• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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One x One Crazy9 CS


07 : The Merc

➙ Name:
Amel Grand
➙ Gender:
➙ Sexuality:
Pansexual Panromantic
➙ Age:
Twenty [20]​
➙ Role:
The Mercenary
➙ Power:
Super Strength
➙ Origins:
➙ Measurements:
6’4” / 86kg​

[ Persona ]​
➙ open bastard:
call amel a bastard all you want, he strongly supports such opinion because he know he truly is a bastard. he doesn't seem to care whether someone views him negatively or positively. however, compliments seem to go completely unnoticed by amel, simply because he blatantly ignored people's opinions, as he admits he has spent too much valuable time in the past worrying about them.
➙ no binds, no limits:
if amel has his mind set on doing something, he will almost always go head on for it. he who has no shame, and no sense of embarrassment. amel has no wish to protect his name or his pride. there is nothing amel has to hide, he is an open book for all to read. although, that doesn't mean he will tell you everything just for the sake of it, he will certainly answer questions honestly if one were to ask about him on a more personal level.
➙ king, of his own mountain:
an air of confidence floats around him no matter how monotone he speaks and how little he talks. amel has no doubts in his mind, he knows his limits well enough to be able step into battle with a solid step forward. regardless of how other people make refer to him, he is not one that can be discouraged. should someone point out that he's doing something wrong, amel could care less, he will continue doing it his own way. however, there are an extremely rare few that amel will actually take advice and tips from - but not without his own criticisms.
➙ till i bleed out:
to say amel is loyal, is severely understated. he has an incredible sense of loyalty, should one come to earn such. death is just the finish line that amel will willingly fight towards should it be deemed necessary. no words and no actions can convince him to leave your side if you were in danger. additionally, with his loyalty comes his somewhat protective and possessive nature - although, there are only a select few who will be regarded in such a way.
➙ second place:
though despite amel's natural confidence and somewhat rude persona, he still knows better than anyone else his place. should he meet someone who he knows is of higher class, or someone who introduces themselves as such, amel is rather selective about his words. he is polite to a degree, but still improper.

[ Combat ]​
➙ muscle power:
Gifted with his power, Amel has a physical superiority and advantage in powerful blows and heavy weight lifting. of course, not without the necessary fitness and training.
➙ endurance:
amel has an unbelievably high pain tolerance and endurance - most likely a sub effect of his power. He can withstand most attacks and injuries without so much as a flinch. However, like everyone else, he has his limits of how much he can withstand. although, despite everything, amel has a stubbornness that refuses to surrender.
➙ lead feet:
Strength and almost unmovable like a mountain, but Amel has slow reflexes and equally as slow in speed. The more attacks landed on him, the quicker he will tire. however, in an offensive position, he can swing his sword quickly enough to hit at least a human who it's athletically fast.
➙ welcome to superhumanity:
[ "thousandth" ] A forceful punch or kick from Amel can prove to deal devastating injuries. This is the first and most commonly used ability of Amel's power. It is limited to physical contact, being a punch, kick, push or bump. he still has to learn how to control her power to use it purely for combat purposes.
[ "bull" ] Oh, is there a wall in the way? Well, not anymore because Amel just ran it down with a full blown run right into it. With this sub-power, his body is stronger than an iron wall. However, Amel just has to master his timing and speed to be able to make his attempts more successful.
➙ weapon of choicer:
amel is sword fighter, but his favoured style is the buster sword. he is rarely seen without. however, in the case it's being repaired, a claymore or his fists will be a good enough replacement.

[ History ]​
To be rewritten

[ Relationships ]​

[ Extras ]​

code by aukanai​
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Chase Hauer
12: The Lover
"There's only one thing left to do / Drop all I have and go with you!"
Basic Information

Name: Chase Hauer
Age: Eighteen
Role: The Lover
Status: Lower Class
Origin: Mear
Power: None
Height: 5"4ft / 162cm
Weight: 100lbs / 45kg

Description: A short and thin young man with visible scars. He always looks somewhat rough, whether from his messy hair or constantly ripped clothes. His wardrobe is dull, but he tends to adorn it with small touches of color where he can, with flowers or feathers he finds out in the woods.
Skills & Interests
Cooking / Chase has always had an interest in food; it’s one of the simplest, most accessible ways to make people happy, after all. And, if there’s anything Chase likes, it's making people happy. However, it was only recently that he came into a position to learn how to cook for himself, so he doesn’t know a lot about doing it yet. Still, he’s eager to learn more!

