Crimson Canines (Complete!)

Robert woke up with a stir,looked over at Assassin's bed only to her soundly asleep. "I thought she would be up by now" He gave a heavy sigh and proceeded to watch the news footage on the screen in the room. He manages to count at least four sea serpents and he watched in deep silence and thought as the mighty beats of the sea drag a whole settlement to the depths of the sea. What he heard last woke up his senses.

Zer0 said:
The Crimson Canines have been given orders to cancel all non-essential missions and redirect their resources to evacuating the Japanese and hunting down the monsters together with the U.S. Army.
"Damn! Of all the crews in this base,they just had to call us. Oh well i guess duty calls." He stood up, straightened his clothes and went to Assassins side. He placed his hand on her forehead and caressed it softly. "I guess i will see you when i get back. And this time tell me your real..just for the two of us." He fore his black with silver striped Fedora hat and exited the room.

He took his phone and called Grizzly, "Yo dude. You heard what was on the news?"

"Yea i did. Question is why us?" Grizzly retorted.

"Good question. But its cool lets go kick some ass. Where is Artemis' room again"

"Let me ask Komodo then i will hook you up with the details. Talk soon." He hang up and Robert continued to listen to his musical collection.
Vikram sat quietly in the mess, wolfing down his food. The broadcast came and went, and the whole mess was in a frenzy. He stood up, put his plate for a wash and went back to his room, as if nothing had happened. He changed into comfortable clothes - linen pajamas and a tunic, and searched in his closet for his book.

Unwrapping it, he placed it on the floor and prayed in front of it,

"Protect us from fear, O fearless one,

We are your children back upon this sacred Earth,

Accept us into your embrace.

We will face your every trial

And fight under your banner,

but give us back this holy place.

Give us wrath, O wrathful one

To strengthen us in this war,

We have yearned so long for home.

Give us the wisdom we need

So we may deliver your message

And reveal the secrets of your tome.

Deliver us from sin, O sinless one,

Forgive us for the deaths we commit

And the way we pain your beasts.

For when we have paid our price in blood,

Victory will be ours again,

We will rise again as your priests."

Vikram stood up solemnly and completed the ritual, folding his book carefully and putting it back inside his closet safely. He washed his face again, and decided to step out for some coffee and to possibly have a word with the rest of the team regarding what they were up against.
"We can't visit Artemis, Robert." said Grizzly's voice through his phone after a while. "She's still in critical condition. The R&D people haven't finished making an antidote yet. . . I'm eating dinner with Komodo Rhino in the mess hall later, wanna' come?


In the mess hall, Komodo Rhino dumped some papers and a tray of food beside Connor, sat down, and with a sigh began writing down a report about their mission while sipping coffee.

@CkSmalling , @Beowulf
"That's a lot of paper work." Connor said before putting a forkful of rice into his mouth. He was glad he wasn't in Rhino's shoes, paper work was the awful to just think about let alone fill out. Gulping the food down, he puts an elbow on the table, lazily points his fork at Rhino, and says "I wasn't there for much of the mission. I saw this big ass gator thing and some anaconda looking snakes with spines covering their body. Anything else you saw that I should be keeping my eyes out for. Except for those and... that." That was accompanied with a nod towards the TV, which was now showing it's original program but had for a brief moment showed the monsters they were expected to hunt down and kill at some point.
"Large blue four-armed apes scientist's are calling, Bullymongs, and giant hairy armored spiders they're calling, Wooly Spiders." said Komodo Rhino, scratching his arm, he hated spiders. "This paperwork is supposed to be Artemis' job, but you know . . . Medics shouldn't fight melee, they should stay at the back with rifles."

When the shuttle finally touched down, Evie Griffin could hardly contain her excitement. 'Earth!' Evie thought as the door hissed open. The girl rushed down the ramp onto the Base, leaving her luggage behind. While the metal walls of the hangar didn't look too different from back home, there was something special about her first steps.

It didn't take too long for Evie to find a window and get her first glimpse of Earth. 'So much green!' The great would be teeming with life, Evie knew, but for now, she happy just looking at this rediscovered ecosystem. As the sun set, she could finally see Earth's stars.

