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Realistic or Modern Crescent Sky Pack Characters


she smells like lemongrass and sleep
Here is the character application you must follow if you like to join:
Faceclaim image:
Wolf image:
Name: First|Middle|Last
Nickname (OPTIONAL):
Age (13-17):
Personality (at least one paragraph):
Likes (5+):
Dislikes (5+):
Flaws (3+):
Virtues (6 max):
Fears (2+):
Hobbies (3 max):
Bio (2+ paragraphs):

Interest Check: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/crescent-sky-pack.346361/
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Sloane Elliot
16 y/o ;; Female ;; Elliot, Elle

Personality ;; Elliot calls herself an optimist; her friends call her naive. Because of the insecurity complex she's built up, she spends to spend the majority of her time appealing to others in the way she acts, speaks, and the things she does. People like being happy, so she does her best to do what she can to instill such emotions so as to gain their favor. Being an optimist means she can try to bring hope and support to others, even with ridiculous odds and circumstances. Frequently the way she acts isn't even according to her own feelings or opinions, but is simply the way she thinks others will respond best to.
She endlessly upholds a smile, no matter the circumstances or even the meaning of the words coming from her mouth. Even when angry or annoyed, she keeps an expression of gaiety, despite how many swears or fierce insults she may lash out with. However most should consider themselves lucky to see such a side of her, for normally Elliot is almost entirely non expressive. When stressed, sad, or upset, she tends to simply stop speaking and just put on a smile, the same expression she retains through all her tidal waves of emotion. This can make it difficult to tell the difference between the verge of explosion and the verge of collapse.
Likes ;; Chai tea, rainy weather, the color of storm clouds, chocolate, big sweaters and hoodies

Dislikes ;; Bananas, receiving favors, having to run, olive green, feeling powerless
Virtues ;; Will tell you off if you try to smother her, defends those who she relates to, perseveres in the face of the impossible, and is endlessly optimistic
Flaws ;; Problematically insecure, asks too many questions, tends to stop talking when upset, is extremely biased, and naively optimistic
Hobbies ;; Walking in the rain, reading comics, coloring, watching children's movies, writing quirking poems on her grandmother's typewriter
Fears ;; Being disliked, losing the people she trusts, becoming unsuccessful and a disappointment
Bio ;; Elliot started her life in quite a quaint and typical American household, living in the suburbs with her parents and her younger sister Allison. However things shifted, then went downhill fast around the time of her 9th brithday, when Allison was diagnosed with bone cancer in both legs and the girls' parents had started fighting more frequently. Over the course of Elliot's 4th grade year, the roles of the household grew imbalanced, as her sister needed more and more care through her treatment, and her parents got into a rather nasty divorce scandal. They made short work of the paperwork and legal process, but the aftermath made their ability to actually parent their children quite difficult.
While they were sometimes literally at each other's throats, arguing and fighting over the two girls, Elliot had to become more and more of the true parent to herself and Allison. She began cooking, buying groceries, taking care of household chores and taking herself and her sister to school when the cancer made it impossible for Ally to walk on her own.
When she turned 12, Elliot's father moved across the country, finally silencing most of the visible disputes, and sending her mother to their cottage in the woods with her tail--literally--between her legs. From that point on, she and her permanently crippled sister lived in their large suburban house alone, with Elliot going to the woods every week to help out their mother.

[ Side note ;; if you're at all interested in simple, old fashioned animal wolf packs, I just started a roleplay as well, "Rivals", whichh I'm going to shamelessly advertise ]

Alivia "Livvy" Loupe



Name: Alivia Dawn Loupe
Nickname (OPTIONAL): Livvy
Age (13-17): 15
Gender: Female


Personality: Livvy is a very analytical girl who has a love for graphs and data. She is also very sociable and enjoys having conversations with many different types of people with differing ideas. She loves to hear what other people have to say and why they say it. But, she is very critical of what they say and how morally right it is to her. So, in conversation very often she will ask someone "What is your moral stand point on [insert topic here]" and this comes off as incredibly pretentious and annoying. But that is what she kinda is, pretentious and annoying. All of her conversations usually turn into some philosophical debate that the person she's talking to really would not like to be a part of. Livvy could definitely be described at intense.
Likes (5+): Philosophy, concepts, coffee. data, graphs, spreadsheets, conversations, morality, psychology.
Dislikes (5+): When people won't listen to her, boring conversations, soda, her freckles, goldfish (the snack not fish), smarties (the candy), facebook, reading books.