Athleticism / When he isn’t made to help with chores, Chase is usually performing some type of physical activity. Climbing, running, acrobatics... if it’s something he can do with his body, he’s probably eager to try it. It’s all good fun, but it also helps him relieve stress, so he tends to get anxious when he hasn’t had a chance to properly move around in awhile.
Elastic Heart / Chase has never been a stranger to struggle. Despite that fact, he usually keeps a cheery demeanor. When he feels free to be himself, he’s bright-eyed and boisterous, curious and constantly moving towards the next thing that catches his eye. When something upsets him, he’s not usually down for long; he’s tough, optimistic, and willing to try and keep moving forward no matter how hard things get. Of course, he has limits to his resilience, just like everyone else, but at the very least, he can be relied on long after others’ in his position would have given up.

Black Sheep / Used to being treated like a pariah, Chase has a hard time thinking of himself as anything but expendable. He’s always been a bit careless, naive, and too impulsive to really consider the consequences of his actions, but it runs deeper than that. Even when he’s aware of what might happen, if he thinks something needs to be done, he just tends to do it, regardless of what harm might come to him for it. His history just makes him unsure of what to expect from his relationships, and as a result, he thinks he has to prove himself constantly as being worthy of consideration, no matter what it takes.

Anything for Love / Chase is naturally a friendly, sociable person. He can be a little quiet and nervous around strangers, but once he knows what to expect, he’s usually upbeat and welcoming, because he’d want others to treat him the same way. But once he gets close enough to someone, he latches onto them, and he latches on hard. He has an almost boundless amount of love and loyalty, but most importantly, the people he loves, he claims as his own, and he’s very sensitive and stubborn about keeping what little he has. If he even thinks he’s in danger of losing someone important to him, he’ll feel compelled to do anything to keep them around.

A Little Unwell / Chase is somewhat emotionally unstable. There isn’t much that brings him down, but whenever he starts to feel something, he feels it deeply. Although it doesn’t happen often, he can have very sudden, very big reactions or outbursts to relatively small events, and it can be hard to calm him down, especially if nobody is around who knows how to help. In his confusion, he might hurt himself or others, so it’s important he’s handled gently.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Amel Grand / Chase's fiancé. It’s safe to say Chase was probably infatuated with him from the moment they met. Chase had never had a chance to meet someone near his age from out of town before… and especially no one as interesting as Amel. Chase still doesn’t understand how Amel could have come to love someone like him, but at this point, it hardly matters to him. Amel has become his heart and his hope; all he longs for is the day they’ll never have to be apart again.

Edward Hauer / Chase’s late father. For most of his life, Edward was the only person Chase could rely on. For protection, help, or even just company. They spent a lot of time together and were very close, despite their differences. As quick as they were to bicker about the most unsubstantial issues, they just as easily reconciled - especially in the face of the adversities they both were subjected to. Chase took Edward's death very hard, and as brave as he’s been about it, he’s very much still recovering.
First / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.

Second / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.
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Jacek Wolanski
06: The Scout
"Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum." $
Basic Information

Name: Jacek Wolanski
Age: Nineteen
Role: The Scout
Status: Lower-Middle Class
Origin: Svel
Power: Fire
Height: 5"3ft / 160cm
Weight: 110bs / 49kg

Description: A short, slight kid with scruffy hair and wide eyes. He tries to dress cleanly but inconspicuously, usually with a pair of black gloves. It's not uncommon for him to hear that he's cute, though it's not what he'd prefer.
Skills & Interests
Reading / It’s sometimes been hard for Jacek to get his hands on books, but that’s never really stopped him. The acting troupe he grew up in had a small stockpile, but when he ran out of those, he started to spend his own money on them. They’ve been one of the only consistent parts of his life, and to this day, they’re one of the only things he doesn’t mind dropping a bit of cash on. Any genre’s fine… but he does like a good romance.

Writing / Being the de facto manager of his acting troupe for a little while, one of the tasks he took upon himself was writing. He’s actually got a bit of a natural talent for it. Of course, that probably shouldn’t surprise anyone; it’s one of the few things he seems to consistently work hard at anymore.

