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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Court of Blood Characters


Evil Goddess
Feel free to use your own character form, but here's a simple one you can use! Be sure to visit the lore page before this one.

Council Position:
What are you?:

  • The Black Dahlia




    Lady Dulcamara Amaranth, Viscountess of Bathory ('Lady Amaranth', 'Mara')


    Pureblood vampire


    222 (but looks about 22)


    Female (she/her)


    With snow-white hair, amber eyes, and ivory skin, Mara's appearance is striking, to say the least. Rather petite, she stands at 5'4 and weighs 120lbs, and might best be described as 'dainty'.


    The vampiress favors frilly, girly clothing in the fashions of the late 19th and early 20th century- Victorian and Golden Age.




    Amaranth was born to one of the oldest and most powerful vampire clans in the Court of Blood- the legendary Bathorys. As such, she grew up in the lap of luxury, but also with a great deal of expectations placed on her shoulders, for she would one day take over for her mother as councilmember and head of the family.

    She was essentially a child when Lord Dracula was murdered, and tensions have been mounting around her in the century since. With all five families vying for the Throne of Night, all manner of upstarts weaving in and out and jockeying for position, and the increasing danger posed by the Harkers' league of monster hunters, the Court is in chaos, and Mara firmly believes she will be the one to restore order, power, and its former glory.


    The Right Honorable Lady Alethea, Countess of Bathory (mother), The Honorable Lady Belladonna Bathory (aunt)


    To claim the Throne of Night and restore power to the Court of Blood




    Amaranth is super fast and super strong, fast-healing, and able to hypnotize mortals and younger vampires.


    Sunlight and decapitation are lethal, and fire and stakes will paralyze her.


    Amaranth is an interesting contradiction, in that she has a firm belief in both her species' and her family's superiority and exalted place in the world, and yet she genuinely likes people- from all walks of life-, and is surprisingly likeable herself in return. She enjoys scintillating conversation, and the fine art of flirtation.


    Likeable, generous, kind


    Entitled, selfish, cruel


    Flowers, children, animals


    Upstarts, uncouth ruffians


    Plays with her hair when flirting


    Eyes turn red when hungry


    To claim the Throne of Night for the House of Bathory and rule the Court of Blood


    A takeover by the commoners, monster hunters, dogs of any kind


    She has a pet mole snake called Archibald ('Archie', for short)

    ♡coded by uxie♡
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Name: Sorana Moarte

Appearance: Sorana stands at about 5'7, although many would claim she is taller due to her imposing stature. She has long wavy black hair that is often tied up in intricate fashions, and she often dresses in a nun's vestments. Her eyes are a soft green except when she's feeding or bloodthirsty, upon which they turn to a solid black. Her skin is deathly pale and her body is almost unnaturally lithe.

Council Position: Independent Vampire

What are you?: Vampire

Sorana was abandoned by her parents at a nunnery as a child, left at the doorstep in the dead of night. She was taken in and raised in a strict religious environment, although many of the nuns distrusted her as the chapel's priest has said she was cursed. The priest took a special interest in Sorana, practically taking her in to be his own as the nuns kept their distance. He would punish Sorana violently when she sinned, and he would obsess over her when she did right.
Sorana had only one friend in the nunnery, and that was a girl her age named Lisa. One night, she and Lisa were up late, talking about their lives, about everything, and then Sorana found herself gazing into Lisa's eyes. The two of them kissed. The timing was unfortunate. The priest who watched over Sorana saw them from the window and he stormed into the room. In a fit of rage, he beat Lisa to death while Sorana hid.
The priest did not find Sorana for several days, but when he did he struck her until she was unconscious. Years later, Sorana prayed every night, but not to God. She prayed that something would come and slaughter the priest as he had slaughtered her friend. Even the nuns kept the secret of what happened to Lisa, although whether it was out of fear of the priest or loyalty Sorana did not know. She blamed them all for it, however.
One night, her prayers were answered. A voice whispered in her ear that she could have her revenge, but she needed to take her own life. That night, Sorana died, and the priest mourned her. He mourned over her dead body until she rose up and tore his throat out with her newfound fangs. That night, the entire nunnery died with Sorana, and a new vampire was born. A vampire named Lady Moarte.
Sorana became the duchess of a region in eastern Europe for almost half a century, before she faked her death moved to follow the ever-moving Court of Blood. She vies for power endlessly, and a few years after Dracula's demise she managed to get a position in the council, even though it was not a high-ranking one. Now, she spends most of her time scheming or stalking the mortal world.

