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Fandom CreepyPasta


New Member
My CreepyPasta character's name is Mourning Star and i'm willing to RP with anyone who has their own CreepyPasta character and or anyone who RP's as any CreepyPasta. I'm always accepting new people! ^.^
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I'd love to! My creepypasta's name is InJonia, Each night he takes his victims eyeballs and cuts them in half then mixes the two halves for 7 nights straight, then in the middle of the night he'll make his victim have the urge to wake up and his victim will fall because of his eyes, and hell be there with his axe and then chop. Write back if you want to!
Hi! I am kinda new here and wanted to rp with someone. And also nice to meet you! Id like to rp with you if its alright and my character would be Crystal.
Mind if I join in? My creepypasta's name would be Jacky, a kid turned into a human jack-o-lantern by an evil witches spell.
Okay, Okay, first of all I'm new here so reject me if you want. My character's name is Eva Tengarias. I'll give yout the info in throw up form. BLEAHHG

Name: Eva Tengarias

Age: 15



Weapon: her speed (she creates a vortex around her victims causing a lack of air flow and suffocating them)

Race: shadowrunner/ humanoid

Backstory: Eva was once a human but died when a car ran over her. She had blonde hair blue eyes and was perfect..... or so people thought. In reality her mom knew she was a mistake, she was raped and impregnated by the guy. Of course her mom drank she she was drunk 80 percent of time. Eva learned to take care of herself quickly. She did everything inside and out. Eva had a job, she did the lawn, she bought food and clothes, she even payed the bills. Once day whole walking across the street her mother, drunken, ran over Eva with a truck she stole. The oil and gasoline poured onto eva and she burst into flames. She was dead. And she came back to find her mom. Eva's skin was now paper white... her hair pitch black. She could run at the speed of light to mimic the car that took her life.


- always hyper

- loves to talk

- uber sensitive

-can be pretty annoying

- usually target drunkards when they are sober
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Weapon: her speed (she creates a vortex around her victims causing a lack of air flow and suffocating them)

Race: shadowrunner/ humanoid

Backstory: Eva was once a human but died when a car ran over her. She had blonde hair blue eyes and was perfect..... or so people thought. In reality her mom knew she was a mistake, she was raped and impregnated by the guy. Of course her mom drank she she was drunk 80 percent of time. Eva learned to take care of herself quickly. She did everything inside and out. Eva had a job, she did the lawn, she bought food and clothes, she even payed the bills. Once day whole walking across the street her mother, drunken, ran over Eva with a truck she stole. The oil and gasoline poured onto eva and she burst into flames. She was dead. And she came back to find her mom. Eva's skin was now paper white... her hair pitch black. She could run at the speed of light to mimic the car that took her life.


- always hyper

- loves to talk

- uber sensitive

-can be pretty annoying

- usually target drunkards when they are sober
You is accepted! The only reason I keep this still up is if I want you to tweak something. Everyone's accepted. ^^


AvidElmV2 said:
So when can we start?
Start whenever!
Jacky looks down at the ground below him and gulps. Although he couldn't really gulp since he didn't have any organs from the neck up. Since he didn't have a brain to keep them in order, organized thoughts were a blessing for Jacky that only came around every week or two. He looked up at the long, writhing tree branch in front of him and reached out. In his hand he held a string, and that string held a peculiar looking object.... Anyone watching would think he was some lunatic about to get himself killed but if they took a second glance they would see that what the string held was a human skull that had been stripped of it's skin and organs. Jacky finally grabbed the slender limb and wrapped the string around it ,pulling the string taut to make sure the skull didn't fall of and plummet to the earth. He let go of the string and the skull dangled off the tree's limb. Finally! All ten skulls skinned and...... I wonder what the date is. What am I gonna have for lun- I miss my parents..... All of these thoughts rushed through Jacky's head as he climbed down the tree. He had learned to push them aside and focus on more important things. Like taking the lives of those who crossed his path.
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Would it be alright if I joined here? My character's name is Quiet Little Soul but people call her Soul for short. She is 6 and was killed by her past parents, that's why she's a killer.

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