Acting / He grew up among actors, after all. He likes doing it, but as fate would have it, he’s ended up spending more of his time behind the scenes than participating in the craft himself. He’s fine with that - he does appreciate the art itself, after all - but still, he likes to practice as much as he can. After all, he often finds himself needing the skill for other reasons...
Drama King / He’s able to cover it up or tone it down sometimes, when he needs to, but in general, Jacek’s whiny. He takes everything personally and reacts accordingly, whether it’s some random event or someone’s actual actions against him. Life is hard, and he sees no reason not to react honestly to it... or, so he says. Really, he’s usually just overblowing what he feels to make some kind of point, or to get someone’s attention. But hey, whatever works, right?

All for One / Jacek’s in the game for himself. He thinks there are certain things he deserves, and he’s going to make sure he gets them, other people be damned. Or so he thinks. He likes the idea of being cutthroat, but he doesn’t really understand what all that entails, and he doesn’t actually have a heart for that sort of thing. He’s fine with unloading work on other people where he can, but if it seems like too much, he might begrudgingly pitch in. Sometimes he'll even sacrifice some a little for the few people he cares about. Otherwise? Don’t ask him for anything! He has his own needs to attend to!

The Producer / Simply put, Jacek gets what he needs however he has to. He’s so determined to get things by himself by now, he’s reluctant to ask for anyone’s help. Lend him a hand if you like him, but do it out of some sort of pity or obligation, and you’ll mortify him for life. He’s just stubborn that way. Though, really, it’s not like he usually needs the help. He’s clever in his own way, and he’ll come up with his own schemes to getting where he needs to be; even when it’s not entirely ‘legal’ or ‘moral’. Just as long as he’s not taking something from somebody who really needs it, everything’s fair game, right?

Anything for Acclaim / There are plenty of things Jacek won’t try at all, but what Jacek does care to see through, he’ll give his all. He can recognize when a job needs to be done right, and he’ll rarely be satisfied unless he sees to it himself. He’s a bit of a perfectionist in that way. He wants people to knows that he’s capable of what he sets out to achieve, because there’s nothing worse than being underestimated or overlooked. And, though he can get in over his head at times, he’s usually not just cocky; he wants recognition for his talent and effort. And, if you’re willing to give it to him, he won’t be satisfied until he’s impressed you.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Klaudia Wolanski / Jacek's mother. Jacek’s never felt very close to her… but not for lack of trying. She's always treated Jacek like more of a friend than a son, by being kind and interested in his interests and achievements, but never taking much responsibility for his well-being. Jacek’s never understood why, but he's tried to get her love and approval anyway. Even now, he holds out hope that one day, something will make her really start caring about him.

Reuben Kallus / Jacek’s ‘mentor’. Reuben’s always been pretty sure there’s something seriously wrong with Klaudia, so he’s more or less always acted as Jacek’s guardian in her stead. He really cares about Jacek, but being so unreliable, he isn't comfortable being like a parent, so he’s always played a mentor instead. And, despite the influence Reuben has had on his life, Jacek obliviously sees him as just a teacher. Despite how much he misses Reuben when he's gone.

Verona Clio / Jacek’s traveling partner. However this arrangement came about, Jacek’s certainly not complaining about it. No matter what inconvenience or embarrassment Verona may inadvertently inflict on him, he’s happy to have her with him. Not only because he’d be scared to travel alone, but because she’s more warmly than anyone’s ever treated him before. He cares about her, too, and wants her to be happy.
First / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.

Second / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.
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Khalida Daher
03: The Bounty
"Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum."
Basic Information

Name: Khalida 'Khal' Daher
Age: Twenty-three
Role: The Bounty
Status: Lower-Middle Class
Origin: Svel
Power: Protect
Height: 5"9ft / 175cm
Weight: 145lbs / 65kg

Description: A tall and muscular woman. She usually walks with a light stride, and wears casual, loose-fitting clothing with a leather satchel. She also sometimes wears a bright yellow coat, for which she's received the nickname 'Canary'.
Skills & Interests
Fighting / Khal's good in a fight. While she's best hand-to-hand, she's had at least some training with most common-variety weapon types. That fact, combined with her defensive ability, makes her a serious threat on the battlefield. If she didn't have one serious weakness, she would easily place as one of the best fighters in Svel. That being said…

Women / 'Women' in general might be a weird interest, but they're certainly one for Khal. She spends maybe more time than she should interacting - or thinking about interacting - with them. Of course, she's personable in general, so she'll hang out with just about anyone, but if she's not with one currently, it's statistically likely she's thinking about a lady. Even when she probably shouldn't be.