Motivations: Sorana loathes those who exert their power over others, especially men, and she feels the only way she'll never be mistreated again is if she has extreme power.

- Can turn into a crow
- Can dissolve into mist
- Heals rapidly
- Can hypnotise mortals who look into her eyes

- Paralyzed by Stakes
- A rose on her coffin sends her into a coma
- Killed by decapitation or sunlight.​

  • basic


    "The Tepeses fill their goblets with blood, it's their hounds who fill the streets."

    This fact was well known by all throughout the supernatural world; A Tepes spoke death, but their enforcers dealt in it. Whenever the Family of Night had less refined work that needed to be done, it was the dreaded Kaltenbrun lycans—their loyal guard dogs—who got their hands dirty. Whether it was the not-so-subtle assassination of a meddling vampire lord, the backstreet ambush of a hunting party, or the simple protection of a valuable asset, the Hounds of Tepes carried out every order with ruthless efficiency, and for it they gained their prestigious position as the favored servants of the ruling family, along with all the boons such a position entailed.

    But alas, even the mightiest must one day fall, and not even the Tepes lineage lasted forever. When the last of Dracula's ilk had died out, the remaining Kaltenbruns found themselves cast back down the hierarchy of the Court of Blood, below even the pettiest vampire nobles. Their closest allies and status were gone, but luckily they still had their reputation. For the following century, they went back to their roots as mercenaries and swords-for-hire, all while trying to regain their lost position... and perhaps a bit more.

    Rennick himself grew up like any other member of his family, if a bit more isolated due to his uncertain parentage. Between his training and contracts, rumors of a vampiric mother constantly surrounded him, estranging him from the close pack-like bond shared by his relatives that was innate to most werewolves. But that did little to stop him from living up to the family name and becoming a dire sellsword just like the rest of his lineage.

    Unlike the rest of his family, he cares little for courtly intrigue and politicking as a way to try restoring the Kaltenbrun status back up to the top of the pecking order. Instead, he believes that actions speak louder than favors and flimsy alliances, and by all accounts, he aims to make sure all of his actions are deafening.


    In the short term sense, all Rennick really wants is a good fight or two and a stiff drink at the end of the night. Good payment doesn't hurt either, but he has been known to refuse more lucrative contracts in favor of ones that seem more interesting. Long term, his aspirations align with his family's wishes; he wants to do whatever possible and necessary to restore the Kaltenbruns back to their former power (although in truth, all of his achievements in this case seem to be a side effect of striving for personal glory rather than being the intended outcome).


    There are a number of words that have been used to describe Rennick—arrogant, brutish, bloodthirsty, raffish, mutt-like—and most of them are true to a degree. He is quite confidant in his combat ability and isn't known to hold his tongue thanks to it, even (and especially) when speaking to vampires and other nobles who technically outrank him. His attitude could best be described as overly casual and sarcastic even when not appropriate. Like most of his kin, loyalty is highly important to him, not to those who pay for his service but to those who have proven themselves as an ally or friend either in combat or character. And perhaps above all else, he loves fighting, taking a special joy in bringing down strong opponents like hunters to raise his own dire reputation.




Rennick Kaltenbrun





Appears ~26


(Half?) Lycan


Independent Agent

♡coded by uxie♡
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    • Hehe!~ This'll be fun!~





      105 lbs.

      hair c.


      eye c.


      hair styling

      Long and Wavy


      Muscular and Petite

      body mods.



      Eri (MHA)

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Name: Eden De La Cour, Right Hand of Lady Dulcamara Amaranth, Viscountess of Bathory

Appearance: Eden prides themselves on dressing at the front, or even ahead, of the latest fashion trends. Though they prefer to wear black and wine reds, their suits and dresses are always flattering and clean. In the current age, they like to keep their hair short, dyed dark, and styled with matching goth or punk aesthetic makeup. They are also a fan of masks when the event allows them.



Council Position: Bathory Family Agent

What are you?: Vampire

Backstory: Eden was not born a vampire, but made.

Motivations: Their motivations are two-fold. They have every desire to aid Lady Amaranth's goals of returning order to the Court of Blood by any means necessary. The power it once had brought them into the night, and such prestige could aid their second and more personal goal: becoming an artist of acclaim.

