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Fandom Creepypasta 🐍


New Member
Hello there !! :)

I'm searching for someone to roleplay with in the creepypasta fandom; I can roleplay every kind of character, I'm open to any headcanon and ship ( oc× cc are also fine !! )

I'm searching for someone who will roleplay Ticci Toby (Tobias Rogers) as I've created a new oc lately and I'd like to try it out !!

I've been in the creepypasta fandom for many years, and I know lots about them, fanon and canon; I had left the fandom for a while as my interest had switched over other things, but lately I came back to it !!
I have an oc with a backstory, interlinked with Toby's, and I can go more into details or show some sketches.

I'm open to everything !!
Hello there !! :)

I'm searching for someone to roleplay with in the creepypasta fandom; I can roleplay every kind of character, I'm open to any headcanon and ship ( oc× cc are also fine !! )

I'm searching for someone who will roleplay Ticci Toby (Tobias Rogers) as I've created a new oc lately and I'd like to try it out !!

I've been in the creepypasta fandom for many years, and I know lots about them, fanon and canon; I had left the fandom for a while as my interest had switched over other things, but lately I came back to it !!
I have an oc with a backstory, interlinked with Toby's, and I can go more into details or show some sketches.

I'm open to everything !!
Hi there, I’m a college student, pronouns are she/her and my name is Cynthia :) I’m looking to roleplay OCxCreepypasta with darker themes. Slow burns are more my style since they are killers.
Hi, If you're still looking/interested, I'm a highschool student and I like to rp creepypasta! I don't nessicarily go by dad!slender and lean more into canon, but I still love a bit of fanon and making headcanons! my discord is corrozee if you're interested in rping ^^
Hi!!idk how this site works or if ur still looking but anyways im Kat!!they/them,18 i mainly Write OC x canon and i played as Toby often in the past.

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