Craving fandoms ! <3



My name is Pine. c: /wavewave

Blurb on Me

  • I'm a senior in high school and should probably be working on homework right now. I tend to procrastinate, though, so I can usually get on every day. However, please be aware that I occasionally will have epic battles with my work ethic and actually get done what needs to be done. Regardless, this is my last week before a two week Christmas break, so I'll be able to hang around here a lot.
  • That being said, how often I reply depends on how interested I am in the role play. I will admit right now ahead of time that I can sometimes drop off the face of the earth if I start to run out of ideas/muse. I don't mean to, and I try to get over it, so please forgive me. More often than not, however, I've had my partners disappear. I had a very active one on one that effectively lasted over a year before my partner stopped replying.
  • I don't mean to be a pest, but I strictly role play in third person past tense (paragraph format), and it will bother me if you don't do that same. If your replies are short and lacking detail when there is a lot going on, I get disappointed and disinterested. (One liners are fine for conversations or something fast-paced - quantity should correlate with the situation.) If that turns out to be the case, that may be an instance where I disappear. I don't expect your grammar or spelling to be perfect, but please show competence. Dialogue should be spaced into different paragraphs when someone else is talking, spaces between commas, appropriately used commas, there, their, they're, quite, quiet, etc. This isn't to say that I'm never going to make a mistake and I won't accept yours, though! Personally, I don't proof read... ever.
  • I love getting to know people! Whoever my partner is, I usually tend to strike up conversation while simultaneously role playing. I will clearly indicate when I am just speaking or role playing, so don't worry about that. The more I'm comfortable around you, the better the role play experience for me.
  • Interactions is probably my favorite part about role playing. I love getting to know your character while also showing off mine. The deeper the relationships between the characters, the more interesting it is for me.
  • I'm okay with romance, but if the characters turn out to really like each other, I would like it to be fade-to-black. I don't have anything against MxM or FxF, but all my characters are straight (or too self-involved to give a crap), so I'll only be doing MxF. Which, on that note, I almost strictly role play males. If I ever do have a female character, she usually ends up being rather crude, haha. Also, if I'm doing humans, more than likely they will not be older than twenty-five or so. I just usually can't think of older characters, sorry!
  • I love violent or unusual situations, but that pertains more to the plot, doesn't it? A lot of my favorite characters are unpleasant, so it kind of just works out that way!
  • I don't like to always be accurate or realistic. Sometimes I can be lazy and I've been known to goof off in the role play. I hope you don't mind that my character, instead of changing clothes like a normal human being, will suddenly be enveloped in pixie dust and emerge in a new outfit. This doesn't really happen if I'm uncomfortable with you, though, haaaa.


  • Naruto

Original characters, por flavor? I could dig some AU, if only for the sake of excluding canon characters. I love making a squad and then going from there, as far as how I typically do things. I have a sensei and egotistical boy all set and ready to go, but none of this is a must. I might even be willing to try canons, so please, if you have any ideas, feel free to hit me up!

  • Lord of the Flies

Okay, so this is a little weird. Okay, no, it's very weird, but I finished reading the book yesterday and haven't been able to stop looking at fanart ever since! I really have no idea how to go about this or if anyone would even consider something. I just... I really love Ralph and I wasn't totally happy with how he pretty much lost


. That being said, canon characters are neat, but I wouldn't mind if you wanted to throw in an OC or two. We could do alternate endings, picking up from the ending, or even just things that could have happened between chapters, or if one thing was different... This might take a lot of collaboration, but I think it would be really fun. Or at least I might be able to vent a little of my obsession.

Other genres I might consider are Skyrim, Pokemon, Teen Titans and maybe even some SSBB/Earthbound/Mother 3.

I'm usually not too picky, but I know that I would lose interest in anything else way too quickly and don't want to let people down. ;w;

So, yeah !
Alright, I may be interested ! c:

For Teen Titans, I prefer canon and sort of strictly role play as Robin.

For Pokemon, though, I've only ever done original characters. xD

Do you wanna' discuss over pm ~? c:
Teen Titans is always really fun to roleplay! Am I alright to use my own character or would you want me to use a canon one?
I think that an original character could be interesting, sure !

I just hope you don't mind me having Robin and such. c:
Still not done with my chemistry review and I have a test tomorrow.

Go team Pine ! /stands on head

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