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Fandom Creepypasta Roleplay


Hunni・where am i
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi. I'm Hunni. I'm completely new to this, but I've been dying for a Creepypasta RP.

What I'm Looking For
  • 1X1 RP—obviously
  • Double Ups—whether you're comfortable doing OC/Canon or Canon/Canon or OC/OC, I don't mind. I'm more used to doing OC/Canon (+ more if needed for the plot)
  • Descriptive—which I count as 8+ sentences per character or ~150+ words per character minimum; but I can mirror replies
  • Communication—I'd love to throw ideas to advance the plot in any way or learning what makes each other's OCS tick for the plot
  • Horror/Thriller/Dark/Mature plot—I have a few hidden somewhere that I'll go digging for if anyone wants to know! I also have a few slice of life sort of plots that could be turned into horror
    • Romance—it's iffy for me, but I don't mind it
    • AUs—I'm absolutely fine with
My Rules
  • No God-Modding—please don't
  • Respectful—I think it's a given; especially with LGBTQ+ because I and basically all my OCs are
  • 18+—I'm 21, so... ya
  • A lot of my interpretations of the characters are, well, my own
    • I try to keep it close to canon, or at least how I've seen many people portray them (which are killers so...)
  • I have a lot of headcanons (and a lot more that I've probably forgotten about) of the characters, so if they seem a little different to how you see them, I'm sorry </3
  • As many know, the Marble Hornets characters Tim/Masky and Brian/Hoodie aren't canon in Creepypasta, but I do love adding them
    • I was first introduced to MH through Creepypasta fanfictions way back when
  • As said before, double ups are something I'm looking for! But two main characters per person doesn't have to be the maximum
    • I'm open to just adding the other characters/other OCs in the background, but not for the main plot
  • I'm a college student, though currently I'm on break, but I do tend to get busy. So I may not have a consistent reply schedule
  • Plots! I have a few go-to ones. I'd love to go in depth to really make it interesting for the both of us. If you have any, don't be afraid to ask, I'll very likely say yes to doing it
Characters I'm Familiar With
  • Jeff the Killer / Jeffrey "Jeff" Woods
  • Eyeless Jack / Jackson "Jack" Nyras
  • Masky / Timothy "Tim" Wright
  • Hoodie / Brian Thomas
  • Ticci Toby / Toby Erin Rogers
    • and a lot more, these are just the ones that I'm more familiar with
Characters I'm Looking For
  • Literally anyone

Uh. I think that's it. Any questions, comments, concerns? Message me. PM me. I dunno how this site works so you're gonna have to be patient with me. Thanks :)
Hi. I'm Hunni. I'm completely new to this, but I've been dying for a Creepypasta RP.

What I'm Looking For
  • 1X1 RP—obviously
  • Double Ups—whether you're comfortable doing OC/Canon or Canon/Canon or OC/OC, I don't mind. I'm more used to doing OC/Canon (+ more if needed for the plot)
  • Descriptive—which I count as 8+ sentences per character or ~150+ words per character minimum; but I can mirror replies
  • Communication—I'd love to throw ideas to advance the plot in any way or learning what makes each other's OCS tick for the plot
  • Horror/Thriller/Dark/Mature plot—I have a few hidden somewhere that I'll go digging for if anyone wants to know! I also have a few slice of life sort of plots that could be turned into horror
    • Romance—it's iffy for me, but I don't mind it
    • AUs—I'm absolutely fine with
My Rules
  • No God-Modding—please don't
  • Respectful—I think it's a given; especially with LGBTQ+ because I and basically all my OCs are
  • 18+—I'm 21, so... ya
  • A lot of my interpretations of the characters are, well, my own
    • I try to keep it close to canon, or at least how I've seen many people portray them (which are killers so...)
  • I have a lot of headcanons (and a lot more that I've probably forgotten about) of the characters, so if they seem a little different to how you see them, I'm sorry </3
  • As many know, the Marble Hornets characters Tim/Masky and Brian/Hoodie aren't canon in Creepypasta, but I do love adding them
    • I was first introduced to MH through Creepypasta fanfictions way back when
  • As said before, double ups are something I'm looking for! But two main characters per person doesn't have to be the maximum
    • I'm open to just adding the other characters/other OCs in the background, but not for the main plot
  • I'm a college student, though currently I'm on break, but I do tend to get busy. So I may not have a consistent reply schedule
  • Plots! I have a few go-to ones. I'd love to go in depth to really make it interesting for the both of us. If you have any, don't be afraid to ask, I'll very likely say yes to doing it
Characters I'm Familiar With
  • Jeff the Killer / Jeffrey "Jeff" Woods
  • Eyeless Jack / Jackson "Jack" Nyras
  • Masky / Timothy "Tim" Wright
  • Hoodie / Brian Thomas
  • Ticci Toby / Toby Erin Rogers
    • and a lot more, these are just the ones that I'm more familiar with
Characters I'm Looking For
  • Literally anyone