Powers: What Eden lacks in pedigree, they make up for with age. In their many centuries of life, they have developed supernatural durability that makes their skin harder to cut and their bones harder to break. They are also unnaturally quiet, able to move like a shadow in the night. Their most prized ability though was honed and trained by their Dear Mara: hypnosis.

Extra: They are 231 years old, but appear to be in their late 20s.
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  • 1725583285540.jpeg"What the fuck are birds so excited about at 5AM?!"

    ✧Name: Rowan Lenoir, advisor and protector of Cordelia Varney
    ✧Nickname(s): Rory (by Cordelia, he hates it)
    ✧Species/Age: shadow witch, 24
    ✧Gender: male
    Sexuality: homosexual
    ✧Appearance: long black hair, dark brown eyes that turn red when he engages in shadow work, height is on the shorter side for his age
    ✧Personality: Rowan may seem withdrawn and cold to most people, but he is actually very insightful and intelligent. He is also quite sarcastic and witty around those he is close to. He is slow to trust people but also very protective of those he cares about. He doesn't take well to being ordered around. He has a french accent that is especially strong when he's frustrated.
    Likes: full moons, stargazing, graveyards, tea, practicing his craft, his familiar (a black cat named Luna), his book of shadows (it belonged to his mentor before it was passed to him), card games (he usually wins because he finds reading people easy)
    Dislikes: cocky people, rain, confined spaces
    ✧Backstory: In 19th century France, witchcraft disputes and sporadic shootings of the accused were still taking place. Witch trials often fell under the jurisdiction of local courts (who refused to defer to Paris), which ended their "witch problems" quickly and quietly. To escape these stealthy hunts, Rowan (whose mother was killed at the hands of a local court) traveled to the famous Court of Blood, where he trained under a widely-known Varney witch and befriended Cordelia, eventually becoming her most trusted advisor and protector.
    ✧Motivations: to protect Cora (his best friend) and repay the Varney family for taking him in
    ✧Powers: necromancy (communicating with the spirit world, summoning demons, and divination) & spells (especially hexes)
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  • Lord Raghnall Ruthven


    Name: Raghnall Ruthven

    Council Position: Ruthven Family

    What are you?: Vampire

    Backstory: Once upon a time, the Ruthven family proudly served under Dracula's rule. They made secret of their loyalty, in fact bragging about it to their contemporaries whenever given the chance. They were as haughty and annoying as one could expect such a lineage. It was these expectations that Raghnall grew up with early in his life. While his parents, Tavish and Elspeth, bathed in the wealth and glory that came with their position, he was stuck home-schooled and surrounded by servants who disliked their masters. And, since they could not show it to the family heads, Raghnall made for a convenient scapegoat.

    But it wasn't their petty slights that hurt the most. It was that his parents did not bat an eye.

    When he told them of the harsh punishments, showed the burn scars on his ankles, they laughed. They told him that a true Ruthven would not care what the resident riffraff did. If they could ignore these misgivings, why couldn't he?

    Raghnall's social life didn't fare any better. The few times he was allowed to intermingle with strangers, it was under his parents' strict monitoring and control. They were Ruthvens, after all. The only company they needed were ones who buttered up to them like sniveling sycophants. This was the only life he knew: one where nobody cared about him, and the only affection was entirely artificial.

    It all came to a head following Dracula's death. The Ruthvens, considered the Tepes' greatest allies, were next on the Harkers' chopping block. In the chaos after Dracula's death, the attackers took full advantage of the disorder to break down what they could. This included the Ruthven family and their home. The heads packed their valuables, their loyal servants, their arts, and fled.

    Raghnall was still in bed by the time the intruders broke in, and fire engulfed their household.

    It was only a full century later when the Ruthven family returned. The heads had survived the onslaught, using the time to gather formidable allies and resources. They returned with the same haughty attitude, but with a different goal: the late Dracula's position. Who better to fill the Lord's shoes than his greatest allies? It would have been unthinkable to allow anyone else! You were either with the family, or against them. The latter suffered nonstop harassment and belittling from the Ruthvens.

    However, five years into their return, everything changed. Tavish and Elspeth were found dead in their under-construction castle. Both were decapitated. Nobody knew who did it, but it was assumed the Harkers' descendants were responsible.

