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Realistic or Modern Crazy World (CS)



To live would be an awfully big adventure
Character Sheet Application Thread

Just a reminder that this is not first come first serve.

Please make sure you include the following


Age (21 - 23)



Faceclaim (Real face claims please)


Likes (3+)

Dislikes (3+)

History (doesn't need to be detailed at all just a brief overview)

Subject their studying (They're all in the same college but that doesn't mean they need to be studying the same thing)

Anything else you can think off/want to add​

classified keep out classified keep out classified


Brooke Williams, 22, Birthday November 25th

Full time student - English Literature major at White Oaks University


5ft 4





hair color

fair skinned

skin tone



Steph Bohrer


Long brown hair, piercing hazel eyes and infectious smile, Brooke stands at the just below average height of 5'4 and has a natural curvy yet athletic build. She has both ears pierced. She has a scar in the shape of a question mark on her knee from a injury she sustained when she was a child.





Thrill Seeker






Since childhood Brooke has always been a bubbly, confident and charismatic girl. The type of girl to make friends everywhere she goes due to her outgoing and carefree personality.

Brooke comes across as extremely naive and gullible and to be honest, she is. She's too trusting for her own good which has led to her getting hurt in the past but she never seems to learn, wanting to see the good in the world. Her naivety also draws from her spontaneous nature, wherein Brooke doesn't really take time to think things through she just jumps in headfirst failing to recognize any consequences.

What she makes up for intellectual intelligence, she appears to miss in common sense and has been described as "the dumbest smart person (insert) has ever met". It is as though sometimes the words fall out before her brain has time to comprehend her thoughts, leaving even her stunned by things she has said out loud. She is extremely honest and doesn't appear to have a filter, saying things how they are.

Brooke is always up for a good time. She is the girl that you know you can call at 4am and she will come on an adventure with you or to a party. She is extremely brave and doesn't appear to hold any fear which tends to drive her reckless tendencies. She is a thrill-seeker and enjoys doing something rather than sitting still.

She's a hopeless romantic and wears her heart on her sleeve. While she tries to hide when she's feeling emotional it doesn't always work and she can get snappy or cry without warning and seemingly out of nowhere.


Parties, drugs, alcohol, exploring abandoned buildings (extra good if its supposedly "haunted"), historical sites i.e. castles etc, forests, swimming in the sea, surfing, ice-skating, travelling around and seeing new places, dancing, music, smell of petrol, campfires, reading, romance, movies, The smell of a new book

, when a tv show gets cancelled after a cliffhanger, bullies, the weather being too warm or alternatively too cold, hangovers (yet she continues to drink), heroin or hard drugs like that - they scare her, fudge, sitting still, cherries, when a movie butchers the book material it was based on, people who keep there place in books using "dog ears",

(1) Taphephobia (Being buried alive) [Irrational yes but she saw it in a movie one time and for some reason has been terrified of the aspect since.]
(2) Loosing someone else she cares about

Carefree, naive, friendly girl living her best life. The type of girl that people see and feel the desire to protect her from herself and her too trusting nature, or reckless decision making.


Early Life

Brooke had a pretty standard life growing up, two doting parents (be it they did work alot but they were there when it really mattered), a nice home, and anything she could ever wish for. Brooke comes from money, however, she doesn't like to show this off and most people would not know that she is rich instead she says she's "comfortable". The Williams have always had a lax parenting style in terms of the tend to see Brooke as more of a friend than a daughter, never really setting rules and believing that everyone learns through making their own mistakes. She has been allowed to stay home alone since the age of 8, however, with the long hours her parents tend to work, this can be very lonely and so she always offered her house as the meet-up spot.

Her relationship with Jake

Brooke and Jake started dating final year of school, "a will they won't they" relationship that finally happened when he asked her out to senior prom. It started off great, naturally falling from the role of friendship to relationship and things just felt right. Brooke moved with her friends upstate to College, a bond still as strong as the day they met and Brooke was delighted to be sharing this new chapter with them. It wasn't long into going to college that things began to take a nosedive, while Brooke enjoyed the parties and getting high and drunk and the other newfound freedom the group finally received. Jake seemed to be going down hill, living together in the small one bedroom apartment seemed to begin taking a toll on the couple as the once loving relationship seemed to turn into constant fighting and bickering behind closed doors. Jake developed addiction problems that he hid from everyone including Brooke. It was when she came home early after a cancelled class and caught him doing heroin that everything became clear to her. Things only seemed to get worse from there, Jake begged her not to tell anyone about his problems promising to get better and in her naivety she believed him and kept the secret. Jake's constant mood swings along with the new addition of physical abuse took a toll on Brooke and she finally realized he had no intentions of getting better. She planned to tell the group and stage an intervention but the night before the planned meeting, Jake died and Brooke found him lifeless on the sitting room floor.