Drinking / This also shouldn't really be an interest of hers, but since she spends most of her free time looking for a good time, it's really no surprise. It's not that she's an alcoholic or anything; it's just a social activity for her. However... like with most things, she can tend to get carried away at it if she's not careful, so she tries to keep it to special occasions, for the sake of her wallet.

Betting / She’s not usually irresponsible with money by any means, but… Khal does like making bets. No matter how small the stakes, she thinks playing the odds every now and again keeps life interesting.
One for All / Khal is friendly. She’s loud, confident, and candid; anything she has her mind on doing or saying, she’ll make it happen. In that way, she rarely goes unnoticed; she easily makes impressions on people, and people don’t tend to forget her, for better or worse. Yet, most people tend to like Khal. She’s both warm and easygoing as well as inclusive and kind; she makes friends easily and has acquaintances everywhere she goes, and they’re usually more than willing to help her out, if only because they know she’d happily do the same for them, as she often does.

Whatever It Takes / Khal is stubborn. She has strong convictions and is steadfast in them always: be kind, be helpful, and protect who you can. In acting on beliefs, she often gets into trouble. She believes in her own justice, after all, and if she has to be the one to set things straight, she’ll do it without hesitation. Unfortunately, she can be impulsive, and sometimes leaps to judgement faster than she knows the facts. Of course, she’s not always right, either. So, for the friends her lifestyle makes her, she has considerable enemies, too. She’s a bounty, after all. Yet, for any regrets she has, she still moves forward believing she’s on the right path. It’s the only way she can move.

The Harder They Fall / Khal loves life. She loves getting rowdy at parties, she loves getting into good fights, she loves hanging out with women (even if she has a hard time talking to them)… she cherishes happy experiences. She’s generally optimistic, and it’s rare for her to get down on herself, even when things aren’t going too well - which translates to her not hearing or taking criticism easily - but when negativity hits her, it can be a hard hole for her to climb out of: anger, disappointment, and guilt can eat her up for quite awhile, especially without emotional help… which she has a hard time asking for.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Maaz Daher / Khal's father. He’s quiet and stoic, but wise and even-tempered. Almost Khal’s exact opposite. Yet, Khal has always admired him. She’s modeled many of her ideas of justice after his actions, and she still strives to make him proud… even if she’s never had a problem doing that. Maaz can, admittedly, be somewhat shy in expressing himself, but not when it comes to Khal. As troublesome as she can sometimes be, he’s always been wholeheartedly proud to call her his daughter.
First / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.

Second / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.
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Delyth Wynn
01: The Oracle
"Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum."
Basic Information

Name: Delyth Wynn
Age: Twenty-six
Role: The Oracle
Status: Middle Class
Origin: Tassara
Height: 5"10ft / 178cm
Weight: 145lbs / 66kg

Description: A Junoesque woman with soft eyes and a slow but steady gait. Her white vestments and composed mannerisms signal her status as dignified servant of the gods.
Skills & Interests
Gaming / Delyth likes games. She tends to be pretty good at them, too - from poker to mahjong to everything in between. Many assume she must have luck endowed by the gods, but many of her successes come down to strategy. She likes to study the theory behind games just as much as she likes playing them. So, if you’re thinking of playing against her, beware the odds. Especially if there’s something at stake.

Sewing / With patience and precision, Delyth likes to sew. She’s not one for waste, and so she tries to patch things up as much as she can, even if she doesn’t often need to. And, occasionally, she even crafts items herself.

Labor / Even her congregation considers it somewhat strange, but Delyth happens to enjoy hard labor. Not all the time, of course, but when she wants to clear her head, she finds it easiest to do while exerting herself physically. Chopping wood, hauling, or whatever else... as long as it's strenuous but doesn't take a lot of thought, Delyth wants to be the one to do it.

Singing / Singing is often a way people try to send their messages to the gods. As an oracle, it is often Delyth’s job to offer her voice to the choir. She does enjoy it, but most often when she’s alone, or with close company. Where she’s free to sing what she likes to sing, how she likes to sing it.
Mysterious Matriarch / Delyth is stoic. She moves and speaks slowly, considerate of everything she says and does, and who she says and does it to. It’s not only because she’s calm, but because she’s very thoughtful; she learned very early in life the value of perception, and so she’s gone out of her way to be as situationally malleable as possible. Placid and amiable, she’s able to endure hardship and strife with a knowing smile, regardless of her deeper feelings. That isn’t to say that she never says what she wants to say; she just tends to hide what she means behind a polite and reverent way of speaking. Especially if there’s something to be gained.