    Just as questions arose about the family's fate, an unfamiliar fae appeared. Raghnall Ruthven, his face twisted by a scar running down his cheek, taking away one eye—replaced with shiny jade—and morphing his face into a permanent snarl, rose from the ashes. Hardened and bitter, he announced his entitlement to the Ruthven property with a declaration so loud it shook the very foundations he stood on. Not only that, but like his father before him, he needed Dracula's position.

    At his side was another unfamiliar face: a snake-eyed witch whispering over his shoulder.

    This, he believes, is what he deserves.

    Motivations: To assume Dracula's position of power over the Court of Blood. For everything life has dealt him, it's only fair. This is what he deserves.

    Powers: Raghnall has the natural powers of a vampire, being an inhuman physique, healing, and transformation abilities. As a Ruthven, he wields much more powerful strength, and can utilize a commanding voice that booms across vast areas.

    The Jade Eye allows him to discern one's intent. This is not precise, and works by having him see auras inside people, which vary in color depending on their current feelings. They often appear with other colors and. It's up to Raghnall to interpret these colors.


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Rivaille Ruthven


Name: Rivaille Ruthven
Nickname(s): Riv, Ri-Ri (note: he might kill you if you call him this), Vile (he actually likes this one)

Council Position: Ruthven Family

What are you?: Pureblood Vampire

Age: ~200 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Backstory: The Ruthven Family are infamous amongst supernatural beings and hunters for their cruelty and vindictive nature. How the Ruthvens train their young would disturb most, even other vampires. At a young age, Ruthvens are placed under instructors to teach them the various tools of manipulation, combat, and stealth. These “instructors” would use various amounts of torture and fear to “guide” their pupils. The results often result in a twisted and bloodthirsty individual. Rivaille’s background was no different than the other Ruthven children. When it came time to his “graduation,” he relished in revenge for his instructor. They found the woman in Rivaille’s laboratory as a subject of several “tests.” Now that Rivaille is around two centuries old, he truly doesn’t really have any intention of becoming a ruler. He would much rather cause chaos or stick to his laboratory experiments. However, he will cast a favor for anyone who shows they can “prove” themselves to Rivaille.

Personality: Friendly and playful one minute, destructive and ruthless the next. Underneath a child-like exterior, Rivaille is a being of pure chaos who enjoys discord. Those who have only met the surface-level Rivaille, have often described him as being a self-confident and brash young man with a strong desire for power. However, inside lies a man who has a “silver-tongue” and enjoys messing with the minds of others. He has the knack of getting under one’s skin and will often say and do things that will try to make someone slip. Combined with an unpredictable personality, he often keeps both allies and foes on their toes. Due to being highly manipulative, many are often wary of his true intentions when interacting with him. While Rivaille is definitely strong-willed and confident, that doesn’t mean he is without faults. His biggest downfall is his own pride and he will look down at individuals who may be more powerful than he is led to believe. He also has a hotheaded temperament that can make him aggressive, which often can land him in hot water.

Motivations: To cause as much chaos and destruction as possible.

Powers: Like most vampires, Rivaille has supernatural speed, strength, reflexes, healing, and anything else that his species collectively has compared to mortals. He also has the ability to manipulate his shadow and disappear (or almost melt) into it. In addition, he also has the ability of “toxic claws.” This ability is considered “artificial” because it did not come naturally and was made possible by scientific experimentation in Rivaille’s laboratory. While retractable claws may not be uncommon with vampires, Rivaille’s claws contain a venom that is lethal to most mortals. For supernaturals, the venom is more of a sedative.

Weaknesses: The typical vampire weaknesses of sunlight, fire, and stakes.

Rivaille Ruthven

Name: Rivaille Ruthven
Nickname(s): Riv, Ri-Ri (note: he might kill you if you call him this), Vile (he actually likes this one)

Council Position: Ruthven Family

What are you?: Pureblood Vampire

Age: ~200 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Backstory: The Ruthven Family are infamous amongst supernatural beings and hunters for their cruelty and vindictive nature. How the Ruthvens train their young would disturb most, even other vampires. At a young age, Ruthvens are placed under instructors to teach them the various tools of manipulation, combat, and stealth. These “instructors” would use various amounts of torture and fear to “guide” their pupils. The results often result in a twisted and bloodthirsty individual. Rivaille’s background was no different than the other Ruthven children. When it came time to his “graduation,” he relished in revenge for his instructor. They found the woman in Rivaille’s laboratory as a subject of several “tests.” Now that Rivaille is around two centuries old, he truly doesn’t really have any intention of becoming a ruler. He would much rather cause chaos or stick to his laboratory experiments. However, he will cast a favor for anyone who shows they can “prove” themselves to Rivaille.