Flaws (3+): Her overly pretentious attitude, her obsessive behaviors, she takes everything way to seriously.
Virtues (6 max): She is very good mathematics, she is very good at finding meanings behind literature, she thinks objectively.
Fears (2+): Being exposed for being less intelligent than she acts, small spaces.
Hobbies (3 max): Reading classics, math.

Bio: Livvy was born into a family with her mother, father and two older brothers. Her parents were both professors at Yale and very intelligent. Because of this, since a young age, her and her brothers were very pressured into being incredibly intelligent and getting good grades.
Her mother had always made her read many books since a very young age, so she quickly gained aptitude in reading literature. Her mother was serious about this that she taught her how to read at age 3. Because of all the pressure appliedon her to read, she rejected reading and began to hate it.
When school started for her, it wasn't the easiest time. Because of her parents style of parenting she never spent any time attempting to make friends. At recess she would spend her time calculating statistics instead of kicking a ball around the field. Obviously, she became the target of many bullies. She started to gain a bit of a superiority complex because she felt like so not similar to her classmates which in her mind equated to smarter. Because of this complex she began finding taking to people easier. When she entered high school, she began to make more friends (with other pretentious hipsters) because they appreciated her. This only made her ego even grander and here she is now.


Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
Sloane Elliot
16 y/o ;; Female ;; Elliot, Elle

Personality ;; Elliot calls herself an optimist; her friends call her naive. Because of the insecurity complex she's built up, she spends to spend the majority of her time appealing to others in the way she acts, speaks, and the things she does. People like being happy, so she does her best to do what she can to instill such emotions so as to gain their favor. Being an optimist means she can try to bring hope and support to others, even with ridiculous odds and circumstances. Frequently the way she acts isn't even according to her own feelings or opinions, but is simply the way she thinks others will respond best to.
She endlessly upholds a smile, no matter the circumstances or even the meaning of the words coming from her mouth. Even when angry or annoyed, she keeps an expression of gaiety, despite how many swears or fierce insults she may lash out with. However most should consider themselves lucky to see such a side of her, for normally Elliot is almost entirely non expressive. When stressed, sad, or upset, she tends to simply stop speaking and just put on a smile, the same expression she retains through all her tidal waves of emotion. This can make it difficult to tell the difference between the verge of explosion and the verge of collapse.
Likes ;; Chai tea, rainy weather, the color of storm clouds, chocolate, big sweaters and hoodies

Dislikes ;; Bananas, receiving favors, having to run, olive green, feeling powerless
Virtues ;; Will tell you off if you try to smother her, defends those who she relates to, perseveres in the face of the impossible, and is endlessly optimistic
Flaws ;; Problematically insecure, asks too many questions, tends to stop talking when upset, is extremely biased, and naively optimistic
Hobbies ;; Walking in the rain, reading comics, coloring, watching children's movies, writing quirking poems on her grandmother's typewriter
Fears ;; Being disliked, losing the people she trusts, becoming unsuccessful and a disappointment
Bio ;; Elliot started her life in quite a quaint and typical American household, living in the suburbs with her parents and her younger sister Allison. However things shifted, then went downhill fast around the time of her 9th brithday, when Allison was diagnosed with bone cancer in both legs and the girls' parents had started fighting more frequently. Over the course of Elliot's 4th grade year, the roles of the household grew imbalanced, as her sister needed more and more care through her treatment, and her parents got into a rather nasty divorce scandal. They made short work of the paperwork and legal process, but the aftermath made their ability to actually parent their children quite difficult.
While they were sometimes literally at each other's throats, arguing and fighting over the two girls, Elliot had to become more and more of the true parent to herself and Allison. She began cooking, buying groceries, taking care of household chores and taking herself and her sister to school when the cancer made it impossible for Ally to walk on her own.
When she turned 12, Elliot's father moved across the country, finally silencing most of the visible disputes, and sending her mother to their cottage in the woods with her tail--literally--between her legs. From that point on, she and her permanently crippled sister lived in their large suburban house alone, with Elliot going to the woods every week to help out their mother.

