Craft Genesis war machines.

While focusing on the gross squishy stuff, don't forget that plant-based technology is now Craft (Genesis) too.
I actually had thought of that, it was even mentioned earlier in this thread. It just seems like it would benefit from charms or sorcery as other crafts do, but there really isn't much for. I mean there is a little thaumaturgy, but you can use that without having any dots in Craft Genesis.
I think part of the problem might be with the RL technology base.

Computers, 'bots, jets, etc. are normal and easy to describe.

Custom creatures are not worked with by RL standards, other than the occasional day-glow animal.  So they aren't that hot at wrapping their minds around the idea yet.  They just threw it out there for people to have fun and fogot the rules because they haven't really thought about them yet.

Custom rules-set, anyone?
I would say methods can vary. The neoma description includes one way of doing craft genesis. I would assume a twilight could use a comparable method (and lets face it probably summoned half a dozen neoma to assist him with the project, killing them with ghost eating tequneke afterwards naturally), other systems could include accelerated, wild facilitated cross breeding strategies, the use of surrogate parents to impose traits (possibly having the first generation hatch when future generations will breed as mammals), inflicting specific wild mutations on the parents before cross breeding them, or the alteration of the earliest stages of life (seed, egg, embryo) by direct essence manipulation and or alterations to the spirit or least god.

Mechanically the method used doesn’t matter, the times and difficulties are in wonders of the first age (from memory the same as magiteck) the artefact ratings are the same as any other artefact with +1 for being a viable species capable of reproduction.

To cross the rules and the fluff a bit.

Running a breeding program making minor alterations each generation sounds like building a low rating artefact to use in the creation of a higher rating artefact.

Using wild mutations and inflicting specific wild mutations before making a cross would be a description of using wild shaping tequnike to reduce the time it takes to craft the artefact.

The thing is with some of those things they are all dramatic actions that I don't see a need for having dots in Craft Genesis for. I have decided that I would make it like crafting any other artifact, mainly because of the stipulation that you can't make any craft Genesis creations past 2 dot without a fancy shmancy super workshop with frankenstein tubes, and the first 2 dots are just additions to current animals. Make a plan, gather ingredients, roll.

EDIT: slightly redundant after your post, did you edit it after I first read it while I was posting? If not I am just a silly bitch.
magnificentmomo said:
EDIT: slightly redundant after your post, did you edit it after I first read it while I was posting? If not I am just a silly bitch.
Yeh I added everything after the first paragraph as an edit about 15 min after initial post.
So now that I have been looking at the rules a little bit, I feel better about them, except now that I realized that you can't actually create anything other than Simhata, Tree-singer, or Tomb lizard level variations without a level 5 magitech artifact, which not a one survived the usurpation. So if one was to actually follow that stipulation, according to the artifact rules, you can't actually create anything really Creation-shattering with Genesis unless you have Essence 7 Craft (Magitech) 7.
I think Genesis projects should be looked at just like Magitech ones.

Sure, you can pick up all of the pieces and put them together in one go. But its way easier to just make several smaller artifacts and eventually slot them together.

A Solar with the right Craft charms, and the right thaumaturgy can create two viable species working off of humanity, let their mutations/custom parts pass on to the next generation until only the desired traits are passed.

Oh, and as for custom Genesis crafts:

The Ungolip. Actually two different species who live in a symbiotic relationship, the Ungo are large physically powerful and heavily carapaced bodies that lack most sensory organs, excepting only nerve endings for physical sensations. From a distance, an Ungo might look like an armored man, except that they lack a head. Merely a large maw in the torso to take in food and produce noises. The Golip possess the standard sensory organs, including essence senses, in addition to a multitude of independant tendrils and grasping claws. Looking like crudely carved helmets or masks, the Golip place themselves upon the shoulds of the Ungo, holding tightly as they bond nerve endings and eventually thought processes. Note: despite what some may think, the Ungo, despite their size and appearance, actually possess a measurable degree of intelligence, with Golip acting more like seeing eye dogs. Ungo are also fairly poetic in their own written language, while their spoken word is more mono-syllabic. Also, while they produce seperate births, only an Ungolip is capable of breeding at all.

They are probably 3dots and 2dots respectively.

Oh, as a side note, I saw someone mention using the Necrotech rules for any artificial life, Genesis included. That seemed to be a fantastic idea to me.

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