Personality: Friendly and playful one minute, destructive and ruthless the next. Underneath a child-like exterior, Rivaille is a being of pure chaos who enjoys discord. Those who have only met the surface-level Rivaille, have often described him as being a self-confident and brash young man with a strong desire for power. However, inside lies a man who has a “silver-tongue” and enjoys messing with the minds of others. He has the knack of getting under one’s skin and will often say and do things that will try to make someone slip. Combined with an unpredictable personality, he often keeps both allies and foes on their toes. Due to being highly manipulative, many are often wary of his true intentions when interacting with him. While Rivaille is definitely strong-willed and confident, that doesn’t mean he is without faults. His biggest downfall is his own pride and he will look down at individuals who may be more powerful than he is led to believe. He also has a hotheaded temperament that can make him aggressive, which often can land him in hot water.

Motivations: To cause as much chaos and destruction as possible.

Powers: Like most vampires, Rivaille has supernatural speed, strength, reflexes, healing, and anything else that his species collectively has compared to mortals. He also has the ability to manipulate his shadow and disappear (or almost melt) into it. In addition, he also has the ability of “toxic claws.” This ability is considered “artificial” because it did not come naturally and was made possible by scientific experimentation in Rivaille’s laboratory. While retractable claws may not be uncommon with vampires, Rivaille’s claws contain a venom that is lethal to most mortals. For supernaturals, the venom is more of a sedative.

Weaknesses: The typical vampire weaknesses of sunlight, fire, and stakes.

Accepted and added to the list of characters!
Raziel Ruthven

flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8 (1).jpg

Name: Raziel Ruthven
Nickname(s): Raz

Council Position: Varney Family Agent

What are you?: Pureblood Vampire

Age: ~150 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Backstory: Raziel had always been the black sheep of the Ruthven Family. While he has proven himself a strong combatant, he never really had the “backbone” of a Ruthven. As such, he was nearly killed in his “trials” before his “Graduation.” He would eventually escape his family and “defect” to the Varney Family. While under their tutelage, he hopes to prevent his Family from becoming any more powerful and he especially wishes to prevent them from taking the Throne.

Personality: Raziel acts differently depending on the situation or person. Sometimes he is timid and kind amongst those he admires, especially the Varney Family. With those he is comfortable around and in more relaxed situations, he is playful and friendly. When it comes to other Ruthvens and intense situations, he acts more tense and guarded. Depending on who you ask, many either think the redhead is naive or calculating. Many think he is far too much like a Ruthven with his background and was twisted by the trials. While others think he is far too innocent of a vampire.

Motivations: Doing anything to prevent the Ruthven Family from taking the Throne.

Powers: Like most vampires, Raziel has supernatural speed, strength, reflexes, healing, etc. However, he does have one ability that sets him apart which is his ability to manipulate fire.

Weaknesses: The typical vampire weaknesses, excluding fire.

Name: Godric Wylde


Council Position: Head of House Wylde

What are you?: Vampire

Backstory: Godric is old, to put an exact number to it would be rude. He had seen the rise and fall of Dracula, and his predecessor, and their predecessor, and more. He has seen the passage of millennia. Yet his venerable age means little, for the Families are older even than he. They went by different names when he first ascended into this twisted form of immortality, but they were the same none the less. He was not blessed to join their vaunted ranks, instead he was raised by the Wylde family, their name unchanged throughout these long years.

A minor House, there was little for them to do save obey, and it chafed at Godric. It reminded him to much of his mortal life, something he was now above. In his long years, he has done much work for the House, eventually even becoming it's head. But still, he was under the thumb of another, and no matter how he squirmed he could not break free. And though he's had ambitions for the Throne since his ascension to Head of his House, the Tepes' had a firm grasp on it. Until they didn't. Now with this hidden battle for the throne, Godric has seen his chance to rise yet again above all this petty squabbling and to put them all in their place.

Motivations: Godric seeks to attain the Throne of Night for himself and in doing so elevate the House of Wylde. Though his survival takes precedence should it come to it. If another contender has their fangs at his throat, he will bend the knee. But make no mistake, he will not be an idle supporter. He will question and push back on every request, order, and demand that is given to him.