[ Side note ;; if you're at all interested in simple, old fashioned animal wolf packs, I just started a roleplay as well, "Rivals", whichh I'm going to shamelessly advertise ]

❝ it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. ❞


♕ b a s i c s ♕
Name: Clementine Faith Wilson
Nickname (OPTIONAL): Clem
Age (13-17): 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
♕ b i o ♕
Personality (at least one paragraph): Clem has always been very awkward. She's very introverted. She doesn't get irritated easily and has a good sense of humor. She's sarcastic and sweet. She's honest and loyal. She's terrible at lying. She usually brings up things she likes in conversation, trying to sound casual but fails at it. If she finds out someone likes a show, movie, or book she likes she will talk about it nonstop, so much that most of the time it bothers the person she's speaking with. Once she gets to know someone she'll open up more and joke around. She writes fanfiction about Harry Potter. Her most popular fanfiction is about the ship Drarry and has 20k reads. None of her friends know about it. She loves Hunger Games and thinks Divergent is a rip off and will get into very passionate arguments about it. She makes memes about Disney Shows but she's too embarrassed to show anyone them. She's in the debate team, but gets too shy to actually go to debates with other schools.
Likes (5+): Harry Potter, Drarry, Hunger Games, fanfiction, memes, Netflix, All seasons of Arrested Development (even the bad Netflix seasons), writing, drawing (She's not very good at it), debate, coffee (She needs it to stay up writing fanfiction), tea, granola bars, protein drinks (She doesn't work out, she just likes the taste)
Dislikes (5+): Divergent, talking to people she doesn't know well, doing her makeup, summer, bright colors, Dramione, parties, music class
Flaws (3+): She's very awkward and has trouble talking to people, she is very clingy, and she has stage fright.
Virtues (6 max): She has a good sense of humor, she is a good writer, she is honest, and she is loyal to her friends.
Fears (2+): Going on stage infront of people, heights, darkness, being alone
Hobbies (3 max): Writing, drawing, making memes
Bio (2+ paragraphs): Clem was born in New York City and has lived there her whole life. Her mother was an actress, and acted in plays in their area. Her father was a math professor. They were middle class and lived in a three bedroom apartment. She had three siblings, two brothers and a sister. Her brothers were twins and three years older than her. Their names were Colin and Connor. Her sister was a year older than her and her name is Camilla. She has always shared a room with her older sister and they're incredibly close. Her family is very close in general. Her parents are the type of parents who thinks it's cute to name all of their kids names that start with the same letter. Clem has always been sort of embarrassed of that. She hangs out with Camilla a lot and they share clothes because Camilla is only a size larger than Clem. Clem loves tagging along with Camilla and her friends. Camilla would join the camp, but this is the last year she can go to her favorite sleep away camp, so she'll be away enjoying her last summer there. Colin and Connor are both gay, but only Colin is out. Connor is out, but only to his siblings.

While Clem's home life has always been great, her school life hasn't. Clem is very awkward and only has two friends in real life, she has many online friends. She's always been bullied because of how short and awkward she is. When her freshman year started, last year, Connor, who does body building threatened to punch anyone who was mean to her, but it just made things worse, because it drew attention to her. Now she just tries to fly under the radar. She is perfectly happy with just her two friends. She does well in school, but is better at ELS (English Language Arts) and History than she is at Math. When she was invited to join Crescent Sky Pack she was overjoyed! It would be her first time going to summer camp, which is something she's always wanted to do.

