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Rad & Fab
Bonjour, y'all! I'm looking for a partner (or multiple) who wants to do a F x F roleplay with me! I've stolen tons of plots from Tumblr, so we have plenty of options... So, plots:
  1. Person A is the captain of a pirate ship. Their crew raids a ship that supposedly has priceless treasure inside. What they find is Person B, a merfolk held prisoner in the lower decks, chained to the floor and dying. Person A frees Person B, who decides to swim along with their ship.
  2. Person A has been imprisoned most of their childhood for selfish reasons of someone else, Person B breaks them out. Person A finally has the opportunity to see the world they were sheltered from, finds a new dream and purpose thanks to Person B and eventually falls in love with them. Bonus: Person B also freed them for own, not entirely clean interests, but as they get to know A, they start to care for them and change their mind. Bonus 2: Person A finds out about the original plan and completely loses trust in Person B.
  3. Person A gets sent back in time for some sort of mission. Whilst traveling and settling into the new time period, they meet Person B, who, whilst confused about Person A’s modern expressions and weirdly specific knowledge of future events, falls in love with them. Does Person B find out about A’s mission, or that they aren’t from their era? What happens when Person A’s duty is done?
  4. Person A and Person B are camp counselors and Person A gets all flustered because Person B is really good with kids and it’s adorable.
  5. Person A is a cop who is also a medium. A dead person B comes into their office late at night offering them clues about their death and their killer. Bonus: Person B’s case is a cold case.
  6. Person A being a feared pirate along with their crew and recently having captured Person B. Person A and B don’t hit it off straight away and initially hate each other, but after Person B manages to save the ship and its crew due to their respective skills, Person A starts respecting B, while Person B realises that Person A is actually a giant prankster and isn’t what they made A out to be. Going against the Emperor’s wishes to wipe out pirates, A and B fall in love along the way, but don’t want to admit it.
  7. Person A is an orphan living in a terrible orphanage. Person B is A’s best friend, also an orphan, but living on their own. Person B makes a plan and ‘adopts’ person A to get them out of the orphanage. They are on their own and trouble and adventure happens, followed by romance.
  8. Person A of your OTP is best friends with Person B’s sibling. Person A makes it obvious they like Person B, but denies it every time they’re asked about it. Both Person A and Person B think their love is unrequited. Person B’s sibling knows very well that Person B has never been in a relationship, and that Person B very much likes Person A. Person B’s sibling does everything they can to get Person A and Person B together.
  9. Person A is the school’s choreographer and Person B is known for their wonderful song writing and composing. As they are members of the school’s Drama Club, they are forced to work together for the seniors’ last musical. And as time goes, they work together in the Music Room almost everyday. Awkward flirting and falling in love ensues.
  10. Person A is a leader of a band with B being a new member. B keeps screwing up because they are nervous, but A thinks it’s adorable.
If I get a partner for a certain plot, I'll remove that plot and replace it with another. I'm always looking for partners because I have no life.

I'm a pretty easy-going gal when it comes to roleplaying, but I do have a few rules. Here they are:
  • All RPN rules apply.
  • Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect, but I want you to put in a decent amount of effort into your posts.
  • I love talking OOC.
  • I'm fine with one-liners, but just realize that I try to match my partner's post length.

Like I said, I have no life, so I'm on here a lot. If you're interested, send me a message or leave comment. Arigato!
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