Uh. I think that's it. Any questions, comments, concerns? Message me. PM me. I dunno how this site works so you're gonna have to be patient with me. Thanks :)
hello ! i am also new to the site and we’re the same age as well ! ^ ^ creepypasta has been one of my main interests since i was young, and so i’m always looking to do a detailed rp for it. if you would be kind enough to have me, i would love to rp with you !
hello ! i am also new to the site and we’re the same age as well ! ^ ^ creepypasta has been one of my main interests since i was young, and so i’m always looking to do a detailed rp for it. if you would be kind enough to have me, i would love to rp with you !
hihi!! i’d love to! pm me :csmile:
Heyy, I'd be so down for this if you're still open to it! I'm 19 and after a few years hiatus I'm back into the fandom, I've been itching for a good rp for ages now and I'd love to do one with you :p
Hi, hunni! I'm also looking for rp. My main focus is on plot heavy slow burn (cc x cc / mxm / fxf , but I'd love polyamory with your oc if that's your jam.) I have a plot idea I can pm you if you're still open ^^
Heyy, I'd be so down for this if you're still open to it! I'm 19 and after a few years hiatus I'm back into the fandom, I've been itching for a good rp for ages now and I'd love to do one with you :p
hey! if you're still interested, you can pm me !!
Hi, hunni! I'm also looking for rp. My main focus is on plot heavy slow burn (cc x cc / mxm / fxf , but I'd love polyamory with your oc if that's your jam.) I have a plot idea I can pm you if you're still open ^^
sure!! pm me!
Hi. I'm Hunni. I'm completely new to this, but I've been dying for a Creepypasta RP.

What I'm Looking For
  • 1X1 RP—obviously
  • Double Ups—whether you're comfortable doing OC/Canon or Canon/Canon or OC/OC, I don't mind. I'm more used to doing OC/Canon (+ more if needed for the plot)
  • Descriptive—which I count as 8+ sentences per character or ~150+ words per character minimum; but I can mirror replies
  • Communication—I'd love to throw ideas to advance the plot in any way or learning what makes each other's OCS tick for the plot
  • Horror/Thriller/Dark/Mature plot—I have a few hidden somewhere that I'll go digging for if anyone wants to know! I also have a few slice of life sort of plots that could be turned into horror
    • Romance—it's iffy for me, but I don't mind it
    • AUs—I'm absolutely fine with
My Rules
  • No God-Modding—please don't
  • Respectful—I think it's a given; especially with LGBTQ+ because I and basically all my OCs are
  • 18+—I'm 21, so... ya
  • A lot of my interpretations of the characters are, well, my own
    • I try to keep it close to canon, or at least how I've seen many people portray them (which are killers so...)
  • I have a lot of headcanons (and a lot more that I've probably forgotten about) of the characters, so if they seem a little different to how you see them, I'm sorry </3
  • As many know, the Marble Hornets characters Tim/Masky and Brian/Hoodie aren't canon in Creepypasta, but I do love adding them
    • I was first introduced to MH through Creepypasta fanfictions way back when
  • As said before, double ups are something I'm looking for! But two main characters per person doesn't have to be the maximum
    • I'm open to just adding the other characters/other OCs in the background, but not for the main plot
  • I'm a college student, though currently I'm on break, but I do tend to get busy. So I may not have a consistent reply schedule
  • Plots! I have a few go-to ones. I'd love to go in depth to really make it interesting for the both of us. If you have any, don't be afraid to ask, I'll very likely say yes to doing it
Characters I'm Familiar With
  • Jeff the Killer / Jeffrey "Jeff" Woods
  • Eyeless Jack / Jackson "Jack" Nyras
  • Masky / Timothy "Tim" Wright
  • Hoodie / Brian Thomas
  • Ticci Toby / Toby Erin Rogers
    • and a lot more, these are just the ones that I'm more familiar with
Characters I'm Looking For
  • Literally anyone

Uh. I think that's it. Any questions, comments, concerns? Message me. PM me. I dunno how this site works so you're gonna have to be patient with me. Thanks :)
I would be interested if it were OC x Canon! Though unfortunately I don’t rp as fandom characters. Only my own 😣
Idk how this site works too but..HII im Katz 18 and obssesed with Creepypasta since the ancient times of the waffle Jokes lmao
if ur still up then hi!!(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Hi, hopefully this is still open! I’d love to write with you! I have a very old but newly revamped OC I’d love to use!

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