coded by dwale

❝ it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. ❞


♕ b a s i c s ♕
Name: Clementine Faith Wilson
Nickname (OPTIONAL): Clem
Age (13-17): 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
♕ b i o ♕
Personality (at least one paragraph): Clem has always been very awkward. She's very introverted. She doesn't get irritated easily and has a good sense of humor. She's sarcastic and sweet. She's honest and loyal. She's terrible at lying. She usually brings up things she likes in conversation, trying to sound casual but fails at it. If she finds out someone likes a show, movie, or book she likes she will talk about it nonstop, so much that most of the time it bothers the person she's speaking with. Once she gets to know someone she'll open up more and joke around. She writes fanfiction about Harry Potter. Her most popular fanfiction is about the ship Drarry and has 20k reads. None of her friends know about it. She loves Hunger Games and thinks Divergent is a rip off and will get into very passionate arguments about it. She makes memes about Disney Shows but she's too embarrassed to show anyone them. She's in the debate team, but gets too shy to actually go to debates with other schools.
Likes (5+): Harry Potter, Drarry, Hunger Games, fanfiction, memes, Netflix, All seasons of Arrested Development (even the bad Netflix seasons), writing, drawing (She's not very good at it), debate, coffee (She needs it to stay up writing fanfiction), tea, granola bars, protein drinks (She doesn't work out, she just likes the taste)
Dislikes (5+): Divergent, talking to people she doesn't know well, doing her makeup, summer, bright colors, Dramione, parties, music class
Flaws (3+): She's very awkward and has trouble talking to people, she is very clingy, and she has stage fright.
Virtues (6 max): She has a good sense of humor, she is a good writer, she is honest, and she is loyal to her friends.
Fears (2+): Going on stage infront of people, heights, darkness, being alone
Hobbies (3 max): Writing, drawing, making memes
Bio (2+ paragraphs): Clem was born in New York City and has lived there her whole life. Her mother was an actress, and acted in plays in their area. Her father was a math professor. They were middle class and lived in a three bedroom apartment. She had three siblings, two brothers and a sister. Her brothers were twins and three years older than her. Their names were Colin and Connor. Her sister was a year older than her and her name is Camilla. She has always shared a room with her older sister and they're incredibly close. Her family is very close in general. Her parents are the type of parents who thinks it's cute to name all of their kids names that start with the same letter. Clem has always been sort of embarrassed of that. She hangs out with Camilla a lot and they share clothes because Camilla is only a size larger than Clem. Clem loves tagging along with Camilla and her friends. Camilla would join the camp, but this is the last year she can go to her favorite sleep away camp, so she'll be away enjoying her last summer there. Colin and Connor are both gay, but only Colin is out. Connor is out, but only to his siblings.

While Clem's home life has always been great, her school life hasn't. Clem is very awkward and only has two friends in real life, she has many online friends. She's always been bullied because of how short and awkward she is. When her freshman year started, last year, Connor, who does body building threatened to punch anyone who was mean to her, but it just made things worse, because it drew attention to her. Now she just tries to fly under the radar. She is perfectly happy with just her two friends. She does well in school, but is better at ELS (English Language Arts) and History than she is at Math. When she was invited to join Crescent Sky Pack she was overjoyed! It would be her first time going to summer camp, which is something she's always wanted to do.

coded by dwale
[ Question -- should we ooc here, or on the main thread ? And when should we begin roleplay ? I cannot tonight, it's late for me and I hafta sleep, but as soon as we're allowed I'm happy to make a starter, sometime tomorrow morning ? ]
[ Question -- should we ooc here, or on the main thread ? And when should we begin roleplay ? I cannot tonight, it's late for me and I hafta sleep, but as soon as we're allowed I'm happy to make a starter, sometime tomorrow morning ? ]
OOC is allowed here, and we will start RPing once we have reached 6 players (3 more) because I don't want it to be kind awkward and empty.
OOC is allowed here, and we will start RPing once we have reached 6 players (3 more) because I don't want it to be kind awkward and empty.
Ahh alright good to know, thank you

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