Creative Minds Wanted!

I was thinking of an idea where the world is being attacked by extraterrestrial demon races
Do you guys still want me to compile and organize a more official version of the world that is being created? Please respond soon because it will take time and effort!
Well I was thinking either:

  1. Demon Invasion
  2. Underwater race invasion
  3. Elemental cataclysm
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[QUOTE="Jamie Ea]Well I was thinking either:
  1. Demon Invasion
  2. Underwater race invasion
  3. Elemental cataclysm

We gonna have to settle on something before we start planning y'know?
[QUOTE="Jamie Ea]Underwater Race invasion? It seems pretty passable if I say so myself

I like demon invasion better, underwater civilization should be like a more neutral civilization. They live under water and most of the human live on land after all.
Oh, but I like the elemental cataclysm idea. That seems pretty cool. :) Just putting it out there~
Actually, the world can have more than one conflict. You don't need to pin down on one only.
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@Damon Ea this looks really cool I'm actually just catching up, hope you have room for more ideas!

On the invasions, here's a clever way you might be able to integrate all of them, reading the other backstory:

Since the theory of magic is the study of change and flux in this world and you have a sky cult mythology already, what if Humans are actually alien to this world?

The Realms are interconnected. At their center lies Nexus, a realm steeped in fable and mystique. The ‘stars’ in Nexus’ night sky are cross-Portals (aka trans-portals, C-ports, T-ports) to other dimensions/realms. Each configuration in the ‘Stars’ is different, enabling one to cross into different dimensions, instead of all T-ports leading to one dimension which may occur in one Realm.
This religion is based off of the idea of the Sun and it's light. The Church believes that the sun itself is a holy being, in which has come down to the people to give them the gift of light. The Sun rests in his domain, the Sky, and continuously gives the world his gift. The Moon however, is the equivalent of the devil.
What if the central conflict dealt with the Rift, basically whenever the cross-Portals open to other realms, another wave of creatures arrives on the planet. The underwater race is hostile and mysterious to humans, because humans were actually the Second Wave on the planet, and milennia ago in times forgotten now, humans fought the natives of the planet to death when humans came from the sky. We can call the underwater race "Atlanteans" or something because they literally found a way to sink below the seas, and developed magical ways of surviving, hiding from humanity underwater, preparing for their counter attack.

Humans were backwards, feudal, and always reliant on magic, but their numbers let them stomach the first coming, when demons came to earth. The reason the religion of light exists is that the Cross-Portals are stars in the night sky, so they only open at night. This means the first time demons arrived, they came at night, creating a lingering fear among the people who founded the light religion of the Moon. Most likely the first coming involved Zombies, and this would make sense - since the "don't leave your house at night" commandment of the light religion is a good idea if there are zombies around. The second coming involves demons from the sky, and this would have been the third rift of the planet.

This fits the religious breakdown nicely. The light worshipers are those who survived the first coming, "Fight the darkness". The darkness worshipers are those who were ravaged by the coming, and had to retreat to isolated communities and "find balance", cooperating with the zombies - they are the only ones who know how to necromance and talk to undead. The emerald temple worshipers were never badly affected by the coming, so they still have undying faith in nature.

I was thinking of the humans to be reliant of technology rather than magic
Here's some races I had in mind:

High Elves

The High Elves claim to be the first race in the world, but they can only be reknown for their talent in magic. The High Elves rule the empire of elves and make up most of the nobility.

Common Elves

Common Elves are what makes half of the peasantry while the rest are in forest tribes. Common Elves are more intune to the naturalistic magic of their world and have knowledge of survival, growing crops with no mistake and how to even tame dragons.

Low Elves

The Low Elves make up the other half of the peasantry, a fraction of the nobility and the rest live solitary lives. The Low Elves are known to use dangerous and corruptive magics, making them a "bad representation" of the elven empire.


Seafolk use to be elves until they were pulled into the ocean by an ancient curse, transforming them into aquatic creatures. Seafolk are intune to water based magic and created a long lived grudge against land dwellers out of jealousy.


This was the first race. The Titans held domain in caves, jungles, forests, mountains and seas as they are known in lore as guardians of the world. Titans can have calm or aggressive temperaments but mostly are known to be carnivorous, eating large animals due to them being the biggest race as well.

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