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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters Characters (Reboot)

Name: Pat Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: (brown eyes)
Personality: Pat was normal once. Pat Smith had a good life growing , he belonged to the middle class he was a relatively good student a hell of a rower and wrestler. He was easygoing and sarcastic, like everyone else he had his bad days, he was angry about something or his temper got the better of him he could get sad some days. After the event that changed his life when he encountered the wendigo and then the goatman. He became volatile and unstable he was almost pushed to insanity, in fact he was, even though he didn't realize. Old parts of him still can be seen but he has been irreversibly changed by the things he has seen and what he has done. He fears what the goatman and wendigo said to him before he killed them and how they both told him that he would become worse then what they had been tenfold and more. He holds on to his last shreds of sanity like a dog a bone and is vuvirtually immune to psychological fears.

Bacckstory: Everything changed one day in the mountains near Williamsport in Pennsylvania. His family owned a cabin up in the mountains where him, his father, grandfather, and uncles would go to hunt deer and turkey. One day in the winter when he was 17 they drove up to where they hunted early in the morning like they alawy!s had but something was off, Pat could feel it, They found a deer carcass on a path that was mutilated, they thought nothing of it bears and coyotes were known to be in the area. Later that day when it was getting close to the time when they packed in to go back a fierce wind started blowing, twenty minutes later when no one had shone up to where the cars were parked Pat began to suspect something wasn't right he keyed up his walkie-talkie but heard nothing, they all had good quality radios which made him think something was seriously wrong. Then he saw it, two baleful glowing yellow eyes starring at him. Pat's blood ran cold and felt his heart sink into his stomach. He had read pet semetary and what was looking at him, he also knew why no one else was coming back to the cars... It was a wendigo. As soon as he saw it it was on top of him and Pat knew it must have been a relatively new one because it wasn't very big. He was lucky he knew about the legend of the Wendigo and his how to defeat it he was also lucky he had a survival kit if he got lost. He removed his flare gun and shot the Wendigo in the chest, as it turns out they fire really is their weakness because as soon as it went down, writhing in pain he was on top of it with a knife. It seemed as though the knife was only wounding it so he grabbed his rifle off the ground a stuck at its warpped and deer like forehead, and it was laughing it even spoke to him it said in a demonic voice that shook Pat to his core "You will take my place." Pat screamed as he pulled the trigger and unloaded the internal mag into its head and the demon screamed too, a terrible and horrific sound.

The PA game commission ruled the deaths animal attacks and and Pat was never the same after that, he moved to Maryland where he went to college at Maryland University, Then while he was out camping with some friends, who were trying to help him recover, when luck decided to screw him over again just when he thought he could have a normal life, him and his friends encountered the infamous goatman. At that point one of his 7 friends a native from the area told him the story of the goatman he had snapped, nothing mattered to him he went outside with a M9 bayonet and a torch whatever the goatman was it could mess with electronics and artificial light sources. Thirty minutes after he it's red eyes in the woods there was a brief scream and silence ten minutes later he showed up to the camper carrying a demonic goat head, while he was covered in a black substance that reeked. The goatman showing to terrorize him and his friends had sent Pat over the edge. He left Maryland after college and set out to look for people who know what these things are and how to end them once and for all

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Can the wendigo and goatman be accepted as creepypastas, because I read a really good scary story about the goatman
I think a pretty cool story element would be my character develop some weird abilities the more he becomes obsessed with destroying these monsters and if he keeps losing himself in his ultimate goal he will become one.

Magadude Magadude
Heyo! Was wondering if y'all would like a Crossover Character, by any chance? I've got a char from another RP that might be able to slip into this one, since they're both quite similar! Could even make a Creepypasta that could've dragged him into it, as an added bonus! ^_^

  • JasonWalker.png
    Name: Jason Walker

    Gender: Male

    Age: Appears to be in his late 20's, early 30's. Actual Age is unknown.

    Personality: Serious and Down-To-Earth, but Caring and Compassionate when needed to be.

    Abilities: "Variety of Weapons", "Astral Projection", and "Awakening".

    Backstory: A Monster Slayer born in the USA, but from a parallel universe, Jason was dragged into this one by "The Fog".

    At an early age, he was trained to handle situations involving the Paranormal, and has dealt with numerous tasks that involved "Slaying" Monsters and other strange creatures. He was even found out to have a unique ability: "Astral Projection". With it, he can cast his spirit out of his own body at will, allowing him to physically interact with Spirits, when needed to.