An hour later, Evie managed to pull herself away from the window, her sketchbook already boasting its first Earth drawing. She made her to her new apartment with help from a few maintenance men, who pointed her in the right direction. There she found her luggage waiting, full of scientific equipment and books she couldn't part with.

Too excited to sleep, Evie enjoyed her talking apartment (whom she called Fitz) and the shower. Despite the lack of windows, Evie sketched some more before unpacking.

Come morning, Evie couldn't wait any longer. "Fitz, how do I get to the dining hall?"

Thanks to Fitz's directions, she managed to get to the hall. She couldn't help but feel out of place among all the soldier-types. Despite the two years of physical training required to join Earth's mission, Evie had retained her small stature and runner's build.

She arrived at the hall just in time for the news announcement. 'Sea serpents. Fasinating!'

Before she could pull out her sketchbook, she overheard a group of three men mention Artemis. 'Sergeant Artemis?' Evie wondered, guessing there couldn't be many of those on Base. Since Artemis was the one she was supposed to report to, she made her way timidly to the table.

"Excuse me, are you the Crimson Canines?"
Komodo Rhino looked up at Evie, surprised. "You must be really new." he chuckled. "Everyone here is a Crimson Canine. Let me guess, scientist, right?"

Grizzly Sloth took a seat across Komodo Rhino, his tray heavy with a pile of burgers. "Which department?" he butted in, mouth full of cheesy-bacon-mushroom.

(OOC: @Musical Dragon, you can check the Motherbase under the Settings/Location tab and pick an area in the base)
Nathan sat silently in his small living quarters. The room was messy, clothes were strewn on the floor, the bed was disheveled, and pieces of equipment sat in odd locations throughout the room. In front of him on his desk, was his own data pod. Currently, Nathan was absorbed in a game of galaga, which was being played on a holographic projection coming from the data pod. He had been playing for his entire break, attempting to beat his high score of 3,000,456. Now, Nathan twiddled the virtual joystick, causing the little spaceship to expertly zip around the incoming missiles, and then proceeding to blast the approaching aliens into pixelated bits. His current score ticked up to 2,999,985, when all of a sudden, a news notice popped up on the display. "What the...?", he muttered in surprise. As Nathan examined the notice, which read something about Serpents attacking Japanese ships, he heard the sound of his starship exploding, ending his streak. "Damn", Nathan said as he sat back. He then proceeded to close the game, and pull up his itinerary for the day. He was due for lunch, where he would then go and meet his fellow team members. He would have met them earlier, when he was supposed to embark on a mission of them, but he had made the mistake of confronting one of the base's staff members when they had bumped into him at breakfast, causing him to drop his food. It turned out that the staff member was one of the base's senior administrators, and Nathan earned himself several hours of Janitorial duties. Not bad for his first day.

Back in the present, Nathan stood up from his chair and collected his data pod. He would have went to see his commanding officer, Sgt. Artemis, but he had seen her earlier being wheeled to the I.C.U. Perhaps it would be better not to disturb her. With that done, he exited the room and made his way over to the mess hall. Once he had arrived, Nathan loaded up his tray with food, and then looked around the cafeteria. He spotted a group of fellow canines sitting together at a table, and walked his way over there. Giving them a casual salute, he greeted them, "Nathan Zhang, Combat Unit Ring. I was supposed to be part of this morning's mission, but I pissed off one of the brass here", and sat down next to them.
"And an underbarrel." Connor added as he nodded in agreement. It wouldn't do if their doctor went down in the middle of a mission. They didn't know nearly as much about patching people together as she did, simple first aide was Connor's limit. But he couldn't control what people do, he could try getting them to do something but most of the time he had no real control.

Then two more people came to sit at their table. One being fresh off the ship it seemed, and the other one a trouble maker. "Well, I got called in right at the end. Trust me, you didn't miss to much. No casualties, saw some new things with teeth and a taste for human. Nothing to special."
"Then you'll fit right in." said Grizzly Sloth to Nathan, laughing. "I'm Grizzly Sloth, rifleman. This guy is Komodo Rhino, also a rifleman." he jabbed a thumb at the man who was writing a mission report who nodded at Nathan in greeting. "You'll be our next mission leader, right?"

