Every day was a struggle for them to survive. They had no fur to keep them warm at night, no hide thick as stone to protect them from the claws of animals.
They scavenged for food, desperately trying to survive all the challenges the world threw at them.
You see, humans had the ability to adapt, and that was their only power. They learned from their mistakes and told others in hope to protect them from befalling the same fate.
They soon learned how to survive wounds and diseases that once killed them. They slowly but surely made their way to the top of the food chain.
But they could never fully make it to the top, for humans possessed no magic abilities like the Shadow Walkers and the Dragon Kin.
The Shadow Walkers took joy in targeting the Humans, and they soon became arch nemesis, the Humans striving for the top and the Shadow Walkers not ready to give them it.
The Dragon Kin were currently at the top of the food chain, possessing powers from both sides.
Dragon Kin were able to change there form into one similar to human, and could also use magic.
The possessed the power of speech an knowledge and lived longer than both the Humans and Shadow Walkers.
But soon the Shadow Walkers grew arrogant due to their upper hand against the humans and began attacking the Dragon Kin.The Dragon Kin was not pleased with this and after a youngling died by the Shadow Walkers hand they decided to join the humans side.
This allowed the partnered humans to live longer, have heightened senses, and most importantly use magic.
This allowed humans to lose the major disadvantage against the Shadow Walkers
The partnered souls turned the wars tide to the Human and Dragon Kin's favor, and soon they were winning the war.
Those who were partnered with the Dragon Kin became heroes and treated like royalty.
Dragon Kin were also treated like kings, after all they were the saviors of the Humans.
Shadow Walkers did not like the way the war was turning and so they prepared for a all out war.
They sealed the Shadow Walkers away by releasing a massive spell that turned them all to stone, including any humans that did not retreat.
There was much celebrating after the war and Dragon Kin and Humans lived in peace.
However it was not meant to last. After 10 years of peace some humans were angry that despite the war, they were still not at the top of the food chain, dragon kin were. They also felt that it was not fair that only some humans get chosen by Dragon Kin, and that all humans should be able to use magic.
After much tries they discovered a mixture of the blood of the dragon kin that when used allowed the human to use magic.
Soon word spread and humans that were not partners with dragons began hunting and killing dragons with their new found magic.
It was a genocide. Those partnered with dragons tried to fight back, however they were killed along with their dragon kin.
Humans became greedy, killing dragon kin for their precious blood. Not only that, but they gathered the eggs of dragon kin, and imprisoned them till they grew older then they killed them.
The once plentiful species was now becoming endangered, and weren't safe anywhere.
After all humans can adapt, and learned how to find them, even when they are in human form.
But to get that trust, it took a lot of work from both the dragon kin and the human.
Now those who are partnered must protect their dragons from the Hunters, and some how do the one thing their dragon kin has asked of them.
Stop the Hunters so that they can be free again.
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Out of Character:
Character Sheet: Cries of a Species CS
More Info About RP: Cries of a Species Info Page
Interest Check: Cries of a Species
Co GM for this RP is Juju
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