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Fandom Creepy Pasta | Detailed | Possible Double


Galactic Princess
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Story How is it this came to play? Since when did you become so mad? Was it your head was never screwed on just right? Honestly, you might not even know. It all started when you were young, or maybe it didn't. Maybe it happened when you got older. Something of misfortune revealed a dark wicked side to you, one you didn't know you had. However it came about, it certainly did make an impact on those around you. With mental breakdowns and psychotic snaps you would be put in court maybe once or twice, that is if they even caught you. And finally, with luck, a doctor determined you to be insane. Your sentence? You were to move to a isolated property in the woods, miles from the city, all the things you needed were to be brought to you by a trusted government worker. You get monthly visits from a physiatrist, and food is brought to your house along with your medication, which comes in heavy doses. But, you aren't under 24/hr surveillance. That was their first mistake. With traps set around the house to keep people away, or maybe to catch them, you knew you'd do just fine. This whole story started because of one bear trap. Late in the night, your motion cameras went off, telling you something was out there, and then a ping went off as a bear trap was sprung. You pushed the thought away, decided to investigate in the morning, but, you awoke an hour later to someone kicking in your front door. That's when you met them.

So a few days ago I came up with a rough outline for this, this is what I decided could be called the finished story. The details of what is to happen in the rp are simple. Violence, cursing, graphic scenes of gore (depending on how comfortable you are with it anyway.), and some slow-building romance between a creepypasta and an original character.

I would like to be an original character, and I will also play a pasta if you wish to play an OC as well. :)

Detailed character and rp responses - must be at least a paragraph in length, more is welcomed though.

that's it. Just be detailed and interested lol. Is anyone interested? I'm willing to play any pastas. I do all romance, m/m f/f and m/f, I don't discriminate!​
Seems interesting and I have a question... Could you make a few exceptions to the paragraph thing? I'm still trying to develop my paragraph responses I'm used to rp games where you can only fit like one or two lines of wording. And I'm fairly new to this site that let's you type a lot I'm usually pretty good at making decent writing so I won't make it too short.
Hi! If you're still interested in looking for roleplay partners, I'm totally down. ^_^ I'm interested in doubling up!

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