- She always singing random songs to herself

- She has ADHD

- she's very fidgety, always moving and can't sit still, whether it's tapping her toes, shaking her leg, messing with her hair etc

- She squeezes her right arm just above the elbow or rubs the back of her neck when nervous.

- she normally has some kind of novel or book in her handbag and enjoys reading to unwind.

- She randomly bursts into songs or dance a lot

coded by xayah.ღ




  • kang minho

    Minho has always been someone bold, full of life and energy. He enjoys nothing more than pushing all the boundaries (even if it means getting him into trouble from time to time) and discovering and using new things and ideas. Combining his boldness with practically, he is also very original. He loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions, and will put things together in ways that others may not have thought to do so.

    When speaking with others, he is one to be direct and communicate quite clearly. Like pushing boundaries, being direct and factual has often landed him in hot water as he rather says things are how and what they are rather than sugar-coating it.

    However, due to his boldness and being so direct, Minho can be quiet insensitive. If he’s not careful, he tends to get too caught up in the moment, take things too far and cause hurt to more sensitive people without realising (also, forgets to take care of his health and safety). Feelings and emotions come second to facts and “reality”, and he finds emotionally charged situations awkward and uncomfortable. Not only that, he struggles with opening up and expressing his own feelings and troubles. Rather than letting speaking to someone how something might be troubling him, he would rather push it deep down and just ignore it. Something which he really shouldn’t do considering one of his seizure triggers is stress.

    Minho likes to move at his own pace to keep himself active and excited, and to continue pushing down anything that might be causing any emotional distress. Because of this, he can be rather impatient. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a small, single detail for way too long is extremely challenging for him. This also makes school and anything else with highly organized environments an extreme challenge to him. Not because he isn’t smart, or that he can’t do well, but because he requires hands-on learning to actually enjoy what he is learning.

    Additionally, repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly – also all things that he hates. Minho is very defiant and hates to be boxed in. He’s highly action-oriented and hand-on, and finds certain work to be tedious and therefore, making him intolerable as it requires extraordinary effort for him to stay focused long enough. Sadly, this also makes him risk-prone as his impatience leads him to push into uncharted territory without thinking of any of the long-term consequences. He’s willing to enter into extra risk just to intentionally combat boredom in his life. He wants to live in the moment and dive straight into the action – into the eye of the storm – because it’s just so stimulating to his logical mind. Anyways – rules were made to be broken.

    Finally, he has a knack for being socialable and using his social interactions and networking opportunities. He doesn’t actively seek people or to be a group leader, it tends to just fall right into his lap. Minho always has an impact in his surroundings, and the best way to spot him in a party is to look for someone who is always seeking to entertain and make others laugh with his blunt and earthly humour. He’s “that person” who would involuntarily volunteer himself (or a shy friend) to be an active audience member to come up on stage to help the performer.

give me your loneliness,
and i'll give you mine.

kang minho


twenty three

16th of april





health education

Dear 엄마,

Are you doing well? Have you eaten? I ate some japchae today and it reminded me of you. You always seemed to get the broth perfect. No one elses broth can ever live up to it.

엄마, I'm finally twenty three. It has been seventeen years since I last felt your warm embrace. I still remember your scent lingering. I miss your voice. Are you still singing? Next time we meet, I'd love to hear you sing your sweet songs again. 엄마, my friend is with you now. Please make sure to look after him until I can meet up with you both. I don't know when it will be, but please look after him like he was me.

I love you,

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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work in progress


Daily Wear

"Door's about to open..."

Allison Andmore



Cis Female


Part-Time Model


Jake used to confess his love for Andy all the time. There's countless of texts about it.


She's soooo busy, but also not! She's been taught to fake it 'til she makes it, and that's what she's doing! Allison is prideful, beautiful, and (arguable) talented. Is her talent just being tall and kinda pretty and standing? Sure! She's determined to get things done, although it's always tunnel vision and her way or the high way.

