines soldiers trapped in some sort of hard slimy cocoon, but the other two who were trapped. . . were androids, and one of them who wasn't unconscious was looking at the squad, slightly scared but also trying to be friendly at the same time.

"Please don't kill us." she tried to smile. Her voice was the one that warned them of the flayers earlier. "A-Also, please leave our planet, or you'll all be w-wiped out-but I mean it in a good way!" she added hastily. "N-not that it's good-what I mean is, I'm trying to help you. Can I talk to your leader?"


@Orpheus, @Musical Dragon , @Commissar Darman
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"Nah, you're on your own, Connor." grinned Grizzly Sloth, jokingly.

"Yeah, we'll tell them it was all your idea." chuckled Komodo Rhino.

Multiple booms went off in the Main Habitat Module, coupled by some surprised cries, then silence.

"Habitat neutralized." came Izaya's voice through their comms a second later.

"Good work." said Sora's voice. "Komodo Rhino, we'll guard the soldiers."

"Copy that." said Komodo Rhino. "Squad, we'll search and destroy the flayers. Seal your helmets with repair foams and mount the nine remaining combat grade mechas. Break the manual hatch lever so that the flayers can't open the cockpits. Proceed with the search at your discretion."

(OOC: @Commissar Darman , @CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Beowulf , @DJGomez , @Musical Dragon , @Orpheus: The combat grade mechas are all equipped with flamers and whatever you want. The next major battle will be a feel-good one so feel free to go crazy. Also, feel free to have your own fights with the flayers.)
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"Wow..." The inside of the cave was impressive - especially for the home of flayers. Sarah didn't sense any flayers but they still entered with caution. The cool blue light lit up a strange scene: five of their soldiers encased in a strange solid, plus two humanoid androids.

"Are any of those Angel?" Evie asked, motioning to the soldiers. "See if you can free them. Otherwise, we'll find a way to move them like that."

"Fascinating." Evie knelt before the one conscious android. "Hello there. Do you have a name? I'm Private Griffin." Her tone was conversational, testing the android's AI more than anything. "Why should we leave? This is our planet too." She could tell something was wrong with the android, but what, she didn't know.

'Aaannnd I'm picking that one.' Connor thought to himself as he hurried behind the mecha of choice to break the latch. And with his helmet sealed, and the emergency latch broken, he climbed inside the cockpit. And was immediately intimidated by the more complex controls that it had compared to the N00-B. And he thought it would have been simple. It had a gun, and a big ine at that. A big machine gun, lots of ammo, fires fast, everything he could wish for in a gun. Plus the flamer, which would be very useful in this fight. "It's not that different." he said quietly to himself, cracking his knuckles then waggling his fingers in the air before tentatively grabbing the controls. And with a sudden lurch, he was off to god knows where to kill some flayers.
"Careful, Evie, she could be an enemy!" said Leah suspiciously, shifting her rifle-axe between the talking android and the other one who was unconscious.

"Angel!" cried Alice rushing to one of the encased soldiers, a pale-skinned lady with white blonde hair tied into a bun. With a few elbow strikes from her strength enhanced suit, she was able to crack the slimy hard cocoon and catch her falling friend. Angel was breathing, but no matter how much Alice shook, talked, and pinched her, she wouldn't wake up. The same thing also happened for the other four soldiers.

"They're paralyzed." said the android. "Don't worry, it'll wear off tomorrow. And I-I'm not an enemy!" said the android shrilly, looking fearfully at the barrel of the gun. "I was-but not now . . . My name is Aya, I'm a human inside a robot's body.

"I was one of those who couldn't evacuate with the rest of human kind two million years ago. But more importantly, you have to leave or else all your colonies will be destroyed by . . . the creatures you're calling titans. They already destroyed the colony in the ocean, and your base is next!"

@Musical Dragon
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Once the girls decided to move forward he decided to stay behind for a bit and make sure they're not followed. It was a lie, he took a selfie with the tranquilized zomflayer with his camera then followed suit.

He Decided to scout around there look aroushell.e area. Hoping not to find anymore of those god awful things. No nook or cranny was left unexplored without the shine of a light until he was done.

The area looked secure enough and by the looks of it, beautiful as well. He took picture of the large gateway as well wanting to immortalize the scene once he got back.

"Area looks clear"

He said as he walked towards the girls and noticing a few bodies in the ground. Dead? No... Doesn't look like it. One of the girls started shaking the body. Must be the girl they were after

"Looks like you found what you were looking for"

He picked up the signal on his comms from Komodo. Something's going on and somehow they must have succeeded in their deed.

"Okay we don't have much time something's going on outside and we better get out of here-"

He stopped once he noticed the mechanics speaking to Evie. AI? She replied as being a human trapped in a robot and that whatever's happening seemed dire

"... Bishop, Griffin we need to get out of here, squad needs us out."

He reminded

@Zer0 @Musical Dragon @Commissar Darman
Robert helped himself to a beef burger and looked one last time at the communication's module. He stepped out and climbed on his sniper mecha which was conveniently outside. He climbed it and the capsule closed on him. He pressed a button and the cockpit lit blue. He pressed some buttons and dials and the AI spoke. "Welcome Robert King. Analyzing Systems, Weapons and Shields. System Online. Shields Fully Charged. Attention. New weapon has been installed. Awaiting Testing."

Robert made a puzzling look in his face. "New weapon? That's new." He pressed a button on the left joystick and a flame thrower formed on th left arm of the mecha. "Sweeeeeeet!!!!!!" He pointed up in the air and fired. A jet of flames roared up and lit the area around him. A wide grin formed on his face as he switched off the flames and his mecha arm returned to normal. "A sniper rifle and a flame thrower?Happy birthday to me."

"New Weapon Test Complete. Mecha Fully Functional." The AI said.

"Alright Komodo. I am ready when you are." He turned back and saw Sai climbing his mecha. He approached him and hi-fived him using the mecha.


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