Crimson Canines (Complete!)

The Rook's feet grazed the ice, but he held on. 'Alright,' he thought to himself, 'time to slow you right down.' And with that, he pointed his thrusters backwards and cranked them up to full blast. While that was going on, with the hand holding his chainsword he aims a downward slash across the things back. Now he wasn't an expert, but he was pretty sure flying with no spine was rather difficult.
The chainsword revved through the Anoru's armored back, spraying Connor's mech with blood. It pulled and struggled, trying to fly away, but couldn't. Finally, it fell in a heap on the frozen lake, dead.

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Buzzcut was at a fair distance behind the rest of the team, and floating around near the cloud layer. The fighting was going on in full swing, but yet he hesitated to jump right into it. Buzzcut reached back, pulled out a black-and-gold short sword, swung it around a few times, and dived.

Inside the cockpit, Vikram could barely feel the volume of air rushing around him, but he kept accelerating, the gravity from the dive pushing him even faster. He angled the mecha a bit, coming down in a swooping motion towards the Anorus flailing around near the lake, just close enough to the ship. The beasts roared as the whistling sound of his mecha flying through the air grew louder and louder, both now turning their attention to the source of the sound. Inside the cockpit, Vikram gulped.

Buzzcut's AI locked onto the Anorus near the ship, a red cross-hair showing up on the HUD, and a smaller one in the back, on the Anorus now flying blindly towards him from the lake. In what seemed like eternity, Buzzcut caught the main mast of the ship, swung around, slashing at one Anorus with all the force of the dive, aiming to pull the lower jaw apart from the dangerous sword up top, dis-balancing the ship in the process. Uh oh, Vikram thought, as he was slammed into the air straight at the other Anorus. Didn't expect that. In a frenzy, spinning in the air, he slashed at the other Anorus who roared while flying at him.
The flying Anoru's talons met Buzzcut's sword and were sliced off in the arc of the blade, slashing too the front of the azure wyvern, before they both collided with a crash. The force dented Buzzcut's cockpit inwards, and the two fell, tumbling onto the frozen lake, the Anoru snapping and kicking.

The one that had been flailing in the water, pulled itself out from the ice, it's lower jaw missing and blood dribbling down its wet front. It unfurled its wings and charged.

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The HUD suddenly turned red and a blaring alarm rang in Vikram's ears as the Anorus crashed into Buzzcut. He pulled his mecha up into the air, away from the wyvern snapping at him, just in time to see the other wyvern fly towards him. He spun Buzzcut, releasing a cloud of nerve gas and jumped into the air as the Anoru rushed into the empty space where he was and after him, going up. Grasping the Y-Point Shortsword in one hand and the Neo-Steel dagger in the other, he flipped and went headfirst down into the cloud, spinning and swinging the blades around as the Anoru flew up into the air to meet him head on.

Simon put back his bow seeing as the skies are finàlly clear. He then drew out his dual scythes that glimmered in the sunlight as they extended outward. He was ready to face any grounded Swordrake that was still clawing around somewhere. He looked down to locate any stragglers in his navigation HUD ànd two of them were struggling against the boss.

"Hmmmm.... .I wonder if they ever thought..."

Simon deactivated his thrusters for a moment and started to let gravity take effect on him descending speedily onto the icy grounds. His scythes almost wringing in delight at the taste of their first blood. He fired up his thrusters again to guide his trajectory and lock on to the anoru. Closer. Closer.

"....... that something would dive into them..?"

As he neared collision he twisted his body and readied one talon grabbing the anoru by the neck and reaching the other one to grab the next. He skidded down on the anorus body as his blades tasted sweet blood raking both wyverns asnthey spilt crimson on the icy blue.

"Looks like Anoru one bites the dust....... That was dumb...."

It was dumb.

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"I need back up If I want my leg back. My mecha is damaged badley and my leg is way over there. Requesting backup." Just as he finishes this sentance there's two pound noises on the ground. One from the echas head and one from the Anora. He proceeds to pull out his t-35 tactical knife and dashes off barely flying after the Anora. "Wish me luck." He continues to fly after it barely going the same speed. He decides that the best thing to do was shoot the thing. He pulls out his gun again and aims towards the wings. He fires all 5 of his shots.

@Orpheus @Zer0 @Beowulf @thespacekid
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Buzzcut's spinning downwards cut slashed the flying Anoru into two in slow motion. The other one was doubled up on the frozen lake, bleeding from the front and paralyzed . . . laughing in a strange cough-snarl, before the blood-loss took its toll and it closed its eyes.



The Anoru with Jace's leg veered to the side, flapping wildly as it tried to control its flight with its broken and tattered wings. It fell in a wild spiral, and both it and the leg crashed onto an ice spire in the distance.



The Varakiel's slashes straight down the two Anorus armored backs dug a deep scar and made the two wyverns flinch and turn, distracted, and in that instant, The Boss and Striker Python thrust their spears deep into the chests, and the two azure wyverns fell.