Faithful Servant / Delyth is committed to the work of an oracle happily and humbly. Larger titles or recognition have never particularly interested her, as she believes she’s more than received what’s owed to her. She cares about her work, first and foremost, because of the peace of mind it seems to give people. It’s fulfilling for her to be able to help in that way, and for being given the opportunity, she is grateful to the gods. Because of that, she is reverent to them and gravely serious about her work. Maybe she’s not quite as fearful as she should be regarding their might, but… she feels she gives them their owed respect, all the same.

Tough Love / For as calm as she portrays herself to be, she is somewhat judgemental, with certain issues especially grinding her nerves. Generally, she stays quiet and keeps her distaste to herself, but in the event it seems warranted, she can become furious quickly. She expects others’ to contribute and behave in a nondisruptive way, and so she feels it appropriate to punish those who seem intent on causing problems. It all really comes from a place of caring, however. She wants what’s best for everyone, whether that means care or curtailment.

The Martyr / Because of her disposition, Delyth is a hard person to truly know. She keeps much of herself a secret, even to those she trusts - and she doesn’t trust many people to begin with. Whether she’s disappointed, disdainful, or disinterested, she doesn’t let on, and it tends to discourage those who want to be close to her. As such, she finds herself sometimes feeling somewhat lonely. She accepts this as a part of the path she’s taken, but she still finds her heart longing for a safe place to put down the burdens she takes upon herself.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Dahlia Wynn / Delyth's sister, who she affectionately calls ‘Dolly’. Delyth has incessantly doted on her ever since she was born, especially in light of how differently they’ve been treated. Delyth is fiercely protective of her and insistent on informing everyone of her good points. In that way, Delyth has always acted for Dahlia as a strong parental influence neither of them had otherwise: something Dahlia has always appreciated, even if she's occasionally found it embarrassing. Overall, they are very close, and would do anything for each other.
First / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.

Second / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.
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Brennan Callaghan
04: The Scholar
"Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum."
Basic Information

Name: Brennan Callaghan
Age: Twenty-five
Role: The Scholar
Status: Upper-Middle Class
Origin: Tassara
Height: 6”2ft / 188 cm
Weight: 171lbs / 77kg

Description: A willowy man with long hair that tends to obscure his narrow eyes. His wardrobe, while high-quality, is not in any way eye-catching, as he goes out of his way to avoid being noticed
Skills & Interests
Reading / Rather unsurprisingly, Brennan reads. A lot. Ever since he was a kid, he’s always had his head buried in a book. While he combs through a lot of scholarly research for work, the literature he consumes in his free time tends to be strictly fiction.

Art / While he is something of an artist himself, Brennan tends to greatly prefer the works of other people. He’s never had much motivation for anything, so he’s always had a fascination for those with overwhelming passion, especially as portrayed in artistic works.

Gossip / He sometimes forgets to be invested in his own relationships, but he is usually interested in the going-ons of other people. He finds it helps him understand his own entanglements more if he considers the struggles that other people face. He also just finds other peoples’ perspectives interesting. He thinks a person's mistakes especially says a lot about them.
In Pieces / Brennan is gloomy. Not excessively so - he keeps it to himself, mostly -but there is usually a real sense of malaise that seems to hang over him. It’s because his thoughts are usually clouded with anxiety and confusion; he’s forgetful, habitually disorganized, and unable to structure his thoughts productively, generally resulting in stress regarding what he is or isn’t doing…. and he ends up needing others’ to keep him on task, but he’s not entirely comfortable shifting the burden onto them, which causes him more stress… and, because he doesn’t feel productive enough and doesn’t find most things enjoyable, he doesn’t often relieve stress… so he’s usually left feeling gloomy. His pessimistic outlook certainly doesn’t help, either, although, he's working on it… Along with so many other things...

Solitary Savant / Brennan’s a smart guy. Being a scholar, that probably isn’t so surprising, but Brennan’s considered by his peers to be exceptionally so. It’s also considered by many to be his only good trait. Most people see him as someone aloof and pretentious; someone too selfish to consider anything beyond himself. To an extent, he knows that’s true; he’s quiet, cold, and sometimes insensitive. Yet, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. The welfare of others deeply concerns him, and he’s sensitive to the suffering to a degree that even the smell of blood makes him nasuceous. He just finds it hard to express himself in general.