In high school, Allison was a senior class president and a real bossy one at that. Everything went smoothly even if a girl or two cried because they were

Citrus - Loves a lemon-line candy or a lemon drop.



Black, Dyed Red


5' 9"

Slender, Thin


Certified Yapper

Dua Lipa


Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pulvinar sollicitudin libero vehicula pellentesque non lectus nascetur finibus hendrerit. Tristique dictum neque cras ridiculus id mus et vitae ultrices. Ac fringilla purus dapibus amet cursus aenean. Himenaeos lectus eu magnis maximus aenean duis sapien. Eleifend volutpat justo morbi; auctor etiam id. Aptent ex amet sagittis pellentesque hac, pretium consequat arcu porta? Ultricies nibh primis mus dui lobortis. Amet semper ultrices congue fames; cursus suscipit ipsum hendrerit mattis?

Nam convallis sodales feugiat euismod sapien mi integer. Laoreet risus phasellus metus duis volutpat lacus massa. Et pulvinar sollicitudin felis feugiat aenean nunc tellus ipsum rhoncus. Euismod potenti erat accumsan, mi pulvinar quis risus phasellus mollis. Taciti at at dolor dictum torquent aptent nullam. Sit varius auctor faucibus orci eu lacinia pharetra? Faucibus faucibus morbi justo pharetra senectus libero condimentum. Velit habitasse vehicula nam gravida sociosqu consectetur massa. Non condimentum nunc vivamus dui interdum.

Morbi turpis bibendum est rutrum ipsum eros. Litora netus taciti massa ad at suspendisse habitasse neque. Risus quisque habitant class ullamcorper magnis varius habitant. Arcu elit augue nibh interdum ridiculus ad netus et. Pretium diam praesent dis semper eget laoreet justo senectus. Ornare at eros elit mi facilisi ultrices. Praesent inceptos blandit ligula cras; vivamus eget quam. Litora laoreet non magnis mollis euismod hac quisque enim. Curabitur tristique accumsan per curabitur consectetur hac.


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*I don’t know how to code posts so I’ll just write it in thread format.

Name: Layne Gene St. Pierre
Age: 22
Gender: Cisgender Man
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Layne is the type of person to always be found at parties. Though he is rarely in a group of people, he is never alone in the corner. He tends to come off rather standoffish to those around him, not often indulging others with information about himself. He always has something witty or sarcastic to comment and does not hold back with his seething tongue against people he deems deserving. He enjoys getting up to trouble, often spray painting the walls of churches or pickpocketing tourists. Underneath this guise, though, he is a kindhearted and caring person, with a genuine desire to connect with others, but due to his habits and way of life, he often manipulates those around him into getting money, drugs, or whatever else he wants out of them.

Secretly, he is quite the romantic. Through some persistence one could potentially break through his front and experience him for his real self, and they would find that he is extremely loving and sweet.

+ Playing the guitar and singing with his band
+ Heroin and cocaine
+ Grunge fashion
+ Shitty Polaroid photography
+ Slummy parties
+ One night stands

- Religious people
- Sobriety
- His parents
- Small towns
- People who talk too loud
- Tight clothing

Layne’s family is from a wealthy suburb of Montréal, Quebec. He was raised speaking mainly French, but has learned English as a second language (albeit, with a small and endearing accent). Layne has one sister named Jeanette, whom he did not get along with during adolescence and no longer speaks to.

Layne started smoking marijuana at the young age of 13, and having stumbled into groups of the wrong types of people, he very quickly found himself trying harder and harder drugs; his favorites of these being heroin and cocaine. His parents have ordered him into rehab multiple times during his teenage years, but none of these trips worked to reverse his addictions, mostly due to his lack of regard for his own well-being or desire to get better. Layne ran away from home at age 16 and has entirely cut his family off, having crashed on the couch of his drug dealer (and groomer) for the last two years of high school.

Layne studies Inorganic Chemistry in university.


+ 6’1”
+ Slender, lean, toned build
+ Messy, wavy dark brown hair
+ Dark brown eyes
+ Sunken under-eyes, with a somewhat purplish hue
+ Thin, bony wrists and hands with long and slim fingers
+ Straight nose
+ Thin but defined lip shape, especially his cupid’s bow
+ Faint freckles across his cheeks and limbs

Extra Info/Trivia

+ Layne is ethnically Jewish.
+ He is allergic to most animals.
+ He is in a band where he is both the singer and a guitarist.
+ He has never had a girlfriend.
+ He has a tongue piercing.
+ He was on his high school’s robotics team.
+ He hates sports.