The three Goliaths flicked their spears, arching away blood and sheathed the spears which became a flexible chain again back into the spines of their mechs.

The Boss nodded at Simon in gratitude.



At the shore of the frozen lake, a fusion cutter cut a chunk of the ice loose and Artemis' maroon scarab crawled out of the water, steaming cold. She flew up to rejoin the team.

"Okay, who needs repairs the most?" she asked them.

The Boss gave the order to rest for repairs and an early lunch. They chose one of the cargo ships that seemed stable and cut a hole through the hull of the cargo deck for the mechs to enter. When everyone was inside, they covered it up again and had some rest and relaxation for a time, while Artemis' repair drones did their thing and she and Hikaru tended to those who might have been wounded.

Total ammunition spent:

Buzzcut: -1/3 gas screen

Eagle: -6/6 T-36 Sniper

Okami: -1/3 cloaking screen

Scarab: -2/4 pepper, -1/3 bastion deflection shield

Varakiel: -2/6 PH4N-TA5M

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Jace proceeds to get the head and leg of the mecha and get his dagger back. He go's to the hull. "I think I'm first on the list. The fight literally cost me a head and a leg so yeah. I can help I have my tools. So yeah I'll do that." He gets out and immediately passes out from shock from the neurological pain he felt from his mecha.

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Hikaru caught Jace, then quickly began to tend to his neuroshock. The compartments of her suit opened up to reveal many small robotic arms, some rotating and shifting to turn into specific tools for the job and hovering about her as she spoke instructions to her A.I., Tama, in Japanese.

The Japanese Amber Fox soldiers all have unique sentient A.I.s in their suits capable of independent thought. They were made through a superconducting nano-assemblage process called Cognitive Impression Modeling, where the AI matrix is created by sending electric bursts through the neural pathways of a human brain.

The Crimson Canines only had local A.I.'s in their private rooms, none in their suits. And these A.I.s only had programmed responses, and aren't capable of thinking like sentient beings.

The back of Artemis' Scarab slid open and six repair drones floated out and began automatically re-attaching the head and leg of Jace's mech.

"Boss, repairs will be completed in an hour." reported Artemis.

The Boss just nodded and grunted in reply. This man didn't talk much. He and Panzer Dragon left the hull with their mechs and crouched hidden outside on the frozen lake, guarding the team.

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Jace had a weird dream in this period where he is one of the titanic creatures thinking to the others "You see what these humans have done to us. They are the reason we had to suffer. We need revenge." He than wakes up and sees who's helping him. He looks away and blushes. He thinks to himself "Why are all the people who repair and heal things females? Or have pictures of their mom on their ship? I love my brother and you don't see me putting pictures of him on my bike or mecha."

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(Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days. School finals and getting promoted to assistant manager have taken up a lot of time, that and a rave I went to kicked my ass. I'll just do a fast forward of main parts. :P )

The doctor briskly walked behind Caine as he continued to voice his concern for Caine going back to duty. It had been a month since the whale attack but Caines body still hadn't completly healed. He still had stitches in his back from the claws of the Flayer and his lungs were still tender as his ribs had just fused back together. The doctors wanted more physical therapy but Caine was getting cabin fever. He wanted action. Besides........his nightmares kept coming back, and they were getting worse.......

He reported to see the Boss as he gave a salute and nodding approval of someone who took things hands on, finishing withy he breif Caine mounted up in his Mech as he did his systems checks.

His mech was the DABS-357x Titan. A Stalwart model Mech, known for its Rugged durability and adaptability. His base line armaments came with missile pods tucked inside the torso with a grenade launcher on one arm and a chainsword attachement on the other. Either one could be swapped for a second of the previous, or a shield, a variety of items. While it had the capabilites for additional armaments to be attached to its shoulders, such as rockets, MGs, cannons, etc. Caine didn't go for anything fancy this time. He simply stuck with the base model equipment and picked up a mech sized version of his Thunderlord.

"Caine in Resolute Sentinel is green across the board."

(Walking RP and shooting of Flayer's RP :P )

Caine maneuvered his mech over to Jace as he took up a position, firing his mech's MG up towards the sky as the remaining Anoru's flew away. His targeting system locked on to them as they fled but Caine decided to hold his missiles for now.
Simon decided to drink something warm and eat something hot first to help in the cold, he was afraid that he might've used too much fuel pulling out those areal stunts. He noticed jace trying to recover from the neuroshock after that whole ordeal.

"Don't strain yourself next time, other wise your the next one in a coma after me"

He remarked on his quip as he sat in front of him drinking warm coacoa honey.

"So, sarge"

He asked Artemis.

"Any idea on what our objective here is? I don't think I was able to read any dossiers when we were in briefing"

@Zer0 @LocoBlock
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"Look for the five scouts Command lost contact with two days ago in the Barrigith Mountains, or retrieve their suit's memory cards if they're dead." said Artemis, between mouthfuls of hot noodles from an MRE pack.