"No, not me, HQ decides that." replied Komodo Rhino. "Anyone who's capable could be assigned to mission leader."

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Evie blushed, realizing her blunder. "Oh, right." She smiled. "I'm a new scientist for the Wildlife Dome. But I'm hoping to get out in the field and see the animals in their habitats." 'I am trained,' she almost added, but decided to keep quiet.

As another person joined them, she realized she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm Evie Griffin, by the way."

Still feeling out of place, she pushed a loose strand of her short hair from her face and cleared her throat. "I think I'm supposed to report to Sergeant Artemis. Do you know where I could find her?"
"The doctors are taking care of her in the I.C.U." said Komodo Rhino. "She got bitten by a snake. There's another lady on our team, I think her name was Sabrossa, she's a scientist for the Wildlife Dome too."

"Oh, I know that pretty lady!" said Grizzly, "I gave her the snake. She's in the R&D sector helping out in making the antidote."

@Musical Dragon, @CoconutLeaves
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"Well Let's hope she gets better soon", Nathan replied, swallowing the last of his food. They seemed like a fun bunch so far, one that he could get used to being part of. Getting up to return back to his room, he remembered. "By the way, when does our next mission begin?".
"Don't know." said Grizzly Sloth, shrugging. "Could be any time. But I have this feeling that it may come some time next week on Friday the thirteenth . . ."

(OOC: Next mission will be posted by the GM tomorrow, 3/5/16.)

Well, isn't this pretty.

Sabrossa looked at the needless syringe and admired the amethyst color of the antivenom. Pocketing it in her work coat, she began to make her way to the ICU ignoring the questions and greetings from the others. In a more sociable mood, she would have stopped for some small talk. But venom as well as new and undiscovered creatures that gave a person that venom often meant that time was of the essence. She watched as a guard request her ID.

While she admired his respect for protocol, she was perplexed that he would ask it from her. After all, he knew which department she came from, and while Artemis was of some importance to the group, she was far from the top of the hierarchy in the Crimson Canines.

Biting back some choice words, she took out her Identification Card and he scanned it. Satisfied, he saluted and let her go on in.

The ICU was more metallic than white. A large cylindrical machine designed to stem the advance of the toxins in Artemis's body gave a soft humming noise. The respirator was attached to her face to let her take in some much needed oxygen while her body lay still, fighting the invasion from within.

It was a bit unfortunate that they couldn't procure some of the more specialized machinery for medical purposes. While the colony still had excellent medical facilities, she always found a few things lacking that made it inconvenient.

Sabrossa felt a pang of pity for the tough as nails Artemis. Her skin had gone to a shade that was close to opaque, the veins exposing themselves. Her lips were pale and the way she laid on the body made her look like a corpse.

"Ms. Umaire? Do you have the antivenom?" A tall male nurse went up to her, his face covered by the surgical mask and the upper part with thick rimmed glasses.

"Glasses?" She looked at him with a questioning glance as she took out the antivenom from her pocket.

"They make me look older. The rest of the guys kept teasing me, said a baby like me should be back at the nursery area."

"I see. What is her status?"

The orderly began to report on her vital signs as well as that of the status of her body. It seemed like they made it at a perfect time, no signs of necrosis had developed nor was there any major nerve and muscle damage. All in all, with a bit of physical therapy, she'd be in good shape.

"Alright. Mind getting her some light food. Something bland." She requested to which the nurse nodded and left the room.

Taking out the syringe, she stroked the hair of her dear rival and placed the needless machine at the side of her neck, releasing the antivenom with sonic vibrations.

With nothing else to do, she took a seat and began to read the results of the fruits and vegetable study of the local area. Hm. With the Japanese faction without a colony, it would take a good amount of time before they could launch an expedition. There was a general agreement that discoveries made in the planet would be shared with the others, but she knew everyone had their own little secret. Perhaps now would be a good time to see what the Foxes had been hiding...
Minutes passed by and Artemis' vital signs slowly began to stabilize. A doctor was called and more nurses came in ushering Sabrossa out of the I.C.U. politely. After some time they announced that Artemis would regain consciousness within this week and that they would be closely monitoring her condition.

