Creative partner needed for a med/fant setting; female character requried

Lady Sabine

So, I've had this idea floating around for a while, and I'd like one, two, maybe three people to try it out with. ^^

Anyways, the story would revolve around three characters. Mine, two brothers, are Immortals (similar to deities in this universe) who have purposefully isolated themselves from humanity to be more at home with their true natures. In centuries past it was fairly common for Immortals to interfere in the affairs of mortals, but they have grown more distant since the people of ages past began to resent their meddling. Gregor, the Smith, enjoys the quiet isolation of a mountain cave to work his forge and produce items of great and terrible power. His fraternal twin, Athiele the Woodsman, finds the solitude of the forested valleys an ideal home. For three centuries now they have lived there, coming into human settlements only rarely to restock on those few things they cannot make themselves.

Until the depths of one cold winter, when they find a woman out in the snow. They bring her in, offer her sanctuary, and over time her story comes out. This convinces them to return to the realm of mortals, to prove true the old legends and restore their magic and mystery.

What is her story? Well, that's why I need a creative partner. Don't be afraid to be grandiose or cliche; I don't need something original, just something that makes a good story.

Also, don't suck at writing. I hate it when good ideas are ruined by crappy grammar and spelling. xD

If you can do those two things for me, send me a PM and we can get to work!
I have a few questions.

  1. What is the age requirement for this woman?
  2. Is it a 'take her in and raise/protect her thing' or a 'take her in and fall for her' thing?
  3. How advanced is the world they live in?
  4. How much control would I have over her story?

If you could answer these I would be glad to help you!
No problem. ^^ I enjoy questions- best we both know what we're getting into.

  1. Over sixteen, preferably over twenty. It's creepy otherwise. O.o
  2. Either way. It could be fun as romance, or as more of a coming-of-age mentor relationship.
  3. Pre-gunpowder, pre-mass democracy; otherwise flexible. I imagine it late medieval/early Renaissance.
  4. Complete, as long as it doesn't contradict anything in my characters' stories. ^^
So I was thinking:

Lidia Arias

(looks like Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf (i.e. Holland Roden) sorry I can't post links)

Age: 19

Her parents were druids that worshiped Gregor and Athiel and other gods and they passed down their powers and beliefs to her. Her parents were just killed by a large mob of modern religious people for witchcraft and she escaped by running into the forest, where she was discovered by the gods.

She has a small amount of magical ability (which will late be developed with their help?) and might be able to shapeshift? Sort of like an animagus but not as honed?

They help her get back on her feet and help destroy the people that are killing their believers.

What do you think?

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