She downed the rest of the soup, "If we encounter that sky whale that got away- they're calling it 'Monstro' now- we're to capture it by setting up a bomb inside its body. And if we see any androids, we're to capture them too . . ."

"How are you feeling?" she added as she placed her empty MRE pack aside, "Do you still feel groggy after the coma?"

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"Nothing I can't handle, data overloads aren't that lethal and it just takes time for the brain to reorganize, trauma however is another thing"

He looked at jace slightly concerned

"My nerves still tingle a bit but so far I'm fine sarge."

He gave a warm smile to ease her worries a bit. Knowing the sarge she's probably got a lot on her mind, better not alarm her with anything or shell stress out. In truth, the experiments over the past month for the varakiel system gave him better control over the data input, but overuse nearly caused his eyesight to dwindle and lose control of his arm. In addition the Varakiel was an odd Mech to begin with, it was better than any other Mech he'd been in, but he felt this odd connection to it, mayhaps the side effect of the OCELOT Overlay? He'd almost think as if it were "alive" and even more unnerving is that he could "recognize" it.

But no she didn't need to hear that part.

"Must've been some high ranking VIP's to get the boss here, or some very classified Intel"

He remarked sipping his drink

Striker Python who was inside the cargo deck with the team, nodded at Simon. "It's very likely that it was an organized enemy force that took out our scouts. There might be an army in there, so only a few people were picked for this mission so that we can sneak in easier."

Through the gap of the cut metal covering the cargo deck, the squad could see in the distance, the chain of mountains that formed the Barrigith, where a blizzard was raging near the peaks, blocking most of the mountains from their sight.

"We'll be going into that storm." said Striker Python. "Best chance we've got of going into the caverns where we last traced the signal without getting seen, hopefully."

"Hey Simon your next try fighting the dive bombers with two inch armor and a dagger, tactical knife and a sniper." He gives him a smile to let him know he's joking than lays still again.

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"Hehe, who knows jace...."

He looked towards the blizzard in the mountains

"Something tells me were just starting.."
"But who'd attack us?" Connor said as he inspected the gash going down the front of Rook. "It was probably something very large and very angry from being woken up that got them. I would be surprised if it wasn't."
"I call the whales tongue if we find it. Maybe it will taste like cow tounge. I wish we had some. Maybe I should prepare a non treaditonal meal we get back. Connor you wanna go get some more of this giant crabs we found hunting for the balooga fish a while ago? I still don't want to eat your venison again. I would love to get some sap from the giant murder trees but I don't think we would live. I wonder what that syrup would taste like."



After the repairs were done, the squad left the frozen lake and entered the blizzard of the Barrigith Mountains (pretend the picture has a raging blizzard).

They didn't fly as the winds might slam them into the black rocks of the jagged mountain wall, but trudged through the deep snow in a single line up a steep icy slope through the howling wind and blinding flurry of snowflakes. Even from inside the mechs, the soldiers without any protection against hostile environments felt the freezing chill, and their breaths came out like fog.

The squad only had their mini-maps to guide them, other than that, they could barely see even fifteen feet in front of them.

"A hundred meters left to the cavern!" said Striker Python through their comms.

There was a glint of metal, as though the sun's light was reflecting off something shiny that was buried in the snow west of the squad. It was something buried underneath the foot of one of the jagged mountain peaks, but it was across a deep ravine.

(OOC: @thespacekid, @Orpheus, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock, anyone who'd like to check it out must fly in the heavy winds to reach it.)
Jace thinks about investigating. "I'll go check it out just so you know If I fall down the ravine I might have to use climbing gear to get out and It can't support my mecha. So umm. Yeah I geuss I'll be back. Wish me luck." He runs out towards the cavern and jumps activating his thrusters.

"I'll follow him"

Activates his thrusters as well and follows jace into the storm. No man's going alone in this mission, especially in the storm. He discover an odd pattern with jace wherein he decides on something risky but informs everyone about the worst case scenàrio beforehand. It's either he's thoughtful, or foolish........ Simon's betting on the former.

"Hey wait up"

@LocoBlock @Zer0

@Orpheus, @LocoBlock, in a second, a sudden gust of heavy wind thrust your characters' mechs forward, across the ravine, and rammed them onto the side of the black rock mountain wall, then the ground shook a little, and a barely audible sound like the deep cracking of ice echoed above your machines. Nothing happened.

You see that the light was reflecting off the helmet of a mangled corpse of a Crimson Canines soldier, frozen stiff, half-eaten by something. Upon closer inspection, it was one of the five scouts shown during the mission briefing.

Your characters both notice that there are multiple holes from plasma fire on the front, and turning the corpse, there was a triple-blade throwing knife, not at all like the standard military blades, embedded deep between the base of the skull and first cervical vertebra. It seemed that it was this knife that dealt the killing blow.

(OOC: I'm going to roll a ten-sided dice. 1-5 something bad happens later, 6-10 nothing happens later)

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"Uh Artemis you should check this out. It's one of the scouts. I'll send you video." He turns on video feed of it. He proceeds to get the memory chip and puts away for storage.


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