Robert hang up and made his way towards the mess hall.He passes a couple of beautiful and the pervert side of him took over and he looked back, admiring their bodies and almost snapped his neck in the process. He finally reached the mess with his hands on his neck, massaging them from turning it from time to time. He stopped at the door and Grizzly waved at him and he made his way towards him.

Upon reaching he notices new faces. He veered off course and went and took a large plate of fries and 3 hamburgers and went to the table. "Damn Komodo, i would help you with the paperwork, but i wont." He fist-bumps Grizzly and turned to the new faces. "I dont believe we have had the pleasure of introduction. My name is Robert King Jr.I am the Sniper of the Crimson Canines. And you are...?" He stuffed a few piece of fries in his mouth.

@Beowulf @AyyyLmao @Musical Dragon
"Bitten?" Evie echoed, trying to not sound too interested. "What size was the snake?" She knew that who ever was working on the antidote could handle a snake bite with the actual creature brought it. Mostly she was interested in the existence of snakes on this new Earth. An Earth 2.0.

"Do you maybe have video of the snake?" Evie asked Komodo and Grizzly. "I'd love to see how they interacted with humans. If that's okay," she added, hoping she wasn't being insensitive.

"I'm Evie Griffin," she said as the newest man approached. "Wildlife Dome."

@Beowulf @Zer0
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"No, we don't have a video." said Komodo Rhino. "HQ should fix that, put some sort of camera on our helmets then we can replay our mission and see what we did wrong."

"That snake was as thick as my torso," said Grizzly Sloth, emphasizing with his hands, "with poisonous fangs six inches long."

"Venomous." corrected Komodo Rhino. "You only use 'poisonous' if it's something you eat."

"Anyway," continued Grizzly Sloth, "I think they'll put it in the Wildlife Dome once they're through with it. You can check out the huge biter there."

@Musical Dragon
"They should add cameras," Evie agreed, her mind already whirling with ideas. "And add a live video feed back at base. Think of all the animals a team could record during their mission!"

And even if the person didn't make it back to camp, the recording would survive. Very convenient, she added to herself, smiling earnestly. "You should request it."

"The snake is still alive?" she asked, her interest piqued. Her fingers itching to draw, she made a mental note to look for the snake after she finished eating. "I'd love to see it up close."

Feeling she had completed her end of the conversation, Evie excused herself to grab food. She returned a minute later, figuring sitting with them was her best bet. She didn't want to have to introduce herself another time and risk making a fool of herself again.

Rescue Mission: Serpent Coils

The next day, the team was briefed on their next mission:

Rendezvous with the Amber Fox rescue team at 600 hours tomorrow and then dive into their sunken headquarters deep in the Taura Ocean to look for survivors. The team has to move fast, since the HQ was still in the coils of one of the four serpents and the structure is unstable. The squad is to assemble in Hangar 51 five hours before rendezvous. Mission Leader is Komodo Rhino.

Optional Mission: Help the Japanese blow up the HQ and the serpent along with it.

Personal Mission: @thespacekid, your character, Vikram, had just been given a secret message from your religious cult to download Amber Fox's entire data base without anyone finding out. The Japanese want to recover something more important than just people, your cult wants you to find out what that is.

New NPC: Crimson, the Boss' own dog will be joining the squad tomorrow to help find the survivors. He is assigned to Evie (@Musical Dragon).

(OOC: @CkSmalling , @AyyyLmao , @Beowulf , @Orpheus, @Guydaguy, and everyone else, feel free to post how your character spent the day before the mission, but at the end of your posts have your characters assemble in Hangar 51.)
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It took some time (and a few wrong turns) but eventually Evie made her way to the Wildlife Dome to see the giant snake she had heard so much about. She wasn't disappointed either - the creature was huge, with nasty looking fangs. It had been placed in a large glass container, which one of the scientist explained was one-way glass, as "the darned creature would've smashed its head in trying to attack us through the glass."

The snake seemed much calmer now that it couldn't see the bite-sized snacks outside its cage, and Evie spent a few hours sketching it and hearing details of the attack. Luckily, it seemed Sergeant Artemis would be okay, but Evie couldn't help but wonder who she should report to instead.