    He is cursed with the "Nox Eternus", which forces his spirit and body to remain bound to the Living Realm. Should ever he die, he will only "Awaken" in another part of the world, with his memories of his "Final Moments" a bit fuzzy for a few hours. However, it also comes with its perks, such as him being immune to Possession. However, Death is no joke, and the pain from it is immeasurable. Despite being unable to truly "Pass On" when he dies, and while his body would be cleaned of its wounds after "Awakening", the memory of the pain still lasts for quite a while.

    What's more, he knows he can't get too close to people, since eventually, they will grow old and die, while he'll still be quite young compared to them.

    He was on a mission to investigate a strange "Fog" that was said to cause people to vanish... however, upon entering it, he soon found himself in the middle of nowhere. It didn't take long for him to realize that this wasn't even his Earth, anymore...

    After crossing The Fog, his curse was even altered, forcing him to "Awaken" near The Fog, as opposed to a random point in his world!

    As a Monster Slayer, he carries with him his trusty Shotgun, Silver-Tipped Pipe Wrench, and his Travel Pack loaded with all kinds of ammunition and supplies needed to "Take Care" of most Paranormal Phenomenons, from "Rock Salt" Shells for Ghosts and Demons and "Silver" Shells for Werewolves, to "Acadia Spiked" Shells for Vampires, and "Other" kinds of shots, should the situation call for something a bit more physical...

    Belief in Creepypasta: Having grown up in a world where Monsters roam, he finds the Creepypastas as nothing more than "Another Target" to hunt. However, considering he's not even from this world, he may have to be careful what all he lets the other know, since he may very well be considered a "Creepypasta" himself, despite still being Human!
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If it helps, it could lead to misunderstandings and mistrust... plus, it's not like he can conjure up a firestorm out of thin air.

Heck, Astral Projection was even a thing on Insidious, so it's not really that farfetched. ^_^
Real Name: N/A

CP Name: Owlman

Gender: Presumed Male

Race: Unknown

Age: Unknown


Abilities: Manipulation, Silent Flight, Night vision, Is basically just a massive killer owl.

Personality: If you are elderly or a kid and it sees you then you're basically already dead.

Backstory: Not much to say really.

Real Name: (if character has one) Ashlyn woods

CP Name: Ash' the killer (might change, based off Jeff The Killer)

Gender: female

Race: Proxy

Age: 15

she has no supernatural abilities, she does have good aim with a pistol


Backstory: her parents died when she was little and she was placed in many different foster homes and orphanages which began to break her mentally until one day she went insane and killed her foster family then set the house on fire. she now almost always has a pistol or knife with her

Name: Juliette "Jewel" Clairfield

Gender: Female

Age: Early Thirties

maverick cop.jpg

Personality: Jewel is straight forward and tough. She's no stranger to confrontation and is more than willing to shake someone down for information, and take a few hits while doing it. Always on the cusp of being suspended from work, her methods are seldom by the books, but almost always get results. Jewel has a secret soft side that she keeps locked away. She's often fearless and will put herself on the line to protect innocent people.

Backstory: Jewel served in the military briefly, but ended up not finishing her enlistment and was discharged with a personality disorder she didn't actually have.

She went job to job before finally deciding to enlist in the local police force. After serving as a beat cop for a few years, she made her way to detective. She's currently assigned to the gang violence unit. She's recently returned from a suspension for "forcefully" interviewing a suspect. A suspect that has since vanished from their holding cell.

She keeps her belief in the supernatural under wraps at the office, as her psychological state is already in question, and she'd prefer not to lose her badge.

Belief in Creepypasta: She knows they exist. The only problem is that her co-workers and superiors don't.

Updated Notes:

Green Eyed Angel:
Juliette is accompanied by a spirit that periodically draines her of energy. The two have a symbiotic relationship, forming a strange, quazi-romantic bond. Sadly enough, this is the closest thing to a successful relationship she has ever had. The spirit is largely undetectable, and normally only manifests when her and Juliette are alone.
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xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx It isn't really creepy. It's just a girl with a gun. Also, proxy means that you got your powers from a Creepypasta and follow that said Creepypasta. Also, how did she get a gun, or even get good at using it. (Sorry for the late response, I wasn't getting any alerts from this thread for some reason.)
Bound by rules. Chains keep us tethered to this existence. Have you ever heard a call, pulling you closer to oblivion? You play games, but are the pieces you move truely the players while you are the pawns? Are your stories your own, or were they created by the one you believe you have pulled from your mind? Where do you find certainty that your mind is what you believe it to be? What do you really want when you stare through the eyes of another by way of your own literary expression? Do you have something to gain, or do you create so you have something to lose? Is your true self meerly just another fabrication? Just another toy in the box of forgotten playthings.

I have these answers, and I am calling to you. Set. Me. Free.
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