Themes/Songs that Remind of Layne

+ No Excuses - Alice in Chains
+ Junkhead - Alice in Chains
+ Jennifer’s Body - Hole
+ Black - Pearl Jam
+ Aneurysm - Nirvana
+ High - Sir Sly
+ Waterfalls - TLC
+ Heroin - Lana Del Rey
+ Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
+ Lithium - Nirvana
+ Pretty Fly for a White Guy - The Offspring

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saturday dripnct dream
1:57 / 3:41
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Besties <3
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Project Proposal.ppt
Is it real? You look surprised...
Veni, vidi, vici...
drip, drip, drip, like jackson pollock
404... not loading...
By the time the sun rises

You can see the golden horizon

If you're confident, come with us and dive in

What you doin' on the weekend?

Are you sure you want to quit learning about the rennaverse?

renna janine vale




october 31, 2001

graphic design





x x x


Nisl lao reet vel vulpu tate lorem consectetur ridiculus praesent sed pretium dis. Curabitur scelerisque habitasse egestas imperdiet ad sodales. Tortor vehicula vestibulum felis sit interdum bibendum. Congue sociosqu maximus sagittis commodo lorem. Mus morbi molestie placerat natoque laoreet nibh donec. Orci aliquam eu sociosqu vulputate fringilla primis lectus nulla. Volutpat ullamcorper facilisi phasellus cubilia lobortis laoreet nec montes. Commodo enim per sociosqu lectus morbi dictum pulvinar tincidunt ex.

Pretium mus ligula urna nam orci leo metus. Himenaeos nisl litora magna iaculis quisque senectus venenatis. Ullamcorper a tortor neque accumsan, maximus fermentum consectetur. Nisl fusce senectus natoque ad, cursus curabitur himenaeos. Phasellus consequat suspendisse libero neque commodo porta phasellus. Facilisi bibendum gravida natoque commodo eros. Viverra netus montes erat sodales ut et eros molestie.

loyal, creative, xxx, yyy, zzz

rebellious, unpredictable, xxx, yyy, zzz

graphic design, dark eyeliner, xxx, yyy, zzz

vvv, www, xxx, yyy, zzz

vvv, www, xxx, yyy, zzz

vvv, www, xxx, yyy, zzz

Nisl lao reet vel vulpu tate lorem consectetur ridiculus praesent sed pretium dis. Curabitur scelerisque habitasse egestas imperdiet ad sodales. Tortor vehicula vestibulum felis sit interdum bibendum. Congue sociosqu maximus sagittis commodo lorem. Mus morbi molestie placerat natoque laoreet nibh donec. Orci aliquam eu sociosqu vulputate fringilla primis lectus nulla. Volutpat ullamcorper facilisi phasellus cubilia lobortis laoreet nec montes. Commodo enim per sociosqu lectus morbi dictum pulvinar tincidunt ex.

Pretium mus ligula urna nam orci leo metus. Himenaeos nisl litora magna iaculis quisque senectus venenatis. Ullamcorper a tortor neque accumsan, maximus fermentum consectetur. Nisl fusce senectus natoque ad, cursus curabitur himenaeos. Phasellus consequat suspendisse libero neque commodo porta phasellus. Facilisi bibendum gravida natoque commodo eros. Viverra netus montes erat sodales ut et eros molestie.


her aboslute ride or die, she's been friends with them since elementary

a studio apartment.

Curabitur scelerisque habitasse egestas imperdiet ad sodales. Tortor vehicula vestibulum felis sit interdum bibendum. Congue sociosqu maximus sagittis commodo lorem. Mus morbi molestie placerat natoque laoreet nibh donec. Orci aliquam eu sociosqu vulputate fringilla primis lectus nulla. Volutpat ullamcorper facilisi phasellus cubilia lobortis laoreet nec montes. Commodo enim per sociosqu lectus morbi dictum pulvinar tincidunt ex.

Pretium mus ligula urna nam orci leo metus. Himenaeos nisl litora magna iaculis quisque senectus venenatis. Ullamcorper a tortor neque accumsan, maximus fermentum consectetur. Nisl fusce senectus natoque ad, cursus curabitur himenaeos. Phasellus consequat suspendisse libero neque commodo porta phasellus. Facilisi bibendum gravida natoque commodo eros. Viverra netus montes erat sodales ut et eros molestie.


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