She didn't have long to wait for the answer - that night as she was getting ready for bed, Fitz announced she was being summoned for a mission the following day.

"You are to assemble in Hangar 51 five hours before rendezvous. Mission Leader is Komodo Rhino."

She fell asleep much easier that night, her exhaustion overwhelming her excitement. But her spirit was undampered the following morning when she arrived at Hangar 51.

Earth, here I come!
Komodo Rhino was leaning against the hovercraft waiting for the others. @Musical Dragon, your character sees that the hovercraft waiting for the squad was different from the others in the hangar in that it had a picture of a chubby woman with thick make-up holding a rolling pin and a big man hugging her affectionately on its side. The words "I LOVE MOM" was plastered beneath the picture.

Komodo Rhino nodded at Evie in greeting when he spotted her.

"Hey, I've never seen you around." came a voice, and a big man who was the man in the picture on the hovercraft walked out from behind some cargo, wiping his oil-stained hands with a dirty towel.

"Evie, this is Pequod, our pilot." said Komodo, nodding at him, "Pequod, Evie."

"The pleasure's all mine." grinned Pequod, nodding at her.

@Musical Dragon
Robert gets up from the mess and waves the guys goodbye. He returns home but first goes to an aquarium and purchases a 25L fish tank and buys a couple of exotic fishes. He reaches home,sets it up behind the headboard of his massive bed and pays the contractors.He automates the feeding mechanism to release food after every 12hrs and specifies the amount of food and sits at the chair in his room and enjoys the view of the glowing fish and the sounds of his classic music.

He is interrupted by a call from Grizzly."Its showtime Robert. Meet us at Hanger 51."

"Il be there.Let me make a stop by the hospital and check on Assassin then ilmeet you guys later." Robert responded.

"So you it a thing..?" He asked curiously.

"Not sure. Maybe,maybe not. When it is official, we will let you know. Let me go to the hospital then i'l meet you guys later."

"Okay.See you then." Grizzly hang up the phone and i wore my suit,wondering what i will upgrade. Robert gets out the house and it locks itself.He walks to the hospital, taking in the sites of the HQ and before long he is at the hospital.He goes to room and finds Assassin still sedated.

"Well i don't know if you can hear me so i will be brief. we have been called to another mission and i wont be here when you wake up so when i get back..if i get back.. i would like to take you out to dinner or something. Yea that about it. " He looks at Assassin one last time before exiting the hospital and headed to the hanger. He finds the others next to the hovercraft and approached them.

"Sup guys. Where is Artemis?"

Sabrossa was thankful that she convinced the higher-up that she could do this recon mission alone. Convincing him that she worked best alone, Sabrossa found herself on an air transport above thick misty clouds. They were going higher and higher in the air as she directed the pilot to a mountain that was farther from the base, an area she was keen on exploring but could not. However with Artemis incapacitated, and the recent destruction of the Japanese colony, her reason of continuing the exploration of the area seemed to have work.

She checked the status of the thick misty clouds through the moisture in the air. Her eyes widened in surprise as the clouds were made up of carbon monoxide. Which would mean there would be no animals alive for her to capture or sample on, that or they have adapted and gained abilities which would make them dangerous.

"You want me to drop you here? The mist is starting to become too thick for me to see and I doubt we can land anywhere if the incline stays like this?" The pilot asked, an edge of nervousness in his voice.

"Acceptable." Sabrossa replied distractedly as she studied the terrain more. The rocky and poor soil seemed to make most kind of plants unable to survive. Yet she noticed trees were growing in the soil and they tall that they pierced the clouds of mist and fog.

"AHHH!" The scream of surprise and fear jolted her as she look forward as a tentacle came from the mist and smashed through the window of the chopper. Sabrossa looked on in shock as the tentacle pierced the throat of the pilot, killing him instantly. The chopper began to fly out of control, and she unfastened the buckles of the seat. Running towards the door, she hesitated for a few seconds before she jumped, her figure vanishing in the misty clouds.

All that could be heard was the sound of the chopper crashing, all the could be seen was the smoke of the debris, before the mist swallowed the signs and everything was as if nothing had happened.

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