Powers: An ancient vampire by many standards, Godric has cultivated several powers.
  • The usual suit of vampiric powers such as enhanced speed, strength, and fortitude.
  • UV resistance allowing him to walk around in broad daylight, though it does make him susceptible to all the hazards of being a mortal. It does, however, also allow him to enjoy mortal foods while in direct sunlight, a rare thing for most vampires of any kind to do.
  • A powerful bestial form. A chimeric abomination combining bat, canid, and human features that further enhances his physical prowess.

Extra: House Wylde proclaims its eminence over all things of the wild places. This includes things such as werewolves, wendigos, and so on and so forth which also make up the ranks of House Wylde as official full blooded family, deviating dramatically from many of the other 'pure' Houses and bloodlines.

Background: Evelyn has been working for the Court of Blood her entire life, serving as a servant and nothing more. The young witch usually keeps to herself, speaking very little and only briefly when spoken to. Her voice is soft and enigmatic, and her accent has a demure lilt. Despite this, she moves quietly through the corridors, with a pleasant smile, and is always polite to her employers, even if she does not receive the same kindness in return. She remains stoic, and her appearance is as gentle as her expressions.

Appearance: Evelyn possesses a stunning mane of long, jet-black hair that cascades down her back in luxurious waves. Her eyes, a captivating shade of amber-brown, possess an enigmatic quality, with a hint of red that appears to gleam eerily at times. Her features, delicately sculpted, exude an air of timeless elegance. Standing at an average height of 5 feet 5 inches, she carries herself with poise and grace.

What is she: A witch.

Motivations: To do what she was born to do. Serve the court of blood.

Powers: She has general supernatural talents like most witch's in the court of blood. However, she seldom uses them unless they serve her purpose in everyday work.
Please let me know if any of my info goes against any rules/lore!
(OG code by Serobliss)

  • Freya Stjernberg

    Female / 21 / Dhampir / Bisexual
    Lunar Witch | Varney Agent
    Raven blue hair / Pale red eyes / 5'2 / 112lbs

    Freya is a gentle and compassionate soul with a soft-spoken demeanor. Her kindness shines through in her interactions, often putting others at ease. Despite her reserved nature, she possesses an inner strength that allows her to face challenges with quiet determination. Freya is patient and observant, preferring to listen and understand before speaking or acting. It's made her quite the strategist. Her empathy extends to all creatures, but it doesn't mean she trusts them easily. She is hard to offend.

    Likes: Stargazing, quiet nights, complicated puzzles, hot teas
    Dislikes: Deep waters, cruelty, unnecessary violence or waste of resources

    Theme song:


    Born to a vampire father and human mother, Freya's early life was marked by tragedy. Her mother was killed by her father when it became clear that Freya lacked the typical powers of a vampire. Her appearance is similar enough to that of a normal vampire, pale red eyes and fangs; she can even digest blood and has a bit of sensitivity to the sun. However, no super senses are gifted to her. Abandoned and left to fend for herself, Freya was fortunate to be found and adopted by a kind-hearted Lunar witch. Under the witch's guidance, Freya discovered her affinity for lunar magic and learned to embrace both her human and vampire heritage. Despite the cruelty of her father, she harbors no ill-will to vampires as a whole species. She developed a deep connection to the moon and its cycles, finding solace in its gentle light.

    Upon hearing of Dracula's demise, Freya saw an opportunity to make a difference in the vampire world, as little as it may be. Drawn to the ideals of Cordelia Varney, whom she greatly admired from afar, Freya decided to offer her services to the Varney family. She believes that Cordelia's leadership could bring about positive change and hopes to contribute to this new era for vampires.

    Motivations: To see the court ruled by a more compassionate hand.

    Weaknesses: Harsh sunlight, intense combat situations

    Magical Abilities:
    • Light Manipulation:
      • Creating soft, soothing illumination
      • Crafting illusions
    • Healing/enhancing Arts:
      • Healing and buff spells to enhance one's abilities
    • Divination:
      • Scrying using moonlit surfaces (water, mirrors)
      • Tarot
    • Protective Magic:
      • Casting protective wards empowered by lunar energy
      • Creating amulets for protection
      • Purifying spaces
    • Dream Walking:
      • Entering and influencing dreams
      • Astral projection
      • Sending messages through shared dreamscapes
    Familiar: Greyfox named Leiri.

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