Nothing Ventured / Brennan doesn’t like making decisions. People seem to like asking for his opinion, but he doesn’t trust the value of his judgement outside of his field, and you could say it’s because of his questionable self-esteem. As he’s never been praised for anything outside of his studies, he thinks himself inept at most things. So, while it’s easier for him to call the shots when his decisions have no impact on the results, when the outcome is important, he prefers to move leadership in others’ directions.

Necessary Evil / Despite being somewhat averse to conflict, Brennan doesn’t always forgive easily. He tends to get rather bitter and worked up about transgressions, whether toward himself or others, especially if they go for a long time unanswered. There isn’t much he can’t let go of - he’s usually understanding and passive by nature - but when he finds his grievances unaddressed for long enough, even he can become someone to be reckoned with.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Nam ac massa vitae risus venenatis tempus. Curabitur suscipit, dui et mattis condimentum, ipsum velit pulvinar urna, id aliquam lorem tortor non erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque massa turpis, ultrices sit amet gravida et, tempor ut ex. Nullam porttitor massa et tellus lobortis malesuada. Aliquam id porttitor orci. Praesent sed efficitur diam. Praesent luctus nunc a efficitur interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Character Name / Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in velit ornare, fringilla augue non, imperdiet mi. Suspendisse felis ipsum, mattis eu metus at, maximus tempus massa. Nulla in condimentum eros. Aenean a lobortis erat, a vestibulum justo. Nunc volutpat placerat tellus sit amet efficitur. Quisque vulputate aliquam ultricies. Morbi commodo erat lobortis porttitor accumsan. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis.
First / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.

Second / Nunc lacinia dictum dictum. Ut convallis dui vitae volutpat elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec sodales turpis. Morbi libero metus, dapibus pellentesque ex nec, tempus volutpat neque. Maecenas tristique erat et lacus facilisis, eu gravida purus pharetra.
Last edited:

02 : The Knight

➙ Name:
Kass Mortor
➙ Gender:
➙ Sexuality:
Heterosexual Hetero-romantic
➙ Age:
Twenty-three [23]​
➙ Role:
The Knight
➙ Power:
Ice Generation
➙ Origins:
➙ Measurements:
5’8” / 57kg​

[ Persona ]​
➙ melted ice:
Kass is a gentle soul through and through. Always showing kindness, compassion and generosity to everyone and anyone who he might cross paths with. Being soft spoken, and having the willingness to help out when and where he can, Kass is most certainly well liked by many people who are fortunate enough to meet him. He is an easy person to convince and persuade.
➙ waving with the wind:
loyalty and commitment are something that will waver. He has been known to quickly change his mind and back out of things. Furthermore, even despite that fact that he is a Knight, there is only so much he would do. He wouldn't dare harm another, but he is not one to always come to one's rescue. He is still trying, however, and he feels guilt from his lack of assistance in most instances. Still being a knight in training, he still has a lot of physical and mental improvement to be made to be able to better serve in his role.
➙ alone, tonight:
throughout his schooling, kass always made friends easy. but, in his free time, he was often on his own, out of a lack of reaching out to people. he did still have friends who he would meet up at the local pub,however. but, as of late, kass only spends his time reading in the company of his "best friend", a horse. It is all due to his low confidence in himself.

[ Combat ]​
➙ moderate strength:
Though possessing a natural strength, it does not mean Kass is able to deal well in hand-to-hand combat. Kass does not harbour strength for powerful hits, having a great disadvantage towards in hand-to-hand combat.
➙ sword handling:
Appropriate for his role as a knight, Kass excels greatly in sword handling and proves to be very impressive when using on in combat, for his great control. He has been mentored for a few years in sword handling, so it's to be expected that Kass has great skills in using one.
➙ quick wit:
Kass' speed and agility can be a great advantage. Due to his lean frame, he's able to move quite quickly with little effort.
➙ welcome to superhumanity:
to be rewritten
➙ weapon of choicer:

[ History ]​
To be rewritten

[ Relationships ]​

[ Older Brother - Drake Mortor ]
Four years older than Kass, Drake in a current Royal Guard for the First Princess of Svel. Though, he aspires to be the captain of the Knights. Though, Kass and Drake a significantly different to each other in many ways, Kass is closest to his brother than anyone in his family. Drake's confidence, strength and skill is what inspires Kass to be better, despite his struggles in doing so.

[ Extras ]​

code by aukanai​

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